š€ š­šØš®šœš” šØšŸ šŒššš„šŸšØ...

By sxmpfortheweasleys

401K 9.8K 16.9K

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thank you.


5.8K 153 197
By sxmpfortheweasleys

Hi bubs!:) lowkey long chapterrrr😳✋ I was honestly gonna add more to it but than I realized that it was already pretty long lol sooo you'll just see that next chapter😏

Anyways hope y'all enjoy!!<33

It was nearing the end of October by now. The Great Hall was full of floating jack-o-lanterns for Halloween, giving off a very festive vibe.

I was always confused about how no one dressed up at Hogwarts for the holiday. I guess it was a muggle thing so rarely any of the students here knew that people went trick-or-treating, but it still seemed as though it would be fun.

I walked into my dorm, tired from the school day. I flop onto my bed, turning my head to look at Pansy and Daphne.

"We should dress up for Halloween," I suggest, as I lay on my stomach, resting my head in my hands.

"Pardon?" Daphne asks, taking her gaze off the book she was reading and furrowing her brows in confusion at me.

"You know- like muggles do," I say, shrugging slightly.

Pansy's head turns quickly to look at me, a slight smirk of amusement on her face.

"Wouldn't it be weird if just us three dressed up?" She asks, sitting up in her bed.

I clear my throat quietly, biting my lip as I think. It definitely could be strange if three students randomly dressed up, while everyone else stayed in normal clothes.

I think for a moment, my mind running through people who could possibly dress up with us, and then.. bingo.

"We could get the boys to dress up with us," I lazily smirk at the thought.

I'm not sure why my brain couldn't just think of a normal boy dressing up. I chuckle slightly as an imagine of Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle all wearing pink and purple princess dresses, with sparkly tiaras, and high heels enters my mind. Not gonna lie though.. they do look kind of good.

"Yeah right," Pansy says, rolling her eyes slightly, leaning her head on the back of her bed.

"They'd never do that," Daphne adds, a slight frown on her face.

I sigh, sitting up on my bed. I think about how we could convince them, maybe money? Blackmail? Tricking them into doing it? A bet?

My mind pauses on that idea. A bet could definitely work, especially seeing how stupid and arrogant they all are.

"What if we make a bet with them? They win, we don't dress up, we win, they dress up with us," I say, quirking an eyebrow.

Pansy and Daphne glance at each other, small smirks on their faces.

"What would the bet be?" Pansy asks, seeming intrigued by the idea. 

"Well.. what's something they think they're amazing at?" I ask, trying to think of an answer.

There's a moment of silence between us, all of us deep in thought, before Daphne's head pops up.

"Quidditch!" She says, excitement in her voice.

"Daph- we can't beat them at quidditch." Pansy says, sighing as her arms cross over her chest.

Daphne's body relaxes, slight disappointment on her face.

I bite my lip, more thoughts taking over my mind. After moments of thinking, nothing seems to be a better idea than quidditch, the sport us three had absolutely no experience in.

"Maybe-" I sigh. "Maybe it's worth a try." I say, shrugging slightly.

Pansy looks at me, her brows furrowed in confusion. She thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"How are we gonna do it then?" She asks in denial.

I give her a questioning look, puzzled on what she means.

"Win. How are we gonna win?" She asks, a smirk growing on her lips.

Daphne and I grin at her, excitement beaming through us.

I honestly had no idea how we were gonna win, but it did sound fun.

_  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _
    -      -       -      -      -      -

I stare down at the broomstick that I was straddling, determination rushing through my body.

"Do you two even know how to ride these things?" Daphne asks, slight concern on her face.

Pansy, Daphne, and myself now stood on the grass field, all straddling brooms awkwardly. It was clear none of us knew what we were doing, but it was our only hope.

"My dad taught me when I was young.. not sure if I still posses those skills though." I shrug, a small smile on my face.

Daphne nods slightly, glancing back down at her broom.

"Well-" Pansy clears her throat. "I quit Madam Hooch's class after 2 weeks so.." Pansy says, not having to finish her sentence for us to realize she has absolutely no idea what she's doing.

I sigh quietly, hoping she's naturally talented at the sport. Though, the likely chances of that were extremely low.

"What about you, Daph?" I question, glancing over at her.

"I like watching the quidditch practices sometimes.." she mutters quietly, barely lifting her gaze off her broomstick.

I nod at her, hoping she'll have some tips for Pansy and I.

A small hopeless laugh leaves my lips at the thought of us three, even thinking we could beat them at quidditch. I found it funny, honestly.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I smirk at them, gripping my hands around the broom.

I kick off the ground, holding in a squeal as my broom floats off the ground. I haven't flown in awhile, not since I used to occasionally play quidditch with my dad.

Daphne's eyes widen as she watches me float, though Pansy's eyes seeming to be glued on her broomstick.

I watch as Pansy harshly kicks off the ground, her broom instantly flying up. A high pitched squeal leaves her mouth, as she soars up.

I can't hold in the laugh that escapes my mouth at the sudden movement. I very much doubt she meant to go that quickly, that far.

Daphne kicks off soon after, slowly floating up to where Pansy and I were floating.

"Great! We're all up in the air!" I grin, feeling slightly accomplished already.

"G-great," Pansy stutters, her eyes full of fear.

