In Silence (Book 1) || Loki X...

By KatLovesFictionalMen

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Tony Stark is an expert in finding hidden 'talents' in people and he didn't resist doing the same with you. A... More

Chapter 1: I think he'll shoot you
Chapter 2: But I am not a superhero
Chapter 3: Meeting the Avengers
Chapter 4: Alone with Loki
Chapter 5: Wrong room
Chapter 7: Your second mission
Chapter 8: Your idea
Chapter 9: In your mind
Chapter 10: You say the truth
Chapter 11: Shopping
Chapter 12: The party
Chapter 13: The illness
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: You get better
Chapter 16: A tour to Asgard
Chapter 17: The guest of honour
Chapter 18: A magical night
Chapter 19: The day after
Chapter 20: The vault
Chapter 21: Back in New York
Chapter 22: Hungover
Chapter 23: An unpleasant assignment
Chapter 24: Leo Marcus
Chapter 25: Disaster
Chapter 26: Why are you here?
Chapter 27: Really?
Chapter 28: That's not me
Author's Note
Chapter 29: Decision making
Chapter 30: Unexpected guest
Chapter 31: Back on Asgard
Chapter 32: The voice in your head
Chapter 33: Training with Frigga
Chapter 34: The legend of Freyja
Chapter 35: Your mother's house
Chapter 36: The whole story (part 1)
Chapter 37: The whole story (part 2)
Chapter 38: I know you
Chapter 39: The only way
Chapter 40: Goodbye
Author's Note
We are back!!!

Chapter 6: Your first mission

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By KatLovesFictionalMen

The next morning you woke up early and ready to start your training. You quickly woke yourself up, got into some leggings and a sweatshirt and made your hair into a messy bun. Then you immediately rushed into the kitchen where, to your surprise, everyone was, even Loki.

"Good morning." You smiled at everyone.

"Hey y/n isn't it a little early for you?" Steve said and you looked at the clock. It was indeed 8.45am, you didn't usually wake up at least before 9.30.

"Leave her Steve she is excited for her mission." Nat smiled at you and you moved towards to the sit next to her. "You know that you will have to dress better for this right?" She continued.

"What is it with you and my clothes?"

"I am just saying you will have to wear heels for that." You immediately stopped and looked at Tony with your eyes wide open.

"That was not in the file."

"That was obvious!" Tony laughed at you.

You shook you head in disappointment and sat next to Nat letting out a big sigh.

"How will I even be able to fight with hells?"

"Asgardian women fight with heels all the time." Thor said and you looked at him with a deadly look.

"Ok relax, kid, you are not going to fight anyone." Tony stopped you from throwing your knife at him.

"But if there's a need to do so?"

"If you need so you can use them as weapons, they can be quite deadly." Nat told you and you all laughed, except Loki of course whose face was again cold and expressionless.

After you were all done and the kitchen was back to its clean state everyone started heading back to their daily tasks. Nat and Bucky headed to the training room first as you went to your room to grab some gear and a bottle of water. When you got out again you saw Loki standing outside his room ready to get in. You looked at him for a second and he returned your gaze.

"Hey." You finally said.

"Hi." He said back. With an awkward smile, you started walking out of the corridor when Loki suddenly stopped you.

"The wound on your palm is still pretty fresh." You turned and looked at him trying to hide you smirk.

"Yeah I know." You turned around and walked fast towards the elevator. What exactly was that? Was Loki showing emotions? No that was not possible, but then again maybe he had started to like you. You had actually started to like him too, he was a really nice guy, no matter what the others said.

Only a few seconds later the elevator doors opened snapping you out of your thoughts and your training had officially started. It was hard at first, as fun as Bucky was in real life in the battle field he was like a different person. Both him and Nat were convinced to get your fighting skills as high as possible until the end of the week, which concerned you a little. One the other hand Tony and Bruce were a little bit less hard on you. They knew you already knew how to use of powers perfectly, or not according to Loki but they didn't know that and you were trying to forget it as well.

