Warriors chance.

By Bubbles4213

23.8K 856 644

"Your leaving?! But who's going to play tag with me?" "I'm sorry, I have to go..." "B-But-" "She has to go fu... More

Character interest. (Edited)
-Chapter One-
~Chapter two~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~The jacket.~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
A new book, kind of?
~Chapter 20~
Maybe Q&A soon?
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~

~Chapter 21~

328 13 1
By Bubbles4213

Chapter 21:  Hero rescue training. 

Author: Remember these are your hero costumes:

Author: Okay back to the story!!!


You were there, in the fitting room all by yourself as you held your hero costume in your hands. 

Feeling quite nervous, you didn't know how they would react, for you to show so much of your hero costume. 

Today, All Might is teaching, but the thing he is teaching is Unknown. It put more nervousness on you, since this is the first activity, besides the sports festival. 

Taking a deep breath, you took off your normal clothes, as you slipped on the costume. 

Hugging every part of your body, you added new knifes to your heels, hearing them clink while going inside.

Fixing up your hair, you put it up styled, hoping that it will stay a little up.

Looking at yourself a final time, your wings fluttered with excitement as you looked even better than the first time you wore it. 

Putting your clothes in Uraraka's locker, you shut it as you made your way out of the room. 

The heroes were all gathered, waiting for the Number one human to show up. Everyone looked soo cool, it made you smile like a dork as you shyly stood behind them.

"H-Hi guys." you spoke out, now playing with the tips of your fingers. Everyone turned around, seeing your tiny form in front as everyone soon froze in place. 

Izuku's face turned into an embarrassing mess, as Ikun held a small blush onto his cheeks. 

Tokoyami didn't think, since he already saw you in it first. He just stood their, a smirk onto his face. 

You then heard a light squeal, seeing Mina walk in your direction. "You look so good (Y/n)-san!!" she complimented, bringing you into a hug as her boobs squished your tiny ones.

As your face slowly turned red, her classmates glared jealously at her. 

Todoroki, on the other hand didn't think any of it, his form facing away as a hint of red could be seen on his cheeks.  He thought your body suited that costume, every curve was hugged by the fabric, while your smooth looking skin shined in the sun. 

He didn't want to cause a scene, but Bakugou felt that way too. Except with a little more jealousy of course. 

Noticing how short your crop top is, he just wanted to hide your exposed chest from everyone else. 

It made him sick how perverted people can be. 

'Dumbass...why d-did you have to choose that?!' he thought, his Jaw locking from the sudden praises you were getting. 

"What does it do?!" Uraraka asked, suddenly getting closer as her costume showed her curves as well. 

Blushing more and more, you backed up slowly, suddenly running into a stiff body. 

"Hey (Y/n)! Your costume looks pretty cool! Suits you well!" A soothing voice stated, immediately backing away to give you space. 

Kirishima smiled down at you, making yourself feel slightly better. 

Giving him a smile too, you bowed. "Thank you Kiri. I like yours as well, so manly!" you praised, sticking your Tongue out, making his cheeks red also. 

"Thanks! I-It was designed after red riot himself. If you think of it, I-It's kind of stupid-"

"I don't think so." 

He paused from your sudden words, his eyes widening with your answer. "R-Really?" he asked, having your head nod. 

"I think it's amazing that you have someone look up to. This costume I designed, made me think of home and what my mom used to wear when she went to battle. So no, it's not stupid." you explained, making Kiri suddenly smile again. 

He surprised you, bringing you into his strong arms as he gave you a loving hug.  "Thank you (Y/n)."

Taking a deep breath, you hugged him back, which made Bakugou scoff and face away.

'Your supposed to do that when I praise you fur face.' he thought, annoyed that his 'best friend.' did that. 

Letting go, you held up a peace sign. "No problem Ei." you blurted the Nickname, making him chuckle while ruffling your main. 

"I AM HERE!!!" A booming voice yelled, making the students turning in the direction of All Might.

Everyone started to grow happy, as you didn't think of it. 

Where you the only one who knew he was teaching? Sighing, you just shrugged it off. 

"Hope you're ready to return to our lessons!" he added, making you feel suddenly tired. 

'I don't wanna.' you thought, suddenly leaning against Karishma's body, as Bakugou looked from the other side of you. 

"Today it's hero basic Training. Feels like I haven't seen you in a while! Especially you Young (Y/n)!" he faced, making you lazily wave.

He noticed your costume, how revealing it was as his cheeks hinted pink, but covered it well. Soon, he quickly changed the subject. 

"Well, welcome back. Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store." he ordered, making a yawn escape your mouth. 

