Black Cat

Por Jade14x

22.9K 644 24

Felicia Hardy is a 15 year old girl who had been trained in every way possible since she could walk, by her f... Más

Part 1
Chapter 1 - "And get distracted and get bad grades? I don't think so"
Chapter 2 - "What's everyones obsession with calling me Darling?"
Chapter 3 - "Black Cat! I would say it's nice to meet you, but it isn't."
Chapter 4 - "What was that about 'James Merrowoff can do it all, hunny!"
Chapter 5 - "I can't have that. I have school!"
Chapter 6 - "Wonderful! Why should i care!"
Chapter 7 - "I was supposed to do a Spanish, Biology and Calculus test!"
Chapter 8 - "Though you may have to define crazy!"
Chapter 9 - "Damn, i wanted to be the only cat in this fight!"
Chapter 10 - "I trust you both 100%, it's the snow that's gonna kill me!"
Chapter 11 - "Wait, why did your dumbass self land all the way over there!"
Chapter 12 - "I should, but i ain't!"
Chapter 13 - "My step father will handle it!"
Chapter 14 - "God, Steve! Trust me. I have a plan!"
Part 2
Chapter 1 - "Please, anyone but him!"
Chapter 2 - "I thought i said no takeaway!"
Chapter 3 - "You don't say such things aloud!"
Chapter 4 - "I'm not about to get shot for some random guy!"
Chapter 5 - "You've never been in a girls room, have you?"
Chapter 6 - "I will kill you."
Chapter 7 - "Though, I'm not quite sure why that matters!"
Chapter 8 - "Speaking of dicks..."
Chapter 9 - "Don't give me that look, MJ!"
Chapter 10 - "Oh, stop with this stupid charade, Ned!"
Chapter 11 - "Ugh, I feel...sick!"
Chapter 12 - "Not an amputated leg or something!"
Chapter 13 - "Yeah, and I'm a fairy princess."
Chapter 14 - "Oh, god!"
Chapter 15 - "I'll do it myself!"
Chapter 16 - "I do what I think I should do."
Chapter 17 - "Top points for your observational skills."
Chapter 18 - "But that's no excuse!"
Chapter 19 - "Well, this was fun!"
Chapter 20 - "Nice to meet you again, Your Majesty."
Chapter 2 - "None of us are exactly alien experts, right?"
Chapter 3 - "He's got much more of a reason to be scared than I do."
Chapter 4 - "The raccoon talks?"
Chapter 5 - "That...that's bad, right?"
Author's Note

Chapter 1 - "That'd actually be amusing to see, actually!"

158 5 1
Por Jade14x

Felicia was headed to the airport to get her flight back home, she was currently in France with her cousin and Benjamin, they were here because she promised her mother that she'd sort some business out here. She was scheduled to fly back in approximately an hour and a half, in order to try and get back for the scheduled party at the Thompson's.

Felicia's hotel wasn't that far from the airport, so she didn't need to worry about travelling long distances. Her cousins and Benjamin were busy so they couldn't see her off - but she didn't mind that much anyways. She was perfectly capable of catching a flight back to America on her own - she wasn't an infant.

She didn't bring much with her to France, it was only a two day trip and her cousins had given her stuff for those 48 hours. The only thing she had with her was cat suit and her accessories - a thing she had picked up off of Peter. 'You can never be too careful' he had told her once. He carried his suit around in a backpack that was with him constantly, and she had also picked up on that action.

Much to her annoyance.

Felicia was walking down the street with her bag over her shoulder. The airport was only a few streets away from the hotel - she could just walk. She was missing a trip to somewhere - she wasn't quite sure where. But she knew a trip to France would be so much better than a school trip to somewhere in America. (Even if she was there on behalf of her mother for business.)

Felicia was sure she had some time to spare, so she decided to go grab something to eat before she left France. Within minutes, she was sat in a café that was almost empty with a cup of hot tea and a carrot cake - it was a weird combination of stuff but she didn't really care. She loved tea, and she loved carrot cake.

By the time she reached the airport, she had an hour to wait. So she was sat down and was just looking around the airport in a bored manner. Until her phone began to ring, and she looked down at the caller ID to see Peter, and she frowned. "Peter, imagine if I was asleep right now?" She greeted the boy.

"Well, why would you be asleep an hour before your flight?" Peter asked her curiously. "That makes no sense! And, I'm just calling to ask if you're gonna make it to the school trip."

Felicia sighed. "I don't know, Peter." Felicia replied. "I'll be awfully tired from travelling, and well, the flight takes around 8 hours - which takes it to 2am in New York time. I might not even make it back home till at least 3am, my parents and brothers aren't likely to pick me up, they'll be asleep."

She looked up at the board again and let out a groan of disbelief. "What?" Peter questioned her quickly.

"My flight has been delayed for two hours." She complained. "Which is bullshit!" She ran a hand over her face. "Yeah, I'm definitely not going to make it to the trip. I'll be getting the plane at 6pm in your time and 2am in France time, and arrive in New York at around 1ish."

