A Dragon's Heart (Book Three...

By iluvdaisychain

1.3M 76.2K 21K

Complete. Original Title - A Pirate's Kiss: Ressurection (The third instalment of the A Pirate's Kiss Trilogy... More

Authors Note
Prologue | Secrets Revealed
Chapter 1 | The Burning Ship
Chapter 2 | What Zalas Decided
Chapter 3 | (P.1) Something Brewing
Chapter 3 | (P.2) Obsidian
Chapter 4 | Loss(t)
Chapter 5 | The War
Chapter 6 | The Dragon Returns
Chapter 7 | (P.1) Desperation
Chapter 7 | (P.2) Heartbeat
Chapter 8 | At Last
Chapter 9 | Acceptance
Chapter 10 | Beast
Chapter 11 | Monstrous
Chapter 12 | Bad Feelings
Chapter 13 | Breathe in the Rain
Chapter 14 | Destination
Chapter 15 | Brothers
Chapter 16 | Heartache
Chapter 17 | Clash
Chapter 18 | Touching The Surface
Chapter 19 | Prelude to Battle
Chapter 20 | Pride and Respect
Chapter 21 | Once I Could Breathe Again
Chapter 22 | Feelings of the Heart and Jealous Tantrums
Chapter 23 | Moments in Time
Chapter 24 | An Unwelcome Face
Chapter 25 | A Mysterious Night
The Prelude to Chapter 26
Chapter 26 | Beginning to Move
Chapter 27 | Intentions
Chapter 28 | Internal Struggle
Chapter 29 | Obsidian
Chapter 30 | Selfish
Chapter 31 | Stolen
Chapter 32 | Unwilling
Chapter 33 | The Truth Zalas Told
Chapter 34 | Unravelling
Chapter 35 | The Pirate King
Chapter 36 | Past and Present
Chapter 37 | Into the Void
Extra | April 2020
Chapter 38 | Time
Chapter 39 | Resurrection
Chapter 40 | D(evil)
Chapter 41 | The Nameless Boy
Chapter 42 | Grief and Bloodlust
Chapter 43 | Bittersweet
Chapter 44| (Un)alike
Chapter 45 | Vanguard
Chapter 46 | What I Must Do
Chapter 47 | A Matter of Pride
Chapter 48 | Full Circle
Chapter 49 | Past and Present
Chapter 50 | The Final Truth
Chapter 51 | Monarch
(Exciting) Announcement
Chapter 52 | Daybreak
Chapter 54 | (Un)contained
Chapter 55 | Only You
Crimson King Synopsis & Prologue
Author's Note
Extras (Fan Requests) | One
Extras (Fan Requests) | Two
Extras (Fan Requests) | Three
Extras (Fan Requests) | Four

Chapter 53 | Evolution

3.3K 347 56
By iluvdaisychain

I am not exaggerating when I say that this Chapter contains a piece of plot that I've had in my mind since about six years ago now. Gosh it was a relief to finally write it down. 

I hope you all enjoy,


Chapter 53 | Evolution


'Soulmates aren't just
l o v e r s .'

- Anon



Circe thought it would take them five days, but they made it in four.

It was laughable, how excellent the conditions were, and Cobalt teased her repeatedly that if such smooth sailing became the norm, then where was the fun in being a Pirate?

If it had been any other time, she might have agreed with him, but currently, she was too anxious to care. There was a restlessness in her heart, like an itch that she couldn't scratch, and she was finding it impossible to relax completely – although she had fallen back into a routine of sorts, the ease with which she found herself repeating familiar motions a direct contrast to her internal disquiet.

The early mornings she spent sitting on the railing at the bow, gazing out at the open ocean as the ship cut a path through the glass-like water, and in those moments, she felt as though it was her heart that was pulling them forwards. She enjoyed the time when the ship was quiet the most – when the sun had not quite yet breached the horizon and only one person stood at the helm, another on watch in the crow's nest. Usually it was Cobalt, Samson, or Hobbs that manned the wheel – and they let her sit in peace, drinking in the day.