Bakugou's eyes looked your way, his head not moving as he saw how tired your body suddenly is.

'The hell is wrong with her?' he thought, seeing you yawn lightly again. You're body was still leaning on Kirishima, as he didn't mind keeping you a hold for just a moment.

"Listen up young heroes! We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned from you internships and apply it to this rescue training." he finished, making Midoriya suddenly freeze. 

Ikun suddenly raised his hand, acting like his usual self as Midoriya made a funny scared face. 

"If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?" he asked, making your ears perk up. 

Getting off of Kiri, you looked to All Might who has his usual smile. 

'I wonder that to.' you thought.

Midoriya was not paying attention, his body not wanting to move as nervousness grew him. 

Thinking of what Bakugou is capable of through internship,  it scared him to death. 

Todoroki noticed his change of behavior, looking to a suddenly shaking Midoriya, then over to you as Bakugou formed a scary smirk. 

His arms were crossed as his tongue suddenly licked his lips, making people around him feel uncomfortable.

'Race, hell yes. I'm going to beat people to the ground. Starting with tired Fur face.' He thought, bringing his knuckles in his hand, cracking them in the process. 

'What a rodent.' you thought, seeing how Bakugou's comment was making grow cockier than ever. Which has his personality a bit more scary.' 

'He does know I can read his mind right?'

"Good Question young Iida, but no. That facility specializes in disasters! As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare. You're about to step into Field Gamma!" he announced, making you look at the crazy obstacle course in front. 

But, suddenly you started to grow nervous too. 'I-It's not even a proper path! Just jumbled up obstacles!' 

"I can tell your nervous! But fear not! This obstacle Inside, is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around! You'll be competing in groups of five." He continued, making your face lit up from a familiar word.

'Labyrinth? I've been to one before!' you thought, feeling a little better about this activity. 

"Each person starts from a different location  on the outskirts of the model city.  I'll send a distress signal, and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins! B-But try to keep the property to a bare minimum, please." he finished, pointing in Bakugou's direction which made him Kind of pissed off.

"Why're you pointing at me??" he asked, making your heart suddenly feel excited.

"ALL RIGHT! First group get to your places!" He ordered, as Izuku, Ikun, Ojiro, Mina, and Sero where up first. The rest of you went in some sort of room, where you could see what's going on.

Kaminari looked at the screen above, noticing that Ikun was holding a painful face. 

You suddenly started to worry, hoping that Ikun can keep his control and win this. Or at least get through it without hurting himself. 

"Iida hasn't completely recovered yet, right?" He asked, making everyone look in his direction. "He should probable sit this out." he added, making Kirishima look at the Giant square again. 

"Man, everyone in this group has really good mobility." Kirishima added, as you let out a nervous gulp. " I agree, Ikun has great speed, not to mention his skills of memorizing his paths. But Izuku-san's power has incredible power, he can jump to incredible heights, while moving a reasonable speed also. Sero on the other hand can stick to stuff, like that cartoon hero Spider human, he can use his upper body strength for speed and control. Same thing with Ojiro and his tail." you explained, sitting between Momo and Jiro. 

"Huh. I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage." she spoke up, making your head tilt. "How so?"

"Because, moving quickly isn't one of his strongest suits. That's for sure. Also, whenever he uses his powers, he get's badly injured." Jiro added, holding a blank face. 

"Yeah but, is he mixes the maneuver with his quirk, surely he will move a bit quicker right?" Kaminari asked, making Tokoyami just look at the screen. 

"No matter what everyone does, they all are a big threat to each other. Even if they think one another is a disadvantage." he added, making you nod. 

"I agree with Tokoyami. They all may have disadvantages, but some of their powers may be a lot more to what we are thinking. All of us did grow on something during internships." Sato spoke, making Koda nod. 

"Izuku-kun may have done that in the past. But during the battel with stain, the only sign of injury was when stain cut his let and face bad. Nothing to do with his quirk. I can tell he was improving with his intern, just as everyone else in this room." you confirmed, making everyone look at you.

"Who's your pick, I'm betting on Sero." Kirishima spoke, making Kaminari smirk at him. "Oh, yeah? I got odds on Ojiro." He betted, having Mineta bet also. "I choose Ashido!"

Bakugou scoffed, his arms crossed as he just stared at the screen, causing you to look at him. 

"I know Deku will be last." he spoke, making you're eyes roll. 

"And why do you assume that?" Todoroki calmly asked, making Bakugou grunt. "I just know Icy Hot!!!! He's a looser who doesn't deserve to be a fucking hero!" he snapped, making his eyes roll. 

