How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

466K 20.4K 2K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 27

7K 317 33
By AlanisKorali

Chapter 27

This week has been excruciatingly painful. I decided to just go on with my life as usual even if cameras were waiting outside the two buildings I frequent.

Axel offered that I stay at his place while he's away but then we figured the paparazzi will just follow me from work and discover where he lives, which will make the situation worse, and I can't stay at Hailey's for her privacy. So, I really didn't have much choice but to walk with my head down and pretend there aren't cameras following me.

The online world seems to be thriving. I try to keep away from it but sometimes I find myself scrolling around and then be filled with instant regret. With each new picture they can get of me daily, my fashion choices were heavily criticized. Truly, I do not know what they would expect from an Accountant.

It was tough, but with every passing day, they have dwindled out. Maybe it has finally come to their senses that there wasn't any use in following someone as boring as me. I go to work; I go home from work. I kept that daily routine with the hopes that by Friday, no one will be following me. I was wrong.

Come Friday, they have flocked around again, asking if I'm invited, what I'll wear, and if the event signals that our relationship is serious.

You might think that the press is exaggerating this whole thing. I do too. I mean I'm only dating a supermodel slash actor – not convincing enough to plead my case, I know, but it's not like I'm pulling a Grace Kelly or a Meghan Markle, for God's sake. It really wouldn't have been this bad if it weren't for the James' Annual Charity Gala – one of the most sought-after events in New York high society.

"You get an invitation, you are in, you are part of the club," Hailey said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm actually 'part-of-the-club'. I just got invited because of the scandal, it's not like they have any choice but to invite me to keep up appearances and know who their son is publicly involved with." I rolled my eyes, "As if we were actually dating."

"But Axel didn't tell his parents that."

"He has an issue with his parents, I think? He said he hasn't even seen them for, I don't know, a year?"

"So? You haven't visited your parents in almost a year. I didn't judge you for that."

I puffed, "Okay? But that's different. His parents are both in New York. And besides, I speak with my Mom at least once a week."

"Whatever." I heard a crunch on the other side of the phone.

"Are you eating chips?"

"Nah, nuts."

I almost choked on my own spit, "What?"

"Peanuts, you nasty fool."

I laughed, "Be careful when you talk about peanuts."

"Whatever. So... what are you gonna wear?"

"Oh, Axel sent me a dress," I said dismissively.

"Oh, did he now?"

"Yeah, and please don't make a big fuss out of it."

"I wasn't gonna."

"You know, he didn't even ask for my size but props to him, he got it right."

"Boy's got the eye, I tell you."


"What? It's true. You should remember that he is some kind of playboy, alright? He might be cute and rich and all that good stuff, but he's also bad news."

"I know."

"Yeah, you know," she mocked. "And you still decided to be friends with him."

"He has some redeeming qualities sometimes."


"And I'm just tired of fighting with him. I mean, we still have to go through three more dates. Why not try to enjoy that for a change, right?"

She exhaled loudly, "I suppose you're right. But be careful. And don't tell me I didn't warn you."

"Yes, Mom."

"Okay, now shut up and send me a picture of the dress, I'll find make-up inspirations."

"Oh, you'd do my make-up?" I said, excited.

"Duh! Of course, I would. And don't tell me you'll try to curl your own hair for a ball."

"Well, I thought I could just leave it down."

"Are you kidding me? How would I sneak you out?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I'm thinking about it now and it doesn't seem like a bad idea."

"What is?"

"I figured you could just sleepover at our place so I could help you prepare."

"Or... I could just go tomorrow morning or afternoon?" I counter-offered.

"And have the paparazzi take more pictures of you with a big box of dress?"

"Oh, right."

"Wait, I'll put you on speaker."


"Babe, you up for an adventure?" she said to Josh.

"Uh... what are you thinking about?" I heard Josh ask.

"Operation: Fetch Lauren," she said proudly.

I grimaced, "Yeah, no, that sounds like you're picking me up from Kindergarten."

"Come on, it'll be fun. Lauren will wear an all-black hoodie, and she and I will look like we're having a good time, and you will carry the dress and go out after about a minute, so it won't be suspicious and then we'll meet around the corner."

"Hmm, bad name, good idea. That seems feasible," I remarked.

"See, Lauren agrees. What do you say?"

There was a short pause then Josh grunted, "Fine. You're lucky I love you."

"I love you too." then I heard a peck of a kiss. "Alright, get ready Lauren, we'll come for you."

"Poor choice of words but okay. Take care you guys, I'll see you."

30 minutes later, I heard an obnoxious knock on my door. I rolled my eyes as I opened it.

"Alright, where's the dress?" Hailey emerged from the door and went straight to my bedroom.

"Well, hello to you too."

"Hey," Josh said then his brows shot towards Hailey.

"I'm used to it. Come on," I gestured him to follow me.

"Oh my God," I heard Hailey from my bedroom. Josh and I stood by the door as she raised the dress to have a good look. "You're gonna get laid in this dress."

"O-kaaay, I'll be in the living room," Josh said and made himself scarce.

Hailey flipped the dress and looked at the tag, "Holy fuck! Versace?"

I laughed nervously, "Yeah."

She let out a low whistle, "You know what that means, right?"

"Yeah, it's expensive. I have to give it back to him."

She chortled, "And just how will you give it back to him?"

"I'll send it to him."

She raised her brows suggestively, "Honey, he tore a page from Bruno Mars' book."

I chuckled, "Bruno Mars is a singer, Hales."

She rolled her eyes, "You're so slow, I don't even know why I'm friends with you." She placed the dress in front of her as if she's wearing it and began singing, "Take it off for me, for me, for me, for me, now girl." then dropped the dress to the floor.

