Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötl...

By AeroLover21

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Motley crue are going to rehab. In June of 1988 things are changing but are they for the worse or better? Af... More

Cast as of 1988
Mötley Crüe are going to rehab
one month later
Loud, Rude & aggressive
Stormy Joy Rose?
Sweet child of ours
Time skip with Drama.
Heaven & Hell
The phone call
You want what? - Doc
It's A Boy
Primal Scream/ 1991
The Flower
What could have been
Don't give up!
Don't give up part 2
Vince Neil (A Month Later)
Making Up/The Mötley Interview
Two Tours & A Surprise
1994/ Happy Birthday.
Rodney & Lisa
The Interview, The Appointment & The Discovery
Athena Leah Bass
One Month Later
1995/ Poison
Trouble at the studio
Just Another Pyscho
Löve Hürts
Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World
Home Sweet Home???
Pray for me (2000)

Terms,Conditions & Family secrets

211 4 7
By AeroLover21

Not gonna lie to you guys. This chapter is a long one.

It mainly follows Nikki and the group that went with him and his half siblings. But it also shows Stevie, Duff and Michelle talking over baby stuff. And also has a small date for Michelle and Izzy.

I'm sorry if this chapter is confusing.

I made up Nikki's fathers family. I gave the man five brothers and two sisters.

I will try and explain why Frank left Nikki and his mother. Why he got remarried and mad two children and why he told older Nikki that he was a mistake that he didnt want.

I relize that this chapter will most likely conflict with what I have had in the past (the first book) But in doing research for my hopefully spin off book about Axl and Storm, I relized that I messed her age up AMD a few other things thag I really need to go back and fix. Also I knkw that I have issues with cahoers and spelling ( stupid oddocorrect)

Anyway Frank Sir died a week ago to the day of this chapter.

Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna was a beloved son, brother and father. The fifty-five year old man leaves behind wife of thirty three years Kathrine May Fernna (Rose) and two children. Son Rodney Anthony Feranna and daughter Lisa Serafino Feranna.

He died on January 12th 1994. He lived a long, love filled life and he will be missed.

Anyway heres the next chapter.

January,18th 1994.

Michelle sat at a large table with a contract placed in front of her. Steven and Duff sat on the other side of the table and Doc stood off to the side.

"I dont think this is nessasary!" Stevie said. "I told him we can just trust you!" The drummer contuned. Michelle sighed looking from the upset Stevie to Duff. The man had his arms crossed amd a dark look in his eyes.

"And I told you that if you want her to be the one to do this then she has to sign the contract!" Duff snapped at his boyfriend without looking away from the girl.

"But I-." Michelle shook her head. "Its alright Stevie, really." Michelle said softly.

Doc cleared his throat. "All this is is precaution. Its just stating that you and Duff would be the soul guardians of the baby. It states that Michelle will give up all rights to the child. She will be nothing to it but-."

"The person who helped give it life!" Steven snapped. Duff looked to his boyfriend. "But it would be our baby. Our family-She wouldnt be anything!" The man snapped.

"But I wanted her to be the godmother!" Stevie snapped. Duff rolled his eyes.

Before a fight could break out the girl picked the pen up and started signing her name.

"There-Done." She said with a happy smile. "Thank you." Stevie said softly.

"Like I said. I just want to help." She said glancing at Duff. Doc picked the papers up and sighed. "Alright. Next step involves doctors. Thats a you guys thing."

The man walked off. "Thanks!" Stevie screamed.

Axl smirked watching Izzy get dressed. "Remind me again why you wanted my stuff?" The singer asked.
"Nothing I had seemed good enough." Izzy aswnered.

"Uncle Axl!" Erik screamed. "Whats up?" The man asked standing from his bed. "Izzy said she needs you!" Axl sighed. "Thats two Izzys that need me today." The man muttered leaving his room.

"Hey Erik!" Izzy called before the boy left the bedroom. "Huh?" He asked.

"What do you think about this? I have a date later today." The man said turning for the child.

"What are you wearing?" Frankie asked looking the man over. "Why? You dont like it?" Izzy asked panicking. "I mean its okay but its more of a Axl look than a you look." The girl said.

"Man!" Izzy snapped flopping back on the king sized bed that belonged to Axl and Storm.

Nikki glanced around the packed out space. The building was full of people he had never seen in his life.

