Red Butterfly

By darknessinsideofus

265K 10.1K 4.2K

"The Namikaze clan huh?", Itachi took a step closer, his eyes calm, but fixated. I took a step further back a... More

Chapter 1, A Long Gone Spark
Chapter 2, The Flaws of Life
Chapter 3, The Drained Spirit
Chapter 4, The Real Deal
Chapter 5, Drowned Hopes
Chapter 6, No Remorse
Chapter 7, Hanabi's Order: Retrieve & Leave
Chapter 8, Shisui of The Body Flicker
Chapter 9, Mangeykō Sharingan
Chapter 10, All-Nighter
Chapter 11, Resurrected Hopes
Chapter 12, One That Appears Once
Chapter 13, Uchiha District
Chapter 14, Why The Flowers Never Bloom
Chapter 15, Longing For Power
Chapter 16, Not Bargained For
Chapter 17, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 1
Chapter 18, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 2
Chapter 19, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 3
Chapter 20, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 4
Chapter 21, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 5
Chapter 22, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 6
Chapter 23, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 7
Chapter 24, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 8
Chapter 25, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 9
Chapter 26, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Final Part
Chapter 27, Untitled
Chapter 28, It Will Change You
Chapter 29, Perplexed Emotions
Chapter 30, The SharinGANG
Chapter 31, Discoveries In Depth
Chapter 32, He's Lying
Chapter 33, Thank You, For Everything
Chapter 34, Dark Ambition
Chapter 35, Till My Blood Starts To Rain
Chapter 36, Upcoming Plans
Chapter 37, Ghost of The Uchiha
Chapter 38, Eye of The Namikaze
Chapter 39, Shouldering The Weight
Chapter 40, It's Been A While...
Chapter 41, The Good Goodbye
Chapter 42, Departure From Home
Chapter 43, Silently Falling
Chapter 44, The Precious Hybrid
Chapter 45, Blow To My Life
Chapter 46, The Epiphany of Death
Chapter 47, Who Was Ichiko Uchiha?
Chapter 48, Along The Blurry Lines
Chapter 49, Bite Back Your Tongue
Chapter 50, There's A Different Way To Die
Chapter 51, S-rank Mission!
Chapter 52, Sparks of Disappointment
Chapter 53, In Vain
Chapter 54, Final Decision
Chapter 55, First Step To Recovery
Chapter 56, Memories That Consume
Chapter 57, Skipping Heartbeats
Chapter 58, Past My Reach
Chapter 59, Blinding Fireworks
Chapter 60, If Only...
Chapter 61, The Red Butterfly Technique
Chapter 62, Heart To Hurt
Chapter 63, Desperate Prayers
Chapter 64, Secrets Exchanged
Chapter 65, Inclined To
Chapter 66, Deciphered Cuts
Chapter 67, Taking The Leap
Chapter 68, That Very Revery
Chapter 69, The Truth
Chapter 70, Tenchi Bridge
Chapter 71, The Good, The Bad & The Uchiha
Chapter 72, Vengeance Is Mine
Chapter 73, Fire And Wind
Chapter 74, In The Name of Vengeance
Chapter 76, Ichiko Uchiha and The Token of Affection
Chapter 77, What The Bastard Deserves
Chapter 78, The Village's New Bachelor
Chapter 79, My Tainted Heart
Chapter 80, Tumbling Under The Weight
Chapter 81, Vivid Nightmare
Chapter 82, Calamity Afflicts
Chapter 83, Hanabi's Dilemma
Chapter 84, Hanabi's Resolve
Chapter 85, The Weight of Guilt
Chapter 86, Hopeful Words
Chapter 87, Pill of Memories
Chapter 88, Final Four
Chapter 89, Final Leap
Chapter 90, Spinning In The Void
Chapter 91, Loathe of Disappointment
Chapter 92, There'll Be Plenty of Time For That
Chapter 93, Like Children
Chapter 94, Pinky Promise
Chapter 95, Speed Race
Chapter 96, A Favor From The Distant Past
Chapter 97, Complimentary
Chapter 98, All About Speed
Chapter 99, Curt And Conspicuous
Chapter 100, Have You Forgotten The Crimson Clouds?
Chapter 101, Stigma?
Chapter 102, All That Time Couldn't Heal
Chapter 103, The Sensory Beast
Chapter 104, Grand Glare
Chapter 105, Spiralling Void
Chapter 106, Risk It
Chapter 107, With Grace of Fire and Lightning
Chapter 108, Upon A Crescent Moon
Chapter 109, Epilogue: Itachi's Token of Gratitude

Chapter 75, Once And For All

1.4K 73 39
By darknessinsideofus

I clutched my aching stomach as my breath hitched in my throat at his sudden strike. I began coughing up blood as I tried to process what had just happened.

I'm a hundred and ten percent sure that I skewered my arm right through him. He should be dead by now, but how is he unscathed?

What kind of trick is this?