The two continued to talk on the phone for a further hour. "Peter, don't you have things to do other than talk to me?" She asked him. "I wouldn't want to take up your time!"

"You're not." He told her, and they continued to talk for another hour, before Peter's phone died, and she waited for her plane. At some point Aemon had joined her and told her she could get some sleep, and that he'd wake her when it was time to get on the plane. Felicia was very grateful for this as he had quickly finished what he was doing and joined her.


Felicia awoke to being shaken awake by Aemon, it turns out that her flight had been cancelled entirely, and she was to get a private plane back to England. Apparently, Aemon had picked up the phone from Peter, who had contacted Tony Stark, who had immediately sent a the closest jet he had to France for her. She was very grateful for it too, and Aemon helped her on, before they took off.

She was just glad he didn't ask how she had gotten a private jet sent to her.

Felicia was sat in a chair and looked out of the window, as she ate some pretzels. Meals were offered, but she declined since she had not long woken up. The flight was very eventful since she played checkers with a flight attendant 4 times, she slept some more, and she watched a movie just before they landed at a private airport.

Felicia had climbed off of the jet that Tony Stark had gotten for her, and she pulled her bag off behind her. She thanked the crew on the jet, before she began head out of the private airport they had landed at, as she hoisted her bag up over her shoulder. She had no idea on how she'd get home due to the fact that her family still believed her flight to be cancelled, and thought she was still in France.

Finally, Felicia settled on walking to the closest subway entrance, and she was walking through the streets when something caught her eye in a shop display window. It was a tv showing the news, but it showed what looked like a huge spaceship in the middle of New York, and then the screen flashed to Tony Stark's face. She couldn't hear it, but from what it was showing and from mouth reading various words from the newswoman she figured that Tony had gone up on the space craft, and knowing Peter, he probably followed like the idiot he was.

Felicia let out a deep sigh, as she ran a hand through her pure white hair, and knew she couldn't just let this slide. Both Tony Stark and Peter Parker were in a space craft headed to space, she had to do something. Felicia then sprinted to the closest subway entrance, and quickly headed on back home - she knew her family would probably be out so she wouldn't need to explain her appearance.

Felicia got home within an hour, and instead of dropping her bag with her suit in, she threw it in the back of her car and began to drive to the Avengers Facility upstate. She was going to change out of her white pencil dress, and black blazer, but guessed she'd take longer so she made do with what she had on.

Felicia reached the Avenger Facility within 3 and a half hours, and she pulled up to the front gate, and she carefully thrust her hand outwards and felt the familiar push of gravity against her hand as she pushed the gates open. Felicia drove in and parked up right in front of the main doors and opened the doors, and headed on to try and find someone to see what they were doing with this current situation.

She knew Rhodey was most likely to be here anyways.

After what felt like hours, she finally found Rhodey, and saw the holographic form of the United Nations, and she simply pushed the doors open. Upon seeing her Rhodey smiled in relief, after the events of her and Peter taking down the Vulture, she had gotten pretty familiar with Tony and Rhodey, along with Pepper as well. She also spied Bruce Banner in the back room - which surprised her since he hadn't been seen in a few years according to Tony.

No one said anything as their eyes landed upon her, and she stood perched against the wall across the way, they were just talking about the disappearance of Tony and the spaceship that was in the middle of New York. She was being informed that they had no plan of action, and when he said that she refrained from scoffing.

Until after a while they stated to talk about Vision and his disappearance. "Still no word from Vision?"

"Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." Rhodey replied with a small shrug.

"On a stolen quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals." Felicia rolled her eyes at the man, she found that the man was quite annoying and that she didn't at all like him whatsoever.

"You know, they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir."

"Oh, my god, Rhodes!" He said in slight annoyance. "Your talent for horseshit rivals my own!"

"If it weren't for those accords Vision would be right here." Rhodey told the man matter of factly.

"I remember your signature on those accords, Colonel." He said as his holographic form stood from the holographic table and walked forwards to stand in front of Rhodey. Felicia watched them in boredom, and then her eyes travelled to the mechanical leg that he had because he decided to sign the accords and fight his friends.

"That's right." Rhodey nodded. "And I'm pretty sure I paid for that."

"Do you have second thoughts?"

"Not anymore!"

Then Felicia looked up upon hearing footsteps, and spied Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision and Sam all walking towards the room, and Felicia's eyes darted back to the holographic form of General Ross. Felicia could see the man was only glaring at the group of them. "Mr. Sectary." Steve greeted him politely, and Felicia frowned upon noticing the beard upon his face - she didn't like it.

General Ross' holographic form walked towards the group. "You've got some nerve." He told them all. "I'll give you that!"

"You could use some of that right now." Natasha told him.

"The world's on fire." Ross announced to the newcomers. "And you think all is forgiven?"

"I'm not looking for forgiveness." Steve told him. "And I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost your best defender, so we're here to fight." Steve took a few steps closer to the holographic form of Ross. "And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too!"

"Damn." Felicia mused from against the wall. "That'd actually be amusing to see, actually!" Wanda looked over to the younger woman with a small smile, her eyes scanned over the girls hair, and wondered what possessed her to make such a bold hair choice. Everyone else briefly looked at the girl either in recognition, or confusion as to who she was.