The late nights she spent at the piano, her soft tinkering echoing out through the open door that led to her private balcony at the back of the ship. She always left the door open, imagining that at any moment, Anthemin might call her and she would walk out to see the young dragon there, swimming through the water as he kept pace with the ship easily.

The moments in-between were not so lonely, and she made good on her word to spend more time with the people important to her. She accompanied Lacy to breakfast, watched her play cards (and continue to lose) against Cobalt, practised her hand-to-hand combat with her, and listened as the other girl confessed her feelings for Leonardo, feelings that Lacy felt he did not reciprocate, but that Circe assured her he did – he just needed more time.

She spent time on her brother's ship, exploring the vessel and his rooms, absorbing all of the details that he had added to make it his own, refamiliarizing herself with the person who arguably, knew her better than anyone – even Obsidian.
She accompanied Nathaniel and Leonardo as the latter instructed Nate on this and that throughout the day, and she observed her brother's growth with her own eyes. She listened to his dreams and aspirations, some of which had only been realised rather recently, and shared his longing to return to the Duchy that was their home – even if there was hardly anything to return to.
Circe told Nate too, as a secret to keep between the two of them, of Ambrose's origin and his intention to guide him in his ventures. Understandably, Nathaniel had been surprised, but he had also accepted the information fairly quickly. Circe supposed that was probably due to the fact that he was less interwoven in the Kingdoms affairs than she was. It was a gift, in its own way, to be oblivious.

She took to visiting the room that Nathaniel had set aside for Tobias often, her other brother's body still perfectly preserved in the flawless diamond skin that Unabonan had gifted him. She had thought she might feel a little morbid, visiting a person who had already passed on – but Tobias's expression was so peaceful in death, that she could almost pretend he was sleeping.
The first time she had ventured there, her fingers had ghosted over his own, the diamond casing smooth and a little slippery against her skin, and she had found herself talking before she realised it – sharing with him every little detail that she wished she had been able to tell him when he was alive.
And she told him she loved him. Nathaniel had passed his final words onto her earlier, and she had felt her heart shatter all over again. So, she told him she loved him, and she repeated as many times as she pleased, but felt that it still was not enough. That it would never be enough.

When it became too much, she would inevitably find Cobalt, and his warmth would always thaw her out again and set her mind at ease. He was teaching her how to sail – she knew the basics of course – but she accompanied him at the helm, and he let her take the wheel as he taught her all of the finer details, his mind an endless wealth of knowledge.
It was in times like these that Circe was reminded of just how different their upbringing had been. Cobalt and Obsidian had grown up on the sea, it was their home, and they knew it like the backs of their hands, yet Cobalt never underestimated the ocean, Circe knew this much. She had never seen him take anything for granted.

"The sea is an unforgiving creature," he had told her, "turn your back on her for one moment and you're a dead man." His eyes had twinkled, "But if she was any less, then there would be no weight to our reputation now would there?" He had laughed, "and Obsidian would have lost interest long ago. He does not like to fight easy battles."

Circe had agreed drily, "I know that much."

But although the days did not drag, Circe still felt the weight of time pulling at her clothes. So, when a familiar white sea of lilies appeared at the horizon on the morning of the fourth day, Circe could hardly believe her eyes.

She leaned out over the side of the railing, her entire body filled with anxious anticipation and when Cobalt came down to join her, she had already decided.

"I'm going," she said resolutely.

"Can't wait any longer, huh?" The shaggy haired Pirate teased, as he lounged against the railing beside her.

Lacy was hanging off the bow and she looked back at the pair with a grin, "You know we would only be holding her back," she laughed freely.

"This is true," Cobalt mused thoughtfully, "I doubt they plan to let us all in anyway. Hobbson?" He called to confirm.

Up on the topside with his steady hands on the wheel, Hobbson gave a nod in reply. "Best let the Princess go ahead. These are friendly waters; we can last for a day or two while she goes to fetch Bones."

Cobalt let out a snort of laughter that Circe ignored. On her other side, Ambrose had appeared, his blue eyes serene.

"Let me accompany you."

