Avatar: The Last Airbender x...

By BiggyBoi123

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The story of a young boy who got tangled up in Avatar business. More

The Boy in The Iceberg
Return of The Avatar.
The Southern Air Temple
The Warriors of Kyoshi
The King of Omashu
Avatar Roku (The Winter Solstice Part 2)
The Water Scroll
Jet and The Great Divide
The Storm and The Blue Spirit
The Fortune Teller
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Deserter
The Northen Air Temple and The Waterbending Master
Seige of The North (Book 1 Finale)
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return To Omashu
The Swamp
Avatar Day
The Blind Bandit
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Library
The Desert and The Serpent's Pass (part 1)
The Serpent's Path (Part 2) and The Drill
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 1)
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 2)

The Spirit World (Winter Solstice Part 1)

5.3K 143 82
By BiggyBoi123

Y/n: "Wow. I've never really looked at them, but the clouds looks so soft."

Katara: "Yeah, they look like giant puffs of cotton. I just want to jump off and land on one of them."

Sokka: "Maybe you should give it a try."

The squad talked amongst themselves as Appa flew through the sky. The relaxing and soothing view of clouds gently brushing past them put everyone at ease.

Katara [sarcasm]: "Oh, you're hilarious."

Aang: "I'll try it!"

Aang suddenly jumped out of Appa's head and dove down. The serenity and peace from earlier was gone in an instant as everyone instantly looked at Aang falling.

Y/n: "Aang. No!!!"

Aang: "Yeah!"

His plummeting body went out of view the closer he got to the ground. Katara and Sokka gave each other a questioning look while Y/n was freaking out.

Suddenly Aang appeared gliding down to the saddle and plopped his butt on it.

Aang: "Turns put, clouds are made of water."

He proceeds to coat himself in an orb of air to wipe the water off of him.

Katara: "Hey... what is that?"

They look to where Katara was facing. The ground. The forest beneath had a huge chunk of itself covered in black.

Sokka: "It's like a scar."

Y/n: "I know that type of sight... that's a burnt forest."

Aang commands Appa to fly down towards the ground. Once they land and hop off, they take in their surrounding.

Sokka: "Looks like "burnt" was an understatement."

Sokka and the gang look around and see no vegetation or trees around them.

Y/n snaps a branch from a burnt tree.

Y/n: "Yeah. More like charred..."

The branch dissipates into dust, causing Y/n to drop it on the floor.

Sokka: "There's no life anywhere."

Katara: "Aang, are you ok?"

She calls out to her friend whom was looking solemnly at the soot beneath his feet.

Sokka notices small continuous marking on the floor. Footsteps.

Sokka: "Ugh! Fire nation! Those evil savages make me sick! They have no respect for—

Katara: "Shh!"

She hushes Sokka.

Sokka: "What? I'm not allowed to be angry?"

Katara motions her head to Aang looking down sadly at the ground and Y/n sadly seated on the brunt floor.

Aang sits down on the floor and picks up a handful of soot.

Aang: "Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?"

Katara slowly makes her way to Aang.

Katara: "Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you."

Aang: "Yes it does. It's the avatar's job to protect nature, but I don't know how to do my job."

Katara: "But that's why we're going to the North Pole— to find you a teacher."

Aang: "Yeah. A waterbending teacher. But there's no one who could teach me how to become the avatar. Monk Gyatsu said that avatar Roku would help me."

Sokka interjects

Sokka: "The avatar before you? He died a hundred years ago. How are you supposed to talk to him?"

Aang: "I don't know."

Momo runs to Aang's lap chirping and rests there.

(???): "Uncle! It's time to leave! Where are you?!"

A prince Zuko walks out of a heap of bamboo as he reaches an open area surrounded by mounds.

Iroh: "Over here."

Iroh calls out to Zuko from behind a tree.

Zuko: "Uncle?"

Zuko sees his uncle taking a relaxing break in a small spring.

Zuko: "We're closing in on the avatar, and I don't want to lose him."

Iroh sighs and opens his arms.

Iroh: "You look tired, prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs and soak away your troubles?"

Zuko starts to get a bit aggressive.

Zuko: "My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to go!"

Iroh, with his mind above the clouds, speaks onto his nephew.

