Blend Within || Villain Deku...

Von Jilly_Brownie

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By the time Katsuki Bakugo finally starts high school in the hero academia, everyone has forgotten about Izuk... Mehr

Wrong Time, Wrong Scene, Right Person
When the Past Returns and Blurs the Present
In the Not-So-Friendly Circumstances
The Past, Present, and Future
The Calm Before the Storm
The Alley Allies
The Top of the League and Midoriya
Smoke and Memories
The Chaser and Jelousy
Growing and Improving
The Interrupted Party
When You're All Alone
The Path to Gaining Freedom
Searching for Answers
The Last Time we Meet as Enemies
The Heroes Take Action
The Binds of a Promise
The Fulfillment of the Promise
It's a Different Case
Failed Acquaintanceship and Strange Friendship
The Sparring Session with a Hero
The Eight Precepts of Death
The Kids with Scars
The Truth About Eri
The Operation Begins
The Underestimated Enemy
With a Swing of a Hand
A Villain Always Betrays the Other
The Torture of One's Mind
Unstable Friendship
Back to the Alley
Reunion With the Pantomath
Where it Began Again
We Used to be Children
Not so Unaffected
A Chat in the Janitor's Closet
Mizuki Nikushimi
Beautiful Evil
Prove You Are Unfaithful
"I'll End You, Keisha!"
How Much do You Know?
Missing Memories
Who's to Blame?
Forgive but Recompense
That Was Then, This Will be Later
Not Completely Invincible
A Different Way of Coping
A Gut-Churning Feeling
A Mission for a Happy Ending
The Villain Midoriya's Last Mission
Weaker Than the Rest
The Truth of Keisha's Past
A New Life Begins

There is Still a Chance

947 43 39
Von Jilly_Brownie

Everything had been really difficult.

Because Midoriya was considered dead, and all of his documents, passports, and whatever else that proved his existence were deactivated, he had to recreate all his documents. Which, to be honest, was really, really, difficult and time consuming. Although, Midoriya had gotten some good news too. Luckily for Midoriya and Bakugo, Mitsuki had agreed on taking custody over Midoriya, although it was temporary. The authorities and the Bakugos still needed to figure out what to do with the supposedly dead child, and how they could help him start a new life. Although, out of all the possibilities that passed through the greenette's head, the final answer was the least — no, not expected at all by Midoriya.

"I'll be taking custody over you, Midoriya."

Shouta Aizawa, or better known to Midoriya as the pro hero EraserHead, had told him out of the blue as he sat in the kitchen, both Midoriya's temporary parents at work, and Bakugo in school. Midoriya gaped at his friend's teacher, before smiling and chuckling quietly, pouring Aizawa tea he had been preparing before Aizawa had spoken.

"Very funny, Mr. Aizawa." Midoriya stated, his voice slightly amused at the strange joke. But as Midoriya glanced at the hero's face, his smile wavered and his eyes fixated on the serious, red eyes, and he realized that it may not be a joke after all. His eyes widened and he straightened, looking away from Aizawa as he walked hesitantly to get himself a cup as well, rethinking what Aizawa had just said. Could I have misheard? He thought anxiously as he gnawed on his lip, ripping off some of its skin as a habit and feeling the usual taste of blood in his mouth.

"First off, no, I'm not lying about custody. Nezu had requested one of the heroes does it, so that you'll be in the right hands and protected. And besides, he would've taken custody over you himself, but since he's an animal, he's been having quite issues with that. Second off, if you agree with me having custody over you," He quickly clarified as he glanced at Midoriya, hinting at him that he had a choice, "You'll be attending UA's general course, although, depending on how well you do, the extra lessons you will be assigned, since you skipped a lot of school, will be cancelled and you may even be transferred to another course to your liking." Midoriya blinked at him, still not comprehending that the underground hero EraserHead had volunteered to take custody over him, a child whom he hadn't known until the day in the hospital a little over a month ago, and one that was visibly traumatized at that. Does he even understand how much of a burden I'd be? Is he really serious?!

"And I repeat, yes, I really am taking custody over you. A permanent one at that, since we couldn't contact any of your relatives, including your father." Aizawa, as if reading his mind, stated. Midoriya nodded slightly, ignoring the statement about his dad as he acknowledged what was going on.

"Um...I...So I'll be..." Midoriya stopped, realizing he wasn't speaking properly, and tried to force himself to form his sentences correctly, not wanting to embarrass himself even more than he already had. Aizawa looked at him patiently, but Midoriya still felt uncomfortable with having to make someone as important as him. "I'll be attending UA's general course?" He clarified stupidly, still not believing it. He gritted his teeth angrily at himself for asking such obvious questions, but Aizawa nodded assuringly and put on a small smirk.

