𝐓𝐇𝐄 ππ‘π„π˜ | STILES STIL...

By bellasweetwriting

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πšœπš‘πšŽ 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πš˜πš—πšŒπšŽ 𝚊 πš‘πšžπš—πšπšŽπš›, πš—πš˜πš  πšœπš‘πšŽ'𝚜 πš‹πšŽπš’πš—πš πš‘πšžπš—πš Amelia Sealgair has her worst ni... More

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[ t w e n t y o n e ]

1.5K 32 12
By bellasweetwriting

t w e n t y o n e
k i l l e r

THEY ARRIVED TO LA IGLESIA. Amelia had organized again the arrows in her bag that Stiles had spread around the whole floor.

"For a minute there," started Liam, making the girl look at him, "I thought I was gonna tear the three of you apart."

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. That would've made for an awkward ride home. So, thanks."

"I just hope Lizzie didn't tear Lydia and Mason apart." The three looked towards Amelia and she looked up from her bag to look at them. "I don't think she did, though."

Derek looked at her for a few seconds before looking at Liam. "Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia?"

Liam looked at them before showing his claws, and how he can make them grow back easily, at his demand.

"Alright. We might actually be able to do this," mentioned Stiles.

Derek proceeded to stand up from the bench and open the doors of the van, just to receive a surprise.

A berserker was waiting for him. He grabbed him from his shirt and tossed him to the floor, making Amelia gasp.

"Derek!" But Stiles grabbed her by the waist, stopping her from leaving.

The Berserker grabbed Derek and tossed him against a rock before starting to hit him repeatedly, stabbing him over and over again.

"Derek!" She yelled again as Stiles kept holding her. "Please let me go," she cried. "I need to help him. Please."

Braeden started shooting the creature with his fire gun repeatedly, making it stand back from the powerless werewolf before running away.

Stiles let go of Amelia and the girl ran towards Derek, as she saw him grunting on the floor.

Everyone else got out from the cars, watching the scene as Amelia started sobbing, looking down to Derek wounds.

No... no... no... no...

Amelia looked down to Derek's chest, noticing the wound that the horn of the Berserker had made, and how blood was leaving his mouth.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked her.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," insisted Derek, looking at Amelia. "Just get to Scott."

The girl shook her head as she placed her hands on Derek's cheeks, starting to cry.

"Just find him," Derek told her. "I'll be right behind you, Amy... I'll be right behind."

But nobody moved. Everyone was looking at him as he was panting, his heartbeat rising, and blood kept leaving his wound.

"No, no, no," she repeated as Stiles placed his hands on her shoulders, but she moved them away. "I'm not leaving him... I'm not..." She was crying, she couldn't stop crying.

"Amelia, I'll stay with him," Braeden assured him, but the girl didn't move.

Not Derek. Not Derek, please.

"Amelia, can I let you in on a little secret?"

"Derek Hale having secrets, that's some new shit right there," she mentioned sarcastically as she couldn't held herself before looking up towards. "Sure..."

Derek exhaled. "You remind me a lot of my sister Laura."

"The one that was cut in half and used as bait to get to you?" Derek turned around abruptly to look at her, breathing loudly. "Too soon?"

The werewolf decided to let it slide before continuing to talk. "She was... incredibly powerful. But she didn't let that get into her head. She was the kindest soul I've ever known."

"No..." she whispered. "You're my big brother... You can't." The girl started sobbing. "Please..."

The look on Derek's eyes was filled with hope, like spark had returned to his soul as he identified the girl sprinting towards him.

"You're alive," he whispered and she nodded.

"I wasn't a sacrifice. Jennifer captured me and put me in a room filled with wolfsbane and—"

"You're alive," he repeated again, looking at her. "You're alive, how are you alive? I got a hole in my chest, literally."

"Long story, we're not here for that—"

Derek shook his head. "I thought you were dead. I almost... I almost..."

