
By JessicaBloom790

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Bella Stevenson's life seems perfect, and it was until a terrible tragedy struck her family. Now her parents... More

Chapter 1: Dark Allies
Chapter 2: My Angle
Chapter 3: Chemo
Chapter 5: Spending the Night with You
Chapter 6: Sing with Me
Chapter 7: Breaking Down
Chapter 8: Comfort
Chapter 9: New Friends
Chapter 10: Dance
Chapter 11: Tearful Confessions
Chapter 12: Love Songs
Chapter 13: "It's Ok to be Scared"
Chapter 14: Surgery
Chapter 15: Slow Recovery
Chapter 16: Going Home
Chapter 17: Shattered
Chapter 18: 2 Weeks
Chapter 19: Deserve
Chapter 20: Meet the Parents
Chapter 21: A New Start
Chapter 22: "You are the Reason"
Chapter 23: Settling In
Chapter 24: Our Anniversary
Chapter 25: "Don't Give Up on Me."
Chapter 26: "Not a Little Girl Anymore."
Chapter 27: Missing You
Chapter 28: The Trial
Chapter 29: The Verdict
Chapter 30: "Your Finally Back."
Chapter 31: Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 32: The Last Straw
Chapter 33: "You Should Go"
Chapter 34: A New Life
Chapter 35: Two Years Later
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 4: Stay With Me

971 28 2
By JessicaBloom790

Bella's POV:

When I get home I realize how late it is. I quickly ran up to my room to change into my pj's. When I opened my door I let out a quiet aww. Ollie and Charlie are curled up on Charlie's bed, with Ollie curled up in between Charlie's front paws. I quickly snap a picture before walking over to my walk-in closet to grab my pj's. After I finish getting ready, I climb into bed and grab my book. I read about three pages before I realize that I've read the same sentence four times, so I put it down again. I sigh. The past couple of days have been insane. First I get choked in an ally by Colton James, the boy who everyone is terrified of. Then he apologizes and calls me pet names. Then he yells at me. Then he begs for my forgiveness and steals my first kiss! Not that I didn't enjoy the kisses, they were amazing, but still! So maybe it's not the days that have been crazy, maybe it's him. And the worst part is I'm falling for him cause he's amazing, but now that I've been away from him for a little while and my head is clear I realize that I can't fall for him. I just can't cause he has cancer and as selfish as it sounds I can't lose another person I love to cancer. Which means I can't fall in love with him and that's it. I just wish my heart understood that.  

I huff and bury my face in my hands. What am I going to do?! I told him I wanted to be together, cause in my heart I do but my brain knows it's not a good idea. But how am I going to tell him that! I walk over and sit down next to Charlie's bed. Ollie wakes up and crawls into my lap. I smile, stroking his soft fur. "What am I going to do Ollie," I whisper? I yawn, a wave of tiredness washing over me. Well, I guess I can figure it out tomorrow. I place Ollie back on the bed before climbing back into mine. I cuddle into my blankets and fall into a deep sleep.

As soon as I open my eyes I can tell today is going to be a difficult day. I really don't want to get out of bed but I know I have to so I sluggishly pull the covers off and stumble towards the shower. When I got out I grabbed the outfit I picked out last night and slipped it on. I picked out a gray plaid skirt with a soft pink turtleneck and gray knee-high boots. I curl my hair and put on some light pink lipstick and some mascara to complete my look. Despite the fact that I don't particularly like my appearance, I love clothes. And even though I have to buy all my clothes in petite sizes, I'm a major girly girl. I grab my backpack, take care of Ollie and Charlie and head to school.

When I pulled into the parking lot I noticed that I only have five minutes till first-period starts, so I head straight to my math class. When I get to my class, I sigh and sit at my desk. I've been thinking about Colton all morning and the only thing I can think of is to avoid him so I guess that's what I'll have to do. Even though I really don't want to hurt him. I sigh again. Just then the teacher walks and starts the lesson. Well, I guess the only thing I can do now is focus on school. 

About twenty minutes later I'm completely focused on my math problems when the door slams open. I jump out of my skin and my eyes fly up and lock with his. When he sees me he smiles and quickly makes his way to the seat next to mine. He drapes his arm across my chair and starts playing with my hair. I just blush and stare at my desk, I forgot he was in this class. "You look beautiful," he whispers in my ear. "Thank you," I mumble, still not making eye contact with him. "You ok?" I just shake my head. I'm already going to hurt him. I can't lie to him as well. "What's wrong?" "Can we talk after class?" He nods and squeezes my shoulder, bringing me into his side. Tears fill my eyes but I blink them away.

As soon as the bell rings he grabs my hand and pulls me through the school till we reach the football field. "Ok what's going on, you're worrying me," he says, placing his hands on my hips. But I push them off, making his frown deepen. "I can't do this," I whisper, "I can't be with you, I'm sorry," I cry tears pouring down my cheeks. "What why," he says, hurt shining in his eyes. "I'm sorry and I know this is selfish but I can't fall for you because if I fall in love with you and then I lose you I don't think my heart could take it. I can't lose another person to this horrible disease so I'm sorry but I can't be your girl," I cry, choking on my sobs. "So you don't want to be with me cause I have cancer," he whispers. "It's not that I don't want to, I can't," I say desperately. "Yesterday was one of the best days of my life, I was finally happy. But I can't lose another person that I love, so I'm sorry but I have to go. Goodbye Colton," I whisper, then I turn and walk away, tears streaming down my face. And as cliche, as it sounds as I walk away it starts to rain. 