Iroh: "Take advice from your teacher, prince Zuko. The temperature is just right. I heated it myself."

Iroh breathes in and then releases hot steam through his exhale, causing the water to heat up and causing more bubbles to pop.

Zuko sways his hand in the steam to move it away.

Zuko: "I can't relax now, we have to leave! Get out of the water!"

Iroh: "Alright then."

Iroh goes to stand but once his naked body emerges from the water, it causes Zuko to immediately close his eyes and block out his view.

Zuko: "On second thought, stay five more minutes. I'll go but be back in the ship in half and hour, or I'm leaving without you!"

Iroh sits back down and releases a relaxed sigh as his nephew leaves view.

(With the squad)

As Y/n remains all huddled up against a tree, he is approached by his best friend, Sokka.

Sokka: "Uh, hey, Y/n-buddy. You doing good, man? You seem a bit down."

Sokka walks up to his shorter companion.

Y/n: "Yeah. I'm doing just fine."

Y/n's huddle gets tighter.

Sokka: "Look at me in the face."

Y/n [muffled]: "Why?"

Sokka: "If you're doing fine you'll look at me in the face without a problem."

Y/n remains quiet.

Sokka hears a slight sniffle.

Sokka [whisper]: "Y/n, are you crying?"

Y/n: "No... what makes you think that?"

Sokka walks up to Y/n and ruffles his hair.

Sokka takes a seat next to him.

Sokka: "Ah, come on, buddy. You can tell me. Just tell good ol' Sokka your troubles and we can talk it out."

Y/n: "..."

Sokka puts on his thinking face and he holds his chin with his thumb and index finger.

Suddenly, very light taps are felt on Sokka's leg.

Sokka: "Oh, hey there, Cosmo."

Y/n's bat, Cosmo, came out from Y/n's shirt and tapped on Sokka's leg to catch his attention.

Instantly, Sokka's brain came up with an idea.

Sokka: "Hey, Y/n, don't feel so down. Once we get out of here, we'll go fishing and we'll get to eat all the fish we catch, together."

Y/n's ears slightly perked. He peaks his head out of his arms and slightly glances at Sokka.

Y/n: "You mean it?"

Sokka: "Yep!"

Sokka puts his hand on Y/n's shoulder to reassure his friend.

Sokka: "Now tell me what's wrong, buddy."

Y/n: "It's the fire nation... my people."

Sokka: "What about them?"

Y/n: "[sigh] it's just that every time something bad happens, it's because of my people. It's always the fire nation that causes trouble to places. My childhood bestfriend is hunting us down. My mother is probably dead, my dad wants me dead, and I haven't seen my master in years."

Sokka just nudges Y/n and tells him to look at him, that it'll be better.

Sokka: "You want to talk about your master? You've brought him up multiple times before but we've never really had a conversation about him."

Y/n shows his face to Sokka as he straightens himself up to speak. His puffy eyes showing that he might've been sobbing the moment he got here.

Y/n: "Well, my master is just amazing, he helped me and my mom build my glaive."

Sokka: "Anything else?"

Y/n: "There's so much I could talk about but I don't know where to start. For some reason I just enjoy being around him. His energy is always so bright, and even in the worst of time he just knows what to say. He's always smiling and being positive, he taught me everything a I know when the books at home didn't work for me."

Sokka smiles at Y/n and pats his back.

Sokka: "Feeling better now?"

Y/n: "Lots, thanks, Sokka."

Sokka shrugs and tells him it's no problem.

Y/n hugs his bestfriend and he hugs back.

As the boys get up from the tree and fix themselves up, Katara walks towards Aang.

Katara: "Hey, Aang, ready to be cheered up yet?"

Aang sighs.

Aang: "No— ow!"

Out of nowhere, an acorn hits him on the head.

He turns to face Katara as she is tossing acorns up and down.

Aang: "How is that gonna cheer me up?"

Sokka chuckles and speaks.

Sokka: "Cheered me u—

Before he could finish, an acorn got flung towards Sokka's head.

Sokka: "Ow, yeah, I kind of deserve that."

Y/n giggles at Sokka, causing Katara to look at him and aim.

Y/n curls up into a ball.

