𝐓𝐇𝐄 ππ‘π„π˜ | STILES STIL...

By bellasweetwriting

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πšœπš‘πšŽ 𝚠𝚊𝚜 πš˜πš—πšŒπšŽ 𝚊 πš‘πšžπš—πšπšŽπš›, πš—πš˜πš  πšœπš‘πšŽ'𝚜 πš‹πšŽπš’πš—πš πš‘πšžπš—πš Amelia Sealgair has her worst ni... More

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[ f i f t e e n ]

1.1K 32 2
By bellasweetwriting

f i f t e e n
t h e k n i g h t

ONE OF THE IMAGES IN KIRA'S SCREEN WAS FAILING. Liam noticed, and he pointed at it with his index finger.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" He asked right before the camera turned off.

"No, no, it's not," said Stiles.

Isaac and Amelia looked at each other before the girl grabbed her equipment.

"Where's that?" Kira questioned.

"The roof," Amelia said and Stiles frowned.

"You know, that might not be a malfunction." The girl nodded.

"That's why I'm bringing this." She showed her boyfriend her bow and arrows. "We'll be right back."

"I'm coming with you," said Liam and Kira joined, making Stiles scoff.

"Wait! The four of you?"

Amelia turned around. "Uhm... yeah. Don't leave Dahlia alone! She's worth five million."

Stiles opened his eyes as the four left the room, making him shake his head.

"Guess you're stuck with me," mumbled Dahlia as she closed her eyes.

• • •

The four arrived at the roof, looking around to see if they see anyone.

But after two seconds, the electric station of the hospital exploded, waking the four cover their eyes quickly.

That brought a lot of bad memories.

"Looks like someone did something to it," mentioned Liam and Amelia nodded.

Kira slowly turned around before taking out her sword, making Amelia turn around too.

A Berserker.

"I think somebody did..."

Amelia starred shooting arrows at it, but Isaac stopped her.

"Find Stiles!" He yelled at her. "Go!"

Amelia looked at him confused before running out of the roof.

The girl stepped on the corridor and walked downstairs quickly, trying to think straight.

She looked at the watch on her wrist, noticing that they had at least seventeen minutes left until it's too late to return Scott.

She shouldn't have left Kira, Liam and Isaac with the berserker, but Stiles was the one with Scott, and he wasn't armed, or ready for a Kate Argent attack.

Because if Berserkers are here, Kate Argent definitely paid them a little visit.

She entered the morgue quickly, finding Stiles there with the phone next to his ear.

"What?" She asked and Stiles pointed towards the phone.

"He's not answering," Stiles replied and Amelia pulled out an arrow, placing it on the string of the bow. "Come on, Argent, answer the phone. Why aren't you answering the phone?"

But that answer was given when they saw Argent being tossed inside the morgue and sliding through the floor in their direction, making Amelia tense the string and aimed towards the entrance, while Stiles kept his eyes wide opened.

"Stiles run!" She yelled, but her boyfriend didn't listen. "Stiles, get out of here!"

But it was too late.

Kate Argent was walking though the doors slowly, looking at Stiles and Amelia.

Argent stood up and placed himself next to Amelia as the girl released the string, shooting the arrow at Kate's leg.

Kate yelled in pain before taking the arrow out, looking at Amelia again.

"Get out of the way, Sealgair," the woman said, panting. "I'm taking the body."

Amelia put down the bow, looking at her frowning. Why would she want Scott's body? Why did she need the body?

Was she...?

"Why? Visual confirmation?" Stiles asked her before Amelia aimed at her again.

Kate scoffed as she started walking. "Don't worry, handsome. I'm not The Benefactor."

Amelia chuckled a bit. "Yeah, you're just some common psycho..."

She released the string again, hitting Kate in the leg one more time.

"What do you want with the body?" Asked her Argent as Kate removed the arrow once more, tossing it towards the floor before continuing to walk.

"I wish I could tell you," replied the woman as she kept approaching them.

Argent stepped up and placed his gun under Kate's chin while Amelia aimed the arrow towards her forehead.

"I always forget you carry two," panted the woman, looking straight into her brother's eyes.

"Back off!" He yelled at her.

"Sure you can pull that trigger fast enough?"

