2. Seeing Purple | Scott McCa...

enchantingherondale tarafından

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Brooklyn 'Brooke' Hale is back in Beacon Hills after a short time away. She expects to live out her senior ye... Daha Fazla

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enchantingherondale tarafından

♀ 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓣𝓸 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ♀

"Malia and Theo, you guys try to find Stiles and Lydia. Brooke, we're gonna go find my mom." Scott instructed as the four of them stepped inside Beacom Hills Memorial Hospital. They all nodded at him, Scott and Brooklyn going in the opposite direction to the other two supernaturals. They got into an elevator, the alpha tapping his foot impatiently as they waited to get out.

The second the doors opened, they stepped out and into an unusually quiet floor. Their heads quickly turned to their right as the unwanted sound of a Dread Doctor filled their ears, the thing coming straight for them. It grabbed Brooke first, picking her up and fling her effortlessly across the corridor.

The Hale girl just about made out Scott shouting her name before her face connected with the hospital wall and she slumped to the floor. Her head pounded from the impact and she could feel blood coming from her now busted lip. Brooklyn turned around with a groan, seeing that the Dread Doctor was pinning Scott to the wall by his throat.

Her eyes glowing, Brooke reached to her waistband for her gun, pulling it up and firing at the creature. The Dread Doctor barely shuddered from her bullets as it brought its hand up. The tips of its covered fingers glowed a cool blue, little flecks of white also being seen. It pressed them into Scott's chest making the boy who was already struggling for breath become electrocuted.

The True Alpha fumbled for something in his pocket, a green and white inhaler falling out. Brooke grew confused. Since when did Scott need an inhaler? The Dread Doctor then let go of the McCall boy and allowed him to fall to the floor.

Brooklyn pushed herself up onto her own feet, preparing to go for the doctor if he did something else. Scott tried reaching out for his inhaler as he gasped for breath but it was just out of his reach. The Dread Doctor came closer to the alpha again, crushing the green and white device in the process.

It picked Scott up again and held him by his throat. Brooke ran at it at the same time the elevator pinged open and out came a wolfed out Malia. The Dread Doctor threw Scott down the corridor just like he had done to Brooklyn and prepared to face the two very angry supernaturals.

Malia sent the doctor a kick to the chest which had him stumbling back towards the Hale who gave him one to the head. Melissa rushed forwards to her son as she saw him struggling to breath. She helped him stumble inside the lift seeing that the two girls were fighting off the attacking creature.

The two girls kept sending the Dread Doctor more kicks and punches but every time it just seemed to move with the impact and go back to normal. By now Brooke's knuckles where spilt open from the harsh contact with the metal the doctor was dressed in.

But that didn't stop her attack. She sent a particularly harsh kick to the Dread Doctor's gut that had it tripping into the wall. "Brooke, Malia, come on! Run!" Melissa screamed from the lift as the healer felt her eyes go back to normal.

The werecoyote tried to swipe at its head with her claws again. However, the doctor caught her arm before pulling her closer and wrapping its hand around her neck and squeezing. Brooklyn acted speedily, jabbing the barrel of her gun into its elbow.

The Dread Doctor immediately let go of Malia. The two cousins scrambled back, turning to sprint to the elevator with the creature hot on their tale. It was barely a pace behind them as the pushed themselves to go faster. "Run!" Melissa screamed again.

They made it into the lift, their breathing heavy as they steadied themselves on the back wall. Melissa pounded down on the button to close the door, desperate to have them shut before the Dread Doctor could reach them.

"Watch out!" Melissa shouted as she helped the doors close together. The two pieces of metal pulling shut just as the doctor reached a hand out, keeping it trapped outside. The lift rattled a little before stabilising and going down.

Everyone let out a breath of relief when they knew they were complete safe. Scott sighed, "We never should have read that book."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Theo, Stiles, Brooke and Scott were now all at the animal clinic. While at the hospital Stiles and Theo saw another chimera killed by a Dread Doctor and they all decided to bring him here. The Stilinski pulled back the blanket they'd placed over the boy, his cut throat standing out again his pale skin.

Scott looked down on him from where he held ice over Brooklyn's knuckles for her since they were beginning to bruise. "Do you know him?" Theo asked seeing the look on his face.

"His name's Josh." Scott told them, his voice a little scratchy. "He was a junior." Brooke glanced up at him and gave him a saddened smile. "Which one did it? The one with the cane?" the alpha inquired.

Stiles turned his head to Theo. "Yeah." the werewolf answered.

"What are we going to do with him?" Stiles questioned. "We can't just set the alarm and leave. That's how Tracy disappeared. All right, someone's got to stay here with him."

Everyone stayed silent for a moment. It wasn't like anyone was rushing to have another strange encounter with someone they'd likely have to fight. "I'll do it. It's not like I had a big Saturday night planned." Theo sighed.

Scott's phone then buzzed. Brooke had to balance the ice on her knuckles by herself while he fished the device out his pocket. The McCall boy read the text and froze up. "What is it?" Brooklyn asked.

"Another one." Scott breathed. "Another chimera."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Scott and Brooke followed after Stiles into the McCall house. This girl, Hayden, that Liam knew, was apparently a chimera and the beta had brought her back to Scott's house to try and help her. Only, he was failing.

"Are you okay? How are your knuckles?" Scott turned to Brooklyn and asked as they walked in the direction of the stairs.

"I'm fine." the Hale replied. She then gazed down at her cut, bruised and slightly swollen knuckles. "They've been better but," she flexed her hands, "they aren't too bad."