"Although...And do know that I'm not supposed to say this, but I've been dealing with lots of problem children, and I am somewhat...Infected by the way they think right now," Aizawa started, looking away thoughtfully as his smirk widened a little, "Depending on whether or not you'll be able to win the sports festival that was transferred to the end of this year instead of the beginning, you may be transferred to the hero course. To Bakugo. I heard of your dream to become a duo, and I think...It's a good idea, especially knowing Bakugo." Midoriya's eyes widened as he realized what he meant, and couldn't hold back the grin that unexpectedly appeared on his usually monotone or shy face.

"I...I'll do my best!" Midoriya exclaimed, before Aizawa picked up his cup with his coffee and started to drink it, his eyes still shining despite the smirk now gone from his face. Midoriya watched the pro hero, before he dreamily looked down at his cup, placing his chin onto his hand as his smile relaxed. I'll do my best...There's still a chance for me!


Mustard gulped nervously as he stood alongside the police officers, in front of an unfamiliar door leading to an apartment. He didn't know what to say, or how to react, when he was told he was coming here because he was finally...The thought doesn't even properly pass through his mind, that's how unreal it seems to him. The police glanced at Mustard, who's fist was still clenched at his side as he looked at the door in panic.

"Hey, kid. The faster you do it, the better you'll feel." The police officer to his right assured, not hurried, as he gently looked at Mustard. Mustard looked the officer in the eyes, and seeing his honesty as he smiled and patted Mustard on the shoulder assuringly, Mustard nodded and turned towards the door. Forcing himself with all his willpower, he knocked on the door, the action suddenly seeming too loud and inappropriate and making him heat up from worry and embarrassment, emotions which he usually didn't feel whisk around his best friend, which he usually was. And then, it happened.

The door opened, and standing in the doorway was the one and only

"Mrs. Chuichi, we have come here to reunite you with your son." The police officer to Mustard's left stated as he patted Mustard on his back assuringly, signaling for him to come forward. Mustard hesitantly took a step forward, and the woman before him opened her eyes even wide as he stood even closer. The woman had dark brown eyes, much like Mustard's, and a similar looking pointy nose. Suddenly, a man rushed behind her, slowing down his pace as his eyes widened when he saw Mustard, but not stopping until he was right behind the woman to get a better look at the boy. The man had similar hair to Mustard's, although shorter and with an uppercut, and the same thin lips as Mustard.

"I..." Mustard started quietly. He had no idea what to say, and his parents slowly started to tear up, he felt even more guilty and nervous.

"Kohaku!" Both of them called out as they hugged him tightly, both tearing up as they wrapped their arms around him in a deadlock. Mustard stood there, shaken, until he slowly felt himself unwillingly tear up as well, hesitantly but firmly wrapping his arms around his parents as well. And despite all the things he wanted to tell them, he only managed to speak out a short sentence, a smile forming on his face as more tears rolled down his cheek.

"Mom...Dad...I'm home...I'm sorry it took me so long."


Bakugo took a deep breath, seeing Kirishima waving at him almost frantically as he stood next to the gate of UA. It had been 2 weeks since he had started going to school, and 1 week after Midoriya had woken up, which, in Bakugo's opinion, was too prolonged to his liking. They hadn't let him see Midoriya ever since he woke up, since he had to get some documents and other shit ready in order to basically start living, and even though Bakugo understood the situation, they could've at least let him see him, and it was annoying that they didn't let him do that despite him being the only person connecting him to the living world.

"Bakurbo, yo! How are you, man?!" Kirishima exclaimed, too loudly to Bakugo's liking, and Bakugo simply grunted a lazily "fuck off" as he stomped past him. Kirishima immediately started following him, rambling on about something that happened to Kaminari yesterday after he ended up sneezing while drinking water. Bakugo tuned him out as he walked into the classroom, sitting down as he took out his notebook and twirled his pen in his hand while glaring at the window. Ectoplasm came in a few minutes later, and Bakugo wrote notes as he listened to his lecture about quirk laws.

After two of his classes were over, he went to lunch, and Kirishima just wouldn't stop bickering in his ear. It was driving him nuts, and he felt his eye start to twitch as he continued to hold back his anger. Luckily, Kirishima finally shut up when Sero and Kaminari started talking to him, although, now he had to deal with 3 people bickering, and oh my god he was going to kill them if they didn't shut the fuck up right now.

What he didn't expect was to hear another voice bickering not too far away, one that seemed too familiar to be someone he didn't know.

Bakugo turned around, searching for the possible source of the voice. Sure, he may pretend (or not really) to not know people around him, such as his classmates or other hero course students, but he would be able to recognize someone if he saw them. He continued to scan the crowds, ignoring his friends who called out to him, confused, as he continued to scan the crowd. He rolled his eyes, annoyed, and turned around, following his friends into the cafeteria.


Finally, hero lessons. Bakugo enjoyed those more than any other, although, who wouldn't? Finally getting to move around, get some action, do something that will truly be useful in his life. Sure, Aizawa was a stern man, but nothing Bakugo wasn't used to, and was even glad he was like that. What he hadn't expected was for him to fucking go soft and bring the general students with them.

