Forever Yours// Reggie

By staybeautiful_1

44.6K 906 179

She's been watching over her best friends family for twenty-five years, she never left their side. Just like... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas/ New Year Special
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

1.4K 31 1
By staybeautiful_1

The first place that Julie and I did was go to Flynn's house but when her mom told Julie that she wasn't home Julie and myself raised an eyebrow but left anyway.

"Flynn I know you're mad at me but I have something to tell you, please call me back," Julie said as she left Flynn a voicemail

Julie groaned in frustration as she hung up the phone, I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"She'll come around Jules," I told her as we entered the back yard and made our way towards the front

"I don't know Amelia, she clearly doesn't.." Julie started but I quickly got her to stop

"What's Flynn doing here?" I asked as I nudged her to stop

Julie's head turned towards the direction I was looking in and love and behold there stood Flynn.

"Flynn" Julie called out "what are you doing here? W-I've been looking all over for you"

Flynn pressed her lips together and shrugged her shoulders

"Not everywhere cause here I am," Flynn said

"I've been texting you all day," Julie told her as we both made our ways over to Flynn "the least you could've done was text me back"

"We literally went to your house" I emphasized but I knew she couldn't hear me

Flynn started making her way from the front porch going towards Julie, "I sent the poop emoji-I think it said everything"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "that could literally mean anything" I shrugged as Julie took a breath

"I was just returning this" Flynn stated as she pulled out her double trouble Flynn "I won't need it anymore"

Flynn tried to hand it back but Julie grabbed a hold of it not letting Flynn give her the shirt.

"I'm not taking it" Julie said as she gave her back the shirt

"Fine. Then my dad can wash his car with it though all this betrayal on it might scratch his paint" Flynn told us

"Look. I'm very sorry for not telling you." Julie started "but I-I need you to know how important you are to me. There's no way I would've made it through this year if it wasn't for you"

"Yet it was four strangers who got you back into music" Flynn snapped

"I am not a stranger" I huffed "you should know that"

"I don't need someone in my life who lies and keeps things from me," Flynn said "Goodbye Julie"

Flynn was about to leave but Julie held her back, "They're ghost" she blurted

"What?" Flynn asked shocked

"Here we go" I sang

"The boys and girl in my band, they are not holograms. They're ghosts, and when we play together people can see them." Julie explained

"Oh tell her I'm not a stranger!" I exclaimed

"And that girl isn't a stranger, she's my Tía Amelia" Julie continued

"What do you mean ghost? The kind that rattles chains and go boo?" Flynn asked "and your Tía? Come on Julie"

"No, pretty sure that's just a hurtful ghost stereotype. And yes it's my Tía Amelia." Julie told her "those four are just normal dead dudes, well..."

"Reggie is a little questionable" Julie and I both said together causing me to laugh and her to smile

Flynn immediately picked up her phone and started texting, "who are you texting?" Julie asked

Flynn flashed her eyes at Julie, "you're dad. He told me to text him if I was worried about you and umm I'm worried"

"You can't let her do that Julie, tell her about that song!" I told her as she looked at me "take her phone!"

Julie reached out and did as I said, "alright" Julie stated "so you wanna be difficult? Meet me in my mom's studio in 30 minutes, and I'll prove to you that I'm not crazy."

I nodded my head once proudly and held my head up high, "you tell her Julie" I smiled

"And please don't text my dad" Julie pleaded

Flynn looked at Julie I'm defeat and grabbed her phone back, "you have 30 minutes"

Julie let out a huff and looked down, I followed her eyes and noticed that Flynn had a Carton of eggs in her bag.

"Eggs?" Julie asked "why did you bring eggs"

"To throw at your house duh" I stated as Flynn stuttered as she quickly picked up her bag.

Flynn let out a guilty laugh, "hehe see I grabbed those by's not like I-I was going to throw them are your bedroom window or anything"

I let out a laugh as I looked between Julie and Flynn. "This is why I like her" I mentioned

Julie shook her head and walked away as Flynn called out the time Julie had to get the boys ready. I took one last look at Flynn and vanished to the studio. When I got there Julie was just opening the doors, the boys looked at us confused as I clapped my hands.