Y/n: "Nononononono, I'm sorry, please no."

Katara chuckles

Katara walks over to Aang and gets down to his level.

Katara: "You see these Aang? These are acorns, and they're scattered everywhere, that means the Forest will grow back. They'll grow to be tall mighty oaks and all the birds and animals that lived here will come back."

Katara hands over the acorn to Aang.

Aang: "Thanks, Katara."

Aang releases a small smile. Katara then gasps in surprise or shock as she sees an old man walking towards them.

Old man: "When I saw the flying bison, I thought it was impossible, but those markings... are you the avatar, child?"

Aang looks back at Katara as the old man approached.

Katara nods and Aang faces the old man.

Aang: "yes, I am."

Old man: "My village desperately needs your help."

They've been walking for a while now. They came across a small village behind built walls and upon entering, they were greeted with a few destroyed and mangled buildings.

Walking a bit more into the village, they enter a town hall with many people inside.

Old man: "Hello everyone, this child right here is the avatar."

Many people started to mutter amongst themselves. Mostly about how they can't believe it's him, or that the avatar's a child, many others were extremely grateful for the avatar's presence.

A man approached the group.

Man: "So the rumors of your return are true. Young avatar, it is an honor to meet you and experience your presence of a lifetime."

Aang waves off the man's words.

Aang: "Nice to meet you, too."

Silence falls upon the group.

Aang: "So, is there something I can help you with."

Man: "I'm not sure."

The old man walks beside the man that was speaking to Aang and interjects on their conversation.

Old man: "Our village is in crisis. He's our only hope."

Man: "A spirit monster comes and attack our village at sunset."

Old man: "He is Hei Bai, The Black and White spirit."

Sokka: "Why is it attacking you?"

Man: "We do not know. But each of the last three nights, he has abducted one of our own. We are especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near."

The man walks towards the door of the town hall and stares at the broken buildings' rubble on the floor.

Katara: "What happens then?"

Man: "As the solstice gets closer, the natural world and the spirit world grow closer and closer until the line between them is blurred completely."

Old man: "Hei Bai is already causing devastation and destruction. Once the solstice is here, there's no telling what will happen."

Aang: "So what do you want me to do exactly?"

Man: "Who better to resolve a crisis between our world and the spirit world than the avatar himself. You are the great bridge between man and spirits."

Aang: "Right. That's me."

Katara: "Hey, great bridge guy, can I talk with you over here for a second?"

Katara and Aang walk towards a window.

Katara: "Aang, you seem a little unsure about all this."

Aang: "Yeah, that might be because I don't know anything about the spirit world."

Sokka and Y/n go towards them and stand beside Katara.

The three look at Aang confused.

Aang: "What? There isn't someone who can teach me this stuff."

Katara: "So, can you help these people?"

Aang: "I have to try, don't I? Maybe whatever I'll have to do will just... come to me."

Momo chirps and hangs on Aang's shoulder.

Katara: "I think you can do it, Aang."

Sokka: "Yeah, we're all gonna be eaten by a spirit monster."

Y/n elbows Sokka softly in the arm and looks at him.

Y/n: "Don't say that, it'll make things harder for us!"

Sokka: "I'm just joking."

They both chuckle.

As Iroh is resting in the small spring, his sleep is interrupted by the rustling of leaves.

Iroh: "Huh? Who's there?"

Iroh looks around and sees a small rodent on the edge of the spring.

Iroh: "Ah, a meadow vole."

He lets the small critter walk up to his hand.

Iroh: "I should've known. You startled me, little one."

Iroh lays back against the wall and sighs.

Iroh: "It seems I must've missed my nephews deadline. But it was a very sweet nap."

The small rodent starts to squeak and jump repeatedly.

Suddenly, heavy rumbles can be heard as a trail of earth can be seen making it's way towards Iroh's spring.

Once it reaches him, he's encased by earth and a group of earth nation warriors can be seen.

Earth Soldier 1: "It's a fire nation soldier."

Earth Soldier 2: "Not just any soldier. That's the firelord's brother. The dragon of the west. The once great General Iroh. But now, he's our prisoner."

Aang is standing outside of the town hall. The door behind him slowly closing until it's completely sealed.

