Reincarnation is Such a Nice...

By Jakeleyy

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Reincarnation. It's a nice thing. You get to live your next life with or without your past life memories. In... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Special Chapter: Halloween
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Special Chapter: Christmas
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Special Chapter: Valentine's Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Special Chapter: April Fools
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32

Chapter 31

3.4K 110 28
By Jakeleyy

I stood outside the Thunder Estate. My hand struggled to push the door open and I stood outside the Estate. The reason why I stood outside was that I was not sure how to face Bell after telling the truth to Kagaya.

It was hard to describe my feelings with one word at the moment but it made me restless, nervous, and scared. My heart also felt like being squeezed.

It didn't feel good at all.

I knew I had to move and go inside but something inside me didn't let me take another step. It was as if my feet were glued to the ground.

I took a deep breath and once more reached for the door, feeling the cool surface of the wood. I just needed to push to open the door and walk inside but as expected, I couldn't move my hand.

Letting out a sigh, I leaned my head against the door and started kicking the ground.

Come on me, you are an adult with 30-years of experience. You promised to speak with Bell. Now is the time.

Encouraging myself and following up with a slap on my cheeks, I finally took a step forward.

Only to do a complete 180 degrees turn and walk away from the door.

"You fool!" I heard Jigoro's voice shouting and leaned back to dodge his kick.

"Sensei... You were here?" I asked him and glanced around to see if Bell was with him. Fortunately or unfortunately, she wasn't.

"I was always here, you fool disciple! Now go in and meet her!" Jigoro, with his fast speed, grabbed my shirt and threw me towards the door.

I was surprised at the sudden movement and the door was opened with my body. I turned my body around to land safely on the ground and glared at Jigoro.

"Oi, old man! What would you do if I broke something!?" I shouted at him and completely forgot that I was inside the Estate. I only noticed it when I saw a golden hair next to me.

I froze and glanced to my side. There stood Bell and she had her eyes wide open in surprise. If it weren't for my nervousness, I would have maybe let out a grin.

"Uhh... Yo, I guess..." I forced a smile and waved at her. And it was quite weakly which disappointed me a little bit.

Bell didn't say anything to me and stared at the floor. I felt a little bit hurt at this and before I could say anything, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

I was surprised at this and slowly wrapped my own arms around her. It felt warm and nice hugging Bell and I couldn't help but smile a little bit.

A few seconds passed and Bell stopped hugging me and she gave me a small smile.

"Welcome home." it was simple yet felt deep for me.

"I'm home. Sorry for being late." I said back and Bell shook her head, still having her small smile.


We sat next to each other in the backyard of Thunder Estate. It was quiet and only water flowing through the bamboo's could be heard.

I didn't know what to say nor how to begin. Each time my mouth would open, the words would be stuck inside my throat.

I must have done this many times already because I heard Bell giggle at me.

"You look like a fish when you do that." she pointed out and I couldn't help but smile.

"What can I say? I am a man of many talents." it was a beginning but I finally said something.

"Bell, I... I'm sorry for some misunderstandings I have made for you." not daring to look at Bell's eyes, I finally apologized. She didn't say anything back so I decided to continue.

"I also made you walk the way of a demon slayer because you had the talent for it. But that was a mistake... I should have asked and let you choose your own life... But I didn't." my heart hurt each word that came out of my mouth and Bell still didn't say anything.

"If... If you want, you can stop training and choose a different lifestyle. I won't be mad if you want to be with Nee-chan and Shinobu more than with me..." no more words came out from me. The pain in my heart and the disappointment I felt for myself were so big that I wanted to leave.

But I didn't. I sat down and waited for Bell to reply to me. I didn't know how she was reacting since I kept staring at the ground and the longer the silence grew, the more my nervousness grew.

"Shin." Bell finally said something and pulled my sleeve for attention. I took a deep breath and raised my head to look at her.

Her bright blue eyes stared back at me and I had to hold myself back really hard to not look away.

"While you were gone, I spoke with Ojii-chan. We spoke about you and me. About what I wanted to do." Bell told me and I nodded in between her sentences. She seemed to recall her past memories and smiled gently.

"And... have you decided what you want to do?" I asked nervously and did my best to wait patiently. Bell nodded back as a reply and I took a deep breath to calm my beating heart.

"Shin, I want to continue this." she answered with a voice full of honesty and determination. I was shocked by her answer.

I had thought Bell would reject me as I had misled her by forcing and deciding her life. I left her alone with Shinobu and kept taking many jobs as a demon slayer, almost never hanging out with her.

"Are you sure? You will have to do things that you may not like." I warned and couldn't help but be disappointed in myself again.

Good job, Shin. Keep rejecting her wishes...

"Un. I want to help people. Just like you, Kanae-onee-chan, and Shinobu-onee-san." I was impressed by Bell's determination and smiled a little bit. It was all written in her eyes.