"Amelia, go save him... please..." repeated Derek. "I'll be right behind you..."

The kept shaking her head. "No, no... you're not leaving me!" She was yelling between cries. Yelling at him. "You're not leaving me, Derek! You... you're the first werewolf I ever... ever linked to. You're part of me. You can't leave me."

Derek placed his hand inside his pocket before taking out the necklace, looking at her.


"If anything happens tonight," she told him before taking off the necklace that her mother had given her when she was little, the one she never takes off even to get in the shower. "Find me."

She placed the necklace in his hand, confusing him.

"What? Amelia..."

"You... were the best werewolf to protect." Derek stared at her for a few seconds as she smiled a bit. "If anything happens, Derek, to you, to Cora, to Isaac, to Scott... find me."

"I'll find you," he whispered before grunting. "Go... I'll find you. I... I always find you..."

Amelia nodded softly before standing up, her face completely shifting as she turned around, walking towards the church.

Everyone was looking at her, how her face was so serious, so dedicated, so profoundly terrifying.

"I'm going to kill that bitch," was the thing Amelia said in a whisper as she walked in, starting to feel that horrible pain she has only felt a few times before.

She was going to pay.

Kate Argent was going to pay.

• • •

They were all running through a tunnel, with Peter in the lead. They had no idea if they were running from someone, or running towards someone.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Stopped them Peter as he placed an arm across Stiles chest. "We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

Amelia nodded, and the group was interrupted by Stiles's phone ringing, making Amelia frown. How the hell did he have—

"How do I even have service—" started saying Stiles before picking up the phone. "Hi, Dad," he starting saying as he walked away, making Peter point towards him in disbelief while Amelia simply shrugged. "Okay, Dad, I know you're angry."

Amelia grabbed Peter by the jacket, pulling him away from the group quickly and making the werewolf stare at her confused.

"What do you want now?"

"I'll do it," she whispered before looking towards Isaac. She knew he was listening. "I'll do what you asked me."

Peter raised his eyebrows. "How am I sure you'll do it?"

Amelia pulled up the sleeve of her jacket, showing Peter her arm.

His veins were starting to get black, making Peter open his eyes widely.

"Do you know what that is? It's the pain, starting to grow. The pain that a protector feels when it loses its creature. The pain I feel because Derek is fucking dying." Peter looked to her eyes, not knowing what to say. "So I'll do it..."

Amelia and Peter returned back to the group to hear Stiles asking his dad about if he could go check on Lydia, and before she could approach him more, Isaac grabbed her by the arm, stopping her.

"What are you planning on doing?" He asked her and she freed herself from his grab. "What is it?"

She looked at him. "Just... trust me," she told Isaac before approaching the group again, the same time Stiles had hung up on his dad.

"What do we do now?" Asked Liam and Malia was quick to react.

"Duck!" She yelled as a growl sounded, and a berserker was about to hit them.

Amelia turned around to look at the berserker looking at them, and Isaac was quick to start pushing her so she could start walking.

"Go! Go, go, go, go!" Yelled Peter as they started running from the creature.

She kept running as fast as she could, hearing the berserker growl behind them.

The group arrived to a room filled with columns, and Amelia was quick to toss Kira's sword to Stiles, who caught it confused.

"Let's go find Kira and Scott!" Yelled Malia to Stiles and he looked at Amelia.

The girl approached him quickly and placed a kiss on his lips, a short kiss.

"Go!" She told him and the guy nodded, running away to find Kira and Scott.

Amelia quickly turned around, looking at the berserker as she tensed the string.

As she was about to release it, she couldn't. Something was stopping her from doing it. She couldn't do it.

Isaac looked at her. "Amelia shoot!"

The group proceeded to fight the berserker, and she was trying the best to help, but she couldn't.

And she knew why.

I love you, Amy... you're my little sister.

She looked down to see the black veins on her chest, and she tried her best to keep still, to keep standing.

He was dead.

Derek was dead.

