Star Beings

By Ghost_Writer143

438 90 8

I thought I was normal. That's what I was always led to believe anyways. But then one day a portal opened up... More

I have no idea whats going on, please send snacks.
Knock knock! Who's there? Childhood trauma!
Zap zap bitches
I nearly die. Again.
..... I finally beat the shit outta caleb.
Someone please throw me off a cliff
I did NOT mean that
🎶What did I miss?🎶
I shouldn't have touched the danger rock
Happy birthday! Have fun getting stabbed.
D A D????
Party time bitches
...and this is why we can't have nice things
Time to fight the evil bitch boy.
A runaway, a pirate, and a merman
Caw caw motherfucker
Elian's backstory
Goddamit Kit
✨A R S O N✨
Time to do some stupid shit.
Sorry Nat
Hell hath no fury like a Star scorned
I sword fight my ex girlfriend in the middle of a fuckin casino
A Tooth for A Tooth
An Eye for An Eye
I have commited copious ammounts of homicide
A CHILD (well... actually two)
Code word: Adira
Yay, family bonding! Also pirates.
Remind me to slap creation
Welcome to Paradise
The House of Memories
The end?
Authors note!
Its up.


10 2 0
By Ghost_Writer143

"Wait, are DJ and Lane in the same room?" I hear Caleb say. "Uh.... no?" "Lane I can literally hear you in the background of DJ's audio." Nat says in an unamused tone. I snicker. "That explains the messy hair..." Hade smirks. I feel my cheeks go beet red. "HADE." "What? It's kinda obvious they were fu-" "Enough." Nat snaps. Hade just grins. They still revel in chaos. "So... why the meeting?" Karson asks. He and Mateo look like they're in the same room. But no one wants to talk about that, I guess. "I'm tired of hiding. Hera and Elian keep saying to wait for when it's safe but it won't ever BE safe at this point. At this rate, we'll be hiding for the rest of our lives." "Remember what happened last time we went against orders?" I ask, easing an eyebrow. "DJ, do I really look like I have the energy to care?" Nat growls."Point taken, small scary lady." I squeak. Nat is barely able to hold back a triumphant grin.
"What's the plan then?" Maxine pipes up. "The plan is to show up at Hera and Elian's door step and try to get them on our side. If they refuse, then we rebuild the rebellion from the ground up." Everyone considers this. Finally, I hear Caleb sigh. "Natalie, we can't do this on our own. We're just ten young adults-" "with extraordinary powers." "That won't make up for charisma and leadership which, may I remind you, only one of us truly has. And that's you." Nat thinks on this for a bit. "If I can lead you ten maniacs, how hard can a rebellion be? I mean, more miraculous things have happened." "Like what?" Damien asks. "Like all of us somehow surviving on our own. You all have a week to get ready." Nat says. Her voice is strong and general like. She's really grown up. And Caleb is right. She is the only one of us with the kind of quality it takes to be a leader.
"We're really doing this." Lane says after we hang up. "Yeah. We are." I should be excited. I know that.... But I'm scared. Really scared.

When I first arrived in this city, I was a soldier among criminals and murderers. Then I was a Raven amongst the rats. And now... now I'll be a criminal among soldiers. A rat amongst ravens. I'm not who I used to be. I keep thinking, though it's more like hoping, that girl is dead. But some part of me hopes she's only buried.... that way, I might be able to dig her back up.
"DJ? You awake?" Lane whispers. "Yeah." I click on the light. "What is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "I'm nervous. It's been so long since we've been on a true battlefield. A lot has changed. We've changed." Lane sighs. I grab her hand. A rat amongst ravens. Well... it's comforting to know I'm not the only one worrying. "Listen, it'll all be fine. We'll get back into the swing of things in no time." I smile. Lane flashes me a lopsided grin. "I hope so.... I wonder how Hera and Elian are doing." I think back to the last time we saw them. Elian's hair had little wisps of red, a sign that, somehow, he had been healing. Hera looked the same. Older, but the same. We always meet once a year. And always on the day we first arrived in Worlomands. "I bet they're doing fine."