"Who's going to play as who?" Daphne asks, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

I think for a moment at their performances, trying to figure out who would be best at playing each position.

None of us seem to be good at quidditch, that was obvious, but what could help was that we were playing against the boys. I knew that Pansy would never let Blaise (who played chaser whenever the boys would play for fun)  score a goal in a million years, possibly a Keeper.

I also knew that Daphne could easily outsmart Goyle (who plays Keeper in their games) in the game, a good role for a Chaser.

Then Draco. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin seeker. I seemed to be closest to him throughout us three girls, and knowing me, that meant I could win. I knew I could distract him from getting the snitch.

I explained this idea to the girls, and they nodded excitedly at their newly announced positions.

We practiced for the next hour or two, determined to beat the boys.

It surprised me how much the positions I gave them, really fit not only their skills, but also their personalities. I felt a proudness in my heart for them, almost in a motherly way, weirdly enough.

I seemed to be the coach out of us three, but not in a bossy way. Daphne would chime in often, telling us things the team did at practice that she noticed, which helped quite a bit. Who knew her stalker-ish type behavior could help us in the long run.

Pansy loved thinking of new ideas on how we could win against the boys, whether that was getting them hurt, slipping them a potion, or even flashing them before the round started.

We decided that we should end our little practice, as the sky seemed to be getting cloudier, intending for a storm to come. The wind had also gotten stronger, making it hard for us to fly in certain directions.

Once we landed on the ground, the three of us hopped off our brooms, returning them to the shed of random quidditch gear.

I smile at the girls proudly, before noticing a few students about 30 feet or so behind Pansy.  I recognize them instantly, as Draco, Blaise, and Goyle. Crabbe wasn't there, surprisingly, but he seemed to always be doing his own thing nowadays.

They were talking to each other, laughing occasionally. Draco was leaning against a tree, his arms crossed over his chest as he spoke. Blaise was sitting on a rock, poking it with a small stick unconsciously, while laughing with Draco about a joke Goyle apparently said.

Pansy and Daphne noticed where I was looking, turning their heads to see the boys as well. Three evil smirks plastered on all of our faces at the sight of them.

"Let's go make a bet, shall we?" I say, quirking an eyebrow at them.

They both turn back around to face me, Daphne grinning, while Pansy leans on one of her hips, her arms crossed in front of her as a lazy smirk grows on her lips.

"We shall." The black haired girl says, turning back around as she starts walking towards them.

Daphne and I glance at each other excitedly, before following behind her. Our chins are high, our chests slightly out as we walk confidently to them.

"Hello, boys." Pansy speaks, confidence beaming off her.

I've always loved Pansy's confidence. She gained it so easily, and showed it off easily as well. I had my moments where I was confident, but it doesn't always come naturally to me.

"Hello, girls." Blaise sneers back at her, a slight smirk growing on his lips.

"We'd like to make a bet," She responds, taking a few steps closer to them.

"And what would that be?" Blaise asks, amusement in his voice.

"If we win against you guys at quidditch, you have to dress up with us for Halloween." Pansy answers instantly, her words clear but stern.

"And if we win?" Draco chimes in, quirking an eyebrow.

"Then you don't have to dress up," she says, turning her gaze towards the blonde.

Draco scoffs, looking down at the ground as he shakes his head slowly.

"Oh c'mon, how about you three have to do our homework for a week if we win." He smirks, glancing at Pansy and then over to me.

"A week!?" I ask, my mouth open in shock.

"Not a whole week!" Daphne adds, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms.

I nod in agreement, waiting for Draco's next words, hoping he'll change the amount of time.

"Alright fine, 3 days." He says, tilting his head slightly.

Pansy turns around to face us, asking for our approval. The three of us glance at each other quickly before I shrug slightly, mouthing the words "might as well" to them. Daphne nods at my words, before we both look at Pansy, who lets out a long sigh before turning back around.

"Deal." She says sternly, holding out her hand for Blaise to shake it.

He smirks at the three of us, before turning his gaze back to Pansy, lifting his hand up to shake hers.

"Deal." He says, shaking her hand in agreement.

I take a few steps, leaning against the same tree that Draco was by. He glances at me quickly, before taking a breath in and speaking.

"Who's in what position?" He asks, his fingers twirling around his rings.

"Pansy and Goyle are keepers, Daphne and Blaise are the chasers, and that leaves me and you to be seekers." I respond, smirking at the platinum blonde who stands about a foot away from me.

The group nods, starting a conversation about when the game will be, what time, etc. I listen to the conversation slightly before I'm distracted by the boy standing next to me.

"Does it now?" He says, quirking a brow an amusement.

"Seems it does." I smirk at him, crossing my arms over my stomach.

He chuckles lowly, looking at the ground before meeting my eyes once again.

"You really think you can beat me?" He says quietly, almost whispering.

"Guess we'll just have to see," I smile innocently at him.

He nods his head slowly, a smirk on his face.

"Guess so."

_  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _  -  _
    -      -       -      -      -      -


lowkey love their little power trio😳

Anyways y'all ready for a quidditch gameeeee ooooohhhh lol, I'm excited to write about it!

Question, should I add the golden trio into this story? If so should we be kinda friends with them? Do they have a crush on us😏? Are we enemies?

Once again, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! TYSM FOR 5K READS THATS BEYOND CRAZY OMG-

I love you so much! Have a wonderful day:))<33

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