Adventure Time : Memories (2)

By ZomBaitBoom

80.4K 2.4K 683

That was a long time ago...Do you still feel the same? .....I know I do..... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Final)

Chapter 10

3.9K 150 12
By ZomBaitBoom

Marceline and Y/N reach the top of the cliff.

Marceline: Okay what's the plan?

Y/N: We push it!

Marceline: ............

Y/N: .............

Marceline: .....Thats it?? Seriously??

Y/N: Okay well you try comin up with something better! Ms. Leave her old friends behind!

Marceline: I didn't leave you behind!

Y/N: Your new life says other wise!

Marceline: I thought you were gone!......What was I supposed to do?.....Not move on? Not try and build something for myself?

Y/N: .........*Sigh*'ve gone and done so much...almost everything I've wanted to do...friends, family and a home...but-

Y/N is intrupted when the hand of the large Mutant slams down near them. It slowly pulls itself up and roars making Y/N and Marceline cover there ears.

Marceline: Totally not sick of that...

Y/N: What?!

Marceline: I Said-!


The Mutant slowly walks towards them and starts to vomit green goop at them. They watch as the goop lands and begins to sizzle before eating away a small part of the rock.

Marceline: Yikes.

Y/N: Oh right...they do you don't see a Mutant for weeks then you just forget about-

Marceline tackles Y/N outta the way preventing him from being hit with the full force of the Mutant. Unfortunately she is caught and is thrown over the edge.

Y/N: Marceline!!

Y/N rushes over and sees Marceline dangling by her shirt unconscious.

Y/N: I've got you! I've-

The Mutant grips Y/N by his throat and pulls him away.

Y/N: Agh! Let me *Gasp* Go!

Tightening it's grip it slams Y/N twice into the ground.

Y/N: Enough....*gasp*....messing around....*Huff huff*...

He weakly punches at the Mutants arm. It begins to squeeze his throat. Y/N tries to desperately scratch at it to no avail.

Y/N: Come *Ack!* On!

He wiggles his head and manages to reposition it towards the Mutants hand. Opening his mouth as much as he could he chimps down and bite a part of its finger off. The Mutant drops him and roars in pain while Y/N takes deep breaths and spits out part of the Mutant.

Y/N: *Pffft!* It's just sour candy! It's just sour candy! *Pffffft!* Ugh!

He starts to wipe his tongue trying to get the taste outta his mouth.

Y/N: Ugh! Taste like rotten egg!

As the taste went away he looks back and sees Marceline pull herself back up.

Y/N: Marcy! Your okay! I hope...

Marceline: Y-yeah. I'm fine.

Y/N helps her to her feet.


Y/N: Okay! Let's try this again!

Marceline: Ready Y/N?!

Y/N: Let's do it!

The duo quickly fly towards the Mutant as it roars and charges at them.

Marceline: Now!

They spilt and fly away from the Mutant. As it tries to find Y/N and Marceline it comes to a screeching halt near the cliff edge. Desperately it tries to balance itself. Marceline and Y/N fly behind it.

Y/N & Marceline: Boop.

With a small nudge it losses balance and starts to tip over eventually falling off the side.

Y/N & Marceline: Yes!

Marceline and Y/N go for a victory high-five when the Mutant's arm whips up and wraps around Y/N's leg.

Y/N: Uh Oh.

He's suddenly pulled down and starts to slide towards the cliff with Marceline quickly chasing behind. She manages to grab his hand just before he slips off. Below him the Mutant clung tightly.

Marceline: Hang on Y/N! I—*Ngh!*—I've got you!

Y/N: Marceline....

Marceline: I just need to–*Ngh!*— put a lot more effort into it!

Y/N: Its okay Marceline...

Marceline: Shut up! Don't you dare say that!


Y/N: Agh!......your not gonna be able to pull me up Marcy. We both know that....

Marceline: Y/N Don't—!

Y/N: I love you Marceline....I always have and always will....

Marceline: NoNoNoNoN—!!

Y/N manages to free his wrist from Marceline's grasp.

Marceline: Y/N!

Y/N and the Mutant both be begin to plummet down. He closes his eyes and loses himself in thought.

Y/N: (Even if I tried to fly....this thing would still drag me down.....who knows. Maybe this is for the best....Marceline gets to continue her life...and I got to tell her how I feel....not in the best circumstances, but....)

Y/N still lost in thought suddenly felt if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Y/N: (......I feel so much really light.) Huh?

Opening his eyes he sees Marceline holding on to him it was followed by a loud thud. Below him the Mutant spattered on the ground. They both touch the ground as Marceline leans to the side and begins to spit out green goop.

Marceline: Oh Glob that's so gross! *Pffffft!*

Y/N: Marceline I—

Before he could finish Marceline reels back and punches him in the jaw.

Y/N: Ow! What the H–

Marceline grabs Y/N by his shirt and holds him closer to her face.

Y/N: Marcy! Marcy before you do anything I—

Though her hair covered her face Y/N could see tears streaming down her cheeks.

Marceline: What's is wrong with you.....

Y/N looked into Marceline eyes and could see lots of pain...

Marceline: At first.....I couldn't believe you were alive......and I wanted....wanted to make you feel welcomed but....if you would have just talked to me...

Y/N: I......

She brings him close and tightly hugs him. In a different time he wouldn't have wanted it to end, But right now the girl he loved was in tears and he knew he was the cause of it.

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