2. Seeing Purple | Scott McCa...

By enchantingherondale

65.8K 1.8K 145

Brooklyn 'Brooke' Hale is back in Beacon Hills after a short time away. She expects to live out her senior ye... More

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1.1K 42 3
By enchantingherondale

✹ 𝓢𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓵𝔂 𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓭 ✹

Heavy breathing, clicking and whirring were all Brooklyn could hear as she came to. Her head was a fuzzy mess and her vision was slightly blurry as she cracked open her eyes.

Wait. Heavy breathing, clicking and whirring. No. Please, no. Please don't be the-

Dread Doctors.

Brooke could barely make out the masked men stood on the other side of the room but they were hardly mistakable. Their unique vocals seemed to over lap and speak gibberish as the Hale girl tried so hard to make out what they were saying. And who they were talking to.

She could just about see the silhouette of a muscled boy stood opposite to the doctors. Brooklyn squinted her eyes, putting all her attention on finding out the boy's identity. Her breath hitched for a second as her vision cleared slightly and she made the boy out to be Theo. What? But then again, she'd probably mistake a square for a circle right her head was that bad.

The boy then left. The Dread Doctors turned to see that Brooke was awake but they payed her no attention. Instead, one of them walked over to a glass tank that held a purple liquid not that far away from the Hale. They turned a dial and attached a wire causing another wave of dizziness to wash over Brooke.

The girl groaned, resting her head back against the wall she was sat up against. The three doctors that were there left after that as well. They opened a door on the opposite wall and made their way through to another room. Brooke wanted to call out to them, ask them why in the hell she was here and what they planned to do but she couldn't. Her body felt so sluggish and heavy, even her lips.

Brooklyn's attention moved away from the closed door they walked through and to what she could see of the room in her haze. Several large glass containers and tanks filled the space, all each a different colour. It wasn't a very nice place, it was dark and dirty.

There was only a few tinted yellow lights to aluminate the room and some of them didn't even work properly. The walls were covered in duck egg coloured tiles and the floor was probably meant to be white. However, it was a sort of greenish-yellow colour with all the mud that had been trekked in there as well as the various liquids spilling out from abandoned jars.

An operating table was placed in the centre of the room which could only mean one thing: this was the Dread Doctor's den. This is where they'd bring all the chimeras while they worked on them like little pet projects. The one thing Brooklyn couldn't understand was why she was here. She was already supernatural, they couldn't change her any further.

How did she even get here in the first place? The last thing she remembered was keeping look out at the school and then- her father. The sleek black camero running her over and his uncaring smirk. But it wasn't actually him. The Dread Doctors probably made her hallucinate and black out so they could drag her here.

And if she was here what about the others? Did they manage to fight off the Dread Doctors? Or did they fail? Was Hayden safe? Was she alive? Was Scott? Brooklyn couldn't help but panic.

Another wave washed over her making her slump more. As she did so, her arm moved a little and a short sting pained her. Brooke moved her head slowly to the side and peered down at her right arm. It was completely normal except a large needle protruded out from the inside of her elbow where a purple liquid was being pumped in.

It all made sense then. Why she felt so bad and why she could hardly move. They were flooding her body with wolfsbane. Damn wolfsbane.

The Hale girl began moving her left arm over to her right and eventually got it there. She took in a few deep breaths as her left hand wrapped around the large needle. Brooke squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lips as she pulled with all her might. Her arm burned with pain but the needle didn't come out.

Huffing, the girl sat herself up a little straighter. Her left hand clamped down on it again and with a gulp, she tried again. This time, she didn't stop and continued yanking as a beautiful array of curse words tumbled from her heavy lips. The needle finally detached itself from her skin with a final shove.

Brooklyn breathed heavily as her arm stung like it had been near a million angered bees. A small trickle of blood ran down her forearm but nothing to worry about. She sighed in relief, her body welcoming the fact that it was no longer being poisoned.

Brooke leant against the wall like that for a couple of minutes just trying to build up any strength she could muster. She stilled when she heard the Dread Doctor' footsteps. If they found her like this there was no doubt in her mind that they'd hook her back up to the wolfsbane. Brooklyn didn't think she would be able to get it out again if so.

She didn't even breathe as the doctors' footfalls got nearer and nearer. They were right outside the door they exited through but instead of coming back in, they walked on past. Brooke allowed oxygen into her lungs again, her lips parting to let out a soft sigh. They didn't check on her so they probably thought the wolfsbane would hold her. But boy where they wrong.

The healer manoeuvred her body around so that her hands were pressed up against the wall she half faced. Her hands gripped onto the tiling as much as they could as she tired to push herself onto her shaky legs. It took a lot of effort but she managed it. Her body rested against the wall to take some of the weight as she took in harsh breaths.

Her eyes scanned the room again, for an escape but she could see the more disturbing details now. The tanks filled with colourful liquids all had a person, or more so body, floating within them. Small bubbles danced around the drowned figures. The dirty floor was not only covered in leaking substances from jars but had blood coating it too. The Dread Doctors definitely made their way up on Brooke's disturbing scale.

Focusing back on her original task, the only exit Brooklyn could see was the door the doctors had walked through ten minutes prior. Grunting, the Hale girl dragged her heavy and sluggish body over towards it. She stumbled a lot, using the different objects in the room for balance despite how much she didn't want to touch a single thing.

Thankfully, the door was unlocked and opened without a sound. Brooke found herself in a room with the same stuff in it only a different layout. Her unsteady hands gripped onto the metal railing as she carefully made her way down the few stairs.