Circe shook her head. "No, they know I am coming. It's fine to go alone."

Across the water, Nathaniel's vessel drew up alongside them. Her brother stood at the helm, in the same position as Hobbs, his curls shining golden in the early morning sun. Leonardo stood beside him, lounging against the railing with a light smile on his face.

"Are you going?" Nate called out to her, picking up on her mood immediately.

She met his gaze and nodded, her eyes shining brightly. "Yes."

He sent her a lazy grin, "I can think of worse places to weigh anchor while we wait."

Her heart swelled, "Thank-you," she said hoarsely, her words barely carrying across the gap.

He heard her though, he always did. Nathaniel jerked his head in the direction of the ocean of lily pads, ushering her on. "Get going then."

Beside her, Cobalt chuckled. "Yes, best not make my brother wait too long. I don't know what kind of cell they've put him in to keep him in one place – but I doubt it will hold him forever. You'd better hurry up before he escapes and really gets himself into trouble."

Lacy laughed and sent Circe a cheeky wink, "Yes, and he has some promises he needs to keep, don't you think?"

Circe flushed and Cobalt looked at Lacy abruptly, "Oi, what is that supposed to mean?" he demanded.

The other girl giggled, "Secret," she taunted mischievously.

"If you tell me, I'll consider your poker debts repaid."

Lacy stuck out her tongue, "Not a chance."

"Alright," Circe exclaimed loudly, cutting them off before they could get too far, "that's enough. If nobody has any problems with it, I'm going."

"Go on then," Cobalt grumbled, "keeping me in the dark as always." He straightened suddenly, seeming to think of something. "Oh, and make sure you don't let him off too lightly alright?" He told her sternly, "He was a right asshole when he left."

"I'm sure the little lady will make him beg for it," Samson chuckled, appearing to join group of onlookers, with Jacob close behind him.

Circe and Cobalt groaned in unison at the innuendo while Lacy hooted in the background.

Jacob flashed Circe a toothy grin, "That's right, little miss. You hafta make the Captain squirm, alright? Not many people can say they've had that opportunity."

Samson grinned, the big mans eyes creasing into cheerful half-moons, "Oh-ho, what I wouldn't give to see the Captain's face right now, I bet he's fuming."

"If you saw him like that, he'd probably rather shoot you than live with it," Cobalt groused crossly, still sore about the secret keeping.

Samson laughed heartily, "You're probably right," he slapped Cobalt on the back, making the shaggy-haired pirate cough with the force of the casual blow. "Alright then Princess," he said to Circe jovially, "off ya go. Thanks in advance for fetching our useless, sack of shit Captain for us, we are in your debt."

"What he said," Cobalt wheezed as he turned back to Samson with watering eyes, "and you," he demanded, "what are you trying to do, kill me?"

"Be careful," Ambrose warned from her other side. He had been quiet as he watched their antics, but now he spoke again and Circe could tell that he was worried, "your Father may have pre-warned them of your arrival but remember Zalas's supposed condition. The Kingdom may be unstable right now."

Circe could see the seriousness in his eyes and her mood sobered. She nodded, "I understand." He was right. She could only imagine how distraught Unabonan would be, let alone Airocei and the rest of Zalas's people.

The thought of this only made her all the more eager to get there as quickly as possible however, and she hastened onto the railing quickly.

"Alright," she said determinedly, "I will be back soon."

On her other side, Cobalt's mood had sobered also. He nodded curtly, "Be safe Princess."

Without further ado, she slipped over the side of the ship, flipping her body around to dive headfirst into the water below. The ocean here was as warm as she remembered it, and she spent a moment underwater in the shadow of the boat, removing her pants before she shifted and tying them tightly around her waist.

Although the clothes would affect her speed slightly, she needed something to wear upon arrival at the Air Kingdom gate. She doubted that whoever would be sent to receive her would have been instructed to bring clothes.

She felt the familiar sense of relief as her legs merged into a powerful tail and with a single flick, she breached the surface of the water again to give one last wave to the audience watching her from on board the ships.

