Elemental Roommates

By Nomie132

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(Discontinued!) [Written: 2020 - 2023] They're loud, annoying, emotionally tired college students just trying... More

Chapter 2 No Humans Allowed!
Chapter 3 In the Shadows
Chapter 4 Struck A Nerve
Chapter 5 Pain in My Neck!
Chapter 6 Can You Keep a Secret?
Chapter 7 Burning Love
Chapter 8 Apologies
Chapter 9 Come With Me?
Chapter 10 Fumbling for the Relatives
Chapter 11 Cupcake Love
Chapter 12 Silly Old Man
Chapter 13 I Can Explain...
Chapter 14 Brother Like No Other
Chapter 15 Tough Choices
Chapter 16 Here For You
Chapter 17 Torn At the Seams
Chapter 18 Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 19 Investigation
Chapter 20 Short-Circuited Attraction
Chapter 21 Outside Safe Haven
Chapter 22 Survival
Chapter 23 Pressure
Chapter 24 Diving Deep
Chapter 25 Underneath
Chapter 26 Inner Truth

Chapter 1 Move-In

2.6K 43 26
By Nomie132

A/N: I have always loved the relationship the ninja have with each other. When I was younger, I always drew comics of the ninja just being goofballs. This book is basically gonna be that with some shipping and story driven moments here and there. So if you ever wondered what the ninja would be like in a college-centered comedy then your wish is granted. Hope you enjoy.

"Okay so... this is the place?" Jay asked himself, looking lost. He was currently driving to his college campus, but the directions lead him to an empty field, no civilization for miles. "Uhhh... I'm totally going to get murdered or something here. School isn't worth this anywa--"


"AAAH!" Jay screamed by the sudden person popping up right beside his window. The young man looked around, not seeing any other cars or vehicles in sight. He turned back to the nicely dressed guy and rolled down the window. The guy wore a bright pair of shades and a fancy white hat to cover the sun's rays.

"Where... where did you come from?" Jay asked the older man. The ginger noticed a forest not to far from his car. He wondered if the guy lived in the woods.

"Why are you here?" The man asked in a nasally tone. He was so pale, he almost resembled a ghost. A part of Jay wished he was just dreaming.

"Umm, I think I'm lost. I was looking for Elemental University. I think I might have taken a wrong turn or--"

"What's your name?" The guy asked slowly.

"Uhh.. Jay Walker?" The young man said as more of a question than answer. The nicely dressed gentleman pulled out a clipboard and pen. He read over a long list of names and nodded happily.

"Yup, you're in the right place. Just drive past those two trees. The school will be right there," He explained causally. Jay turned to the direction the guy pointed. Two bended trees were about a mile away of grassy meadow from him.

"Are you serious?" The young man asked, but the nicely dressed gentleman had vanished. Jay glanced back at the trees before letting out a sigh. "Okay, it's official, you've lost your mind... hehe... just another day in Ninjago... right?"

Despite his better judgement, Jay drove towards the two trees. If this were a month ago, there's no way Jay would ever listen to the directions of a stranger who poofs out of thin air. However, when an old man handed him a scholarship letter for a school of people just like him, all bets were off. And yes, the young inventor knew he was different and so did his parents. He just never knew others had powers like him. No one usually shows off to the world that they have super powers when scientists can easily take them away and experiment on them. He wasn't sure if he was going to fit in with his classmates, but all he really cared about now was if the school had any Tech classes. His family didn't have the money for college, so a full ride scholarship was not something to just pass up, especially when you got no other options.

As Jay reached the trees, a liquid like barrier washed through his body and sent chills down his spine. On the other side, he saw pavement. He saw a huge parking lot, apartment structures, and one giant university in the center. It took all of Jay's strength not to scream in shock. However, his vehicle was stopped by a security guard protecting the enterance gate. The young man finally noticed that this was the only entrance inside the giant stone wall around the whole area. The guard at the gate gave Jay a suspicious look as he pulled up. The young man waved an awkward hello, but the man just pulled out another clipboard.

"May I see your driver's license and acceptance letter?" He asked plainly. He was in a dull blue jumpsuit, and his face and tone gave off that he rather be anywhere else. Jay complied and handed him the information. The man glanced at the letter and license before turning back to his clipboard. After a few minutes of examination, he handed back Jay's belongings.
"You are free to enter. Welcome to Elemental University." The large metal gate opened slowly before the young man. Jay continued to stare in awe while swallowing hard. He drove his car inside and quickly found a parking spot. He stepped out, still sightseeing, when he heard voices in the distance. Students were already strolling around campus. He noticed one kid teleporting while another flew up into air. So many kids with so many different powers. Jay had been a few days late for the start of class since his home was so far away, so all the students had already started their usual classes. The young man looked down at his application form again before growing a smile.