Aang: "Hello mister spirit. It's the avatar. I'm here to try to help stuff."

While Aang is walking the streets of the small village, Katara, Sokka, and Y/n are staring from behind a window.

Sokka: "This isn't right. We shouldn't just sit here and cower while Aang waits for some monster to show up."

Old man: "If anyone can save us, he can."

Sokka: "He still shouldn't have to face him alone."

The sky grows a tad darker as the sun starts to set.

Aang: "The sun started to set, where are you Hei Bai? Well, spirit, uh—

Aang heroically sends out his hand and speaks up.

Aang: "I hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace."

He slams the butt of his staff on the ground but nothing happens.

Aang: "Well, I guess that's settled then."

Aang turns around and starts to walk towards the town hall.

As he walks, whispers and echoes of voices are heard coming from the village's gate entrance.

And suddenly a creature appeared.

It was black and white, on all fours making its way inside.

As it entered, it silently started to stalk Aang.

Aang stops and turns to see the giant spirit creature looming behind him.

Aang: "You must be the Hey Bai spirit. My name is—

Hei Bai roared blue flames at Aang. Nothing happened to Aang as the flames when past him.

Hei Bai started to demolish buildings and rip them to shreds while Aang tries to get its attention.

Old man: "The avatar's methods are... unusual."

Sokka: "Leaving him alone to do all of this was a mistake. Maybe we should help him."

Old man: "No. only the avatar stands a chance against Hei Bai."

Katara puts a hand on Sokka's shoulder.

Katara: "Aang will figure out the right thing to do, Sokka."

Aang is seen running towards Hei Bai as the spirit continues to destroy the town.

Aang: "Please, would you stop destroying things and listen?"

Aang tries to plead but to no avail.

Aang jumps up to a building behind Hei Bai and tries to speak to it again.

Aang: "I'm just trying to do my job as spirit bridge. Excuse me. Would you please turn around?"

Hei Bai doesn't listen, it just keeps destroying everything in its sight.

Aang: "I command you to turn around now!"

Aang yells out towards Hei Bai.

He catches the spirit's attention.

Hei Bai turns around and smacks Aang, sending him to another building.

Katara and the old man gasp.

Sokka: "That's it. We have to help him!"

Katara: "Wait!"

Sokka opens the door and Y/n follows suit.

Katara tries to leave as well but gets stopped by the old man.

Old man: "It's not safe."

Sokka: "Hei Bai! Try this!"

Sokka sends his boomerang towards the creature's behind but it simply bounces off.

Y/n and Sokka go to where Aang is.

Aang: "Get out of here, it's too dangeroud!"

Immediately, Sokka is grabbed by Hei Bai.

In a quick moment, Y/n grabs his glaive tight and slams it to the ground. He uses this opportunity to lift and launch himself up in the air. Before he lifts off the ground, he grabs his glaive and spins, trying to slash Hei Bai.

His attempt failed as soon as it started.

Hei Bai grabbed Y/n and took him and Sokka to the forest outside of the village.

Aang uses air bending to send himself up into the air and tries to pursuit Hei Bai.

As they disappear into the forest, Katara calls out to them.

Katara: "Y/n! Sokka!"

She runs and stops at the gate where she stares into the forest as all the civilians and residents of the village crowd around in worry.

Zuko: "Uncle! Uncle, where are you?"

Zuko calls out to his uncle who is nowhere to be seen in the springs.

Two of Zuko's soldiers approach him.

Soldier 1: "Maybe he thought you'd left without him."

Zuko: "No. something's not right here."

Zuko's eyes catches some rock where Iroh's spring is.

Zuko: "That pile of rocks."

Soldier 2: "It looks like there's been a landslide, sir."

Zuko: "Rocks don't move uphill. Those rocks didn't move naturally. My uncles been captured by earthbenders!"

Aang is flying his fastest trying to reach a Hei Bai which was nowhere in sight. Aang here's heavy footsteps on his right and sees Hei Bai running and Sokka reaching out to Aang in fear.

Sokka: "Aang! Over here!"

Aang flies high into the skies and sees Hei Bai's figure running. He continues to fly towards it and it leads him to the open field of burnt trees.

Aang: "I'm coming, Sokka!"