It can't possibly be a shadow clone since my sensory skills are exact and accurate. That was his chakra and I'm sure of it.

How'd he deflect my attack with such ease?

Danzo Shimura shouldn't be taken lightly no matter the circumstances...

"H-how?", I rasped in a hoarse voice due to the impact to his strike.

"You wouldn't understand even if you had the eyes to see", he replied.

My body tensed simultaneously when I sensed his hand reaching out to ensnare me in a headlock due to the opening he made. Despite the pain, I held onto my breath as I speedily leapt away from him out of sheer will.

Once again we were on opposite sides of the bridge as I struggled to regain back my composure. He'd successfully punctured one of my chakra points.

I was panting heavily as I felt the presence of tiny limbs on my body. The petite wings ruffled against my nose as beads of sweat rolled away freely.

I adjusted my bandage when I felt the pressure from my butterflies as they poured some chakra into my body to balance the disruption created by Danzo.

"How'd you do that you filthy scum?", I panted as I sensed the stillness of his presence on the opposite side of the bridge.

"You'd be better off not knowing", he retorted in response.

He's not even making any attempts to conjure another attack.

Just what does he have up his sleeve.

Alright then, if he wants to play dirty, then it wouldn't hurt if I make it bloody.

And so I instruct the butterflies to stop pouring chakra into me and focus it in their wings instead. At once, I make sure to focus my chakra as well in order to pour it into their wings. I channel some of my chakra in a way that'll allow the butterflies to extract it.

The butterflies obey and siphon my chakra immediately. This is no longer considered the Red Butterfly Technique, from this day on, it'll be called the Bloody Butterfly Technique.

I'd busied myself for months just to perfect this technique and Shisui was one of the victims of my deadly technique. I just hope from the bottom of my heart that he's fine.

"Tell me, Danzo", I stall with the small talk in order to give my butterflies the time to generate their wing blades, "How do you keep getting away with each and every one of your heinous crimes?".

I feel the butterflies siphoning away my chakra and I let a single butterfly rest on my palm as I trace the tips of its wings to inspect how callous it's gotten.

I trace my finger pad back and forth as I wait for my finger to get cut.

"Because they are not crimes. Sacrifices are necessary to be made in order to assure the safety of one's village. And that's exactly what the Root Division of the Anbu Black Ops does, we protect the Village from within the shadows", he said it in such a persuasive tone that anyone with a pea-sized brain would believe him.

What he said made my finger go erect as I swiftly trail it over the tip of the butterfly's wing.

"That's bullshit at its finest", I remark back in response as my hand falls to my side. My finger, which had been grazed by the butterfly's wing was now dripping with warm blood.

I clenched my fist in anger as I felt the heavy weight of the butterflies around me. Their blade wings produced small clinging sounds as they ruffled back and forth.

Let's see if you can make it out of this alive, Lord Danzo Shimura.

"Tell me, Danzo Shimura", I start again as I feel his chakra getting channeled into a fighting stance, "do you have any idea as to why my mother was nicknamed the Red Butterfly?".

"Don't tell me...", his voice suddenly went strained and I assumed he finally understood why the butterfly wings altered metal shiny all of a sudden.

"How'd you master that?!", he demanded in a loud voice.

"Danzo", I sternly said, making sure my voice held that hint of authority in it, "I'm the one asking questions here you filth".

Whatever that Jutsu of his is, I just hope my Bloody Butterfly Technique will settle this battle once and for all.

Abruptly, I sensed the chakra in which Danzo focused at a single point in his chest.

"Wind Style: Vacuum Blade!"

Instinctively, I didn't even flinch when he directed that attack at me, because then, the butterflies had ruffled their wings so rapidly in front of me, forming a barrier, which deflected the attack with ease.

"My turn", I declare and brace myself for what I'm about to do next. I just wish I could see what'll happen to this sick-in-the-head man once I launch my attack.

"Your days of 'protecting the Leaf from within the shadows' are over", I declare lucidly as a howl of wind whisks between us.

I sense Madara's presence which was surprisingly near us and I assumed that he was in anticipation of what'll happen now.

When the rhythm of the wind's whistle flew past our fighting site, and into oblivion, I finally took the leap that I've waited for these past four years.

"I present you The Bloody Butterfly Technique"

The sharp wings of the butterflies cut smoothly through the air as they aim for Danzo in a flash. Danzo was standing still and a few gasps could be heard from him as my blade butterflies targeted him.

There was no way he'd be able to dodge this blow, because simply put, the calloused wings of the butterflies allows them to penetrate through the air twice as fast.

Which is exactly why Danzo was rendered immobile in this moment.

As soon as I launched my winning attack card, I was rendered with an agape mouth when Madara suddenly shouted out, "Hanabi don't attack him!".

"Huh?", I asked dumbfounded.

What's he talking about? And why isn't Danzo writhing in pain?


Don't tell me...

He used that strange Jutsu again?!