How could all these people care about a monster who ditched his family?

How could that man have friends and family?

Brandi, Rebel, Mick  and Vince all went to help the bassist. Mick and Rebel had Storm and Axl babysit for them and Beth stayed home with Skylar. But with Brandi tagging along that ment Joanna and Gunner were there.

Brandi was outside the building because Gunner wouldnt stop crying. Jonna was off with Mick somewhere.

Lisa was off with Aunts and Uncles Nikki never even knew about. His father had two sisters and four brothers. Nikki always thought all he had was Rebels mother as an Aunt.

Needless to say also having grandparents, other cousins and the woman his father married along with all her family was just overwhelming to Nikki.

No one even really knew why Rodney and Lisa showed up with seven extra people.

People who were supposed to be helping Nikki but were all missing.

Mick and Joanna were pulled away by Lisa, Rodney and his girlfriend were with his mother, Brandi was outside and Vince was having an episode.

The singer wanted to be there for his band brother but when he stepped into the space he felt sick. It was like he was saying goodbye to his daughter all over again. So the singer locked himself in the bathroom and Rebel had ran after him trying to make sure he was alright not realizing that her cousin was left alone.

Nikki gulped looking at all the happy family photots out.

Photos of Birthdays and holidays from what looked like Franks own childhood with all his siblings to times with his own child, well the two he claimed anyway.

He gulped body shaking. He was sick of it all. It was like the life he could have lived was being shoved in his face.

Rodneys first birthday. He was a happy laughing boy with his loving father holding him in the photo.

Rodneys first bike ride. Lisa's birth. Merry Christmas. School programs and so many more photos had him sick.

But then something cought his eye. A photo of his mother. Nikki blinked and took it off the poster.

It was a younger Frank, smiling. He was next to Nikki's mother and her twin on a couch with another girl Nikki had never sern, but she looked familiar. They were all smiling in the photo.

He flipped the photo over to see writing in familiar hand writting. He even had to share that mans had writting?

Nineteen-Fifty-three Frank, some friends and his girlfriend.

"What are you doing with that!?" A mans voice snapped. Nikki turned to see a tall, bald man.

"Well amswer me- Whoever you are!" The man snapped again.

"Looking at it-Obviously!" Nikki snapped. "Put it back-Now!" The man snapped, with a hard look. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Nikki snapped.

"That is a photo of my brother. Now but it back, it has nothing to do with you!"

Nikki scoffed. "Makes scenes. You have the same hate in your eyes as him. Is that all this family knows-Hate?" Nikki asked, looking back at the photo.

"As who?" Franks oldest sibling asked.

"My father-Your dead brother." Nikki said cassually, dropping the picture. "What? B-Be causeful with that!" He snapped picking it back up.

"You have to know. He got married and everything! That picture is of my dear old dad and my mom. They were perfect for each other actually. Both monsters who treated a kid like dirt." Nikki snapped.

Look boy, you got it wrong. This photo is of my brother amd his girlfriend and became his wife. The twins are her friends. I wasnt around back then. Fighting in a war makes you miss some things, but I know my brother never ditched anyone." Roger snapped.

He was the first born. He was named after his father who also faught for freedome.

Rebel sighed sitting outside of the bathroom. "Vince, Pleaseet me inside." She asked softly. "I just need a minute." The singer muttered. "I could help." She said softly.

"Mom, I need to tell you something about dad." Rodney said looking at his father. He was sitting up front with his mother and his Aunt Cindy.

"What?" Rodney sighed. "He-He wasnt everything we thought he was. He-He lied to us mom. He had another family before us. He left them and he-."

"I know." Katie Answered. "You know?" He asked standing. "You dont think im stupid do you? Honey, I grew up with your father. He started dating some nutbag amd he got her pregnant- Her father made him get married to her but he couldnt take her so he left and I followed him."

"But you -But he couldnt have taken the kid with him? My brother!"

"We wanted a family- That child wasnt mine. It wasnt-."

"Nikki didnt ask to be born! He didnt ask to be ditched and he sure as hell didnt ask to come here but I made him!"

"Rodney, sit down!" Katie snapped. "No mom, I wont and I'm not Rodney anymore. I'm Billie. I dont understand how you could do that- I told Nikki you would think of him as a son. He would finally belong but -You knew."

He snapped stomping off.