Aang reaches out to Sokka. Their finger tips touching until the finally manage to grab on but Hei Bai's spirit suddenly disappears, taking Sokka and Y/n with it.

Aang's momentum shifted, he's now spiraling out of control until he hits the ground.

Aang: "Sokka!"

Aang calls out as he wakes up. He looks around and sees nothing but those burnt trees. And a crescent moon on the night sky.

Aang looks down in sadness.

Aang: "I failed."

The tapping and footsteps of large birds walking on the dirt floor can be heard as Iroh is wrapped in chains behind an earth nation soldier.

Iroh: "Where are you taking me?"

Soldier 1: "To face justice."

Iroh: "Right. But to where specifically?"

Soldier 2: "A place where your quite familiar to it, actually. You once laid siege to it for 600 days, but it would not yield to you."

Iroh: "Ah, the great city of Ba Sing Se."

Soldier 1: "It was greater than you were, apparently."

Iroh: "I acknowledge my defeat from Ba Sing Se. After 600 days away from home, my men were tired, and I was tired. [yawn] and I'm still tired."

Iroh falls over the bird creature he was being carried on and lands on the floor.

The soldiers stopped in their tracks to pick up the fallen general from the floor to commence their travels.

Once they picked him up, Iroh releases a small smirk as he left his sandal behind for someone to find, presumably his nephew.

Katara sits there at the entrance of the village's gate staring out to it in hopes of her friend's return.

Old man: "I'm sure they'll be back."

The old man walks from behind Katara.

Katara: "I know."

Old man: "You should get some rest."

He puts a blanket on Katara's shoulder to keep her warm from the cold night's breeze.

Katara: "Everything's gonna be ok."

She gently grips the handle on Sokka's boomerang and Y/n's bag.

Old man: "Your brothers are in good hands. I would be shocked if the avatar returned behind him."

Aang walks through the entrance and sees Katara being comforted by the old man.

Aang: "Katara, Katara I lost them."

Old man: "The sun is rising. Perhaps he will return soon."

Aang: "What? No. I'm right here!"

He sways his hand in front of the old man's eyes but no reaction. When he looks at his hand, he can see rays of sunlight pass right through it. As a matter of fact, Aang himself could see right through it.

Aang: "I'm in the spirit world!"

And says in realization.

As Zuko walks towards a road, he comes across a sandle on the ground.

He crouched down and picks it up.

Zuko inspects the sandle and sniffs it.

The smell from it could easily burn the hairs off of someone's nose in an instant.

Zuko: "Yeah. That's definitely uncle Iroh."

Zuko stands up and walks towards his giant rhino lizard.

Aang: "It's ok, Katara. I'll figure something out. Like they said, I'm the bridge between the worlds. And all I have to do is figure out what I have to do. And once I do that, it'll be easy."

Aang says as he sits on the floor and stares at Katara.

Appa gets up and walks towards Katara.

Aang: "Appa, I'm here buddy. I guess you just can't see me, either."

Appa growls lowly at Katara and nudges her.

Katara: "It's ok, Appa. Don't worry. I'm sure they're on their way back."

Katara gets up and starts to walk away with Appa into the village.

Katara: "I bet they even found you some nice moon peaches, as a treat."

Aang looks down sadly at the floor.

Aang: "What do I have to do?"

He looks at the sky and speaks up.

Aang: "Avatar Roku, how can I talk to you?"

A faint noise is heard from the forest, getting Aang's attention.

Aang: "Sokka?"

Aang smiles but a glimpse deeper in reveals that it wasn't Sokka. It was a dragon. And it was flying quickly towards Aang.

Aang: "That's not Sokka!"

Aang gets on his glider and jumps up trying to get away but after a few seconds of air time, he falls to the floor.

Aang gets into a stance and tries to create air with his bending out fails.

Aang: "What?"

He tries again and again, but nothing happened.

Aang: "I can't Airbend in the spirit world."

He looks back and sees the dragon getting even closer.

Aang tries to move but the dragon already reached him.

Aang: "I'm guessing you know where Sokka is?"

The dragons looks at Aang and lowers it head, getting eye to eye.

Aang's eyes start to glow and visions of an old man riding that same dragon start to appear.

