Hesitation for Love

By wolfie_260

6.6K 196 80

Have you ever hesitated to do somthing? If you had someone right there and they were absolutley perfect. Wo... More

A Fun Day
Hiding Feelings
Truth and a Birthday
What First Date?
Lots of Feeling
Lose You To Love You
The Suprise
.Stay With Me
The Gift
The Birthday
Breaking Hearts
Back To You
Let's Have Some Fun!
What does she think?
Who Really Is Vortex?
Shopping For Presents
Early Christmas Present
I Will Love You Forever
Christmas Time
I Love You
Time To Ruin The Fun
Once Again Barry Fucked Up His Life
Authors Note

The Vacation

228 6 9
By wolfie_260

Third Person Pov

Caitlyn wakes up from her bed and walks to the kitchen. She starts making her coffee and on breakfast. She waits for her toast to pop out of toaster. She poors her coffee in her cup and takes the the toast out. She spreads butter and jelly on it and sits down on a bar stool. After she finishes breakfast she goes over to the couch to sit and watch the news.
On any normal friday she would head to Star Labs. But, today was not as normal as she'd hope. Especially since yestarday she told Barry she loved him. Now I'm not sure whats going on with our friendship. Caitlyn hears her  phone ding, signaling she had a text message. She picked it up to see who it was. It was Emily she bought Caitlyn a plane ticket for Flordia. She'd feel bad if I didn't go to Flordia. But, then she would feel bad since Barry and her  just confessed their feelings. What should she do? Caitlyn ran across the hallway to her bedroom and decided she'd get dressed. She needs to tell Barry before she jumps onto a plane and leaves him. Caitlyn picked up her clothes and started putting them on when she hears her doorbell go off. She quickly finished getting dressed and walked to the door. She opened the door to a crack to see who it was. It was Barry with a bouque of flowers. Caitlyn blushed.

Caitlyn's Pov~

"Hey Barry", I said

He says, "I noticed you wern't at Star Labs."

I replied,"Oh, yeah I woke up late."

He hands me the flowers they smelled amazing. This makes me rethink going to Flordia.

Barry asks,"So I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow."

I replied,"Uh no I'm not busy."

He smiled and said,"Ok see you later."

I smiled back and went inside to collect myself.  I breathed out. How could I go to Flordia? Especially with that smile of his and how he makes me blush out of control. I grabbed my purse off the counter and walked out the door. I started up my car and drove to Star Labs. I drove into the parking lot, then I parked the car.

Barry's Pov

I spun around in Caitlyn's chair waiting for her arrival. I played around with the pencil on her desk but, then I heard her clicking heals coming towards me. Caitlyn put her purse down by her desk and stared at me. Probally annoyed that I was in her spot. So I stood up and let her sit down.  She honestly didn't seem herself this morning. Even though, she gladly accepted the flowers I brought her. She started to bite at her bottom lip. Which brought curosity to me ?"Cait are you ok you seem tense."

Caitlyn feeling the guilt,"No, I--I'm fine..Why?"

Laughing I said,"Cait your doing that biting your lower lip thing you do when somthings bothering you."

Third Person Pov

Caitlyn sat awkwardly in silence until she finally responded, "Barry-----Emily bought me a plane ticket to Flordia."

Barry wasn't sure how to respond. I mean tomorrow they were supposed to go on a date.But he finally relizes that maybe this isn't a bad thing though.

He managed to breath out,"When are you leaving."

Caitlyn said,"Tomorrow at seven." "Barry I'm really sorry we were just staring our re------."

He cut her off by pulling her close and kissing her. Cisco walks in the Cortex just as they were kissing

"Sorry, did I interupt somthing." Cisco cheekily said

They pulled apart and they both had blush creeping up their cheeks. Caitlyn walked over to her seat. Before she got to her chair she started getting dizzy. She fell to the floor.

○~(Hours Later)~○

Barry sitting in a chair close the bed. Caitlyn's eyes suddenly fluttered open. She sat up in the bed and asked,"What happened?"

"You fainted." Barry said

Barry sat at the edge of the bed and comforted her. They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. Until Cisco walked in the room.

"Sleepy heads awake." Cisco had said

He walked over to us with a bag of food. He had brought lunch for them. They ate their food in complete silence. After they finished eating Barry drove Caitlyn to her house to pack for tomorow. They finished packing after a few hours. Barry had made sure Caitlyn drank water and rested. He gave her a kiss on the head and walked home.

~The Next Day~ 

Caitlyn woke up feeling the sun shine on her skin. She got up and walked to the kitchen. Seeing a note on her refrigerator. It was from Barry.  She smiled.
She walked over to her coffee pot and started the machine. After five minutes or so she poured her coffee. She took a nice refreshing sip. She went to check the time it was six. How could it be this bright at six she wondered. She remebered she had a flight that left at seven. She walked to bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. After her shower she got dressed. It was six thirty. She was about to grab her keys and head out the door when she heard a knock. She opended the door and saw Barry standing there.

"I figured you'd be leaving soon." Barry said

"Yes I was about to." She replied

He smiled,"I was wondering if I could take you since it would be faster." --"And you would get there right on time."

She said,"What about my luggage."

"I'll carry it." He replied

He picked up Caitlyn's Suitcase and Caitlyn and carried her all the way to the airport.

"Well I guess this is it." Caitlyn said

Barry nodded

He gave her a kiss on the lips and said his goodbyes. Ove a loud speaker they heard them say departure for Jacksonville, Flordia in five minitues. She gave him a hug and she walked off to catch her flight. He watched as she walked away but, then remebered the suprise he had planned.

~Author's Note~

Hey this chapter was really fun to write. These recent chapters haven't had Ralph in them. But, I guess I kinda forgot to make scenes with him in it. The next few chapters won't have him in it either. Sorry, if you guys liked his character.

Vote and comment😊

Thanks, Wolfie❤

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