I open my eyes. Lane's gone. FUCK LANE IS GONE. I scramble up, panic rising inside me. Did she leave me behind? Did she do something stupid? She's never been in this city before, what if she went out and got lost? Fuck. FUCK. F U C K. I race out into the hallway. My heart sinks. Maybe she left because she thought it was best. Or maybe because she just didn't want to deal with me.
The strong smell of bacon hits me head on. I peek into the kitchen. My anxiety dissipates. Lane's making breakfast. "Oh. Morning!" She smiles at me. I walk over and embrace her, resting my chin on her head. "DJ-" "you scared the shit outta me, darlin." I say, letting her go. Why did I say that??? Realization dawns on Lane's face. "SHIT. DJ, I am so sorry. I didn't-" "It's ok." WHY DID I SAY THAT???? We stand in silence for a while. WHY AM I SUCH A DUMBASS???? "D'ya want to go take a walk? I can show you around the city." I say, finally breaking the silence. Lane grabs a plate and piles bacon and eggs onto it. She smiles at me. "Sounds wonderful."

We walk through the city, an umbrella over our heads. It started raining but Lane insisted on seeing the city. Her hand is intertwined in mine, a smile on her face. Her long pink hair is in a thick braid. I glance behind us. Wasn't that dude following us two blocks ago? "Oh shit." "What is it-" I drag Lane into a side alley. The guy follows. Shit! Well... good thing we're in the warehouse district. I duck inside the nearest building, taking Lane with me. "DJ, what the-" "SHH!!!" I push her behind a pole, hiding opposite to her. The dude walks in. I glance over at Lane and wink. "Watch this." I mouth to her. An illusion of me steps out with its hands up. "What do you want?" It asks."Your head." The dude growls, lunging. Illusion me goes down easy. The bounty hunter... or L.O. Officer... or whatever... stands over the body smirking. I focus on the water on my boots, shifting it into my hands and freezing it into knives. I teleport behind the L.O. Officer. "You missed."
The officer howls before falling to the ground with one last shudder. My knives melt, blood and water splashing onto the ground. I turn to Lane. She looks terrified. "What? It ain't that-" "they have a tracker. We need to leave. Now." Lane snatches my hand and we disappear in a flash of purple light. I blink. We're back in my apartment. "How did you know they had a tracker?" "A little trick I learned." Lane says. Except her mouth doesn't move. And her voice is kinda echo-y. Wait... is she in my head? "Lane, what the fuck?" "Mind magic." She says, aloud this time, with jazz hands. "Have you been...?" "No. I rarely use it. Mainly because it's exhausting." For the first time, I notice the slight sheen of sweat on her forehead. "Now... if ya don't mind..." she collapses into a heap on the floor. "I'm gonna take a nap."

I scoop Lane up and walk into my room, laying her down on the bed. Then I start to pack up. Because I killed a guy, the L.O. is probably gonna be on my ass within the hour. Looks like I might have to meet up with Nat earlier than I thought. I toss my Raven gear, some extra clothes, and food for Button into my backpack. I check my phone for the time. 2:30. Well... a nap couldn't hurt....
I flop down next to Lane. She cuddles up next to me. A wave of exhaustion hits me. "God I'm so.... tired..."

