Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötl...

By AeroLover21

5.2K 203 170

Motley crue are going to rehab. In June of 1988 things are changing but are they for the worse or better? Af... More

Cast as of 1988
Mötley Crüe are going to rehab
one month later
Loud, Rude & aggressive
Stormy Joy Rose?
Sweet child of ours
Time skip with Drama.
Heaven & Hell
The phone call
You want what? - Doc
It's A Boy
Primal Scream/ 1991
The Flower
What could have been
Don't give up!
Don't give up part 2
Vince Neil (A Month Later)
Making Up/The Mötley Interview
Two Tours & A Surprise
1994/ Happy Birthday.
Rodney & Lisa
Terms,Conditions & Family secrets
The Interview, The Appointment & The Discovery
One Month Later
1995/ Poison
Trouble at the studio
Just Another Pyscho
Löve Hürts
Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World
Home Sweet Home???
Pray for me (2000)

Athena Leah Bass

96 4 3
By AeroLover21

Athena Leah Bass born 1964.

She is a year younger than Tommy Lee.

(1983.Summer Tour Athena 19. Rikki 21)

Bret Michaels smirked at his drummer Rikki Rocket. "No. I'm not going against her in the stupid game." The man snapped with his arms crossed. "Why man, you afraid of a little girl?" Vince snapped with a smirk."That is no little girl!" Sebastian said with lust in his eyes watching Athena smile at Rebel.

Tommy popped out of nowhere. "She is my little sister!" He yelled at the tall singer with anger in his normally kind eyes.

"Yea and she beat you!" Jani sais snickering. His girlffriend Bonnie sighed. "Be nice Jani!" She snapped. 

Tommy sighed. He knew no one would let him live this down.

Athena had a smug smile on her face. "Shut up!" Tommy snapped at his sister. "I didnt say anything Tom." She snapped with a grin.

"No but I could hear your face!" He snapped at his sister."That was not-How am I related to you?" Athena muttered. "We all wonder that baby. Your like sexy and smart and-." C.C started but Tommy groaned and took off after the man. "And shes my sister you freaks!" C.C laughed running from the upset drummer. Nikki rolled his eyes watching his terror twin chase the man. "Now you know how I felt!" The bassist snapped. He glanced at his cousin and smiled watching Mick make faces at baby Frankie why Rebel held her. "But I guess mine turned out okay." He said more to himself.

"So I'm waiting. Who's next?" Athena asked with her arms crossed.

"Good luck man!" Bret snapped shoving his friend in the girls direction. Athena huffed when the man hit her side. "Sorry." He muttered trying to fix his hair. "Oh you will be once you go down pretty boy!" She snapped playfully looking the man over.

(1984. Athena 20. 22)

Athena ssighed laying in her room. The house seemed too quiet without Tommy.

No one was taking her stuff. The bedroom next to hers was dead silent. She missed her idiot brother, but she would never tell him that.

He was off with Motley Crue and she was stuck at home. "Phone for you!" Her mothers voice called. Athena jumped up and took off out of the bedroom, down the hall and then seemed to jump down the steps.

"Is it Tom?" She asked hopeful taking the phone from her mother. "No. But the people say they know you." Her mother picked up two coffee cups and left the kitchen.

"H-Hello?" The teenager muttered. "This Tommy Lee's sister?" A somewhat familar voice asked. "Yea. Why?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

The man laughed. "I'm Bret. We met at the summer tour last year." Athena shifted her weight. "Oh yea. You do know your drummer cheat right?" She asked with an edge to it.

After all she beat everyone who went against her, she ended up tying with Tommy, but he was the person who taught her to play. The only person who actually beat the girl was Rikki Rocket.

"You should tell him yourself. See were in town and we thought maybe youd like to hang out?" She scoffed. "What?" Bret asked confused.

"Nothing its just-You really wanna hang out with me? I mean I-Tom never wants me around and I-."

"We think we'er a cool chick babe. Have a few drinks and live a little." Athena grinned. "Yea okay Michels. I think I will."

They hung up with plans to meet at the Bourbon Room.

(1986.Athena 20.Rikki 23)

By this point she spends alot of time with Poison. She even travels with them.

Nicknames Athena calls the guys.

C.C -Malibu (Barbie)
Bobby-Harry (middle name)
Bret -Michaels
Rikki- Monroe (Marilyn)

The nickname the guys have for her.

Animal (Like the Muppet)

Athena sighed laying on the studio couch. "Can we get food now?" She asked looking at Bret and Rikki. "Not yet Animal." C.C answered. The blond man had an acoustic guitar resting on his lap. "I wasnt talking to you was I Malibu?" She asked with a look.