The rest of your days were only training and numerous tests form Tony, who was clearly getting more worried about you every day and you didn't need to hear his thoughts to know. With all these you barely had time to eat and sleep but you knew that eventually it would be worth it, when you finally got to your first mission. Of course you didn't have time to talk to Loki either, you really had to though, you had to know more about your powers, maybe you could even persuade Tony and the others to let him train you, he seemed to know a lot more than any of you combined. But of course first Loki had to agree to train you (although you had a feeling he would) and then say it to Tony but this week had no room for such drama, so you let it aside for a while.

The morning of your mission there was a visible tension all over the pent house but you just chose to ignore it. Today was the day, your first mission and you couldn't be happier. In breakfast everyone could see how exited you were but they obviously didn't share the same feeling, they were scared for you, but you were ready. Thanks to Tony and Bruce you had better control over your powers than ever and you were feeling so ready for the mission. In addition to that everyone had been so loud all morning, their thoughts anyway. You tried to block them as much as you could but they were too loud.

'What if things go too far?'

'Is she really ready?'

'Something is definitely going to go wrong.'

Wow, that was...They were all very worried about you indeed, but for no particular reason. Of course again Loki's mind was closed but you could see something was definitely bothering him. It really surprised you the fact that they still didn't believe in you one-hundred  percent. It even hurt a little. You decided to keep listening a little more.

'Is she trained enough?'

'What if the guy plays a trick one her?'

'She will not be able to handle all of it.'

That was probably enough.

"Ok guys you know I can read minds right?" Everyone suddenly looked at you with their eyes wide open.

"Were you eavesdropping? I thought we talked about this." Tony tried to turn it around.

"Well you weren't exactly quiet!" He sighed.

"Kid, we are just worried."

"Well I get that but why? You've seen what I can do and how well I can do it."

"Yes but this guy has a lot of mind games. How do you think he has being getting away all this time?"

"But he doesn't have powers. Tony I'll be just fine." You gave him a sweet smile and got up. "Now if you'll excuse me I am going to get ready." You started walking towards the living room but then Nat stopped you.

"Hey wait, I have your clothes ready."

"Excuse me?"

"What did you think that you were going to appear in the interrogation room wearing leans and a T-shirt?"

"Well..." You tried to protest but Nat was already dragging you to your room.

She immediately sat you down on you desk and closed the door behind you. She was really scaring you at that point, what was she going to do? She got into the bathroom, got a small bag and placed it on the desk in front of you.

"Will it hurt?" You asked now terrified.

"Shhhh." Nat cut you immediately and started working on your hair.

In the begging it seems like she was going for a simple ban but soon enough you realised this was not what was on her mind. She pulled a few hair on the one side and some on the other, for the most part your eyes were closed so tight, and you were trying very hard not to scream at Nat's face. But just few minutes later, when she was finally finished you realised it was definitely worth it. She had pulled your hair into a beautiful side ban and your make-up looked gorgeous. This was probably the best you hade ever looked in your entire life, and you loved it, for just one day.

Nat then, obviously proud for her work, went again into the bathroom and came out with a black garment bag. How did she even got all these thing out of your bathroom? You got up and moved towards Nat who unzipped the bag to reveal a beautiful to-the-knee, black slim skirt and a simple but smart, white shirt. The outfit was indeed stunning and definitely not something you were used to wearing, for a moment you even thought that you wouldn't be able to fit in it but Nat eventually made you to go and put it on. Once you did though, you were filled with a different feeling, you felt...pretty? Of course you knew you were pretty but seeing yourself in that outfit was something completely different. Nat could also see how much you loved it and obviously she loved it too; at that point it didn't even bother you the fact that you had to were heels.

Once you were ready you and Nat got out of your room and into the living room where everybody was. In no time you got a few looks of impression from Bucky and Clint and a warm smile from Tony. The others tried not to show their emotions so much but eventually failed and you ended up in a room where everyone was staring at you.

"Yeah, I know get over it." You said and walked to the kitchen but Tony stopped you.

"There's no time, S.H.I.E.L.D is coming to pick you up." He said opening the files on his hands.


"Yes, you'll meet Fury. Don't worry none of us like him." Tony started talking quite quickly at the moment which made you nervous.