When I open my eyes, I'm in a cold cell. Not this place again. I've been having this same dream for weeks. I wake up in a prison cell, sit here alone, and then wake up for real. It's kinda boring, not gonna lie. the door swings open. I jump and scramble backwards. That's never happened before. Someone steps inside. Someone with long red hair, golden eyes, and a cruel grin. "Oh fuck." "Glad to see you've finally come to, Delilah."
"Anai." I growl, searching for anything I could use as a weapon. But, of course, there's nothing. "Knock her out again." Anai commands to the two officers that step in as she exits. I try to attack. But it doesn't work. "Nova rock?" I ask in a sarcastic tone, attempting to hide my panic. "Yeah, something like that." Then everything goes black.
When I open my eyes again, I'm alone in a smaller cell. Well... almost alone. Anai stands opposite to me. "Nice to see you again, you bitch." I growl. Anai smirks. "Oh come now DJ... at least you're still alive." "Glad to know where the standards are." I huff. Then, for seemingly no reason, Anai attacks. She slams me against the wall, her hand at my throat. My limbs feel like jelly. What did she do to me? Why can't I move right? "Where are they?" She growls, her grip around my neck tightening. I cough and sputter as she drags me higher. Jesus Christ she's tall. "I... won't... talk..." I say between gasps. She drops me. I desperately suck in breaths, greedy for air. "You will." She sends a sharp kick to my ribs. I double over. "Looks like I'll just see if I can get your girlfriend to talk." Lane? LANE! "She's... she's here?" Anaideia just smirks and walks out, locking the door behind her. I crawl over, banging on the metal until my fists start to bleed.
"DON'T YOU DARE!!! ANAIDEIA!!! GET BACK HERE YOU WEAK ASS MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!!!!" I scream. Anai swings the door back open, sending me backwards. She grabs me by my wrists and throws me into the wall. I crumble. "Say it again." She growls, dragging me to my feet and slamming me against the wall again. "SAY IT!!!" She screams, her free hand going for my throat again. "Weak. Ass. Mothefucking. Bastard." I growl, looking her in her cold dead eyes. Rage flares through them, fire sparking across gold. I used to think they were like honey in the way that they were warm and sweet. Thing is.... I hate honey with a passion. "I'll make sure every single rebel hears that girl's screams. I'll make sure everyone knows exactly what happens when you cross me." Anai growls. I feel my heart sink. No... No NO NO!!!! She drops me and leaves once more. Tears fall down my face as I race to the door, whatever pain I'm feeling melting into panic. "NO!!!!"

I wake up screaming. I slowly take in my surroundings. I'm still in the apartment. I hurry my face in my hands. What was that? "DJ?" Lane asks. Her voice sounds... broken... in a way. I look over at her. She's sitting up, tears streaming down her face. "Lane... are you ok?" She looks at me with those beautiful sky blue eyes. You could get lost in those easily. "Are you?"
The moment she says those words, I realize what she must've done. She looked into my dreams. She saw my panic. My fear. My bloodied knuckles and bruised ribs. She saw it all. "I heard you screaming, and when I woke up you were having a nightmare. I tried to wake you... when I couldn't, I attempted to take a peek into your dream. I thought I might be able to help. But..." her voice seems to die in her throat. She saw the worst part. She saw me screaming at Anai, and Anai attacking. "Do you usually have nightmares like that?" Yes. "No." "You're lying." Lane says. Note to self: don't lie so obviously when your girlfriend can read your thoughts. I sigh and turn away from her. I don't want Lane to see my face when I admit this.
"Yes, I do have nightmares often. The worst part is when I had them as a teenager, they were visions. So I get stuck in this loop of "what if that wasn't a dream? What if someone really is in danger?" And half the time I'm not even sure if I'm really awake. I'll spend hours splashing cold water on my face and slapping myself. But even then I'm still not sure." I glance down at my hands. I'm shaking. And I kinda feel like I'm about to throw up. "I'M NEVER SURE!!!" I scream, burying my head in my hands. "DJ-" "I DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW IF THIS IS REAL!!!"
I stumble away from the bed, bumping into the wall. I slump down into my haunches. I can't breathe. My mind feels shattered, like glass. It feels like I'm in ten different places at once. The room feels too small, and every noise feels too loud. Every little thing is overwhelming. Suddenly, Lane is at my side. I scramble away from her. "Don't touch me!" I pant, gasping for air. "DJ, listen. I am real. This is real. This isn't some stupid dream, ok? Now, breathe." I start to hyperventilate. "SLOWLY." I take deep breath after deep breath. "Just calm down..." I finally catch my breath. "Can I...?" Lane's hand hovers over mine. I nod. She takes it. A wave of comfort washes over me. I'm not used to anyone being here when I have panic attacks. And god, it feels nice to have someone to help me.

