Marichat: Always and Forever

By llailac

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He stopped. He couldn't bear to continue. Those words... they- they scared him. He knew exactly why they s... More

-Part One- Chapter One: Fallen Angels
Chapter Two: The Beginning
Chapter Three: Confusion (Part 1)
Chapter Four: Confusion (Part 2)
Chapter Five: Crushing Crushes
Chapter Six: Tear Stained Cheeks
Chapter Seven: Car Crashes, Jealousies, and Reunions
Chapter Eight: Songs of The Past
Chapter Nine: Puffy Clouds and Confessions
Chapter Ten: Goodbye for Good
Chapter Eleven: A Black Butterfly in The Restroom
Chapter Twelve: Dandelions
Chapter Fourteen: "WE KISSED?!"
Chapter Fifteen: Hypothetical Questions
Chapter Sixteen: A Shift in The Night
Chapter Seventeen: Marinette Agreste
Chapter Eighteen: Movie Night
Chapter Nineteen: His Salvation, Her Destruction
Chapter Twenty: Secrets
Chapter Twenty-One: Chloe's Birthday
Chapter Twenty-Two: Explosive Desires
Chapter Twenty-Three: Before The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Four: A Chat and his Princess
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Reveal in the Dark
Chapter Twenty-Six: Poisoned Love
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Burning Secrets
Thank You!
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Kitten and Ladybug at The Deadly Crossroads
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Roses, Dandelions, and Sweaters
Chapter Thirty: Endgame
Chapter Thirty-One: Nightmares
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Darkest of Nights
Chapter Thirty-Three: This Would be The End
Part 2: Chapter Thirty-Four: Sealed Fates
-Part 2- Chapter Thirty Five: Most Wanted
Chapter Thirty-Six: Here and Back Again
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Living with the Agrestes
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Bad Guys
Chapter Thirty Nine: In The Rain
Chapter Forty: Fading Bonds
Chapter Forty-One: Rainy Nights
Chapter Forty-Two: Reveal
Chapter Forty-Three: The Truth
Chapter Forty-Four: The Butterfly Garden
Chapter Forty-Five: Playing with Fire
Chapter Forty-Six: Visiting Hours
Chapter Forty-Seven: When Luck Runs Out
Chapter Forty-Eight: Back on The Walls Once Again
Chapter Forty-Nine: An Akuma in The Shell of an (Almost) Dead Man
Chapter Fifty: Plummeting Towards The Dark
Chapter Fifty-One: Poison
Chapter Fifty-Two: Déjà Vu
Chapter Fifty-Three: Stolen Vows
Chapter Fifty-Four: Sacrifice
Chapter Fifty-Five: Butterfly Trap
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Wishing Well
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Bargaining With Death
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Always and Forever (FINALE)

Chapter Thirteen: Sleeping Beauty in her Garden of Thorns

282 13 3
By llailac

"With that the black cat used his baton to extend himself, jumping over the Paris rooftops, when he saw...

Luka. Passed out on the ground..."


Nobody's POV

"Luka" Chat sang sung, as he sashayed over.

"Damn." Chat thought peering at Luka's unconscious body, "He's out cold." Not dead, just knocked out. Adrien felt a hint of relief fill him knowing Luka was safe. It was quickly replaced by jealousy from smelling the addicting scent of vanilla and cherry blossoms on him.

Marinette smelled like that. Wait-Why did he know that?!

There was a lot of stuff to worry about right now but that didn't stop Chat from being a bit of a child. Chat huffed in jealousy.

Refocusing on Luka he noticed Luka was covered in some type of bubbly black sand. "EW!" he stepped back wrinkling his nose.


"Hey..." he murmured, this was the same black goopy sand he saw on- Lila when she was akumatized. If she had already gotten to Luka, then Marinette-"

He looked around frantically but couldn't find or hear Marinette anywhere until-

"WAIT!" Someone shrieked from down the block.

Marinette's voice.

He sprinted at full speed desperate to get there in time but when he did get there he was horrified. He saw Marinette on the floor of her balcony. He could see two dark black bruises on her wrist where Lila was pinning her down.

Marinette was struggling to get out of her grip, thrashing even. The thing that bothered Chat the most was... Marinette was hurting herself more than she was hurting Lila.

"LILA! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER" He roared, and just like that both girls stopped. They slowly turned their heads to meet Chat...

Lila's POV


I had been humiliated by Marinette, and my sweet Adrien who took her side. I sobbed and locked myself in a bathroom stall. I couldn't believe Adrien had said those things to me! I was about to reach in my bag when I saw an akuma enter my stall.