Aang: "You're avatar Roku's animal guide! Like Appa is to me."

The dragons picks up its head.

Aang: "I need to save my friend but I don't know how. Is there some way for me to talk to Roku?"

The dragon lays its neck on the floor, telling Aang to hop on.

Aang gets on the dragon and looks back at Katara.

Aang: "I'll be back, Katara."

The dragon doesn't move.

Aang: "Are you going to move or—

Aang hears chirping and flapping. He looks to his left and sees Cosmo looking at him.

Aang: "Cosmo? You can see me?"

The small bat chirps at Aang and gets in his shirt.

Cosmo didn't pass through Aang's body. He could feel the bat's purple fur on his skin.

Aang: "What? Are you also my spirit companion?"

Cosmo releases a dismissive purr at Aang's comment and Roku's dragon lifts up its head and starts to fly away.

Y/n: "Huh? Where... where am I?"

Y/n's amber eyes fluttered opened as he woke up from his slumber.

He sits up and looks around.

Y/n: "Why am I here?"

He recognizes the place he's in. It's the charred forest from earlied. The solemn dark of night reigned the skies as the suns of other systems shown throughout the night sky.

Y/n: "Calm... feels nice."

Y/n stares at his surroundings.

For a place that got burnt to the ground not too long ago, it was surprisingly peaceful. The strange serenity of the current space was removed by a radical vibration in the air.

Y/n: "What's going on?"

The vibration got faster. It felt like being in an electric field.

Y/n's sights and surroundings were quickly being distorted. Now while he could still see that he remained in the same place, the distortion made everything his eyes were set upon move at an extreme space.

His body suddenly spiked in temperature. His heart beating through his ears and his breath as dry as a desert.

His vision was getting dark as his mind was phasing in and out of consciousness.

The beating got faster, the sweating became profuse and excessive as the vibration within the air became static and the distortion heavy.

The boy swore he fell on the floor in pain but he remained standing. Motionless. He swore his body gave up a long time ago, but he's still able to feel, hear, see but not speak. It felt like his tongue was twisted inside his mouth and tied back to his throat.

The beating of his heart were loud. Extremely loud. His groans of pain and his yells were drawn out and drowned by his heart and the heavy, static atmosphere.

But his own heart and ears were no match for the crystal clear echoes appearing from all angles.

The ground, his sides, the skies, and the dead trees were all the directions of the echoes.

"Hey kiddo."

Y/n's eyes opened wide as the vibration in front of him vibrates to an extremely that the mere touch would surely rip your skin to shreds. But from the vibrations, a figure's presence was made clear.

Walking out of the heavy, vibrating air, a being was seen.

It's skin was as black as the void of space, it's body surrounded by many violet particles of what seemed to be energy and it's body was radiating a soft dark purple haze.

Y/n: "What... are you?"

His breathing and voice was dry. Devoid of any moisture.

"Oh. Don't tell me you forgot about me. How could you forget the face of your own mother?"

The creatures "face" was shifting into that of a stunningly gorgeous lady.

Y/n: "You.... are not... my mother.."

The boy huffed deeply trying to catch his breath.

"Hm, guess that's not gonna do it anymore..."

The being's face morphed back into its original form.

Dark hair and abyss black skin were heavily contrast to its sharp, pure white eyes.

Y/n: "!"

Y/n's own eyes opened at the sight.

This being... this-this thing. Whatever it was. It was what seems to be a darker version of Y/n, instead of having puffy hair, it neat had long hair that travelled to his shoulders, the puffiness still remained.

This was him. This was Y/n... right?

"My, my. Did you catch on?"

Y/n: "You're..."

Y/n's body moved to unsheathe his glaive but it was immediately restricted and no further movement seemed to be possible.

"That's right, kiddo. I'm that spirit papa stuffed inside of you. Ta-da. Surprise.."

No emotion aside from sheer neutrality were shown from the being.

Not a trace of anger or mockery in its echoing voice. It was just bland.

"It's a shame to ruin our oh so loving reunion, kiddo. But I'm going to need my vessel now."

Chains exploded from the air itself and wrapped themselves around Y/n's arms and legs as they lifted him to the air.

Y/n stared down at the figure pulled out a mask from its chest.

The mask by itself was pretty bland.