Amelia let out a cry that made all of them fall on their backs, including the berserker. A cry that reached the outside of the church, making Argent and Parrish, the Calaveras and Braeden looked towards there.

Braeden slowly turned around to look at Derek, as the last spark of life left his eyes.

"The cry of a protector losing its creature," whispered Argent to Parrish. "One of the most heartbreaking sounds in the world..."

It felt like someone was ripping her heart in pieces. Like if she was losing part of herself:

Amelia kept crying until she suddenly stopped, starting breathing heavily before looking towards the Berserker as Peter, Malia, Isaac and Liam stood up, continuing to fight him.

She placed an arrow on her bow and tensed the string, aiming towards the center of its head.

Her eyes began to glow when she saw it.

Isaac and Liam had the Berserker against the wall and Malia was raising the horn, ready to his the skull when she saw it.

The reason she couldn't shoot the arrow.

She saw an Archer standing right next to it. Scott's Archer.

"Malia! Wait!" She yelled to the werecoyote right before Stiles appeared.

"Wait! Malia! Wait!"

Amelia proceeded to shoot the arrow to the horn that Malia was holding, right in time for Kira to appear next to Stiles.

"It's Scott," whispered Amelia. "It's Scott!" She proceeded to yell before looking at the rest. "Use your eyes! He has an archer right next to him!"

But they didn't have a chance since Scott proceeded to free himself from Isaac and Liam before pushing away Malia.

She looked how Scott started to approach Liam as he was crawling on the floor, looking up to him.

"Scott!" Yelled Kira.

"Scott, it's me," told him Stiles but Scott simply pushed him away, right before grabbing Liam by the neck and toss him towards the wall.

He was lifting the beta up, chocking him as Liam kept trying to free himself.

"Scott," called him Liam softly, trying to recover his breath. "Scott, Scott! Listen, listen! You're not a monster!" He was nervous, she could feel it. "You're a werewolf! Like me..."

They saw how Scott slowly put the fist down, starting to get dizzy. Stiles quickly ran towards Amelia, placing his arm around her as they watched Scott slowly step back as he left Liam on the ground.

He started cracking up his neck before walking backwards, taking off all the armor he had on.

He then, grabbed the animal skull helmet and started ripping it off, this one creating a golden light before it broke apart, revealing Scott in his werewolf form, screaming to the air.

Scott then looked towards Peter.

"You," he said, making Amelia look at the werewolf as Stiles helped her stand up. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate." Amelia quickly stepped back. "You helped her. All for power."

"For my family's power!" He yelled back, making Amelia gasp a bit. "To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power." His eyes started glowing in their blue color. "Not power like this."

He slowly started changing into a werewolf, growling at Scott before Malia placed herself in front of him, but he tossed her away, making her land on the wall.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later."

Amelia stepped forward, tossing her bow and arrow aside and looking right into Peter's eyes, ready to fight him, ready to do whatever it take to make sure that Scott came out alive.

"Oh, little Amelia, trying to protect her little Alpha," mocked her Peter. "Don't you forget what you have to do. The favor you owe me."

"I won't have to owe anything to a dead man," she told him. "If you want to get to Scott, you'll have to go over my dead body first."

Peter kneeled down and grabbed one of Amelia's arrows that were laying on the floor before looking towards the girl with a mocking smile.

"See you in Hell."

The guy threw the arrow with such velocity and strength, it replicated a bow, the tensing of the string. It stabbed Amelia right in the chest and made her fall into Isaac's arms, making the place go quiet.

"That was easier than I thought," was the thing Peter said as Isaac was staring at Amelia in panic, looking at the arrow stabbed in the middle of her chest.

"Ames..." called her Stiles but Liam made him step back in case Peter decided to toss him against a wall.

Isaac proceeded to take the arrow from her chest before placing his hand on top of the wound, preventing it from keep on bleeding as they awaited for it to heal.

Scott stopped Kira from going after him, the Alpha stepping forward as Peter was staring at him.