Not that Bakugo really minded, but he really didn't want to end up exploding the general students, and get blamed for overdoing it. If the general education students were in that course, they were there for a reason, right? And sure, there is a possibility they had a mind quirk, or a quirk that didn't let them pass the entrance exams, but...Well, yeah, now he has no arguments. Lovely how he puts himself into a corner by himself.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Ashido was called out as she raised her hand. Aizawa sent a glare her way, and she understood her mistake and slightly cowered, laughing nervously as she slowly put down her hand. Aizawa nodded at her to continue, and she cleared her throat before speaking, "They're joining us today, right? If they are, where are they now?"

"They're reminding their teacher of their classes with me. As soon as they do that, they'll come here, and we'll spar. Maybe even get to do an activity similar to the one you did in the beginning of the year with All Might." Bakugo twirled his pencil in his hand as he watched the door, curious to see the students that had caught Aizawa's attention. Suddenly, he realized just how strange it was; students catching the EraserHead's attention. Honestly, he was starting to get an uncanny feeling on just who the general education students were.

"Alright, any more questions? Great. You'll be training in your PE uniforms today, since the general education students don't have your privileges yet."

"Yet?" Uraraka interrupted, covering her mouth as she realized what she did. She blushed as the teacher sent her his usual annoyed glare, before letting out a tired sigh and answering her question.

"Depending on how well they do in the sports festival at the end of the year, they may be transferred to the hero course starting next year." Bakugo hummed to himself in acknowledgement. Although, he couldn't help but wonder who the general course students were. Maybe someone competent. Maybe someone as useless as Mineta. He didn't know why he was so curious, but he was, and it was making him unwillingly mad.

They quickly changed into their uniforms, the boys bickering about who the students were. Bakugo would've joined, but his pride wouldn't let him. That was just who he was.

"Alright, finally you're here. Those two already managed to change in the bathroom while you were there chatting away." Aizawa snapped as he scanned the students in front of him.

"Where are they, though, ribbit?" Asui asked, curiously pressing her finger against her chin. Aizawa unwillingly smirked, although it ended up looking more sadistic than he most likely expected. He turned towards the entrance to UA, and the rest of Class 1A turned there as well, eagerly watching as the door opened and two students walked out. One with wild, long, purple hair that almost seemed like it was floating, which awfully reminded them of Aizawa, and the other...

"What. The. Hell." Bakugo stated stoically, watching as a familiar green-headed male walked towards them alongside the purple-haired student. His classmates glanced at him in confusion, and Bakugo snapped his head towards Aizawa furiously. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"It was a surprise." Aizawa simply stated with a shrug as Midoriya came up towards Bakugo, grinning as he looked at the shocked and glaring Bakugo.

"Not even a hello?" Midoriya asked hopefully as he shrugged awkwardly at the blond. Bakugo quirked an eyebrow at him as he crossed his arms on his chest, waiting for Midoriya to figure out what he had done wrong. Midoriya, seeming to finally understand, chuckled awkwardly as he turned away from Bakugo in embarrassment and realization, but stayed beside him anyway, ignoring the intrigued glanced his way from the other hero course students.

Although, Bakugo was actually way more shocked than he showed. Sure, he knew that Midoriya's dream was to go to UA, and even though he wasn't in the hero course, saying Bakugo was surprised by Midoriya's appearance at UA, especially since he hadn't told Bakugo during any of their rare get-togethers during all the courts, was an understatement. Bakugo was happy too, although, he would never admit it aloud. After all, maybe, just maybe...The Wonder Duo still had a chance.

"This is Izuku Midoriya. And that is Hitoshi Shinso." Aizawa presented as he pointed at the two students. Midoriya pursed his lips together in a tight-lipped smile, and Shinso simply saluted the other students as he walked up to stand beside them. "You should not hold back against those two. Even if they don't have as much as experience as you do, they should be able to learn how to do things without you giving in to them, and besides, the advantage of your costumes was taken care of, so feel free to do whatever you think you should." Aizawa simply explained as he strangely glanced at Midoriya. Midoriya ignored the remark about experience, and simply smiled reassuringly at Aizawa.

"Problem child..."

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya quickly replied.

"Remember what we-"

"I remember. I won't do anything, I promise." Midoriya quickly reassured his foster parent as he raised his hands in front of him defensively. Aizawa scanned him slowly before shaking his head with a sigh and turning back towards his students. Midoriya had promised not to break anyone's bones like he would've when he was a villain, and although Midoriya understood where he was coming from, he couldn't help but feel a small feeling of disappointment as his teacher once again reminded him of who he was. A villain. A former one, but still a villain.

Finally, Aizawa had finished explaining what they would do for the exercise, and to say that the hero course students and the greenette (Shinso as well, but he hid it well) were pumped for the upcoming fights was an understatement. Right now, the battles between the hero course students would begin, and Midoriya couldn't wait to see what the new generation of heroes he will fight alongside has to show him.


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