With that kind of determination, I couldn't help but stop keeping her away from the danger and rejecting her.

"Then do you want to... travel with me from now on? You will meet a lot of demons and will most likely see a lot of bad stuff. At least until I think you are ready for the Final Selection." I offered her an offer just like I did in the past. With my hand reached out, Bell smiled brightly and jumped towards me for a hug.

"Un!" her voice was full of energy and I hugged her back with an intent to never let her go.


"Caw caw! Kochou Shin, your katana has been reforged! Will be brought in a moment!" my Kasugai Crow shouted by the open window and flew away.

I could feel my excitement rising up but it soon faded away as I remembered what Tanjirou had to experience when he broke his katana.

Crap... I hope he is not going to chase me with a kitchen knife... Did I even remember to ask his name before?

Making my way outside the Estate, I glanced to my left and right. There were no signs of my blacksmith arriving or being nearby so I let out a small sigh of relief.

Kukuku. My safety is still guaranteed. Now I must search a hiding spot so I won't be stabbed. A few places come to my mind but just in case I should keep a backup plan.

"So you finished your talk with Bell." I heard Jigoro speak up behind me and turned around.

"Jigoro-sensei." I responded back with a small nod while he walked next to me.

"My back still hurts because of you, you know." I continued with a small laugh and Jigoro chuckled with me.

"Any time you stupid pupil." and then the silence came with me looking to my left and right now and then.

"Calm down, your katana won't run away anywhere." Jigoro slapped my back and made me stop glancing to my sides.

"That's not it. I'm afraid that he is going to stab me with a kitchen knife." I confessed and Jigoro looked a little bit confused.


"The blacksmith who made my katana. I don't remember if I asked or did you tell me his name." I admitted and scratched my neck a little.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you his name." Jigoro laughed loudly and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of this.

"And his name is?" feeling a little annoyed, I asked.

"Tetsu." and Jigoro bluntly told me his name.

"Tetsu...-san? No last name?" this time with a small confusion, I asked Jigoro. I was replied with a small shrug.

"He told me to call him that. Not sure why." I hummed back and went back to glancing at my sides. To my surprise, Tetsu had arrived with my katana strapped behind him.

Also, is it strange that I can hear boss theme music?

The wind blew and Tetsu's haori moved alongside the wind. With each step, he came closer and closer, making me a little bit nervous.

And finally, he was in front of me and Jigoro.

Tetsu's hand moved and I tensed a little bit. But it was all in vain as he only held the reforged katana in front of me. I felt a little bit hesitant and slowly took the new katana.

So... No stabbing or anything like that?

"Sorry. This time it won't break easily." I heard Tetsu speak and raised my eyes from the katana to him in surprise.

Tetsu's back was all I saw and he slowly disappeared from my and Jigoro's sights.

"...He is surprisingly a kind person. Even though he looks a little bit scary." I couldn't help but comment on Tetsu's personality.

And my head got a small hit from Jigoro's cane for being rude.


"Oyakata-sama, you called for me?" standing in the backyard of Kagaya's Estate, I called out for him.

How come I am currently standing here? It all began when a certain crow landed on my head and informed me with a really loud voice.

I made sure to 'test' my new katana on it.

"Shin, come in." I heard Kagaya's voice coming inside the Estate and made my way inside.

Sliding the first door in front of me open, Kagaya was sitting in front of me. His one healthy eye looked my way and I looked back with a small smile.

"I didn't think you decided what to do this quick." I commented with a small chuckle and Kagaya closed his eyes, still having his smile. I think this is his way to laugh.

I sat on the seat pillow called a zabuton that was in front of Kagaya. He waited patiently for me to get comfortable and finally spoke.

"My life is a short one after all." Kagaya informed me and I could feel my mood getting bad.

"Shin, I believe every word you have told me and that is why I want to ask you one question." he continued, no more having his usual smile.

"Will Kibutsuji Muzan die or not?" I could feel the strength in his words as he spoke Muzan's name.

And that is why I couldn't help but have a sad look.

"I do not know. I never had the chance to see the story till the end. But I did hear that we will win... at the cost of many." I replied, each word full of honesty and I could that Kagaya was not happy with the answer.

"I see... As expected Kibutsuji Muzan and his army of demons are not weak. But that is why I will be sure to share this knowledge with others and order them to prepare for the worst." I felt Kagaya's determination fill me with strength and smiled.

"I will also get stronger and help you with your objective." I couldn't help but let out the words and Kagaya let out once more his laughing smile.

"Thank you, Shin, for sharing your secret with me." he said and I nodded back. Standing from my seat, I made my way out and before closing the door, I turned around to look at Kagaya.