"Your crazy!" The man snapped. "Look buddy, Frank had a family in nineteen fifty eight. He ditched his first born son, me and his wife. Then my mom ditched me too!" Nikki snapped. "Look I don't know what you think-."

"I don't think anything. I know that this is all a big fat fucking lie and you and everyone eles here knows it. I'm Frank Jr the unwanted first born. He left when I was two to start over in L.A with another wife and two more kids. A boy and a girl -He was the father of an all American loving family!" Nikki snapped grabbing the poster with all the photo on it.

"Stop it! Lenny, Allen help me with this freak!" The man snapped.

"What a great man he was!" Nikki snapped pushing it over. "More like what a great big fake he was!" Nikki snapped stomping on it.

Rebel sighed hearing yelling from another room. "What now?" She snapped running to find out.

"You know I'm suprised you people dont beg me for money. I am family and I am rich."

Nikki snapped being held by two men.

"So are you my Uncles or?" He asked glancing at them both.

"What-Put him down!" Rebel snapped. "Who are you?" Roger snapped.

"Rebel. Now put Nikki down!" Mick walked up to his wife and grabbed her arm. She looked ready to kill. "Daddy?" Joanna asked soflty looking at her father.

"Uncle Red, Uncle Roger, Ted but my brother down!" Billie snapped.

"See!" Nikki snapped at Roger, the man he had been fighting with.

Nikki was let go. Joanna ran to him and held him tight.

"This is my brother Nikki, his daughter Joanna, his cousin Rebel and her husband Mick."

"What do you mean Brother?" Allen asked confused. "This freak says our brother left him as a child." Red snapped pointing at Nikki.

"And mom just admitted it!" Billie snapped at his Uncle. "She what?" Lisa asked in a confused amd hurt tone.

"Yea. Mom just said she knew about it all. Lisa, dad and mom basically ran off together and left him. She said she didnt want him she wanted her own family."

Nikki sniffed looking around. "I dont need this. I never needed all this. This family is a fake. A lying bunch of assholes.  I've always had my real family. My brothers and my cousin."

Nikki said taking his daughters hand. "I will never be like him. I will never hurt my own-." Nikki started to say.

He glanced at Rebel and sighed. "Well not anymore." Nikki muttered looking to his cousin.

"Lets go." Mick muttered. Roger held his head. "Not yet. Nobody is going anywhere until I understand this!"

"Whats so hard to understand?" Lisa asked heartbroken. "My parenuts lied to me. To us." She said look at her older brother. "They left my brother." She added softly.

"How could you not know?" Mick asked. "They didnt!" The man snapped at the motley crue guitarist.

"We weren't born yet!" Lisa snapped.

"Yea well I was gone for five years fighting in the Vietnam war for all you ungrateful punks! I missed five years back home. When I got back my brother was about to be married to his long time girlfriend-Your mother! I never heard anything about another marriage or another kid!" The man snapped.

"I think I can clear it up." Lenny, the fourth youngest child said.

Roger is 58, Cindy is 56, Frank was 55,Lenny is 52,Allen is 50, Jackson is 48 and Jenny is 44.

"How can you clear anything up after you scrambled your brain on all the drugs youve done over the years you hippie!" Roger snapped. "Yea but at least I wasnt killing people for my job!" Lenny snapped.

Cindy sighed. "He can ear it up because I told him about it. Mom and dad thretend me, Allen, Jackson and Jenny not to tell you about it all. Frank cheated on Katie and got her best friend pregnant with him, he was made to do the right thing and get married even though he was eighteen and she was just fifteen. They had a one night stand and Frank messed up his plans because of it. He lost Katie for about a year and then they were back together and they did run off together, but they always planned on getting married and having all they ended up having- Our idiot brother just made a mistake and-."

"What he made was a little boy that he left behind!- Not a-a mistake. If my little brother was really a man than he would have stayed and made it work. Or taken the toddler with him when he went! Son, I am so sorry."

Roger said with real sadness in his eyes. "All this time and I- I was in the dark." Nikki gulped. "Yea well. Thanks I-Look Mick was right. Time to go." Rebel sighed and went to find Vince.

"I'm sorry Nikki, really I had no idea that my mom knew or anyone knew aboug you. I-." Nikki sighed. "Its not your fault and its not hers right." Nikki muttered looking at Lisa.