"Let me see that!" Bret snapped reaching for the guitar. "Guys I'm gonna die If you dont feed me now!" She snapped. "Stop being a drama queen!" Bobby snapped with a playful smirk. "I'm on to something here alright!" The singer snapped. "You have enough songs on this album Michaels!"

"This is a good one. Let me think!" She huffed and crossed her arms sinking lower into the leather. Rikki sighed. "Actually guys, I hungry too." The drummer muttered. Bret was working on his idea with C.C. Bobby was playing darts with Rikki.

"Okay then we dont you and Miss angry pants go get food?" Bobby asked picking up darts.

"Together?" Athena asked. "Your both hungry right?" Bobby asked a little confused.

"Would his girl be mad? She donst like me remeber?." Athena said standing.

"She can get over it. We've all known you way longer than her."  Bobby said with a look.

All the guys had girlfriends now, they moved past groupies and somehow kept lasting relationships. (Berets was on the rocks at the moment)

Bret had Kristi (since 83)
Bobby had Mishy (since 83)
C.C had Alice.  (Since 84)
& Rikki had Deanna (84)

The girlfriends hated Athena. They felt threatened and didnt like the fact that the guys were always around the girl. But the boys wouldnt stop hanging out with her.

"Tell that to Kristi!" C.C laughed, getting a death glare from the singer. "What?" Athena asked confused. "Thats why she stopped talking to Bret, she said it was either her or you babes." Rikki sais softly.

"You-Bret you picked me over the woman you get your sex from?" She asked shocked. The singer smirked, strumming on the guitar. "We have something called history honey, I like her and all-But no one tells Bret Michales who he can and cant be friends with."

"Is that why your writing her a please come back I'm sorry my baby- song?" C.C asked with a look. "I said I like her- I could see myself with her. Kids and all you know? But Im not getting bullyed into anything." He snapped.

"You wanna go get food?" Rikki asked walking closer to Athena. "Yea. Lets kick it." She answered picking up her jacket. "Bring us back something!" Bobby yeller after them. "Dont think they heard you." Bret mutterer hearing Rikki's bike start up.

(1985.Athena 21.Rikki 23)

"Party!" Athena screamed cebebrating her 21st birthday. Tommy laughed and picked his sister up, tossing her over his shoulder. She screamed and let the half drunk drummer pack her around the house.

"When she said a few friends. This is not what I thought she ment." David mutterer with wide eyes.

About fifty rock stars and there partners were at the bass family home and David didnt like it. His wife sighed watching her children have fun.

"Let her live a little." David groaned. "I think shes living too much!"

He never liked his daughter always hanging around the band of very attractive men.

Hours later the party was going strong. Athena was so drunk she could hardly stand. She noticed someone with dark hair sitting alonr and her drunken mind thought it was Rikki.

Sebastian couldnt believe it. Athena was making out with his girlfriend. He yelled for the guys and Tommy screamed.

"Hot!" Vince snapped. Rikki and Bret froze. "So she dose then?" C.C muttered drooling just about as much as Vince.

It was told to her the follwoing day, at first she thought they were messing with her, but then even more people told her about it. She just said it happen no big deal.

(1987.Athena 22.Rikki 24)

"So the albums done." Bret said happily eating with the band and Athena. "Yay!" She yelled grabbing C.C's hair, she slammed his head down on the table in joy.

"That was so a Tommy move." Bobby muttered. "Bitch!" C.C snapped rubbing his head.

"Next a tour?" She asked with a smile. "No. First videos." Rikki answered. "We actually wanted to ask you a very inprotant question. "What?" She asked giving the men a look.

"We need a girl for-." She scoffed. "Try one of your girlfrienrs cause I am not shaking my ass in basically nothing for your freaks music video!" Bret smirked. "Actually Animal, You would be a dishwasher with a stipid boss." She made a face. "What song?"

"Nothing but a good time!" Rikki answered. "Okay-Why me?" She asked crossing her arms. "We need you!"
Bret answered. "And your like our amazing family!" Bobby said with a grin."please!" C.C and Rikki snapped making puppy dog faces at her.
She scoffed. Shoving C.C off of her. "Fine!"

They made the music videos. Two Athena started in and after it they headed on tour bringing Athena and the girlfriends with them.

(1987. Fist leg of the tour. Athena 23.Rikki 26)

It was on the tour for the album that Rikki asked his long time girlfriend a question that broke Athena's heart. She watched from the side of the stage as the drummer brought Deanna on stage and got on one knee as the band and fans cheered. The woman answered with a yes and a kiss so hard she forced the man over.

