Much More

By Zuu_47

5.5K 94 52

The story continues after Geralt's and Yennefer's wedding 7 years later. Their lifestyle has changed which me... More

Betrayal ~ part 1
Betrayal ~ part 2
You & I
Back to normal
The past
New Wolf
Quite an entrance
Treasure ~ part 1
Treasure ~ part 2
The way out
Found something
Having fun
Drunken night
Journey - part 1


189 2 2
By Zuu_47

TRISS's HOUSE - Novigrad

"Do you know Geralt of Rivia?" Yennefer asked her. She was little bit curious about that witcher. Triss stopped reading the book in that moment. It was early morning.
"I.. I mean.. Yes, I know him. We worked together once.." Triss smiled at her. "Why do you ask?" she was trying to act naturally.
"You've never told me that you know the famous White Wolf.." Yennefer raised her eyebrow. This news surprised her.
"Well.. that's because we haven't seen each other so long. We didn't have a chance to talk properly." Triss was trying to smile.
"He was acting so weird." Yennefer admitted.
"Witchers are strange." Triss said quickly. Yennefer gave her confused look.
"You know.. their mind is kind of broken.." Triss laughed and put big smile on her face.
I really couldn't say bigger bullshit. She thought.
"I don't think so, he seems quite clever to me." Yennefer said calmly.
"Maybe rumors were not true then." Triss smiled at her. "Oh, I totally forgot.. I have some work to do. See you later?" she didn't want to talk about Geralt anymore. She knew she could very easily say something what she may then regret.
"Alright. I have to solve something in the town too." Yennefer smiled at her. Triss stood up.
"See you then." the sorceress said kindly and left.
"Bye." Yennefer smiled. She started thinking. She noticed that Triss was acting differently. She was clearly missing something.


Geralt was standing in front of mirror and looking at himself. He was thinking about her.
Almost a four days passed since he was talking to her. He knew he should talk to her because she won't be in Novigrad forever. But it was hard for him, no matter how he tried to deny it. He missed her. He would never realize how much until she wasn't near to him. He wanted to solve everything, he wanted to end this curse as soon as possible, but the most he wanted her back. He needed her back. He wasn't himself without her by his side. He loved her so much and he wasn't ready to lose her. Not again. He knew he can't fail. This was his biggest fear. To lose her. He knew then everything would be over for him. He knew he couldn't live without her. But he also couldn't let that happen.
He took a deep breath. He fixed his shirt, then he tied his hair with black ribbon. He went towards his bed and grabbed his armor. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
"Dad?" Jahve slowly opened the door. Geralt turned to him.
"Why are you not sleeping? It's still so early." he smiled at him.
"I couldn't sleep." Jahve explained. He came to Geralt.
"What's worrying you?" the witcher smiled and he knelt down in front of him.
"Where is mom?" Jahve asked him sadly. Geralt sighed. He knew that this question from him will come soon or later, but he didn't expect that it would be so hard for him to explain it.
"Your mother had to leave." Geralt was trying to smile. But it was really hard for him to lie to his own son.
"She doesn't love us anymore?" Jahve lowered his head. He didn't understand.
"What? No. That's not true. She loves us. She also loves you so much, but she has some work to do now." Geralt explained. He wished he would never have to say those words to him.
"Then why she didn't say goodbye?" he looked at him with sad eyes. Geralt's heart wanted to break apart in that moment.
"Because it was urgent. She needed to leave quickly, but she will return soom. I promise." Geralt caressed his hair. He wished his words were right. The tears started rolling down from Jahve's eyes. Geralt looked at him sadly.
"Shh.. don't cry. She will come back." Geralt hugged him tightly.
"I miss her dad." Jahve snuggled closer to Geralt.
"I know. I miss her too." the witcher was honest.
Another knock on the door disturbed them.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you, but we have a session. We have a new clues." Triss told them kindly.
"Go find Ciri. Okay?" Geralt looked at him and kissed his forehead. Jahve nodded and he started leaving.
"He is such a lovely boy." Triss admitted when she came to Geralt.
"I don't deserve him. I don't deserve them.. I can't even take care of my own family.." Geralt sighed and lowered his head.
"Geralt this is not your fault. You know that." Triss wanted to comfort him. She knew this situation was hard for him.
"I failed again. I didn't protect her." he raised his eyes on her.
"Hey, hold on. First of all she can protect herself, she has proved it many times to you and secondly you're the strongest person I've ever met then I don't understand how it could be your fault.." Triss crossed her arms.
"It still won't change what happened." he was honest.
"Yeah, you right. It won't change if you will sit here and do nothing. Do you want her back? Then fight for her." Triss said honestly. Geralt nodded.
"Thank you..." he smiled at her.
"Come. We should go. They're waiting on us." Triss caressed his arm.