"You were my beta first, Scott," he said to him. "My bite changed your life. And my bite that can end it."

"Go ahead and try, Peter," the Alpha replied. "You won't get another chance."

As they fought, Amelia felt something growing inside of her. It wasn't pain, it was the contrary. It was light, it was...

It was the warmth she felt when she linked.

"It healed," whispered Isaac. "You aren't dead."

"I'm not the only one."

Amelia proceeded to crawl away from Isaac's arms and grab her bow and arrows before looking towards Peter and Scott, who were still fighting.

"I think he can handle that."

Amelia stood up from the floor and started running, and running, and she never thought she was gonna stop.

She just had to make sure, she just had to.

She had to make sure...

As soon as she stepped outside, she saw Kate Argent being shot by a bullet coming from her brother, and proceeded to place an arrow on the string before tensing it and releasing it.

The arrow hit Kate in the chest, making her let out a scream before looking towards her, towards Amelia.

And she wasn't the only one.

Derek, alive, standing, naked, turn around to look at her while Kate ran away, making Amelia look up before trying to cover her eyes with her hands.

"Are you seriously naked right now?"

She heard him start laughing, loudly, making her chuckle a bit too as she closed her eyes before proceeding to take off her jacket, tossing it towards the werewolf.

Derek kept laughing as he covered himself with the jacket, looking how Amelia was opening her eyes, giving the werewolf a smile before slowly walking towards him.

"Thought you died," she told him and he smiled.

"You happy I didn't?" Amelia smiled a bit.

"What happened to you?"

"I was evolving," he answered, looking at her. "I can transform into a wolf now."

Amelia nodded a bit. "Now you are a dog in a normal size, nice," she whispered, making him chuckle. "Don't do that to me... ever again."

"Die?" He asked in disbelief and she shook her head.

"Telling me you'll find me... when you won't even look for me in the first place."

Derek stared at her for a few seconds. "You're my sister, Amy... I will always look for you. I will always find you."

Amelia placed a hand on his shoulder before smiling at him widely.

"And please don't die again either..."

• • •

The day had arrived and Amelia was holding Stiles's hand as they heard Argent start talking.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back," he told them before tossing it towards Amelia, making her nod. "But be careful."

"You're really going with them?" Amelia asked Argent, referring to the Calaveras.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago," answered Argent. "They'll leave your pack alone," he said, looking at Scott. "All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate."

"What if you can't?" Questioned Isaac.

"I'll find her," assured the hunter. "Someone has to."

They watched as the hunters left with Argent, and Amelia thought about the problem they still had to fix back home, and how if Argent was in Mexico, far away from their Allison theory, it might be for the best.

Amelia let go of Stiles's hand and approached Derek as she held on to Allison's bow, walking towards the now evolved werewolf with a smile.

"So, this is goodbye?" She asked him and the guy chuckled a bit.

"I think Beacon Hills is no longer a place for me anymore," he admitted and Amelia nodded. "I will still call, and text, and write and even send a messenger pigeon from time to time." The girl smiled. "Will you reply?"

"Yeah, of course! I'll sent a text that says «happy face emoji» waiting for a happy face emoji to appear." Derek rolled his eyes. "So you get familiar texts from time to time."

"You're not mad at me?" Amelia shook her head before smiling.

"How could I be mad at you?" She asked softly. "You've never done anything that could make me be mad at you."

Derek scoffed. "I've had to done something to make you upset."

"Maybe, yeah, you have... but right now, I can't think of anything." Derek smirked. "Wait, I remembered one. And... I remember another one now."

"Okay, okay, got it." Amelia and him laughed. "I'll see you sooner or later, Amy."

Amelia wrapped her arms around his neck before stepping on her tippy toes, hugging him. The guy wrapped his arms around her waist, and Amelia could swear she heard him sobbing.

"Please... be more soon than later, okay?"