"I'll put you out of your misery soon", Danzo's menacing voice rang through my ears again, suddenly making my entire body go rigid as he ensnares me in a headlock from behind.

He brings out a blade and presses it to my neck as he hisses, "have a heart-wrenching reunion, Hanabi Namikaze".

He'd just appeared right behind me, completely unscathed.

But much to his knowledge, I too anticipated this move.

"Lightning Style: Flying Raijin Jutsu!"


The butterfly from earlier, I'd marked its wings with my Technique Formula.

This Jutsu that he uses makes my attacks useless, while he successfully lands his blows, but how?

"Madara", I call out, a bit out of breath as I hear the wings of the butterflies cling-clang back and forth, "do you have any idea as to what this Jutsu of his is?".

"The Izanagi", he answered directly, to which I echoed back, "the Izanagi?".

"A Jutsu forbidden even among the Uchiha", Madara declared, making me perplexed, "An ultimate Genjutsu cast upon one's self. It blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. Any damage done to the user can be reversed and written as a dream".

"What?!", I retort upon hearing what he'd just said, "is this a joke?! How many times can he use it?!".

This is just too convenient for him.

"Hmmm, let's see", he stressed on the last word, earning a growl from me.

"Damn you", I curse him out for his dark and inappropriate humor.


"What?", I whispered in response as I held my breath in alert.

"Ichiko's Sharingan in his right arm!"

"What about it?"

"The eyes clicked shut just as he utilized this Jutsu twice!"

"What?", my mouth falls agape for a moment before it suddenly clicked, "understood", I reply back to the butterflies as I adjust my bandage.

The Sharingans embedded in his right arm allow him to use this technique at least once per eye. If I calculate the equation accurately, then I end up with the fact that he probably won't use the Izanagi with my eyes. He's probably saving my visual prowess in order to fight Madara.

"So that's your little trick then you filthy scum", I hiss as a smirk makes its way on my face.

I've already exhausted my chakra enough by taking down all ten of his underlings.

I still have enough chakra for approximately one or two more Jutsus to conjure. So what will it be?

How will I take him down?

"You don't give up do you?", he spat with frustration.

"Danzo Shimura", I growled in response, "This is the end of the road for you".

"I could care less about my life", he retorted back, "but I must survive to change the way of the shinobi world!", he bawled.

"Burn in hell with your god complex", I hissed.

As if on cue, I gave out the signal at once.

A few butterflies of mine were given the task to lurk around Danzo and prowl on him as they waited for my signal before penetrating his most dominant chakra points.

"Wha-", he gasped in astonishment as I sensed his chakra altering disruptive.

"I have a different punishment in mind for you, Danzo", I growl.

Rapidly, I marked several butterflies with my Technique Formula for what is to come next. I dispersed them evenly around the Tenchi Bridge and braced myself.

Then, just as the name of my clan would suggest, I lunged forward at him with all my speed.

In my right hand, sparks and glimmers of Kakashi's famous Chidori flailed and danced around.

As expected, he hastily got out of the direction I was aiming at.

"Flying Raijin", I hissed under my breath.

"Where'd she go?!", Danzo asked out of frustration as he panted loudly.

A wicked laugh could be heard from Madara, when I teleported above in the air, where he completely overlooked.

With my left hand, I clutched my right wrist with all my might.

I calloused my right hand and gritted my teeth together.

I could almost picture how Danzo was frantically looking around for me, before he suddenly gasps at the realization that's right above him in mid-air.

He was just about to pounce away from my aim and save himself, when I hissed, "oh no you won't".

The remaining blade winged butterflies simultaneously penetrated his skin at once, pinning him in place for my final strike.

"This is for my parents!", I bellowed at the top of my lungs as I swung down my Chidori like a knife.

Danzo gasped in shock and his breath hitched in his throat when my Chidori came down, slashing and tearing through the Hashirama cells at the shoulder joint.

His entire right arm was cut off as a result as my face dripped with sweat. In these fast unfolding events, I gave him no time to comprehend what had happened.

I grind my teeth together in anticipation.

Instinctively, I pivoted around at a little over than a ninety degree angle and delivered a powerful kick just as my hand reached out to painfully yank out one of my eyes, making him scream out in agony.

I'd gulped down my own puke when my hand enclosed around my eye.

I landed on the Tenchi Bridge beside the corpses of the Root.

Madara's chakra was suddenly on the move as well. The second scream of agony that emanated and echoed from Danzo suggested that Madara proceeded to successfully haul out my second eye.


A/N:- Yes, so hopefully you liked the fight✨✨Also, I wanted to point something out. If you spot any errors, either grammatical or spelling wise then that's because 90% of this book was me aggressively typing down on my phone as I listen to music so excuse-moi✨✨

Also, I don't know when the Ichiko Filler will be, but if you ever receive an update from this book along the lines of  'Love Symbol' or 'Curse of Hatred' then you best believe that's the Ichiko chapter and I can guarantee that you'll like it✨✨


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