"Don't assume something just because you want to. He might win, and your sorry little ass is going to be angry either way. Midoriya may be shy, and does stutter a lot. But he's more powerful than any of us seem. Besides (Y/n) of course. So don't just assume he is going to loose just by how he acts." He finished, causing Bakugou to charge his way, but luckily Kirishima was able to calm him down. 

Uraraka was sitting beside Tsu, in a butterfly position as she also watched the screen. "Even if he's still recovering, I think Iida's got this one." she continued, making you slightly smile. "Me too." you whispered, hearing a sound that the match was about to begin.

"Is everyone ready? BEGIN!" All Might yelled, having the studently Immediately heading into All Might's direction. 

Watching Ikun's screen, your heart suddenly grew nervous, worried that he might get hurt again. 

Holding your heart, you looked at his serious face. 

'I believe in you Ikun.'


It turns out at the end of the race, Sero was first, making Kaminari pay Kiri to take him to Ramen. Ikun looked disappointed through the screen, as Midoriya beat him with that crazy move, which happened to be Bakugou's move. 

You on the other hand, got second place. Since you didn't care about being a hero. You wanted to give people a chance to be at the top. Sadly Bakugou was first, as he praised about it to Kiri and Kaminari. 

Heading back to the changing rooms, everyone began to change back to regular clothes.

"(Y/n), what you did today was Amazing!!!~~~" Mina praised, hugging your naked body. 

You're face grew red, as her huge boobs squished your back. 

"I-I y-yeah, t-thank you!" you blurted, started to become embarrassed.

"I agree, the speed you have, and that mobility! You surely can surpass Bakugou in no time." Momo added, slipping her school shirt on. 

"And I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when you do!" Hagakure finished, buttoning up her uniform.

"W-Well, you see guys. I really don't want to surpass anyone." you confessed, making the girls eyes widened. 

"What?! You don't want to become a hero?!" Mina asked, holding your smooth, yet broad shoulders. 

You're head shook. "All I want to do is live a happy free live, if that means helping you and my other friends succeed, then I'll go it." you explained, holding up peace signs towards them. 

Their faces lit up, sparkles suddenly in their eyes on how cute you looked just then. Jiro just smirked, walking your way as he gave you a head pat.

"Don't just think we can't help you too. Your our friend also, that means we are going to help you stay in the hero course." 

"So am I!" Uraraka spoke up, suddenly raising her fist in the air. 

"Me too!" mina replied, making Momo nod. "So will I." 

Your eyes widened from their caring words, an excited smile appearing onto your face as you tackled them into a group hug.

But later, you heard Mineta's voice through the other side. 

"Midoriya! Look what I've found the Jackpot!" 

Izuku looked in his direction, to see the pervert found a hole through the wall. 

" Someone jacked a hole through this wall! A gift that has passed on generations to come! What a blessing! You all know what's next door, right?!" he drooled, making Kaminari, Sero, and Sato's eyes to widen, scared of what Mineta will do. 

"This looks into the girls' locker room!" You slightly squeaked, scared that he might actually have the guts to look. But then you suddenly heard Ikun yell.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! PEEPING ON THEM LIKE THAT WOULD BE CRIMINAL!" Iida yelled, chopping his hands up and down, but Mineta ignored him for a reason. 

"Then you'll have to throw me in solitary confinement, 'cuz you can't stop me!" He argued, slowly pulling the poster off of the wall. 

Izuku and Kiri started to freak out, seeing him about to look through the hole. 

"I want to see Yaoyorozu's curves! And (Y/n)-sans fine body! Her skin must look so soft and succulent!!" He drooled, thinking of many ways to enjoy you. 

Iida and the boys blushed from his comment, wondering what you looked like. But they can't listen to a pervert who is about to look at your body first.

Bakugou grew angry, suddenly turning around as he headed towards the pervert to take care of him and cover that hole. 

But before he could, Mineta got poked in the eye by Jiro's ear, making him instantly fall to the floor, screaming with pain. 

Immediately, Izuku covered the hole back up with the poster, as bakugou Yeeted Mineta out of the locker room.

You and the girls on the other hand, stood in the locker room, quickly getting dressed as Jiro saw the hole covered. 

'What a perverted human.'


Everyone was out of the changing rooms, Uraraka and the girls waved you goodbye as Ikun had some stuff back at school to take care of. He told you to go home, but you felt bad to leave him here all by himself.

"D-Don't worry (Y/n)-san, I'll just ask Tensei to pick me up later. Go on ahead without me. Besides, you have strict studying to do for the upcoming midterm test." He lectured, making you instantly sweat dropped. 