• • •

Amelia was followed by Isaac and Stiles as she opened the door to the basement, walking inside.

"We brought food," she said, shaking the pizza box. "Thought that filling your stomach will make you talk."

Amelia stepped forward just to see that her mother was still there, but her little helper was long gone.

"Where is Lexington?" Asked the girl before turning around to see the woman, sitting there, still chained up and unable to leave.

"Where were you?"

"Mexico," replied Stiles. "Where's Robin, you Batwoman?"

"He ran away as soon as he got the chance when the venom faded away," she told them. "So... Pizza?"

Amelia raised her eyebrows. "He left you? Sounds like a Sealgair." The girl tossed the box to the floor before kicking it towards the woman. "Suit yourself."

"Uhm, Amy?"


"I don't think you forget that... I'm tied up, and I can't—"

"You can't what?"

Gabriella sighed. "I'm starving, Amelia, what is it that you want to know?"

"How did you became a Sealgair," intervened quickly Isaac.

The woman looked at him before looking at her daughter. "I already told you that."

"Yeah, see," started Stiles, stepping forward. "We don't believe the whole «came back from the dead, whispered the name» thing in its entirety. So why don't you explain us slowly?"

"Sealgairs, or Supernatural Hunters, are referred to Dark Angels due to the fact that they once were light and brightness—"

"When they were Seekers," whispered Amelia.

"But now, they represent darkness, pain and death. So the only way to create more Dark Angels is by death. A Dark Angel can reborn by the death of a human hunter. The only ritual of passage is to stab yourself in the chest and whisper the name of the oldest child that carries the Sealgair name, and this child cannot be born by a Sealgair that was reborned, but one that was born with the power."

"That's a lot of fancy words," mumbled Isaac.

"So I am the oldest child?" Questioned Amelia and Gabriella nodded.

"You are not just gifted because you were talented. You are this generation's oldest child, Amelia, being followed by Dahlia, your cousin. You aunt was the oldest child, and she, just like you, had extraordinary talent."

"So... your friend, Lexington. What's his deal?"

"He was human. Until I helped him reborn."

Amelia scoffed. "How nice. Very Angel of Death of you, mother. But you see, now we have a problem."

"Which is?" Asked Isaac and Amelia turned around.

"That dear old Lexington was just set free. And if he is a hunter, and a new born Sealgair, who knows what he'll be up to."

"And what about Allison?" Stiles doubted. "How do we know if she still alive?"

"We don't," Amelia said. "And if she's a Sealgair, believe me when I say that... maybe it'll be best if we never find her."

• • •

Amelia heard the arrow pass right next to her, making the girl open her eyes widely.

She took an arrow from her bag and tensed the string of it, turning around as she aimed towards the person following her, without knowing who she'll find.

But whoever she thought would be, was definitely not that.

"Hey..." was the thing the girl said as she stepped forward from the cloud of smoke, showing Amelia her purple eyes that were glowing above the darkness of the night. "You and me should have a little chat."

"Who are you?" Amelia asked the girl as she kept tensing the string. "What do you want?"

"I want you to put the bow down." But she didn't do it. "I won't hurt you if you put the bow down."

"You are a Sealgair... I know better and I know putting my bow down is a bad idea."

The girl smiled a bit. "I know you've been looking for Allison Argent and I know where she is."

Amelia looked at her for a few seconds before putting the bow down, trying to figure out if she was lying.

But it appeared she was telling the truth.

"They brought her to the headquarters after she killed a Sealgair."

My dad, thought Amelia to herself.

"Who are you?"

"I'm not a Sealgair," she corrected, "but I was trained like one." Amelia was confused. "There's more of us, Amelia. Dark Angels."

"Protectors?" Amelia asked and the girl chuckled.

"No... hunters... supernatural hunters."

She didn't like the sound of that.

"I'll take you to Allison with one thing in exchange."

Amelia knew there was a price. "What is it?"

"A cure." The protector looked at her confused. "I want to be human."


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