"Kagaya-kun, I'm going to travel around Japan with Bell for a while. So please forgive me if I don't do my Hashira job." I informed Kagaya and he approved my decision with a nod.

"Take care." with those simple words, I closed the door with a small 'thud'.


"Did you take everything you need with you?"


"Have you finished your goodbyes with everyone?"


"If you are homesick remember that you can always tell me, okay?"

"Shin, you worry too much so can we go already." Bell giggled at my actions and I let out a nervous laugh with an apology.

"Do you want to at least say goodbye to Nee-chan and Shinobu?" I asked one last question and Bell shook her head.

"It's okay. I can send them letters instead." she told me and we finally set out to our first town.

But now that I think about it, what and how should I teach Bell? I guess I should begin by letting her fight against a demon alone and step in when she is in danger.

First I have to just prepare myself for letting Bell getting hurt... Guh...! Just thinking about it hurts my heart...!

I heard flapping above me and saw that it was my Kasugai Crow. Waiting for the bird to land on my head, I told it to give us small tasks.

Currently, our location was somewhere around the south and we had to move to the north. Not north enough to be close to the Asakusa but somewhere in the middle of our location and the city.

After planning what to teach to Bell, the next thing I thought was how to get stronger. All that I have done was just focusing on Breath Styles and never on my sword skill. So that's why I will focus on my sword and try to improve my skill.

But how do I do that? I don't know and haven't learned any sword styles... All I know is the finishing moves from a certain game.

Oh, how I miss FGO...


Can't I just copy those skills and just call it an improvement? You know what? I might as well try it! I may not be able to get Shikai or Bankai but at least I could try and do Tsubame Gaeshi!

I felt Bell tug my sleeve and turned to look at her. She had a small pout and a cute angry look.

"Stop ignoring me, Shin." I felt something pierce my heart and almost fainted.

"Something wrong?" I asked with a small smile and Bell pointed to our front but a little bit to the side.

I followed her finger and saw that a man had his cartwheel getting stuck in a hole. I turned my head back to Bell and her eyes said that she wanted to help.


Time to show my good side!

Moving a little bit faster with Bell we walked towards the man. He heard us walking towards him and greeted us with a smile.

"Oh, hello there. I am sorry for rushing things but may I ask some help with this?" the man took off his straw hat to show that he was begging us.

"Of course Oji-san, leave this to us." I nodded to him and made my way to the wheel that was stuck. Taking a small breath, I grabbed the wheel and easily pulled it back to the road.

"Oooh, that is an amazing strength for a child your age." the man clapped at my strength and I couldn't help but smile proudly.

"You are welcome, Oji-san. If it isn't a problem, can you give us a ride to the next town?" I asked and the man nodded while putting his straw hat back on.

"Of course, hop on!" thanking the man with a nod, Bell and I sat on the cart. I looked at Bell and saw how she was happy with helping the man.

She saw me looking at her and looked back with the brightest smile that would have gotten me crying manly tears now.

If the rest of the journey is like this, I can rest in peace forever.



He was tired. Body completely in pain. Breathing completely a mess. And yet he was still standing and walking with every bladed tool with him.

Why was he here in the first place? Oh yeah, because some monster wanted his blood and meat.

"Oi! You over there!" he heard someone shout but ignored it. He couldn't afford to get disturbed.

"Oi! Didn't you hear me!" his shoulder was grabbed and he turned around with a dangerous glare.

"What?" the person in front of him was a male teenager older than him. Cheek with two scars and short spiky black hair. He wore a black uniform he didn't know about but he did see the katana on his side.

"You are scaring everyone around here with your tools so can you put them into a basket or somewhere?" the male had flinched at his glare but kept a friendly smile.

"I refuse. This has nothing to do with you or anyone else." with that he tried to leave but the male kept the hold on his shoulder.

"Let go. Unless you want me to kill you." with a much more dangerous glare he got the male to let go of his shoulder.

"Please I do not wish to fight against you." the male got ready just in case and he decided to turn around, arms raised.

He swung first but as expected he was too tired to fight so the male got the first strike to his neck. The strike almost got him to fall unconscious but he fought back and still stood tall.

"Please stop and let's talk. Aren't you also too tired to fight?" the male once more prepared for an assault.

"Never. Not until that monster is dead!" his glare got more intense and the male took a deep breath.

"Then if I tell you what I know about these monsters, will you put your tools down and rest?" the male offered and got him to stop for a while.

"...If it helps me kill them." his glare got soft and his arms were lowered to show that he won't attack anymore. The male smiled at his actions and let out a sigh.

"That's great. My name is Kumeno Masachika by the way. What is yours?" Masachika introduced himself so he decided to do the same.

"...Shinazugawa Sanemi." was all Sanemi said.

"Nice to meet you, Sanemi!" Masachika's bright personality got Sanemi to think if this was a good choice.

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