'For a student, he sure lectures a-lot. I should know that by now, but sometimes it still surprises me.'

"Yeah Ikun, I-I know. Go ahead, you don't want to make the council waiting." you told him, having to check his watch. 

Smiling, he gave you a loving hug. "Be safe (Y/n)." he told you, making you hug Ikun back. 

"Bye Ikun."

And with that, Iida left you by yourself, causing you to sit on the bench just outside the school gates. 

You took out the cold water from today, as you drank the refreshment. Th e satisfying cool liquid hit your throat, making the dryness not their anymore. 

"Ahh!" you spoke, smiling with the satisfied sip, as you put it back in your bag. 

Looking in front, you noticed how the sun is starting to set, meaning that it will be dark soon.

'I should probable head home-'

"H-Hey (Y-Y/n)-San!" A familiar voice called out, making you look int he direction of Midoriya, who was running in your Direction.

You smiled as he stopped in front of you. "Hi Izuku-kun! Why are you still here?" you asked, tilting your head. 

"W-Well, I got held back by a teacher. Telling me that I had to submit a hero costume check. Also, I had a talk with Kaachan." He confessed, making you frown.

"Are you okay?!" you asked, making his hands wave instantly in front of him. 

"I-It's okay (Y-Y/n) R-Really! I-I'm f-fine!" He stuttered, causing you to sigh with relief. 'He's himself, good.' 

"A-Anyways, I wanted to tell you g-good Job today! I'm sorry Kaachan got the best of you. He's always been like that." Izuku spoke up, making you face him with a smile. 

"It's alright Izuku-kun. I can handle Katsuki, he's not as scary as some people seem. But, you did good job at handling your quirk, but I got a feeling you didn't use all of it." you added, getting up from the floor. 

He suddenly started to freak out, waving his hands around again. "W-Wait! W-What m-makes y-you think that?! I-I did use a-all of my p-power!" He made up, hopefully that you would believe his lie. 

Sighing, your arms crossed. "You know that my dad can tell your lying right Izuku?" you asked, making him suddenly stop. 

Sighing, his whole body sludge over, his mouth taking a deep breath.

"Besides, I already know you got your power from All Might, I was t-technically watching you the whole time. It was the day I got here actually." you confessed, making his mouth and eyes go wide. "S-So you already knew me before Iida, but you never told me?!" 

You're head shook. "It was not my place, besides, I think All Might and you wanted it to be secretive, so I kept my mouth shut." you added, taking off your school shoes, letting your bare feet hit the sidewalk. 

Now looking at the floor, Izuku looked at his hands, squeezing them tightly. He never knew someone was watching him this whole entire time, it felt like you were cheering him on, but he never knew it.

His meeting with All Might was rather quick, as he got to knew the stuff about his passed, and history of One For All.

Feeling excited, he was just heading home to get rest, But then he saw you alone, on the floor drinking the water from your bottle. It gave him an Idea, this was his chance to get closer to you! 

To be above everyone else. He had a feeling that both Bakugou and Todoroki were taking a liking to you. Even some of the pros, like your mentor, when he saw how connected you were with him. 

"H-Hey (Y-Y/n)." He spoke, making you look at him again. 

"C-Can I give you my number?" His question made your face light up, your wings fluttered with excitement as you quickly got your phone out. 

"Sure Izuku-kun! Here!" you and him switched phones, putting each others phone numbers in. 

Izuku was done, looking up to see your concentrated face. He soon then smiled, seeing your concentrated face, but soon was looked up to meet his eyes. 

Just looking at each other for a moment, made both of your hearts flutter. Seeing that both of you are flustered as well. 

Couching, Izuku suddenly shook his head, handing your phone back. 

"H-Here! I'm sorry to be on the run. But my mom will get worried sick." he confessed, suddenly bowing 90 degrees after he retrieved his phone. 

"I-Izuku-kun! Don't worry, I can go home by myself!" you reassured, making him stand up again. 

"A-Are you sure?" he asked, making you softly smile. "Go." 

With that, Izuku chuckled a bit, bringing you into a hug as his strong arms wrapped around your waist. 

But before he let go, he whispered something in your ear. "I'll text you." he told you, letting you go with one last wave, then he was off. 

He just left you their, being a stupid blushing dork as your mouth was opened wide. 

It wasn't a voice of a shy kid anymore. His voice sounded confident, and somewhat flirty. 

You never knew humans can do that, but everyday some humans never seem to surprise you. 

Shaking your head, you let out a deep sigh as your turned around, heading back to Ikun's place. 

'Humans are so interesting.'

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