teacher | sope

By cerealsos

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❝ mr. min.. i've never done anything like this before.. ❞ ❝ don't worry about that baby doll, i'll teach you... More

•eight• *
•thirteen• *
•seventeen• *
•nineteen• *


2.4K 136 57
By cerealsos

swinging his bookbag over his shoulder, hoseok steps out of dance practice with a tired yet satisfied smile, feeling the warm breeze of the september air hit his face.

it was a sunday afternoon and he just got done finishing up the last touches of a new choreography for his kids. besides learning dances to songs, he also likes to make up his own dance routines to teach. the kids loved it, even called them 'hobi specials'.

hoseok chuckles to himself and readjusts his bag on his shoulder while starting to walk home. his house wasn't too far from the dance studio, maybe around a twenty minute walk. he could hop on the bus if he wanted to but it felt too good outside not to walk.

hoseok hums to himself, turning the corner of the block he's on when he bumps into someone. luckily he didn't fall, as the person's arms wrap around his waist before he could hit the ground.

"looks like we meet again."

hoseok looks up to see yoongi standing there in front of him, a smirk forming on the older's lips. he looked even hotter than usual, with a white t-shirt on that exposed his arm tattoos along with a pair of black skinny jeans. his hands were decorated in many sets of rings and he had on his usual piercings and earrings.

"you know, i'm not sure if you're stalking me or not, mr. min." hoseok laughs teasingly, standing upright and yoongi drops his arms from around him.

"if you count walking back from the local coffee shop stalking you then maybe?" yoongi teases back, stuffing his hands into his jean's front pockets.

"well... i am walking back home from dance practice. maybe you were waiting for me?" hoseok sticks out his tongue and yoongi's eyes dart down to it before he looks back up.

"sure, keep dreaming kid." his voice was gruff, sounding a bit deeper than usual, and it made hoseok shiver on the spot.

"you live near here?" hoseok bites his bottom lip, tasting his freshly applied strawberry chapstick.

"yeah, i just moved into the neighborhood not too long ago. i haven't walked around and seen much besides the store, gym, and coffee shop to realize there's a dance studio around here though." yoongi shrugs.

"oh.. so you're heading back home too?" hoseok pouts, he wanted to spend more time with his teacher- especially outside of school. yet that always posed the risk of someone seeing them together.

yoongi noticed the frown forming on the brunette's soft, pink lips and speaks up, "do you want me to walk you home?"

"yes please, i'd really like that." hoseok smiles shyly and starts walking again in the direction of his house, this time with yoongi by his side.

"how was dance practice?" yoongi asks after a couple minutes of silence. it felt oddly comfortable to walk alongside the younger, he could even see himself getting used to this.

"good, i just finished up a new dance for my kids."

"you create your own choreography?" yoongi's eyes widen, the boy couldn't be any more talented. "that's- that's great, hoseok. i've always admired people who do that."

"are you into music or dance yourself?"

yoongi nods, "i didn't exactly go to school to teach sex education to a whole bunch of high school seniors."

hoseok snorts at this, "i like having you as my teacher though, mr. min."

yoongi looks down at his scuffed up black boots, reminded of the fact that hoseok is his student. being more than that would cause problems for the both of them. hell, he shouldn't even be walking hoseok home, what kind of teacher offers to do that anyways?

hoseok noticed the shift in yoongi's attitude and frowns, wondering if he had said something wrong. it's when he spots a lemonade stand ran by two little kids on the next street over that he decides to cheer yoongi up. so he grabs the older's hand, interlocking their fingers together when yoongi tries to pull away, and leads them over to the drink stand.

"two lemonades please!" he smiles brightly at the kids and yoongi just stares at him, wondering how someone can be the embodiment of the sun.

"that'll be four dollars, please!" the little boy behind the stand chirps, pointing to the money jar that was decorated in colorful markers and glitter. "the money's going to our puppy's surgery, he's sick and we're so close to getting him help!"

hoseok pouts, he absolutely loves animals so he wanted to help in any way he can. he goes to reach for the front pocket of his bookbag before pausing, remembering that he left his wallet at home. before he could speak up, yoongi squeezes his hand and digs in his back jean pocket, pulling out a twenty.

"here, it's not much, but i hope this helps some." yoongi smiles at the boy and puts the bill in the jar.

"thank you so much, mister! we really appreciate it!" the slightly older girl smiles back at yoongi, handing him and hoseok their drinks. "please enjoy!"

as they walk away still hand in hand, sipping the pretty tasty lemonade, hoseok turns to face yoongi, "thank you for that back there... i wanted to get you a drink as a thank you for walking me home but i forgot i left my wallet at home.. so i'll pay you back next time!"

next time? would there even be a next time?

"it's okay, hoseok. don't worry about it." yoongi shakes his head, breaking eye contact with the pretty brown doe eyes settled on him.

hoseok looks down at their hands, liking the contrast between his tan, dainty one and yoongi's pale, large one. to be completely honest, he's surprised yoongi hasn't tried to pull away again, since it's not exactly common to hold hands with your teacher outside of school. but hoseok, he's really enjoying this. they're still dancing around each other, but hoseok knows one thing for sure: they're definitely attracted to each other. these past few weeks of class hoseok found himself distracted, staring at yoongi who always seemed to meet his gaze with a reciprocated look of want. sometimes they would see each other in the library and talk before heading their separate ways. but hoseok likes this feeling of taking his time with yoongi, talking with him, touching him. does yoongi truly want this as much as he does?