"Now before I go I'm gonna look thr ass in his eyes and tell him off." Nikki started to walk but Allen we t to stop him. "Let the both go do what he has to." Roger snapped at his younger brother. "If were you- Youd have done the same at dads funeral." He added as the younger man stepped back.

Rebel found Vince outside with BrandI and Gunner, in the end Vince needed out of that building.

Nikki smirked looking at the man. "Welp, guess everyone knew about your big mistake."

Roger sighed. "Who are you?" He asked Mick softly.

"Mick Mars. I'm married to Nikki's cousin. His mothers twins daughter." Roger hummed. "I-I had no idea. If I had then-Hell I would have toaken him. I-I was never able to have children of my own and here my brother had one I never knew about."

Mick touched the mans shoulder. "Everything sorked out in the end. If you took him then he would have never known my wife. She needed him because her father died of an overdose and her mother was no good. The only person Joanna had growing up was him. They had each other."

"Is he okay?" Brandi asked. "He will be." Rebel answered looking at the door.

Mick left to find Rebel. Lisa went to talk to her mother but it turned into a big fight. Billie ran off to help his sister.

"This is all your fault! I said bring me your back!" Katie snapped. "You never said what brother!" The teenaged girl yelled.

"Look son, could I buy you a drink? We could talk." Roger said stopped Nikki from leaving. "No thanks." He muttered. "Look whagever you on aboug back there- About I should want your money. Thats not why I asked-."

"I know. I just dont drink anymore. Once I did that and other things. I died for tow minutes and it was a wake up call. I got help, got clean and now I'm here for the people who matter. My cousin, my kids, my wife and my family."

"Is your wife here?" The man asked. "Outside. My son wouldnt stop crying."

Roger gulped. "Could I-." Nikki smirked. "Sure. I'm Nikki by the way. Changed my name in sevty-Five." He said seeing the mans counfuion. "Roger James Feranna Jr." The man said shaking Nikkis hand.

Michelle laughed sitting with Izzy at a booth. "Duff will come around." The man said softly. "But I didnt say-." Izzy took her hand. "I know but I couldnt tell. Duff being the way he is hurts you. You have to understand he feels threatened because you used to date Steven. Its like when you first came around Storm felt threatened." Michelle rolled her eyes. "You really think he'll com around?"

Izzy grinned. "Storm did didnt she? Your like bestfriends with her now and your giving Duff a baby so.... I think he'all learn to like you. Stevie realmy wants a baby- A family and Duff wants him to have it." Izzy said softly. "What about you Izzy?" The man smirked. "One day yea. I'd like a to have kids and a-a wive. But right now I'm just- Alone." He muttered. Michelle took his hand. "Your not alone anymore." She whispered. The man smiled squeezing her hand.

"I guess I'm not. Slash was an idiot to give you up.. What am I says-Slash is ways an idiot!" Michelle smiled. "You got that right. This could be the start of us not being alone anymore. I really do lke you Izzy." She whispered. "I really like you too." He whispered back looking into her eyes.

Rebel blinked watching the men two walk outside. "Who's the old guy?" Vince whispered. "Nikki's Uncle." Rebel whispered.

Nikki cleared his throat. "Um-Roger, this is my wofe Brandi, my daughter Joanna and my son Gunner. We have another daughter on the way too." The bassist saID softly.

"Seems to me you turned out just fine my boy. You have a beautiful wife and adorble children." Nikki smirked. "Yea I do."

"This is my cousin from my moms side. Rebel and you already met her husband Mick. And this guy is basically a brother. We've had each others backs since ninteen-eighty- One. This is Vince." Vince smiled at the man. Mick was holding Rebel's hand.

"I'd like to get together sometime and talk. If you want that is." Roger said looking at Nikki.

"Yea okay.I think knowing some family would be good. I mean you cant all be asses right? Billie is a great guys so. Yea we could do that."

"Tell Billie and Lisa bye for us?" Rebel asked. "Sure but-Who's Billie?" Roger asked confused.

"Rodney. He just changed his name. He took after Nikki that way." Vince said with a smile.


3,330 words.

Sorry if it's confusing or if it had mistakes. Once agin this is just a fanfiction.

Nikki is able to move on now.

Michelle and Izzy are connecting.

Duff agreed and they are trying!

More to come. Sorry this chapter was so long guys. I never dreamed it would be. I should have done a two part chapter but oh well lol.

Thanks for reading.

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