I cover my mouth to muffle my sobs, the rain mixing with my tears. I know I've only known him for a couple of days but when he kissed me yesterday it was the first time I've felt happy and alive since my sister died. It was the first time I haven't been alone in months. I'm almost across the field when I hear footsteps behind me and then a hand spinning me around. I gasp! But before I can say anything he crashes his lips on mine. For a second I'm frozen but then my heart wins my internal battle and I melt into his arms, kissing him back. He gently cups my cheek with one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the base of his neck. When we finally break for air, both of us gasping he rests our foreheads together and smiles at me. "You know you just made a boy with a tumor in his leg run across a football field right," he says jokingly. I let a strangled laugh escape my lips. He pulls away from me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Listen I can't promise that I'll always be around but you said that yesterday was one of the best days of your life. Well, same here. So I can't promise that I'll always be here but I can promise to make every day we're together as amazing as possible, all you have to do is take a chance. Please, just take a chance on me," he begs softly, caressing my cheek. 

Tears fill my eyes again and roll down my cheeks. Because even though I might regret it one day I know what I want. I want him. "Ok," I whisper. He grins and picks me up, spinning me around. I lock my legs around his waist and hold on to his shoulders for support. A loud giggle escapes my lips as he keeps spinning me. He laughs along with me, bringing me down so my face is buried in his neck. He wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Don't do this again," he says in my ear, his voice hard and demanding. I bring my face up to look at him with wide eyes. His silver eyes are cold, sheltered, narrowed in a slight glare. I drop my gaze, no longer able to meet his eyes. "You don't understand," I whisper. "There's nothing to understand your either my girl or not." He grabs my chin, squeezing it. "So tell me, Bella. Are you my girl?" "Y-yes," I stutter out. His eyes melt back to the color of liquid silver that I love as he gently brings my head back into his neck. I feel like a swarm of butterflies is trapped inside my belly. The way he acted just now was scary but I still liked it and I have no idea why. "C'mon Baby let's get you out of the rain before you get sick," he mutters, walking towards the parking lot.

The rain? My brain finally snaps back to reality, making me realize how cold and wet I am. A shiver runs through me making him hold me tighter. Despite the fact that it's freezing out he's still really warm and as much as I love it I know he shouldn't be holding me like this. His leg must be killing him. "Hey, put me down, you're going to hurt yourself," I say gently, squirming in this hold. He just holds me tighter. "I'm fine Sweetheart," he says, stroking my hair. "But your leg-" "Just let me hold you, please." I sigh and snuggle back into his chest. 

When we finally make it to his car he gently places me in the passenger seat before running around to the other side. "Wanna go to my house," he asks? "Sure." While we drive I take a moment to look at him. His crazy light brown curls are soaked and stuck to his forehead, making me want to push them back. His eyes are the color of melted silver, surrounded by lush black lashes. His eyes and hair complement his lightly tanned skin. I let my eyes leave his face and travel downwards to his broad chest, covered by a white t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin. To his black ripped jeans and his black combat boots. He's perfect. 

(AN: This is what Colton looks like just picture him with dark  gray eyes.)  

I jump when I feel his hand on my thigh. 'You ok Baby," he asks, rubbing my leg softly. "I'm fine," I mutter, a bright blush coating my cheeks. "Good cause we're here." I look up to see a small blue house. "This is where you live, it's so cute," I giggle. He laughs and gets out. I follow suit. He walks over and pins my body against the car. "Next time wait for me to open your door," he mutters, leaning down to kiss my cheek. I blush, again and nod. What is happening to me? "Use your words, Princess," he says, squeezing my waist. "Ok," I whisper, looking up at him through my lashes. He smiles softly and swiftly picks me up, before carrying me inside. "I can walk you know," I say. "I know," was his only response. 

I've noticed how demanding and dominant he is and part of me likes it but the other part of me finds it kinda scary. He quickly walks through the small, empty house and up a small staircase to what I assume is his bedroom. He lays down on the bed with me on top of me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "You love cuddling huh." "Only with you," he says kissing my head. We sit in silence for a few minutes, but I can't help but notice him shifting uncomfortably. "Is your leg bothering you," I ask, my voice filled with concern? "No it's fine," he replies. "Colton," I say warningly, giving him a look. "Don't lie to me." "Fine it hurts but there's nothing I can do, so just lay down please." "No, I'll get off of you and go get some painkillers." "No," he says, his voice hard. I look at him with wide eyes. He sighs. "I'm sorry Baby, I'm just not feeling well and I just want to take a nap and cuddle. So please lay down." I sigh but do as he says. "Get some sleep," I mutter. I gently trace random patterns on his chest while humming a soft tune. He slowly pulls my body up so my head is resting on his neck. I keep humming and after a few minutes, I feel his breathing even out and know that he's asleep.

Hi Everyone:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you so much for reading! 

Please vote and comment 

Love you all Jessie:) 

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