"So what do we know?" Vesemir asked them. They were standing in the main cabaret room.
"We've found out that someone put poison into Yen's wine. Triss did some tests in the lab. The results are showing that the poison were cursed. It means this person was on the celebration the whole time." Eskel said calmly. Geralt started to be nervous. He was shaking with his foot.
"Do you have any suspects?" Triss was serious.
"Yes, because Jaskier invited many people here." Eskel explained.
"I swear I will kill you." Geralt was ready to go after him but Vesemir stopped him with his hand.
"Don't. Not right now. I know you're angry but it won't help anybody." Vesemir looked at him. Geralt nodded.
"It's not my fault." Jaskier was defending himself and frowned.
"You should be glad that your innkeeper has a good eyes. He saw a man who was acting weird that night. His name is Samwell, he was helping in the kitchen." Eskel said calmly.
"I know my people who works for me, but I definitely do not know any Samwell." Jaskier said honestly.
"Well, then we should have some word with him." Vesemir said seriously.
"Agree.. and as soon as possible." Triss stated.
"Are you wearing a parfume?" Lambert looked at him suspiciously when they were standing next to each other.
"What? No." Geralt frowned.
"You smell like a flower." Lambert admitted.
"Fine. I'm wearing a parfume! I want to do a good impression. Is that a problem?" Geralt raised his voice and turned to Lambert. He lost his nerves. Everybody looked at him confused.
"You two do know that we can hear you?" Eskel made a sarcastic comment.
"Sorry." Geralt calmed down. Lambert wanted to laugh but he was holding back.
"Then please focus." Eskel said strictly.
"I hate you." Geralt whispered to Lambert.
"I adore you too." Lambert smiled amusemently.
"Are you two having fun?" Triss crossed her arms when she looked at him.
"I'm not ready on jokes Triss." Geralt sighed.
"Good. Me neither." Triss gave him angry look.
"Hey, everybody calm down. I can feel this tension even in my bones now. We all want to help Yennefer, but right now it doesn't seem to me like that. We all are family, then start behaving like one." Vesemir interrupted them. They all stayed silent.
"Can you please continue sweetheart? What's the plan?" Vesemir smiled at Triss.
"Of course." she nodded. "Eskel and me will continue searching for another clues how to end the curse. Geralt and Lambert, you will go visit our suspect's guy." Triss told them calmly.
"What about me?" Jaskier wanted to know.
"You will take care of everything in your Tavern. We need a safe place if something would screw up." Eskel looked at him.
"I can't leave.." Geralt didn't finish.
"I will take care of Jahve. Don't worry about it." Vesemir answered.
"Thank you." Geralt smiled at him.
"So, I think this meeting is over. See you tonight.. and good luck." Eskel told them and he grabbed Triss's hand and then left with her. Geralt was watching them. He wished he could do the same with Yen.
"So, like the old times? You and me together in the streets.." Lambert was teasing him. Geralt looked at him.
"No thanks." Geralt faked his smile.
"Why not?" Lambert laughed.
"Because you're an ashole." Geralt stated.
"That's true. But I can be also very useful one." Lambert said proudly.
"Shut up your mouth. We're leaving." Geralt shaked his head and started leaving.
"Lead the way sir.." Lambert laughed and followed Geralt.