"That's good." Scott told her. He picked up her hands gently, pressing a kiss to each. Brooke smiled up at him, interlocking their fingers as they walked up the stairs.

"Hey, Scott." the healer said. The boy hummed and gazed at her again. "You need an inhaler?" she questioned.

The McCall boy sighed. "I used to have horrible asthma. Like, I could barley go on a walk bad. It went away when I became a werewolf but, it seems to have come back again." he confessed.

"Huh." Brooke's lips frowned slightly. Why would his asthma come back? She couldn't dwell on the question for longer, however, since they'd arrived at Scott's room to see Liam but no Hayden. "Where is she?" the healer asked. Liam pointed to Scott's shut bathroom door. Brooklyn felt a small smirk tug in her lips when she asked, "You didn't duct tape her in the bathtub, did you?"

"No." the beta told her. Both him and the Hale girl smiling slightly when Scott grumbled something under his breath.

The True Alpha walked up to the wooden door and knocked on it lightly. "Hayden? It's Scott." When he revived no reply he continued, "I know you're scared, but we just... we want to help." He still revived no acknowledgement from the girl so he turned back to Liam.

"I can hear her heart beating." Scott stated. "She's really freaked out. What happened?"

"She was okay when we got here. I went to text you for two seconds and she locked herself in." Liam retold the events.

"Why?" Stiles asked.

Liam shrugged, "I don't know."

"She's definitely a chimera?" Scott double checked.

The beta nodded. "She said she heard a voice saying, 'You're condition improves.'."

"Okay, that's unsettling." Stiles mumbled before he stepped up to the door. "Hayden." he knocked, "This is Stiles. Your sister works with my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us." he explained but still revived no response.

Stiles then turned to Brooklyn. "You try." he instructed.

"Why me?" she asked back.

"Girl to girl, you know. She'll trust you instantly and then you can, like, braid her hair while we explain to her." the Stilinski responded with a nod.

"That's so not how it works." Brooke muttered. Stiles rolled his eyes and gave her a little push in the direction of the door. The Hale girl huffed but went up to it.

"Hey, Hayden. It's Brooklyn. This is probably not going to work but, please just come out, okay? We need to tell you the truth. Don't get me wrong, it'll be a little ugly but you have to know even if your not ready to believe. And it's better if we can talk to you face-to-face. So, are you going to come out or am I going to have to pick the lock?"

Brooke sent Stiles an 'I told you so' look when she too got nothing from the girl. She took a hair pin out from her ponytail and opened it up ready to start picking the lock when the door was unlocked. The four in the bedroom all gave each other looks of surprise. Scott then moved forward and slowly began pushing the door open.

Hayden stood in the middle of the bathroom. As the door opened she gazed up and the group was able to see what was wrong. Her nails had extended to claws, her teeth had become fangs and her eyes we're now a golden yellow. "I believe you." she exhaled.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Parish opened up the boot to his car allowing Lydia, Brooke and Malia to peer in. The two cousins looked down at the three modified cell phone jammers skeptically.

They'd managed to come up with a plan that not only kept Hayden safe but should allow them to catch one of the Dread Doctors. The plan was set at the school because, besides Eichen, it had the strongest convergence of telluric currents.

They had the cellphone jammers that Parish broadened the range of to disrupt the Doctors' frequency. Then Scott, Lydia, Hayden and Liam were to get into the most enclosed room in the school they could to protect the new chimera and hopefully capture a Dread Doctor while the others stayed watch outside.

Malia picked one up and inspected it. "We're betting our lives on these?" she questioned.

"I think we're betting Hayden's life on them." Lydia corrected.

"RIP Hayden." Brooklyn muttered.

"Yeah, I'm glad I brought my gun." Parrish remarked. He picked up the other two jammers, passing on to the black haired girl and one to the strawberry blonde before shutting the boot again.

They went inside the school and set everything up. Parish and Brooke told the others good luck before heading back out to where the car was parked to keep their watch. The Hale girl sat on the bonnet of Parish's truck filling the couple of guns she brought with ammo while the deputy paced around.

Hours passed and nothing happened. The loud squawking of birds slowly driving Brooklyn insane. The girl huffed, jumping of the bonnet to stretch her legs around a bit. "This is so boring." she complained.

"Very." Parish replied. He moved from leaning against the car and went and sat down inside it. He leant his head back against the head rest but kept his eyes open. They needed to stay alert.

Brooklyn continued waking up and down, kicking small pebbles out of the way as she went. She felt like banging her head against the wall she was so bored. Honestly, she wouldn't mind the Dread Doctors coming for a fight right now cause at least that would be something.

It seemed like her prayers had been answered when the sound of a car pulling up graced her ears. It wasn't the Dread Doctors but better. When she turned her head she expected to see a baby blue jeep containing Stiles and Theo with answers to who was taking the bodies but the reality was much different.

A black camero rolled up containing none other than her father. Brooke's eyes grew wide, yet a smile lit up her face. She didn't know why her dad was here but she wasn't complaining. He drove closer and just as she though he was about to get out and give her a hug he sped up.

The Hale girl tried to get away but it was no use. The sleek black car came barrelling towards her and hit her head on. Brooke screamed as she was hit then as she went tumbling over the vehicle and landed on the concrete with a crack.

She turned her head to where her father had swerved the car around. Once again, she expected to see his worried, shocked face but that wasn't what she got. Derek smirked at her from inside the camero before taking off from the school again.

A sickening sob wrung through Brooklyn's chest as she peered up at the sky. She swore she was seeing stars. Questions ran through her head at one hundred miles per hour. Why would her father do that? What in the hell was going on?

Then, darkness.

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