She caught sight of an exit near the back and began making her way over there. Once again, she used the furniture in the room to support herself but she stopped when her hands became wet. Brooklyn looked down at the operating table her hands were on and saw a deep red liquid that could only be blood. It was fairly new, Brooke could tell because it was a little warm and sticky. Which meant there was someone else here. Who? Brooklyn didn't have a clue. She only hoped it wasn't one of her friends.

Wiping her hands on her jeans, she continued towards the back of the room. Her breaths were coming out in pants by the time she got there. The darn wolfsbane making it extremely hard. The exit led onto a plain corridor with natural looking light filtering in for around the corner at the end. Brooke's body leant against the wall as she fumbled her way towards it.

Once at the end, the Hale girl took a few slow steps into the room only to be shoved into a wall. An arm was pressed into her neck and her body was restrained from moving as her chocolate eyes locked with a pair of familiar blue ones.

"Liam! Nice to see you buddy. This is a weird way to give someone a hug." she greeted.

The beta instantly let go off her knowing that she wasn't a threat. "Brooklyn? What are you doing here?"

The healer shrugged, "Who knows?"

"Are you okay?" Liam questioned. His eyes traveled down to the blood on her forearm, her still slightly blood stained hands and her covered jeans.

"This isn't mine." Brooke informed him, gesturing to her hands and legs. She then looked over his shoulder and to Hayden who sat on the floor wincing in pain with black and red blood coating her side. "It's probably your girlfriend's." she remarked, groggily moving to squat next to the injured girl.

Liam ignored her comment and looked at Hayden with worried eyes. "Can you help her?" he asked the healer. Brooklyn nodded and placed her hands on Hayden's stomach. Allowing her eyes to glow, she could feel herself healing the other girl until a zap sounded and Brooke was flung across the room away from her.

The Hale grunted as she landed on her butt, falling onto her back from the impact. Her body twitched like it had been electrocuted. "What the hell!" Liam exclaimed, gently holding Brooklyn's arm to help her sit back up.

It all clicked together in the healer's mind then. The exact same thing happened with Tracy. A conclusion dawned on her. "I can't heal chimeras." Brooke stated. "That's what happened when I tried to heal Tracy. I was flung across the room and slightly electrocuted." She looked up to Liam to see him nodding before looking at Hayden with anxious eyes.

The werewolf moved to sit down next to Hayden again while Brooke leant against a wall to the side of them. "Are you the only ones here?" the Hale girl inquired. Since they were both here it meant the plan had failed and because Brooke was here for no reason it could mean the others were too.

"Apart from you, yes." Liam answered. Brooklyn nodded her head slowly, her body still feeling like lead. "Did they do something to you?" the werewolf questioned upon noticing her sluggish movements.

"They hooked me up to wolfsbane but I'm alright." the healer responded. Her eyes scanned the room. Rubble littered the floor, large brown pipes ran from floor to ceiling while everything else was a dark grey. Her chocolate eyes moved to the metal fence that was the only thing keeping them from getting out. Something a werewolf could easily break through. "Why haven't you gotten out?" she asked.

Liam's blue eyes followed her to look over at the barrier. "It's electrified." he told her. Brooke sighed. Of course they made their lair werewolf proof. A large buzz then sounded through the room making them all glance at each other with wide eyes. Liam began helping Hayden to her feet, "They're coming back."

"Okay." the girl replied. She had a hand placed on her injured side as she pushed herself up with help. Whimpers left her mouth while doing so causing the healer to gaze at her with sympathy. If only she could help. Brooke moved over to the two of them. She stood in front of them. Even if she couldn't do much, she had to do something.

They looked over to where footsteps where heard and just as they thought they were about to be confronted with the Dread Doctors, a familiar face walked in. "Brooklyn? Liam? Hayden?" Theo called, just about able to see them in the barely lit room.

"Theo, wait... don't!" Liam shouted but it was too late. Theo continued towards them and placed his hands on the metal fence. He was immediately electrocuted as an extremely loud zapping echoed through the room. Theo was flung onto his back and didn't move for a second or two.

"Theo? Theo?" Brooke repeated. She moved herself towards the barrier being careful not to touch it.
"Theo, you all right?"

"Yeah." the boy groaned in reply. His face scrunched up and he moved himself into a sitting position. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Liam came over too, looking more worried than Brooklyn. "You think you can get help?" the boy questioned.

Theo tilted his head, "I am the help." Brooke and the beta moved away as Theo rolled his shoulders with a determined look upon his face. With a deep breath he put his hands back onto the fence and began pushing. He groaned as the sound of him being electrocuted filled the air again but he didn't stop.

The Hale girl bit her lip as his eyes flashed golden yellow. Theo roared as he got the fence to pull apart, sparks flying off as he did so. When he let go a large gap was left in his wake, big enough for them to get through. They could get out. They were free.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

By the time Scott, Malia and Mason got back to the McCall house Liam and Hayden were cuddled up on the couch together asleep. Lydia had an arm over Brooke's shoulders as they looked at the two adoringly. On the way back in the car Hayden had told Liam how she wasn't healing and the boy had kissed her and taken away her pain in the process. Hate had turned to love for those two.

Lydia moved away from the Hale girl allowing her boyfriend to rush over to her. Scott picked the girl up and took the seat, placing her on his lap for a tight cuddle. He placed a hand on the back of her head and rested his lips on her forehead while her arms wrapped themselves around his torso.

He looked over the girl's head to see Theo receiving grateful hugs from the rest of the pack. He sent the boy a look of gratitude but he couldn't help but feel envious. He should've been the one to find them. Not him.


Happy International Woman's Day everyone!

~ Lowenna

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