My tears felt like they had dried automatically as I could feel my lips forming a smirk.

Adrien's idiot girlfriend was still banging against the stall trying to help me.

I didn't need her sympathy. I needed power.

I let the akuma touch my bag as I felt a wave of darkness wash over me. I loved this sensation. The new felt confidence and a new chance to take down Ladybug.

"Hello, Ms. Rossi, you've done well. I've given you illusions, shapeshifting, but now let's try something new. In exchange for Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous, I'm giving you the power to put everyone in an enchanted-forever sleep of nightmares."

My lips curled into a smirk and I let out a dark giggle. Interesting.

"Gladly Hawkmoth."

I felt a new form of empowerment take over me and with that I knocked Kagami into sweet nightmares.

Nobody's POV


"IT'S NOT LILA IT'S DR. NIGHTMARE!"(believe me I realise how lame that is but go with it- someone in the show is named Mr. Pigeon let me have this.)

Chat scoffed at the name. "Really? Hawkmoth couldn't have come up with anything better? Then again what did I expect-" he trailed off taunting her.

Lila or Dr. Nightmare (lmao whyyyy😂) lifted herself off her balcony giving Marinette a chance to readjust and try to get up from the impact of being tackled down on her balcony.

Lila's outfit was a black dress with white fractals piercing over it. She was definitely one of the more better dressed akumas. She had a black and white mask to go with her costume and it was as if her hair floated in the air or stuck up in it all by itself.

She reached in her bag filled with black sand.

"The akuma is in her bag!" Chat thought!

She winded up her hand to throw it at Chat who was spinning his baton to create a shield for himself when she threw it backwards?!

Marinette, who had finally managed to get back up, was hit with it, and crumpled back onto the ground in a forever circle of nightmares. If this wasn't worse enough, she wouldn't be able to transform as Ladybug and fix everything...

Chat looked at Marinette. Her eyelids were closed and she had fallen back onto the ground. Chat felt anger form in the pit of his stomach. How could he have been so stupid?! He should've thought that she would try something like that.

"You are so going to pay for that! You'd be surprised at how hard these claws can scratch!" he yelled, challenging her, she smirked before a purple outline formed around her face. The clouds began to rumble and rain started drizzling down on them.

(A/N: Rain... you all know what happens when it rains... GET READY)

Her smile faded and replied to him by saying, "come for me when Bug Eyes finally shows up- until then~" she floated away causing chaos all over Paris.

Ladybug still wasn't picking up her bug-phone,

Little did Lila and Chat know that their Ladybug, was the same girl who was whimpering on the ground of her balcony from her own nightmare.

Chat was about to leap off the balcony railing when he heard a whimper behind him.

"Marinette-" he whispered looking at her. He hopped onto her balcony and caressed her disturbed face. She was probably in a nightmare full of terror right now and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt so-so... powerless.

Shit. What if- what if Ladybug got hit too- just like Marinette, but in her civilian form!? If Ladybug was down even if he destroyed the akuma, everyone would still be trapped in forever nightmares.

(A/N: it's literally her-😩🥲🙄)

No. He couldn't think of that now. He had to find Ladybug and hope it wasn't too late but- at the same time Chat Noir didn't want to leave Marinette alone. Especially not in the rain. He wanted to protect her and hold her close. He wanted to cradle her and whisper to her sweet phrases. He wanted to tell her and himself everything would be okay. Chat wanted to find Ladybug but not until he knew Marinette wouldn't be suffering.🥺❤️

Chat began to play with her hair and rub her back. Her face was already starting to get hit by the raindrops. He tried shielding her from it with his back and as a butterfly effect, Marinette's tense face expressions softened automatically. He smiled to himself. It was like she was his Sleeping Beauty in an enchanted sleep. Marinette was a princess. Somehow Chat felt like her Prince Charming or knight in shining leather to save her-

Chat's smile grew bigger. Marinette was his princess wasn't she?

Her delicate eyelashes fanning over her eyelids. They were so long and natural. Her nose was curved perfectly and dotted with freckles... Chat's eyes traveled down to her pink puffy lips.

She looked like a real life princess.

And the only way to wake a beautiful princess such as herself up from an enchanted sleep was... with... true love's kiss...

True love's kiss.

Without thinking he leaned on top of Marinette, gently, his hands on either side of her face, leaning down as he-

He paused before planting a kiss on her soft sweet lips.

Right as their lips touched as if it was magic, lightning from the clouds struck down on the streets below. He didn't care. Raindrops began to chalk his face and run through his hair, but all he felt were... Sparks.