"i'm gonna apply to the julie institute."

"seriously!? i'm so glad, hoseok!" yoongi smiles widely and hoseok's stomach fills with butterflies from the other's cute gummy smile. he may look and be intimidating at times, but there's also moments where he can be as soft as a kitten.

he remembers back to when yoongi first brought up the school. the pain in his eyes that he tried to hide was something hoseok was still curious about, but he'll ask him about it another time.

"hey, maybe you can give me a letter of recommendation." hoseok giggles, wiggling his eyebrows at yoongi who just shakes his head, chuckling.

"i don't think you want your sex ed teacher giving you a letter of recommendation to a top performing arts school."

"you never know! they might think it's interesting and that'll give me even more of a chance to be accepted." hoseok's laughter was booming at this point, yet it always sounds like music to yoongi's ears.

"oh, looks like we're here." hoseok reluctantly lets go of yoongi's hand once he stops in front of a small, yellow painted house. it's kind of funny how the home reflected the boy's sunny personality.

"wait, i just realized! you were walking in the opposite direction to go home, which means you must live the other way. so why the hell did you offer to walk me home!?" hoseok whines, poking yoongi's broad chest.

"because i wanted to, baby doll."

hoseok flushes a bright red from the nickname and decides fuck it, he's gonna take a chance. he rests his hand on yoongi's shoulder and leans up, pecking the taller on his cheek before whispering in his ear, "thank you for the walk home, mr. min~"

and with that, hoseok pulls away with a wink and heads into his house, leaving yoongi to be the one standing there a blushing mess.


"i kisshed his cheek, joon!"

"you kissed his dick!?"

hoseok bursts out of his bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth as he walks over to his friend who was currently lying on his bed in shock.

"no, you idiot! i kisshed his cheek, cheek!" hoseok points to his cheek, continuing to brush his teeth furiously. how dare namjoon make him flustered at seven in the morning? just for revenge, he gathers up some toothpaste on his finger and wipes it on his friend's cheek.

"gross, hobi! it's not my fault i misheard you, you're telling me this story while brushing your teeth!" namjoon groans and walks into the bathroom to wipe off his face, hoseok following behind him laughing.

"i lob youuu"

"yeah yeah, hurry up and get dressed before we're late."


"okay class, today we'll be moving onto chapter two. last week we wrapped up our first chapter on human sexuality so now we'll be learning about gender and sexual rights. can anyone tell me why gender is so important when it comes to sexuality?"

yoongi doesn't expect to get many responses, especially on a monday afternoon when everyone just wants to go back home or hang out with their friends after school. he could see his students sigh, their eyes glancing up to the clock above the whiteboard. he knows they want to leave, he even wants to leave himself, but he knows better than to slack off with his teaching duties.

a couple hands start to gradually raise throughout the lecture hall, and a specific one on the right makes yoongi feel giddy.

yoongi looks over to meet hoseok's gaze. the boy had on purple eyeshadow along with his usual eyeliner, making his eyes look ever so prettier.

"yeah, go ahead."

"gender is important when it comes to sexuality because it deeply influences all aspects of it. it affects how we express and experience our sexuality, how we initiate romantic relationships, and how we feel about giving or receiving... pleasure." hoseok mumbles the last bit, he shouldn't be getting shy over topics like this but when he's staring dead at yoongi while talking about pleasure, he can't help but feel a bit flustered.

"right, exactly, good job." yoongi nods at him and turns to cast his attention elsewhere, calling on another student.

the rest of lecture seems to drag on but hoseok didn't mind. he thought it was interesting learning about gender discrimination, gender roles and stereotypes, and different ways of understanding gender. hoseok was comfortable with his gender and his sexual identity, even if it made others uncomfortable. he was glad yoongi made it clear that he'll accept no insults, jokes, or discriminatory remarks when it comes to the things they're learning about. hoseok knew some people in his class had made derogatory remarks before about the topics, especially three new students that just switched into the school. they were expelled for outing and bullying their peers who were apart of the lgbtq community, and it made hoseok feel sick to his stomach that his school still accepted them anyways. so he made sure to steer clear from them, already having received dirty looks from the trio before when walking past them. hoseok's out and openly gay, yet that still doesn't mean they won't try to bully him. namjoon made it clear that he won't let that happen, but his friend can't always be there by his side.

"hey, you okay?" namjoon's voice brought hoseok out of his thoughts as they walked out of school together.

"hm? yeah, i'm fine. can we please go get some tacos though? i'm starvinggg." hoseok groans, rubbing his belly for exaggeration.

"you're such a drama queen." namjoon rolls his eyes, laughing at his friend before hearing his own belly growl. they both share a look before nodding, "tacos it is."


yoongi is obsessed with hoseok's waist and like- me too

anyways, y'all better start taking notes on yoongi's lectures!

also, i just posted the intro to my new sope fanfic ! it's called 'trust', feel free to check it out :)

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