"See you soon!" She heard Lacy call as she resubmerged, and with her body humming with anticipation and the strength of her family behind her, Circe pointed herself in the direction she needed to go and did not look back.

I'm coming, she thought with a fierceness that was tainted with longing. Not for the first time since they had been separated, she yearned to hear his voice.

Her heart ached in her chest, it's rhythm so painful that she felt as though she was suffocating. This was the feeling that she could not convey to anyone else, for fear of embarrassing herself when they did not understand.

It was beyond craving. She was burning for him. She wanted to covet him, to keep him all for herself. And this greed that smouldered like a hot coal in her chest, only flared more brightly when she was in her Siren form.

And she knew, oh how she knew, that the only one who would understand, was the person himself. And he understood because he felt exactly the same way.

Wait for me, her golden tail flicked out fluidly behind her as she swam powerfully through the water, I'm coming.


Circe swept through the lily ocean with a speed that Ambrose would have been proud of. The pretty blossoms that had once been her playground as she adapted and adjusted to her new Siren body, barely held the lightest distraction for her now as she glided beneath their large, saucer like leaves.

She broke the surface only once, her lithe form cutting an arc through the air as she reached down to briefly touch a crisp white flower, swiftly absorbing the energy it gave her at a rate that would have previously been unimaginable, before she was swallowed by the ocean once more.

The extra energy radiated through her deliciously and she laughed in astonishment at her own strength. Before, such an enhancement would have only been partially achievable thanks to the water pendant that she had at the time – the stone responsible for storing most of the excess energy she had gathered.

But now she could hold it all herself, and from the corner of her eye, she could see her golden tail and her long hair begin to glow as she swam, the effect of the excess energy a little less shocking in the daylight, but noticeable none the less.

It was around midday, when the vibrations underwater that had previously been ignorable, arrived in the forefront of Circe's thoughts. With her keen eyesight, she could see that the clear water ahead was becoming increasingly cloudy, and so she slowed her speed and swam upwards, breaching the surface once again.

The roar of the waterfall was more noticeable above the waves, as Circe was sure it had been for some-time. As she remembered, the surrounding air that was close to the surface of the ocean had become misty with sea spray – but the heat of the mid-morning sun tampered it slightly and Circe was able to make out the great waterfall that crashed down from the clouds high above her.

It was a breath-taking sight, and one Circe knew only improved from the back of a dragon.

She ducked under the surface to cover the last distance quickly, her eagerness rendering her mind blank as she swam forward mindlessly. It was only when she became unable to see the way in front of her, that she paused again, shifting back into her human form, and shuddering as her one tail split back into two legs. She unwrapped her pants from around her waist and manoeuvred herself into them – the material was mercifully billowing underwater and she pulled them on with ease.

Gathering her strength, she swam upwards, bursting from the water and transitioning seamlessly from ocean to sky, the air cool against her wet skin. She tread the surface of the ocean lightly, using the air currents to hover on the water, as she surveyed the surrounding landscape.

It was difficult to see anything through the mist and she knew she would have to go higher. Flying was different to swimming however, even though Circe knew that what she was doing was not truly flying. It was more like she was leaning on the air currents, relying on them to lift her upwards. She could not do it for a long period of time as it consumed too much energy, and as she set her sights on the patch of blue sky above, she only hoped that she would have strength enough to make herself known to whoever had come to receive her.

Her chest was already heaving with exertion as she tried to steady her breath. She had pushed herself to the limit today, her speed in the water was only capable because of the distance she had already travelled by ship, but she could not let herself be fatigued just yet.

Her hair still glowed with a dim light, the remnants of the dragon lilies energy powering her upwards as she soared higher and higher into the air, leaving the ocean far below – a height that would have been dizzying if she were not already so used to flying.

The air was marginally clearer up here, and the great waterfall thundered down in front of her, an impassable curtain. She stared a little helplessly at the obstacle in front of her. She could not get through on her own, the weight of the water would crush her. And the waterfall could not be manipulated by Water Sprite magic, Ambrose had taught her this. It was a dragon enhanced precaution that the Air Kingdom had taken, back in the days when the Kingdoms were still at war with each other.