It was just a flat, smooth mask with only one eye-hole on the left eye with a large horn above it and three black lines that came down from the horn to the bottom.

"You look like a strong young man. I think you can handle a little sting."

The being levitated to look directly into Y/n's scared eyes. He places the mask on Y/n's face and the eyehole and the black lines started to shine intensely.

The being then pulled out a small dagger and placed it on a small pedestal that appeared out of nowhere.

Looking beneath him, Y/n saw a table. Not like any dinner table, but a table where sacrifices are made and offered to spirits or deities.

Seven ghostly flames were birthed from the air and danced above Y/n's limp body.

"You know, I started trying to get in years ago. But ever since I felt this slight gateway from the spirit realm to this mortal realm, I've been itching to get the body that was offered to me. The closer we got, the more the gate opened... and there it is. The gate."

The being grabbed the knife previously placed on the pedestal.

"Now, open the lock for mommy."

The dagger slowly made it's way into Y/n's body. It was going inside of him, but no blood was drawn and no skin was cut open.

His screams of pain were being sent through everywhere in the surroundings. His agonizing cries and yells were falling on deaf ears. Tears flowing down from his eyes behind the mask.

Energy and light were being dispersed from Y/n's own body. His own essence was being drawn out by some mysterious being. What could he do? Nothing.

The being's energy seemed to be drawn inside Y/n's body while Y/n's own soul was being sucked out.

The mask Y/n was forced to wear was changing color. From white mask and three black lines to black and three whites.

Footsteps were heard.

(???): "Uh, Y/n, is that you?"

The glowing stopped and the souls were sent back to their original bodies.

"I was this close!"

The dark being disappeared into thin air, taking the knife with him.

Y/n: "So-sokka?"

Sokka looked down at Y/n's body on the floor.

Sokka: "Ah, so this is where you've been! Nice mask, where's you get it.?"

Y/n tilted his head in confusion and looked on his feet. He was sitting in the cross-cross position with the strange white mask on his thigh.

Y/n: "Strange, I don't know..."

Y/n gets up from the floor and dusts himself off.

Sokka: "Well, let's try to find our way out of here."

Y/n: "Yeah."

Y/n sheathed his glaive behind him and started walking with Sokka. A strange feeling however, was traveling with them too, yet it seems like only Y/n could sense it. Though, he paid no mind to it and continued walking away.

As Y/n and Sokka were walking for what seemed like miles upon miles, bamboos shot up from the ground.

Out of curiousity, the two decided to part the bamboos and to travel within them. They don't know why they decided to do that instead of going around it, but they felt like they were being called out.

Once they reach the other end, they were greeted by the gate to the village from where they were taken from.

They hear footsteps as they try to wrap their heads around what just happened and they were jumped into a hug by Katara.

Katara: "Y/n, Sokka! You're back!"

They weren't the only people that came back however. Multiple people emerged from the bamboo, one after another, and each being greeted by loving family and friends.

Sokka: "What happened?"

Katara: "You were trapped in the spirit world for 24 hours. How are you feeling?"

Sokka: "Like I seriously need to use the bathroom."

Sokka fiddles his thumbs and scurries away.

The gang was being thanked by the village people, mainly the elders and those in charge of overseeing everyone.

Man: "Thank you, avatar. What could we do to repay you for what you've done?"

Sokka: "You can give us some supplies and money."

Katara elbows Sokka in the ribs softly, causing him to flinch.

Katara: "Sokka."

Sokka: "What? We need stuff."

The man bows to the group.

Man: "It would be an honor to prepare you for your journey."

The man walks away, probably to get something for the group. Once he's out of sight, Katara speaks to Aang.

Katara: "Good job, Aang. You managed to figure this out all on your own."

Aang turns to face Katara.

Aang: "Actually, I did have a little help. And there's something else."

The group looks at Aang.

Sokka/Y/n: "What is it?"

Aang: "I need to talk to Roku. And I think I've found a way to contact his spirit."

Katara: "Thats great!"

Sokka: "A bit creepy, but great."

Aang: "There is a temple on a crescent shaped island, and if I go there on the solstice, I'll be able to speak with him."

Katara: "But the solstice is tomorrow."