"First things first, finding my apartment," He muttered to himself.



The door to the apartment swung open. A guy wearing a tank top and shorts was behind it. He was clearly in the middle of sleeping with his black hair sticking upward and dry drool on the side of his mouth. He looked at the luggage carrying guy infront of him with a dull gaze.

"Do you not know what time it is?" Cole asked the new guest. The ginger haired student glanced down at his phone.

"It's 10 in the morning," He replied with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm guessing you're our last roommate?" He asked, completely changing the topic.

"Uh... yeah, I'm Jay. I've been knocking on the door for a half hour. The lady at the desk said you were suppose to leave me a key under the mat. All I found was a wra--" Jay glanced back up to find Cole had fallen asleep standing up, leaning his head against the door frame.

"Hey... hey!" Jay exclaimed as he clapped his hands in front of the guys face. Cole jolted upward and looked around. He turned back to the ginger before frowning.

"Oh, you're still here. Come on in I guess," Cole replied, dragging himself to the living room. Jay pulled his luggage in and stared at the rather comfy looking place. This was his chance. A chance for a fresh start where he can finally feel normal with people just like him. Now he was here, standing inside his very own apartment with three other college kids who should be great--

"COMING THROUGH!" One guy shouted as he zipped past Jay. The ginger nearly fell to the floor as a red wearing dude rushed into the kitchen. He simultaneously combed his hair, buttoned up his shirt while rummaging through the cupboard for food. "Crap!" Jay was about to say hi until a girl entered the apartment behind him. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail, and she waltzed into the room as if she lived there.

"Kai, did you finish your half of the project for english class?" She asked sounding stressed, but you could barely notice it on her face.

"Uh no, not yet, why?" The red wearing guy asked as he munched on a piece of toast he made.

"Because it's due today you idiot! I'm suppose to finalize the draft!" The redhead complained with a groan.

"I'll get to it! I'll do it during math... if I ever make it!" Kai panicked as he stuffed the rest of the toast in his mouth. He then grabbed his bag and rushed out the door. The girl let out a tired sigh before finally noticing Jay in the room.

"New roommate?" She questioned curiously.

"Yeah," Jay admitted. The girl then grew a smile.

"Skylor, Kai's girlfriend," She spoke causally.

"Uh, Jay... is it like this all the time?" He asked with a weak chuckle.

"You mean people rushing out the door or dead bodies on the couch?" Skylor asked, glancing at Cole who was laying across the entire living room sofa.

"Hey Cole," Skylor spoke to her barely conscious friend.

"Hey Jonesy--" He mumbled sleepily before turning over. She then looked back over at the ginger.

"Well Kai's usually terrible with being organized, and Cole's only like this when he takes a double shift at his job."

"Oh..." Jay muttered, finally understanding the situation. "But wait, there are jobs here?"

"Yeah, there's a small town behind the school. You should check out the place when you got time."

"Seriously!? Is there anything this place doesn't have?" Jay questioned with a grin.

"Not that I know of, but these types of schools gotta be thorough, you know? Can't have the world finding out about elementals or anything like that," Skylor replied while placing a hand on her hip.

"Are you... are you guys all Elemental Masters?" Jay asked curiously.

"Yup." Skylor then grabbed Jay's hand for a couple seconds before lifting up her other hand. Sparks of lightning flew from her fingers. Jay's eyes widen in shock. "Master of Amber. I can absorb any element for a short amount of time."

"Cooool," Jay stated happily. A goofy smile was plastered across his face, and Skylor let out a laugh.

"I gotta go. Nice meeting you, Jay," Skylor stated while walking out the door.

"Nice meeting you too," Jay called out before shutting the door behind her. He took one last look at the living room before strolling over to the bedrooms. Three out of the four doors had either a sign or tag, claiming their territory. Only door that was blank was the one at the very end of the hall, in the corner. Jay strolled over and opened the door. The bedroom was simple with white walls, tan carpet, closet, and twin bed. A wooden dresser was also in the corner with a bit of dust on top. Jay took his backpack and other luggage beside the bed. He sat down on the white mattress and chuckled.

"This is gonna be soooo AWESOME!!" He screamed while jumping up into the air.

"KEEP IT DOWN!" Cole roared from the living room. Jay plopped back on his bed, forgetting the sleeping beast on the sofa.

"Sorry," Jay stated a little quieter now.

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