"Alright party people we got 30 minutes to perfect Flying Solo because Flynn is coming over!" I announced

The boys instantly stopped what they were doing and joined me as I started to set up my guitar. And for the last 30 minutes we spent our time making sure that this performance was perfect. As Julie went to collect Flynn I decided to give the boys a little pep talk.

"Alright boys, this means a lot to Julie so don't mess it up. And I know that we're going to rock this so there shouldn't be a problem" I told them

"Was that a pep talk or a threat?" Luke asked amused

"Take it how you want, just remember that I'm a ghost too" I shrugged smirking at him

Julie and Flynn then walked in making the three of us going into our spots. As Julie made her way to the keyboard Reggie cleared his voice.

"Umm Julie?" He asked all innocently "can you maybe get her to move? I need space to rock out...and I really don't wanna walk through her"

I gave Reggie a smile as I let out a soft chuckle, Julie looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Uh, actually, can you go over there? Reggie needs some space to rock out and he feels kinda weird walking through you." Julie asked Flynn

Flynn laughed but made her way to the chair, "boy, when you create a world, you really live in it" Flynn said

I gave her a glare and made my way over to the keyboard making sure everything was set up okay.

"If you'll notice, there's no equipment that will produce a hologram. Feel free to look around" Julie told her making me smirk

"Everything is all set up here boss" I smiled at Julie "just after you play a few keys you'll wanna hit this button so it will keep it going"

"Amazing thank you Melia" she smiled

She took a deep breath and looked at Flynn, "the band took a poem I wrote about you and put it into music"

"Awh," Flynn sighed "I wish I didn't have to talk to your dad after this"

I nodded at her and vanished back to my spot, I took one look at Luke and leaned over, "I give you permission to scare Flynn a little"

Luke smirked at me causing me to wink and go back beside Reggie.

"Ready?" I asked him

"I was born ready" He smiled at me

"It's called 'Flying Solo' hope you like it," Julie said before she started playing

The plan was for her to play first then we come in.

"If I leave you on a bad note. Leave you on a sad note. Guess that means I'm buying lunch that day." Julie sang

"I know all your secrets. You know all my deep-dish."

I looked at Reggie and smiled thinking back to his question about the meaning of those lyrics. Reggie looked over at me and smiled causing me only to smile more.

"Guess that means some things they never. They never change. We both know. what I, what I. What I mean. When I look at you, it's like I'm looking at me."

The boys and I made eye contact with each and I quickly turned back around to face Flynn. That's when we started to play. I walked up to the mic that was in front of me and looked at Flynn as I played.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo. My life, my life would be really low, zero, flying solo without you" Julie sang

"Hey, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah" the boys and I harmonized with Julie

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you." We all sang together

Flynn looked at us in shock making me laugh. I went over to my mic as Julie went over to Flynn. Julie looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah, you know who I'm likin' way before I liked them, duh 'Cause you liked them first. And if somebody hurts you, I'm gonna get hurt too. That's just how we work, yeah, that's just how we work." I sang as I looked at Flynn in her eyes

The whole time she looked at me in pure shock, I gave her a wink and moved forward slightly causing her to nearly jump out of her seat.

"It will never change. We both know what I, what I. What I mean. When I look at you, it's like I'm looking at me. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you" Julie and I sang

"Hey, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah" the boys sang

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo."

Luke vanished over to the couch as he sang into his mic, this caused Julie to pull Flynn out of her chair and pulled her over to where Luke was.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah"

Flynn flinched again as Luke also jumped forward at her a little bit. I laughed just as Reggie appeared right next to me. We both smiled at each other.

"Hey, yeah, yeah"

Julie then pulled Flynn over to Alex who smiled at her welcoming. Flynn smiled at him as she happily nodded to the beat of his drums.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you"

Flynn and Julie made her way over myself and Reggie. As Reggie played softly Flynn decided to attempt to reach out and touch him. But like predicted her hand when right through his arm.