He had never felt this way when he kissed anyone. The kiss was gentle, sweet, and had the pressure of a feather. Their lips were barely touching. It was almost as if they were hovering over her's, so why did he feel on fire?

He felt alive. He felt free. Their lips were barely touching, but he could still taste... vanilla... was it? He smiled a little bit into the kiss, wishing she could be awake to kiss back. The kiss was only ten seconds but it felt like an eternity of bliss. He wanted to go deeper but he didn't want to take advantage of her.

He felt the girl under him stir, his face went as red as Ladybug's suit as he got off of her and tried to pose casually on her balcony railing. Trying to pose as if he didn't just kiss her out of an enchanted sleep. He silently prayed that the rain would wash away the redness of his face.

What had he just done?! Did he really love Marinette?! What on Earth just happened!? He had a girlfriend, did he seriously just- He had kissed her impulsively without thinking- How could he have been so careless!? The worst part was he didn't regret it at all.

He was in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"Good afternoon, P-Princess! You obviously got some beauty s-sleep!" He flirted, trying not to be suspicious. She got up rubbing her eyes.

"Chat... what happened... how..." she said softly yawning. She had no clue of the kiss that had just occurred. Just like Chat Noir in Dark Cupid...

The sight was too cute for Chat. All of his doubts and angers towards his actions washed away. The way her cute drowsy face and her wet matted bangs resting on her forehead as she mumbled incoherent words. She slowly got up shivering from her dreams and the rain around them.

He turned his head to hear screams from downtown. He knew he should get out of there as soon as possible before he did anything else he might regret. Besides, Marinette had Luka and on top of all that a supervillain was on the loose...

"I have to go... PAW-lease Princess do me a favour and go inside to stay safe." He said before shooting her a wink and running after Lila. His black leather suit looked even shinier in the rain.

He left the blue eyed girl shocked. It also left her wondering how she had broken free from her sleep spell. Maybe it was because of something Tikki did or maybe the fact that it couldn't hurt miraculous hold-

Tikki saw the whole thing from Marinette's bag but didn't dare utter a word... She thought they were like Romeo and Juliet. Star-crossed lovers. How they were in love with one another's other halves and were starting to grow on the unwanted ones. This had happened to past Ladybugs and Chat Noirs before...

The problem with Romeo and Juliet was that they both died in the end.

(A/N: AHEM! foreshadowing)

Chat snuck up behind Lila, who was making people drop like flies on the Paris streets. She landed on a sewer drain laughing at the misfortune around her. She had orchestrated a symphony of nightmares.

"Hey Snoozefest!" He taunted before charging at her. She turned around right before-

(A/N: that nickname is canon.)

"CATACLYSM!" He yelled as he broke the ground under her.

She screamed as the ground broke from under her and she was dropped into the sewers. If Ladybug wasn't going to get here in time, he had to do something.

He hopped down in the sewer with her.

"EW! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT YOU ROTTEN-"Lila screeched in disgust.

Chat gave an obnoxiously fake yawn that echoed through the sewer before snorting at her.

He gestured to his right hand which was holding her bag, her akuma.

Lila looked at him in disbelief.

"What- how!"

"My courage comes from my sweet Princess's lips." He said before pulling a lovey doves smirk on his face.


Lila looked at him confused wondering what he meant but before she could parse his words- He ripped her bag into shreds with his claws. The black butterfly emerged from the bag and was about to float away when-


He looked behind him to see his triumphant partner back in the flesh. She used her yo-yo and captured the akuma.

"Perfect timing."

"I try." She said with a wink.

Ladybug reached inside her yo-yo, before holding up... a red and black spotted pencil holder?


The red and black ladybugs swirled around them repairing all of the damage and bringing all of the victims back to life.

Seeing Chat's confusion she explained, "I had gotten my lucky charm but you kind of beat me to the punch so I didn't have time to use it."

(A/N: Convenient am I right😏)

He nodded, and gasped at his ring pads. She smiled and nodded to him, "You can go. I'll take Lila home..." she paused, "I listened to your voicemail on my bug phone... sorry I didn't get here or listen to the message sooner.... I-I would really like it if we met tomorrow for patrol too. It's been hard not being friends..." she trailed off looking down.

He smiled and nodded, "I'm glad you understand. I'm glad things will go back to normal between us Bugaboo- uhh...Ladybug."

Ladybug nodded. For some reason she felt a twinge of pain at the fact that one of her nicknames was gone.

"Yeah... back to normal..."

The black cat triumphantly jumped out of the sewer and through the streets of Paris, unaware that someone had caught his kiss with Marinette on camera...

-End of Chapter 13-

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