No, only a Dragon could get her through, and as she felt her strength begin to weaken, she called out with her mind, using all of the power she had to ram up against the wall that divided her from Anthemin's mind.

I am here.

Circe waited, but there was no reply.

She dropped half a meter out of the sky but gritted her teeth and held on to try again.

Anthemin, she urged, I am here!

She could feel her strength draining tangibly now, like water through a sieve, but she forced herself to remain in the air. Her glowing hair dimmed back to its lustrous gold, illuminated by nothing more than sunlight and Circe dropped another two meters.

And then,


In front of her, the waterfall parted elegantly, like a seam coming undone on a dress and a white shape shot through, swooping under Circe just as she began to fall.

Cool white scales met her fingertips and a rush of energy hummed through her, it's touch warm, as though welcoming her home. She felt her eyes heat up as she threw herself forward to wrap her arms tightly around his neck as he flew.

"Anthemin," she breathed, you came.

Of course, the young dragon replied, although I am sorry, I am late.

It's alright, she thought to him tenderly as she settled back into the dip between his neck and shoulders, you can tell me about it once we are on the other side.

Indeed, came the solemn reply, are you ready?

Anthemin's powerful wings angled in the air, directing them towards the waterfall.

Yes, she thought keenly, yes. I am ready.

She crouched low against his neck, her cheek pressing against his smooth scales as he flew them towards the thunderous sheet of water. She felt his muscles gliding fluidly beneath her hands as his wings rose and fell on either side of her, strong and safe.

And then the dark water engulfed them and Circe – no more soaked than she already was – found herself flying through the black cave beyond, with Anthemin's body the only thing to ground her.

It was eerie, flying forwards at pace through such an absolute darkness, but it did not last long and soon they emerged out the other side. Circe gasped as the water ran off her face and her eyes were blinded by the white world beyond.

Such a contrast from the cave she had just exited was beyond dazzling and she squinted as she tried to adjust to the harsh light. Giving up after a moment, she buried her face in Anthemin's neck and blinked rapidly, trying to dispel the dancing spots of colour that clouded her vision.

We are heading for the Palace, Anthemin thought to her as he flew, some will arrive to take you to her Majesty. She wishes to see you.

"And Obsidian?" Circe gasped, peering around the side of his neck to take in the glittering city they were currently flying over.

The houses below seemed so miniscule, like the dollhouses she had played with when she was younger. But if everything had been made from diamond, she thought wryly, remembering the reason why the Air Kingdom glistened so magnificently.

The Pirate is at the Palace also, Anthemin replied, although he is in a different part.

Did Circe catch the slightest hint of humour in his tone? She stared at the back of the young dragon's head, her lips twisting with amusement.

So, I heard, she thought dryly.

She felt Anthemin's surprise through their link. His Highness confessed?

If you are talking about my Father, Circe though sarcastically, then yes. He did.

Anthemin fell silent, but Circe could feel his laughter, although it wasn't visible.

You think he deserved it, she accused.

Perhaps, the dragon thought unforgivingly.

Her lips twitched and she resisted the urge to ask what had happened. Something told her that she wasn't going to get an answer.

Instead, she asked the other question that had been weighing on her mind as she raised her head, her sight now adjusted to take in the dazzling landscape.

Zalas, she thought fervently, how is Zalas?

She was met with silence.

Anthemin, she pleaded, please ... I need to know.

There was another long pause, in which Circe felt like she might explode from the suspense.

It is better if you see for yourself, Anthemin said finally, we are almost at the Palace.

Circe held back her cry of frustration and lifted her gaze to the rapidly approaching Palace.

She found herself holding her breath, momentarily taken away by the sheer beauty of the structure. She had forgotten how ethereal it was, truly a Palace that seemed to float on the clouds, its glistening diamond turrets curling high into the sky.

Her heart hammered in her chest as they flew closer and she could no longer see the structure as a whole, so massive was the scale. Even when she craned her neck backwards, the upmost peak was still lost amongst the high cloud above her.