"Are you sure-" "Yes Lane. I'll be fine. You need to head back home and start packing." It's been a couple hours. I managed to calm myself down (with Lane's help) and now I'm seeing her off. She kisses me. "Alright. Love you." I feel my face go red. "Love you too." I mumble. Lane giggles and is gone in a zap of purple lightning. I sigh and sit down on the couch, clicking on the news. "...tomorrow our unrivaled leader, The Dark Star, will be making an appearance in our humble city." I'm head snaps up to the TV. "Oh this is definitely a trap." I mutter, reaching for my phone. I start up a group chat with Hade and Caleb. I nearly add Lane, but she's got more common sense than the three of us combined. I love her, but she'll probably get Natalie involved. And Nat will say hell no.
I name the chat "Chaos Crew"and type in a message.
"Hey hellraisers."
Hade responds almost immediately.
I grin and send a message back.

I hear something crash in the living room. "The hell...?" I mumble, getting up out of bed and walking into the hall. It's like four AM. I flick on the light. "Hade? What the fuck?" They wave at me. They still have the ombré teal hair, but now there's some orange creeping in. And another thing.... they're really fucking tall. Probably well over six feet. "Hey DJ!" "Hade, what the hell are you doing in my apartment at four in the morning?" "Oh so that's what time it is here. Where I live we're about two hours ahead of you." I groan. I didn't take that into account when I said we'd meet at my place at six AM and sent a picture of my living room. "Well I hope Caleb isn't on the same time schedule as you. Now I'm gonna go and sleep for two more hours. Wake me when it's time." I grumble, heading back to my room. "Aye aye, cap!"

Hade woke me on time (thankfully) and now we're getting prepared. Caleb must've arrived while I was sleeping. His hair is different. It's still an undercut, but now it's much, MUCH, longer. It flows in a braid down his back, little bits of red streaking through it. He's still shorter than me, though I bet he's taller than Nat now. "Hey." He says with a wave before going back to digging through his bag. There's a sword strapped to his hip. "Claymore?" "Yeah." He finally draws out a couple of sticks of dynamite. I raise an eyebrow. "Distraction." He says. He's tired. I nod silently. "Well... Anyone want coffee?"
After coffee, we head out. "So... does no one ever ask about the literal sword?" Hade asks Caleb. "Have you been living under a rock?" "Point taken." We round the corner. "Huh. She's even more extra than her dad...." I mutter, staring at the parade float being prepared. I watch Caleb tug his hood further over his face. Hade shifts uncomfortably. I scan the float. There's a big throne in the middle. Bingo. "Ok, let's get into position." I whisper to my partners in crime. Hadr nods and then just.... fades? "Oh yeah... learned this little trick after about a year and a half in exile." I hear them say. Then I think they walk off. "Caleb?" I glance at him. He nods and walks into the crowd, disappearing. I think back on my plan.
Hade will start a fire as a distraction
Caleb will place explosives around the base of the float. Not enough to kill anyone, but enough to injure any guards and incapacitate the float
All of us will then cause various distractions, like more fire, random shots into the crowd, a few explosives here and there
I'll take on Anaideia head on. She hates me the most out of us three.
Run like hell.
Hopefully, this works. Because if not... well...
We will be so fucked.
I sigh and quickly scale the nearest building. We've only got one chance. If any part of this plan gets messed up, we're done for. I unload my rifle and assemble it. Now just to make sure that when all hell breaks loose, I don't kill anyone. Except, maybe, Anaideia. I chuckle to myself. Our plans never work that well. I hear the music start up. "Here we go..." I whisper.
I watch Anai closely. She sits on the throne, waving calmly at the crowd. You'd think she'd be more on edge. She's probably expecting an attack, after all. "Huh... that's odd." I mutter, squinting at Anai a bit closer. All of her movements are kind of... stagnant. And really repetitive. Almost like she's...oh shit. It's an illusion. Anai isn't on that float. But then where... I feel something cold touch my back. My heart skips a beat. That's where she is.
"Hello Delilah."

Haha, cliff hanger. Anyways, Chaos Crew, Anai, The Raven, and a group thing of all the star beings (though it's all when they were 13-15)

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