"I don't want to," he admitted to her as Amelia stepped forward, tensing the string in her fingers.

She wanted to kill her.

She wanted to but she didn't know if Scott would ever forgive her for doing so.

"You're not going to kill me." The woman looked towards the Sealgair before chuckling. "And you? I bet you want to, but you can't."

"I'm not going to let you take his body," spit Argent to his sister's face as Amelia placed the tip of the arrow less than an inch away from Kate's forehead.

Stiles couldn't find a better opportunity to interrupt the conversation.

"Okay, well, obviously, you guys have a lot to talk about, so, maybe... I saw some coffee, a vending machine outside. Maybe, Amelia and I should go?"

"Listen to me, Kate," demanded Argent to his sister. "We have a plan."

"And if killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me."

Amelia clicked her tongue. "Watch your mouth, Kate."

"He's telling the truth," talked Stiles. "We're trying to get to The Benefactor."

"If you didn't notice," mentioned Amelia, "you're on that list too. And if I shoot this arrow right now I get twelve million dollars."

"Amelia," barked at her Argent before looking at his sister again.

"That's why I'm here," exclaimed Kate, looking at Argent.

"Then back off and let us do what we planned!" Yelled at her Argent.

The woman looked down to Argent's countdown on his watch.

Three minutes.

Amelia put the bow down and approached Stiles as the two siblings kept looking at each other with that threatening eyes.

"Take the Berserkers and go," Argent ordered her, but it sounded more like a beg. "Kate, please. We have a plan."

• • •

As soon as Scott woke up, yelling, Amelia felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest.

He started panting and Kira slowly placed her hands on the guy's cheeks, looking at him with a smiled.

They kissed softly before he looked to his left, noticing that Amelia was standing there, staring at him with a smile.

"You're okay," he said and she frowned, confused.

"If I'm okay? You were the one that was dead," she told him and Scott chuckled a bit. "What?"

"It's just... A dream I had." Amelia smiled a bit before he hugged her, making her close her eyes.

Scott broke apart the hug as his smile faded away. "What happened? Did it work?"

They all looked at each other, not knowing what to say to the now awoken Alpha.

That was until Liam and Isaac bursted into the morgue, making everyone look at them.

"What?" Asked Kira to the two as she noticed how they were staring at her.

"It's your mother," said Isaac, painting. "She's hurt."

• • •

Amelia went back to Dahlia's room, noticing that Malia was there, sitting next to her protector's bed as she was sleeping.

Amelia slowly stepped forward, noticing that Malia had the list in her hands, looking at it before glancing towards Dahlia once again.

"Hey," Amelia said to her and Malia looked at the girl before looking down to the list again. "Where have you been?"

"Talking to Peter," she replied before looking at Dahlia again.

"Okay," Amelia said softly. "You think that's a good idea?"

"If he can help me find my mother," she told her, "I don't think I care."

Amelia stepped forward as Malia kept staring at Dahlia.

"You might be related to him, but you're not like him, Malia."

"Maybe I am," whispered the girl. "That night I caused the car crash..."

"You mean when you were out-of-control on the full moon," intervened Amelia as she grabbed a chair, sitting next to her besides Dahlia's bed.

"There's a part I didn't tell Dahlia or you or Stiles," she admitted. "Right before we got in the car, my mother... My adoptive mother, I guess, we got into a huge fight. I don't even remember what it was about. But I remember what I said."


"I said, «I wish you were all dead»," she cried and Amelia grabbed her hand.

"Killing doesn't run in a family," Amelia said to her.

"Maybe it does in mine," she whispered before looking at Dahlia. "Is she going to be okay?"

Amelia pulled Malia's hand slowly, placing it on top of Dahlia's arm.

Malia's veins immediately turned black, making the girl step back quickly, looking at Amelia with tears in her eyes.

"I did that?" Amelia shook her head. "Am I killing her?"

"Not yet," she mumbled. "Look next to you with your eyes. Your real eyes. And tell me what do you see."

Malia's eyes started glowing, looking next to her. She gasped a bit, staring at that point in the room.

"It's... It's a figure. It's a knight. It has a sword," described Malia. "It's golden but... it's blinking... loosing brightness."