They skimmed around to the north, the side of the Palace that was drenched in sunlight, and Circe was at a loss to even remember the towers she had traversed before when she had last set foot here.

We are going straight to the Queens quarters, Anthemin informed her as he glided around the edge of the building, his wings creating a fleeting shadow over the windows that they flew past and the countless rooms beyond.

They soared upwards slightly and suddenly they were passing by an open balcony that wound and wrapped around one of the main towers. The balcony stretched outwards at the middle of the tower, providing a large open space on which a dragon could land.

Suddenly getting her bearings, Circe realised that she had been here before. This was where Unabonan had landed when Zalas had escorted her to the Air Kingdom the first time.

Just like his predecessor before him, Anthemin landed with a great gust of wind, his wings swooping outwards before tucking away neatly into his sides. Circe dismounted gracefully, the feeling of nostalgia heightening as she did. She could almost picture Zalas, smirking in front of her as he helped her down of Unabonan's back – her first ever dragon ride.

"You have arrived."

Pulled from her thoughts, Circe looked up sharply to see that a person had approached while she had been lost in her memories.

"It's you."

Elika stood before her, her posture guarded. The tiny Air Sprite was dressed similarly to what Circe had seen her wear before, and she remembered Zalas saying that Elika was a warrior of high standing back in his home Kingdom.

Elika regarded her coolly and after a moment gave a small, stiff bow. "Her Majesty sent me to receive you. I am to take you to her. Come this way."

Circe hesitated, looking back at Anthemin.

The young dragon had settled onto the cool diamond floor, his pale, reptilian eyes unblinking as he watched her.

I will wait for you, he thought sincerely, sensing her worry, you do not need to be afraid.

She nodded before turning back to follow Elika. The Air Sprite had already began to walk away and Circe hurried after her, her thoughts muted.

She couldn't decide which she was more nervous about in this moment in time, Obsidian or Zalas. She felt like it might be a close tie and tried not to laugh at the fact that the last person she thought she would be worrying over was Zalas of all people.

Elika did not speak as she led Circe down the winding balcony that her and Anthemin had flown past. The Air Sprite nodded to a pair of guards that were stationed outside a set of ornate doors, before continuing down the balcony and into a covered hallway. There was no door to transition between inside and outside, but suddenly the light was not quite as dazzling as before and Circe breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Although beautiful, this Kingdom really was blinding.

They turned a corner into a hall that ended with an opulent pair of double doors, similar, yet more extravagant, than the ones they had passed by earlier. It was in front of these doors that Elika halted, stepping forward once to address the guards outside.

"As requested by her Majesty, I have arrived with the Princess."

The guards nodded, stepping forward to take a handle each and the doors swung open.

"Come." Elika stepped through without hesitation.

Feeling a sudden sense of deja'vu, Circe fervently hoped that the scene inside would not be a replication of the last throne room she had entered. She wasn't sure that she could face another room full of people with her current state of mind. She glanced down at her clothes and realised, too late, that she was still slightly damp from her swim, although the flight had dried her somewhat. What a mess.

Fortunately, there were only two people present within the room when Circe entered, although she did not notice the second one at first. Her eyes were fixed the woman who was on a diamond throne at the end of a golden carpet - none other than Airocei herself. The Queen looked up as the doors opened, and her lovely face broke into an elegant smile as she watched Circe step out from behind Elika.

"Circe, my dear, you are finally here."

Airocei stood as Circe curtseyed formally, acknowledging her Aunt's status. She looked up and smiled. "My Father told you I would come?" she guessed.

Airocei all but laughed as she glided forwards to take Circe's face in her pale hands. "My dear child," she said fondly, "you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you call him Father. After all this time, I thought him lost and I bemoaned the fact that you two would never meet," Airocei's opalescent eyes twinkled, "do you like him?"

Circe flushed lightly, "I do," she confessed, "we have a lot in common."

Airocei smiled, " I am pleased. As for whether or not you would come," her hands dropped from Circe's face to grasp her fingers instead, "you say it as though you had a choice." This time, her smile held the slightest trace of smugness, mixed in with amusement, and Circe stared in disbelief at the obvious implication in her tone.