"Weird right?" Reggie asked causing me to smile

"They're ghost!" Flynn exclaimed

"Oh...we prefer uh, musical spirits" Alex corrected causing the rest of us to nod

"I'm more of a guardian angel but okay" I shrugged

" does this mean you'll be joining our band?" Luke asked with his voice filled with hope

"Umm..actually I think you're joining her band" Flynn corrected him

Luke smiled as Flynn wrapped her arm around Julie, "I'm gonna go with what she said" Julie answered

"Guess that's settled then" I nodded before throwing my body back and counted Alex in "a 1,2,a,1,2,3,4"

The drums then got louder and I jumped beside Reggie as we share a mic. Everyone singing together.

"My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo. My life, my life would be real low, zero, flying solo without you. Hey, yeah, yeah. Hey, yeah, yeah. My life, my life would be real low, zero,"

Julie finished the song with her forehead against Flynn's as Reggie and I were getting closer and closer to each other.

"Flying solo, without you." Julie sang

"You" Julie and myself ended

Reggie and I looked into each other's eyes as I slowly pulled myself away from the mic. I gave him a small smile before I turned to Julie and Flynn.

"Still wanna talk to her dad?" I asked Flynn

"No, I'm good" Flynn responded causing me to smile

Flynn pulled Julie into a tight hug and in that exact moment, I got a flashback of a similar moment between myself and Rose. My smile drops slightly but I covered it up quickly as this was not a moment for sad thoughts.

The boys and I stopped playing and just like predicted we were no longer seen by Flynn. Or at least the boys weren't.

"Wait how come I can still see you" Flynn asked me

I stopped dead in my tracks as I placed my guitar down and looked at Flynn with wide eyes.

"You can see me/her" Reggie and I spoke

"Didn't I just say that?" Flynn asked

"Don't get smart with me" I told her "I keep forgetting how much like me you are. Okay so you can see me great, another question to add to the long list of why Amelia is being seen by everyone"

Julie and Flynn looked at me as I vanished onto the couch. I placed my legs over Luke's lap but he pushed them off causing me to glare at him.

"Loser" I huffed

"I didn't do anything!" Luke yelled

"Doesn't mean you're still not a loser" I stated as I put my feet on the table

Flynn looked at me confused, "Luke" I simply stated as I crossed my arms

"Okay weird so you can see her" Julie slowly mentioned "well now you have another girlfriend!"

"Always finding something to be happy about" I chuckled as I looked between the two "anyway nice to actually meet you Flynn"

"Likewise, Rose always spoke highly about you." She said

"I know" I smirked "I was there"

"Uh-right...forgot about that" Flynn laughed awkwardly

"Don't mind her" Julie told Flynn "she likes messing with people"

"What can I say, it's my specialty," I said putting my arms up in a shrug motion before flopping them back to my sides

It was quite for a brief moment, Reggie appeared right beside me on the couch and I noticed Flynn kept looking over at me. I didn't like when people stared at me and I think Reggie got the memo because he placed a comforting hand on my leg causing me to smile up at him.

"You know" Flynn spoke "Amelia looks exactly the same in all the photos you have in the house"

I looked over at Flynn and raised my eyebrow as she and Julie sat on the floor in front of the table.

"Well yeah. That's what happens when you die" Alex said

"Your point?" I asked

"My point is that you grew up with Ray and Tía Victoria..." Flynn started

"Meaning they'll recognize her if they see us play," Julie said as she caught onto what Flynn was saying

My eyes widened and I slapped my hand on my forehead, why didn't I put that together.

"So what does that mean?" Luke asked

"Amelia can't quit the band!" Reggie spoke up "we need her"

"We'll figure something out," I told Reggie as I placed my hand on his

I looked over at Julie, "right?"

"Right" Julie nodded "Amelia isn't leaving the band"

"I never said she had to leave the band," Flynn said "I only said she'll be recognized"

"But if she gets recognized then it will blow our cover" Alex stated making me nod in agreement

"Alex said I'll blow the cover of us being holograms" I filled Flynn in

"Not if we change your looks" Flynn stated

"Change my looks?" I asked

"Is that even possible?" Julie questioned looking at her best friend

"Only one way to find out, Amelia it's time for a makeover" Flynn smiled


Hey lovers, so sorry for the late update but school has been a huge pain. I'm working endlessly on keeping up with updates for all stories that I have and sometimes it just hard to manage. But don't worry I will always update when I get the chance even if it means staying up extremely late. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you all on the flip side, much love <3


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