"That... is a visual representation of your bond with Dahlia," explained Malia. "If you look at Scott, Isaac and Derek with your eyes, you'll see they have one like that, an aura that follows them. Yours is a knight, the representation of Dahlia." Malia chuckled a bit.

"Then why is it blinking?" Malia looked at Amelia. "Why is it losing power?"

"Because... you stopped trusting her." Malia glanced towards Dahlia. "I'm the best example you can get of a family of killers, Dahlia. My father? He tried to kill me. Several times. He has killed before. Dahlia... has killed before. Yet... Lizzie and I have had many chances, and we haven't. Killing is not something genetic, something that passes through generations. It doesn't work like that. Don't give up."

"But what if I'm a killer?"

Amelia chuckled a bit. "You know... Dahlia asked me the same question once," she told her. "We were in Scotland, finding out about our past, when she asked me... what happens if she could never protect anyone. What happens if there's too much darkness in her heart to create a golden link... You know what I said to her?"

"What?" Malia asked.

"That even in a cloudy day, if you fly above the clouds, you'll see that the sun is still shining. Doesn't matter if you can't see it due to all the clouds, it's still there. So... it doesn't matter if your heart is covered by a thin layer of darkness... because underneath it, it still remains its golden color." Amelia looked at her cousin. "The simple fact that she doubted it... made me sure that... she still has that golden light inside of her." Amelia looked at her. "And so do you."

Malia grabbed Dahlia's hand before smiling a bit.

"Is she gonna get better?" Amelia glanced towards her cousin.

"I don't know... But I'll bet she'll feel ten times better if you stay with her," she whispered. "I can't think of a better person to be your protector."

Malia smiled. "Neither can I..."

• • •

Amelia walked inside Derek's loft, noticing the werewolf standing there with a bandage on his right side, looking up towards her as he had in front a table with weapons and guns on top of it.

The girl stepped forward, noticing that Braeden was sleeping in his bed and he was missing a shirt, so she connected two plus two.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"What is it with you?" She shot back. "Why does a werewolf need guns for?"

Derek sighed. "You know..."

Amelia scoffed. "Of course I know. You thought you could keep it from me? That I wouldn't find out?"

"I knew you'd find out," he told her. "I just... I was waiting for a bit longer."

"Did you know how I found out?" He shook his head. "I've been hearing your thoughts for weeks."

"I hate when you do that..."

"Derek, I've heard your fears, your insecurities, all the things, all those doubts, all those questions inside your head... they have been tormenting me for days none stop. «Am I still a werewolf?», «Did I lose all my power?», «Will I ever get it back?». All of it, I've heard it. And I was waiting for you to come to me. But I guess you got other person to help you."

"Amelia, it's not that I don't trust you," he whispered to her as she looked at the guns. "I just... I figured that if I stop being a werewolf, if I become human... I will... Our bond will break."

"And you were just waiting for it?" He shook his head. "Have you seen Dahlia lately?"

"What happened to her?"

"She's in a hospital bed," she replied quickly. "Malia stopped trusting her, and now she's in constant pain, unable to move, unable to do anything else other than sleeping. But also unable to die... She's in pain, Derek. And now, that terrifies me. It terrifies me to see how when Scott touched her, his whole hand turned black." Derek was about to talk but she stopped him. "And at this point, for the first time, I'm more worried about myself than about you."

"You think I will stop trusting you? And you'd end up like Dahlia?"

"I don't think, Derek, I'm sure." She grabbed one of the guns. "I could have taught you how to use this. Instead, you hid it from me. You hid everything that was going on from me." She tossed the firearm on the table. "I never thought you'd one day be able to start hiding things from me."

"That's who I am, Amelia, I don't trust..."

"I know," she replied. "But I truly believed... you'd trust me. You're losing your power, Derek... tried not losing me too."

Amelia turned around and walked towards the door of the loft, and Derek decided to yell.

"I don't know who I am without them... without my powers."

Amelia slowly looked at him. "A dumb werewolf once told me... «If you're nothing without your powers, you shouldn't have them in the first place»." Derek scoffed, remembering how he said that to her about a year ago. "Just... trust me, Derek."

And with that, she left Derek's loft.

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