Where was the serene, expressionless Queen she had met previously? Circe had seen Airocei with her Mother, back at the Water Kingdom – had watched as the two of them had chatted away like sisters – but she had never imagined that the sort of smug pettiness she had observed in Zalas, and more recently in her Father, would apply to the sophisticated woman standing before her now.

Maybe it really was an Air Sprite thing.

But more importantly, Circe noted, this did not seem like a woman whose son was hanging on the brink of death. Circe felt her hope flair slightly and she opened her mouth, the question falling from her lips bluntly before she could think of more delicate wording.

"Is Zalas alive?"

There was a pause and Circe felt her heart thundering in her chest. When Airocei did not reply straight away, she began to babble unconsciously.

"Father told me that – well no, actually, Anthemin informed me that Obsidian was flying him here, and that was why he had come. He told me that Zalas had ... that he had been injured. And then Father said that- he said that Zalas ... he's not, I mean. He can't be ... he's alright, isn't he, I just-"

Airocei laid a hand on her arm to halt her and when Circe looked into the other woman's face, she was embarrassed to find that her cheeks with hot and her eyes damp.

"It's just," she said hoarsely as she gathered her thoughts, "he can't be gone," she looked at Airocei pleading. "Please, I've waited so long. Please tell me the truth."

The Queen sighed and finally gave Circe a small smile. "After all the horror my children have put you through, I would not have blamed you if you had disowned us all completely," she said falteringly, and for the first time Circe saw a vulnerability in the woman's eyes that she had never seen before.

"You can breathe my Dear. Zalas is alive ... he's just ... well. It's going to take him some time to recover."

Circe's heart was flooded with relief. "Thank-god," she whispered, feeling as though she was deflating slowly.

Airocei sighed, "My sweet child, the fact that you even have it in you to worry about him after what he did to you – I should have cursed him with that storm cloud for longer."

"Cursed him with what?" Circe managed to ask curiously through her mind-numbing onslaught of relief.

Airocei patted her hand tenderly, "Never mind Dear."

It was then that Circe's gaze drifted over Airocei's shoulder to catch sight of the figure standing quietly by the window at the far end of the room. She had not noticed him till he had shifted, his body silhouetted by the bright light of the open sky behind him.

But it was a silhouette that was all too familiar, and she stared in slight disbelief that he had not spoken up before.

Airocei followed her gaze. "Oh, yes. Well-"

Her voice was lost on Circe as she stepped closer to the figure at the window, calling out his name in incredulity.


The figure turned towards her and she felt her relief quickly dissipate into anger. If he had been standing there this entire time, why had he let her worry like that? He could have told her sooner – or perhaps he had enjoyed the show of her distressing over him. She wouldn't put it past him.

She took another step forward and the light from the window suddenly encompassed her too, revealing his face to her.

She had been right, it was Zalas. But there was something different about him. Something she couldn't put her finger on. His handsome face was blank as he stared down at her haughtily, his fine brows furrowing lightly. The expression was nothing new. That was how he looked at everyone. His opalescent eyes flashed and for a moment she thought she saw his pupils thin into reptilian slits.

Behind her, she could hear Airocei approaching.

"Circe," she was saying, "that's not-"

And then the Zalas in front of her spoke. But his lips did not move. And when the familiar voice washed through her mind, it was not the voice she had been expecting to hear.

A long, scaled tail, flicked out from behind the man's legs, swaying lazily from side to side. He unfolded his arms from where they were crossed over his chest, revealing smooth, white scaled skin and elegant claws. His long white hair swung forward to hide one side of his face, as he bent over to take her hand, his lips pressing lightly against her skin. The tip of a pointed ear peeked through the colourless tresses.

Vanima, Unabonan acknowledged, straightening once more, I am pleased to see you well.


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Iris is a Lycanthrope. A moon-child, born into a world fantasy and dreams. However, raised in isolation, she has no desire to venture beyond the com...
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Upon the blurred line of morality and at the mercy of circumstance, two souls meet. Again. And again. And again. So, is it simply a coincidence or so...