Aang: "Yeah, and there's one more problem. The island is in the fire nation."

The squad's eyes widen in slight shock and fear.

Y/n gets a curious look on his face.

Y/n: "Guys? Has anyone seen Cosmo?"

Aang remembers and flips up his shirt slightly.

Cosmo jumped from Aang's shirt to Y/n's hair and hugged it while purring.

Y/n: "Great to have you back buddy."

The village man that left a while ago returned with a small bag of food and enough money to last a few days.

Man: "I apologize for the wait. Here's our thank you gift for helping out village."

Aang: "It was no problem, just doing my job as bridge man between the worlds."

The man chuckles and hands the nearest person of the group, that being Y/n the bag.

He bowed one more time and left.

Y/n: "We should get going, I'm a bit tired."

Sokka stretches and yawns as he completely agrees with Y/n.

Sokka: "Yeah, we should hit the sack."

They turn around and walk towards Appa who was waiting for them at the exit of the village.

Y/n starts to job towards Appa so he can get the stuff in order and his journal ready to document today's events.

As he jogged ahead, Katara looked a bit confused.

Sokka: "Hey Katara, what's wrong?"

Katara: "Who's that guy walking around with Y/n's spear?"

Sokka: "What are you talking abou—

Y/n plopped his butt on Appa's saddle and called out to his friends.

Y/n: "Everything's set and ready to go!"

He smiled at his friends.

Katara gasps in slight shock.

Katara: "Y/n, your hair!"

Y/n: "?"

Y/n goes to touch his hair but he felt something brush past his shoulder.

It was his hair.

Y/n: "What the?"

Sokka: "Woah, how'd your hair grow so fast?"

Y/n looks baffled, how could his hair grow around 5 extra inches in the span of just 24 measly hours?

Aang: "That's weird."

The squad reaches Appa and everyone hops into their preferred spot. Aang on the head, Sokka all the way back, and Y/n on the center holding on the his belongings with Katara inspecting his hair.

Katara: "That's so weird."

Aang: "Appa, Yip Yip."

Appa starts to move his tail as he begins to fly into the air.

As they started to fly with the air brushing past their faces, Y/n's hair begins to flow in the wind.

Katara: "Yep, seems like actual hair to me."

Y/n: "Are you guys sure we weren't there for more than 24 hours?"

Katara: "I mean, that's what it felt to me and everyone in the villag—

Before she could finish she felt something hit her knee as she was brushing Y/n's hair.

Katara: "Hey, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yes?"

Katara: "Where'd you get this mask?"

Y/n turns to face her and see's her holding the mysterious white mask up.

Y/n: "I don't remember... I do remember waking up with it when Sokka found me though."

Katara shrugs and tries to put the mask on but as it was mere inches from her face, she saw a blur take it away.

It scared her, causing her to jump back slightly. She looked for it, she saw that it was in Y/n's hand.

Y/n: "Are you ok?"

He notices her rather fast breathing.

Katara: "Yeah, I just didn't expect you to be so quick."

Katara stabilizes her breathing.

Y/n: "What are you talking about?"

Y/n looked at his hand and saw the mask there.

Y/n: "!"

Y/n: "Thats weird, this is very weird."

Sokka: "What are you talking about?"

Y/n: "I don't remember moving my body when I did that."

Sokka: "Maybe that mask has a mind control spirit inside of it."

Y/n shivers at the thought but brushes it off.

Sokka: "Think about it, it appeared out of nowhere, in the spirit world, right after we got attacked by a spirit."

Y/n's eyes open wider.

Y/n: "You're right. Since we don't know what this does, or could be, let's completely avoid anything involving us having to use it, and keep it here with us until either we find out it's a normal mask, or if some spirit comes back and reclaims it."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Everyone in Appa's saddle start to yawn as the hands of sleep start to grasp on them.

Y/n: "Goodnight."

Sokka: "Night."

Katara: "Goodnight."

Aang: "[yawn] goodnight."

Everyone with the exception of the one handling Appa while flying (Aang) went to sleep.

Y/n struggled slightly as he wasn't used to having long hair in a long time but he'll manage.

Finally, everything fades into darkness as their eyes finally close and start to sleep.

"I was this close... unbelievable."

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