Streets of Novigrad

"Anyone here?" Lambert knocked on the door.
"Are you sure we're on the right place?" Geralt asked him.
"Absolutely. I know this town like my own boots." Lambert said calmly.
"If you say so.." Geralt didn't protest.
"Hey! Open the door." Lambert knocked again.
Suddenly someone opened the door but when he saw the witchers he quickly tried to close the door.
"Do not even think about it!" Lambert stop him and pushed the door back and the man fell on the floor. The witchers entered inside.
"Please. Do not kill me." the man begged them.
"I will do worse if you won't stop speaking now Samwell." Lambert warned him. Sam stood up.
"Who do you work for?" Geralt was trying to stay calm.
"Nobody." Sam said calmly. Lambert at that moment caught his collar.
"Listen to me, I don't have a whole day on you. Do you see this medallion? Then you know what we are capable of.." Lambert said angrily. Sam swallowed. Lambert let him and stepped back.
"I ask again. Who do you work for?" Geralt said strictly.
"He was threatening to me. He wanted to kill my family if I wouldn't do it." Sam was defending himself.
"Who gave you orders?" Geralt was losing his patience.
"I don't know him.. I.. I can't, he will kill me.." Sam got scared.
"I want the names." Geralt said angrily. Lambert slowly took his sword.
"Please.. don't." Sam had fear in his eyes.
"You're not giving me any choice." Lambert came closer to him and raised his sword. He was ready to hit him.
"Stop! Please! Bonhart! His name is Leo Bonhart!" Sam almost screamed. Lambert lowered his sword and looked worriedly at Geralt. Geralt's face got serious. Bonhart were one of their biggest rivals. School of Cat.

"My technique worked." Lambert admitted while they were walking
"You scared him to the death." Geralt said honestly.
"You wanted the name and I arranged it." Lambert looked at him.
"Thanks." Geralt said sarcastically. He was thinking. This was not good. Bonhart was a very big issue and what was do worst that he easily found the way how to hurt his family.
"You could be more grateful sometimes.." Lambert smirked. "So, what we're gonna do?" Lambert asked him. He didn't like this situation as well.
"I don't know yet. We should discuss it with the others first." Geralt said calmly.
They were going around main market when he suddenly spotted her. She was talking to some trader. Geralt was watching her every move while he was walking. But in that moment he bumped into a colmumn in front of him with his head.
"Fuck!" Geralt immediately caught his forehead and sighed from the pain.
"Are you blind or what?" Lambert started laughing.
"Screw you Lambert.." Geralt lowered his whole body. His whole head was spinning. It was strong hit.
"Ahm.. Geralt.." Lambert cleared his throat. Geralt slowly straightened himself and then he turned around.
"What the hell do you.." his words stuck in his throat.
"So it's easier to run away than to know what say?" she raised her eyebrow and put some paper on his chest. Geralt looked at her very confused and after a small hesitation he grabbed the paper. Their hands touched. Geralt stiffened. He felt this connection.
"I don't know what are you talking about." he was trying to stay calm.
"Oh.. I think you do.." Yennefer smiled amusemently. "I have a offer for you." she said calmly and then she turned around and started leaving.
"Hey, wait! What is it?" he shouted at her. But she didn't turn around and continued in her way. Geralt sighed. He wouldn't stop her anyway. He then looked at the paper and read it.
"What is it?" Lambert came to him and looked at the paper.
"It's a contract." Geralt was surprised.
"A contract? So she hired you?" Lambert burst into laughing.
"You're not helping." Geralt smirked.
"What she wants from you anyway?" Lambert got serious.
"I have no idea." Geralt said honestly.

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