Athena wasnt the only person that seemed upset. George, one of the crew men for the band looked hurt.

Not even a month later Rikki broke it off after finding her in bed with C.C's  guitar tech. A.K.A George.

The affair had been going on two years. When Rikki went off Deanna just turned it back around d and said all the guys cheaded with Athena. She was the sed toy they all shared.

That was first time and the last time Rikki Rockett punched a woman. "No one talks about her like that- You dont even know Athena! Now give me that ring and get out!" He snapped.

Athena found out from the guys the next morning at an I Hop why the normally happy man was so down. Her great snapped and her blood boild. "Where is the bitch? I'm gonna break her face!" Athena screamed standing from the booth. Bret stood as well and stopped her from leaving. "We already took care of it. She's gone." He said softly.

"Rikki already broke her face for ya!" C.C laughed. "What?" Athena was shocked. She never dreamed the man would hit a girl. "Not- Okay he did hit her but she was saying shit about you Athena." Bobby said softly.

"I feel so bad for him!" She snapped, slumping down in the booth. "We understand. Trust us it took all we had not to do more than kick her and that asshole out." Bobby said picking at his pancakes.

"I wish I could help him-I." C.C smirked. "Why you got a crush on him or something?" The guitarist joked. "Actually Malibu, I do! Any of you got an issue with it!?" She snapoed with her arms crossed. "But your a lesbian." Bobby said confused. "R-Right?" He mutterer seeing her face twist into anger. "NO!" She screamed. If the table wasnt in her way she would have punched the man in the face.

"Really?" C.C muttered. "What you all think it-Wait. Dose Rikki think it too?" She snapped giving her friends death glares. "Yea. I mean your the a power house when it comes to guy stuff. You can fix anything with a motor and we've never seen you with a guy so we -."

"Have you ever seen me with a girl!?" She screamed over it all. She slammed her hands on the table. C.C gulped and slid away from her. "Well-." Bret started. "Sebastians Ex dosnt count. I-I was beyond drunk and high and I thought she was Ri-."

"You thought what-She was me?" The drummer asked. He was done in thr bathroom and came out to find Athena ready to kill the guys. The girl went red, not from anger but embbaresment. Rikki took his sunglasses off and looked her over.

"Maybe!" She answered. "I-Ive always liked you and I-I just never said anything cause I didnt want to get turned down. I hated your girlfriend and wanted her dead for the longest time. I was go I going to tell you so many times over the years but-I was too afraid. Then at my birthday I-I was ready to show you but it turned out to not be you." She saID with a groan. "And now I cone to find all this time you guys and I dont know how many others I know thought I was a lesbian-."

By this point in her rant all the guys were standing watching her, Rikki was closest. He sighed and bent down. "And-And now I-." She contuned only for the man to pull her into a kiss.

As it turned out he had liked Athena for the longest time. But believed he had no shot with her since he liked most had her sexuality wrong.


Athena took a breath looking at herself in the morrir. "You look beautiful!" Her mother said trying not to cry. Beth and Heather smiled. "Hot babes." Rebel said with a grin.

"This one. I want this one." She sais spinning around in the white wedding dress.

(A month later)

"I wish Tommy was here." She muttered to her father. He sighed and looked down at his little girl. "Me too but hes getting help. Are you ready?" He asked looping arms with his daughter. "YES!"

Music started and she walked with her father. Ready to become Mrs. Ream.


Athena smiled holding her new born baby in her arms. Rikki kissed her forehead and went to let the group waiting know the first born Ream child had arrived.

Since 1990 the couple havw welcome two others into the world.

Athena got what she always wanted. Rikki and a family.

She was in an all girl rock band and was loving her life.

In February of 1994 she doscoved she was yet again pregant.

Tommy lee sighed after his fight with Nikki. He left the studio and picked the twins up from Lita's. He decided to go see his parents. Maybe they could help him work everything out.

Nikki was right. Even if he couldnt see Ava and C Olson right now he still had another child out there. He need to do the right thing.

Athena was already over at her parents with her children and husband, helping her mother cook. They went over to let her pare ts know about the newest grandbaby.

When Tommy pulled up in the drive way, Rikki announced it and  Athena ran to answer the door. Wanting to see her brother. It had been some time and she wanted to know how the man was holding up.


I just wanted to show what Athena and Poison were up too through the years.

It went back to the last chapter.

Tommy wasnt at his siters wedding because of rehab.

Hope you liked this Athena flash back chapter. Next will be Tommy at his parents  house.

NNikki, Athena & Tommy

Athena and Tommy

Athena and Rikki in 1994.

2,574 words

The next chapter will tell about Athena's children.

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