"Oh, fuck."

"Yeah," She nodded. "Fuck, indeed."

"Well, maybe it's just a coincidence. Whatever. The dress looks nice, I'll wear it tomorrow. It's not like I have other dresses to wear for the Gala."

"True," she said then picked up the dress. Alright, I'll get this back to the box. Get your things. You've packed right?"

"Of course," I said then grabbed my overnight bag. "Girl scout."

She rolled her eyes, "Come on, let's go." She went to the living room with the box of dress and gave it to Josh, "Babe, guard this with your life. It's Versace," she said slowly. "It's very expensive, okay?"

"I know what Versace is."

"Did I just witness a womansplaining?"

"No such thing, hun," she said like I was out of my mind. "Okay, so, we have to move quickly if we don't want to attract paparazzi or other people who would want to play Gossip Girl, alright?"

I nodded.

"Josh, take the elevator after us. It would buy us some time to not be suspicious with the big box you're carrying. We'll meet at the Southeast corner of this block, 'kay?"

"Copy," Josh said.

"Lauren put your hoodie on, and let's go."

*       *       *

To Hailey's disappointment, Operation: Fetch Lauren was uneventful – still don't like that name though, it's like I'm a dog. But people really didn't care about us, no drama whatsoever, which makes the mission successful by default, I guess.

I slept in their living room; just removed the foam from the couch, placed it on the floor, and voila! instant bed. I thought I'd have a hard time sleeping on the floor but I actually slept like a baby.

It may be from the comfort of knowing that I'm not alone and that no one would try to break into this apartment. I haven't had incidents but my co-workers reminded me daily that I should always be careful, always lock the doors and even the windows before I sleep, and never ever trust the neighbors.

Josh is a morning person. And I lied there, barely awake, and watched him prepare breakfast for Hailey. The way he does that every day is beyond my comprehension. I made a mental note to ask Josh when he's planning to pop the question.

Hailey spent the whole day inspecting the dress and really just making a fuss about it. It's a floor-length dress that is a little too sexy for my liking. It's stark black with gold flecks of geometric shapes on the right half of the bodice; the other half is plain black pleated to a strap on the left shoulder. It looks really nice and I'd have no issue with it, except for the slit that starts at a quarter of my thigh.

It was a long phone call with Axel. Apparently, he doesn't know what the dress actually looked like; he just asked his best friend's sister, i.e., Liezl Mack, the fashion designer, to pick out a dress for my size. He called her and she said they couldn't find something so last minute.

And I have looked up photos of their previous Galas and there's no way I can find and afford a replacement dress that matches the level of grandiose. It's like attending the Oscars without the awards. I know how things go with these kinds of Charity Balls, mathematically speaking, but the fact that these people need to have this flashy event just to donate eludes me.

"Good God, you're a demi-god." Hailey nodded approvingly at her masterpiece.

"It's because I'm made by a Goddess, i.e., you."

She pursed her lips and offered a nod, "Naturally." Then giggled. "So, when is prince charming getting here?"

"He's no prince charming but he said he'll be here in 30." I faced her floor-length mirror to check if there is anything that needs fixing.

"Great. That gives us ample time for champagne."

"I'm going to a ball?"

"Yeah, but you need a kick start. Some kind of warm-up. You don't know if his family will bombard you with questions as soon as you step into the threshold."

I puffed out a breath, "Alright. Let's do it."

Only halfway through the glass of champagne, we heard a knock on the door.

"Is that already him?"

"I don't think so. It hasn't been 30 minutes yet and..." I checked my phone for notifications, "No texts or calls."

"Huh," Hailey walked to the door and looked at the peephole, she flinched a little.

"Is it him?"

Her brows raised as she gave a side-eye then opened the door.

"Hey," I heard Axel's voice at the door.

"Hey, come on in," Hailey said.

"Oh, these are for you."

"Oh, wow, thanks." then they're both within sight, each holding a bouquet.

Axel's eyes flared when he saw me. "Lauren," his voice low in disbelief.

"Yes?" I teased, amused.

His eyes raked up and down, shamelessly checking me out.

As much as I want to make fun of him, by some unknown stimulus, I suddenly felt flutters as my brain registered the way he looked in his well-tailored black-tie tux. I shook it off immediately but my heart can't seem to keep up with what my brain wills as I feel it hammer inside my chest.

"Ehem," Hailey cleared her throat and it brought me back to reality. I'd have to thank her later.

I smiled at Axel, trying to calm myself as I placed the champagne glass on the cool marble.

His grip on the flowers visibly tightened then his eyes settled on mine, "You look beautiful."

"You don't look too bad yourself," I chuckled, trying to ease the tension. Who am I kidding? The man may be an asshole sometimes, but, pardon my French, he is one attractive motherfucker.

He puffed out air nasally as the corner of his lips curved up in amusement. "Here," he handed me the flowers.

I looked at the arrangement of red roses adoringly then inhaled the faint smell of fresh flowers. "Thank you."

He flashed his teeth like a satisfied little boy, "You ready?"

"Never. But it's not like I have a choice."

"Sorry, Grant, a deal's a deal."

I smiled with my lips pursed. "Well," I exhaled. "We're off then," I said to Hailey. She nodded as I hand her the flowers. I grabbed my purse by her side and she whispered, "What deal?"

"Later," I replied.

"Take care, you kids," Hailey said as Axel and I were walking out the door.

"Thanks, Mom," Axel replied unexpectedly.

My feet were frozen to the ground, stunned. "What?" then my laughter echoed through the halls. I looked at him then back to Hailey, whose face was painted with amusement, "Unbelievable. Let's go."

It was simple but it was enough to calm my nerves. I could only hope he can do that later when we face his family.

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