"Arrest them!" Ross said as he turned to face Rhodey.

"All over it." Rhodey nodded, before he got rid of the holographic form. Felicia didn't quite know many of the people before her well, and began to hope that both Tony and Peter were okay up there. "That's a court marshall." Rhodey paused for a while. "It's good to see you, Cap!"

Both Steve and Natasha moved forwards to greet their old friend, and as they did Rhodey called her over to them, and she begrudgingly joined them with a tight smile. "And I'm sure you remember Felicia." He spoke, and the three of them acknowledged each other with small smiles.

"Well, you guys look...well, really look like crap." Rhodey said. "Must've been a rough couple of years, huh?"

"Yeah, well the hotels weren't exactly five star." Sam mused, and Felicia began to feel a little out of place during this little reunion - each of the people here knew each other before the whole situation at the airport in Germany and before the accords. So she did the only thing she thought was best for right now, which was to slip out of the room and go find something to eat.

Felicia soon found her way to the kitchen and began to raid the cupboards, she pulled a cupboard open and looked around, yet found nothing that interested her. She walked across to the fridge and pulled it open, and as she did a jar of pickles fell from the fridge. Felicia held her hand outwards to try and slow it's velocity with her Vector Manipulation as Shuri called it. It was found that the solution from the lab had, in fact, gave her control of fields  - she could manipulate, create and shape the fields.

With her time at Wakanda she had explored the new ability - she found that she was able to perform with the Electromagnetic, Electrical, Metalic and Gravitational Fields. She also found that she could also manipulate Waves and Vectors to a degree - Okoye had encouraged her to continue to work on those ones while away from Wakanda.

However, as she held her hand outwards the jar smashed to the floor in a blur, and the pickles and glass had littered across the floor, as the pickle juice slashed all over her ankles and shins as it smashed to the floor. Felicia sighed, she would often struggle with her Wave and Vector manipulation. While trying to slow something, she would accidentally speed it up, and vice versa. And she could only really tweak soundwaves a little - she was least experienced with the Wave Manipulation since it was the hardest to see what she was doing.

"My god!" She muttered as she crouched down to try and clean it all up.

"You okay there?" Wanda asked her softly as she joined her. "I saw that. Are you having trouble with your powers?" She asked her curiously.

"No." Felicia said as she held her hand outwards and the green energy danced around her hand, as the green colour turned into blue, and the blue turned to yellow, and the colours all kept changing. "I found that the more advanced I became with it, the more I understood it. Different energies have different colours now. And I can even use multiple colours at the same time now."

"Then...what happened with the jar?" Wanda asked as she helped her clean it up.

"Oh, well, it's a long story." She said slowly. "But...a lab created solution gave me control over the fields. I don't care much to explain really deep into it - I'm still exploring my capabilities with it. I tried to slow that jar, but accidentally sped it up."

"Over fields?" Wanda asked in interest. "What fields?"

"Gravitational, Magnetic, Electrical and Electromagnetic. " Felicia told her briefly. "It also gave me the slight ability to also manipulate Vectors and Soundwaves." Wanda looked at the girl with a small nod as Felicia went to get some food as Wanda stayed crouched on the floor. Wanda didn't have the heart to tell her the truth of everything.

Wanda wasn't sure how much of her father's true life she knew, and she didn't want to be the one to ruin the girl's image of her murdered father. Wanda guessed the girl was much too young to remember how they became friends in the first place, but Wanda remembered it well. She was 18, and she remembered the HYDRA guards bring in a young girl of 7. She remembered them experimenting on her like they did to her and her brother, and it was a few months before a singular man infiltrated the base.

This man was Felicia's father - and from what she understood, the man had began to work with HYDRA and betrayed SHIELD for the safety of his daughter, and singlehandedly worked on trying to reverse all they had done to his daughter - and he succeeded in doing so from what she remembered, though after a week, they found it only suppressed them.

It took him a year and a half to make a solution strong enough to suppress them for as long as he possibly could, and by this time the girl had made a friendship with herself and her brother. Wanda didn't know how Felicia got her abilities with energy, but she knew that she had always had the control over fields - HYDRA had given her that when she was just 7.

Though it was only Gravitational and Magnetic then, and she began to wonder if the suppression solution had made it stronger, or whether it got stronger with age. She just knew she could never tell the girl the truth in order to not taint the girl's memory of him - after all Jack Hardy was one of the most ruthless and dangerous HYDRA agents - he experimented on others, he killed people and he shared secrets of SHIELD to HYDRA.

However, when he had got his daughter fixed, he betrayed HYDRA and left, and for that they killed him.

"You good, Wanda?" Felicia asked the woman with a frown.

"Yeah!" Wanda nodded.

"Then get up off the floor, and let's go." Felicia told her. Wanda did as the girl said, and they went off to go find the others - Wanda was just glad that Felicia couldn't see into minds because she knew she was being a bad friend to her by not telling her the truth. But she was lying to protect her.

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