"No time. Look here are some more notes I thought you could use and I made you some-"

"Tony." You put your hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "I am going to be fine, don't worry." Loki suddenly walked in, no one really paid attention to him except from you and Thor. You looked him in the eyes for a second and then focused again on Tony.

"Can you at least take those?" He handed you a pair of glasses.

"Tony I don't wear glasses."

"These are special, they are like mine just without JARVIS. You have a different assistant, her name is FRIDAY. I am sure you are going to like each other."

"Ok then. Thank you." Before you could say more some S.H.I.E.L.D agents walked out of the elevator and came towards you.

"Are you y/n y/l/n?"

"In the flesh."

"Please follow us. Director Fury is waiting for you in the car."

You nod and the agents got back into the elevator waiting for you. Before you stepped in with them you looked back at everyone giving them a big smile. They were really happy for you, you could tell, except Loki of course who looked weirder than usual but you just chose to ignore it. You got into the elevator and the doors slowly closed in front of you.

The agents led you from the elevator to a long black car. Once you got inside you came face to face with a bald man with an eye patch on his right eye. You immediately assumed he was Nick Fury. He looked at you in the eyes which made you quite nervous. You tried to look confident by looking on his good eye and keep a straight face, trying to hide your enthusiasm.

"So you're y/n. Huh."

What? What did he mean huh? You tried to protest but Fury seemed to have no time waste so he stopped you before you could say anything. He opened a weird, drawer-like thing under his seat and got a file out of it. Another file? Hadn't you already read everything you needed to know?

"I'm guessing there is no need for introduction. In there you will find your ID to properly enter the building and some information about you 'new self'" He handed you the file and you opened it.

"No one mentioned a new identity."

"It was not important. It's just for your safety." Fury said and you started reading the file without saying a word.

Apparently your 'new self', as Fury had called it, was a woman named Laura Winters. They basically just changed your name and some personal information but you didn't have a problem with that.

The rest of the drive was silent, you avoided making eye contact with Fury by reading the file over and over again. He obviously caught onto that since the file was only one page long but he did seem to care. At some point, just some time after you had entered the car, the driver stopped and the door was opened for Fury to get out. You assumed you were there do you tried to follow him but he stopped you.

"This is my stop. From now on you're on your own. Good luck agent y/l/n" He said and closed the car door behind him.

Agent y/l/n? You didn't quite like that. You we not one of his little puppets. They needed your help, you came and that was it. You didn't have any plans of working for S.H.I.E.L.D for the rest of your life. This was temporary.

Just a few minutes later the car stopped and you were standing outside a massive and smart looking building. After admiring it for a minute you took a deep breath, wore the glasses Tony had given you and entered the premises.

As you walked a little further, and before you had any time to wander around a woman with short drown hair cam up to you.

"You must be y/n." She told you.


"I am Maria Hill." She took out her hand and you shook it. "So if you could follow me, we have Benedict in the interrogation room and we are ready to start. Of course if you are ready too."

"Umm, yes I am ready." You followed Maria.

You stepped into the interrogation room and immediately came eye to eye with a ugly looking, blond guy sitting on a chair opposite for you. He was Benedict and he was obviously not happy to be here and you didn't need to read his mind to know that, a simple look on his face was enough. There was another black haired, tall guy in the room as well. He was standing next to you and have you a nod as you entered.

The interrogation went on pretty smoothly. The black haired guy, who as it turned out was the interrogator asked Benedict a lot of question to most of which he answered with a lie but that was why you were there. They had told you to detect and write down every one of his lies and report them to the interrogator in the end. They said it was the safest way so no one would suspect anything. S.H.I.E.L.D didn't want anyone to know about your powers, yet. You didn't quite understand why but you didn't understand a hole bunch of other things they had told you so you didn't question anything.

When the interrogation was finally over you reported every lie Benedict had said back to the interrogator and talked it over with him. Every time the interrogator asked him a question he always thought of the truth first, which made your job even easier. After you were done Maria came back to get you to your car. It was admittedly way more boring and lame than you had imagined. You got into the car that had brought you to the building and headed home still bummed but also pleased.

This was your first mission. It was anyway a start.

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