Destiny Of the Butterfly Neck...

By NurainiSalleh

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Get ready for a juicy side story, a spinoff of the Aurora series! Meet Risa Yamamoto, the ultimate right-hand... More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13 (Edited)
Chapter 14 (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Edited)
Chapter 16 (Edited)
Chapter 17 (Edited)
Chapter 18 (Edited)
Chapter 19 (Edited)
Chapter 20 (Edited)
Chapter 21 (Edited)
Chapter 22 (Edited)
Chapter 23 (Edited)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 7 (Edited)

81 4 4
By NurainiSalleh

Hi guys! i finally got my groove back into writing, i am so happy and i hope you guys are doing great and staying healthy. I was so happy with this chapter as the storyline of this chapter came to me so fast, hope you guys like it as well.

Now on with the story!

Brandon's POV

After I was done with work, the sun was setting down. I quickly took my stuff and went to the Botanical Cafe that was nearby my workplace and looked for my dad and Jaden. I didn't see them at first until I heard someone calling my name, I looked behind me and saw dad waving his hand to me.

I walked over to the table they were at and tried to calm myself down at the same time, for what conversation that was about to be unleashed upon me.

"Hey Lil bro, how was work?" Jaden asked me.

"You know, same old, same old," I replied.

I sat down for a while and dad ordered us drinks, but I also saw that he had a worried expression his face.

"So...what is this about?" I asked Dad and Jaden.

They looked at each other before dad started to talk. "Brandon...About that day. Please tell me that "That day" wasn't about Allie."

I sighed. "Dad... I really don't want to talk about it"

"Brandon, you overdosed yourself, we have to talk about it someday," Jaden said to me.

"Well, there is nothing to talk about, I overdose with my meds by accident, i accidentally went over my recommended prescription and...wait?" I faced dad. "Did you tell Allie? I mean does she know that I..."

"Nope, your mom didn't want me to tell her and told me to tell Trent the same thing." dad explained.

Then our drinks finally came and dad ordered me a soda can and with a glass cup, i went and open the can soda and pour the soda into the glass cup that they gave and i watched the soda fizzled in the glass cup. All I could do now is to look at the reflection in my drink once the soda stopped fizzing in the cup to see a weak, pathetic shell of a man, who did the dumbest thing ever for someone.

"Good that you didn't tell her, she would probably think I'm weak and pathetic anyway," I said to them while still looking at my reflection.

"No, you're not! To be honest, I can understand why your mom was angry at me when I let Trent beat you up. But it was out of my hands, Trent was stressed that he lost so many people in his life and then when Allie disappeared the second time and when you called her the playboy's Tramp, he kinda went rogue and just listened to his own anger. You need to understand that Brandon. You kinda deserve it when you said that to her."

"Yeah, I know and I did."

"Good... Well, that day when you..." dad paused and couldn't say anything.

"When I overdose? I was angry at myself, yes I did deserve it for calling her that but...just nevermind. I don't want to talk about it right now."

Dad then rubs me on my back, trying to comfort me but it didn't help. All I wanted to do is just cry...Like literally that is all I wanted to do but I can't, not in front of everyone here, especially not in front of my dad.

"Son, I know it's also about how Allie broke up with you for that guy and if you did want to talk about it, you know that your family is always here for you. Me, your mom, Renee, Jaden. We'll be here for you okay?..." he then paused again and sighed. "I know that somehow I should have talked to you about how you were feeling when she broke with you or even before that when you guys had that fight and me being mad at you was instinct and I know that saying that I will always be here for you even though I let Trent beat you up" he paused for a while. "what am I saying?!"

"Dad, you are making it worse now," Jaden told dad.

I couldn't take it anymore, I need to breathe, I need to be alone for a while.

I stood up from the table, getting attention from my dad and brother. "I'm going to the restroom for a while, be right back." I heard an "okay" mutter from both of them when I started walking towards the men's restroom.

Ryo's POV

We went inside the Botanical Cafe and saw that it was almost crowded with many people and families, but not too crowded with people and families that we couldn't get a place to sit.

"Besides giving all of us a panic attack and hoping that for you not to get hit by a car or even a truck to get to this place. Why did you choose got to the Botanical Cafe anyway? I know the food here is tasty but it was kinda too extreme for you to avaoid traffic rules for a Crepe."Vienna chuckled while asking Risa.

Risa and I both started chuckling with her at her joke."Well, to be honest, I don't know," Risa said while she looked around the place. "I know i have been here before when i was with my cousin's Kei's wife, Aiko here to eat some crepes and have some chocolate smoothies. But i am not sure why i suddenly feel like going here, but this place is really nice."

When she finally stopped moving, I saw her necklace start glowing again like crazy and I nudged Vienna to show her the glowing necklace that was placed on her neck. Risa was distracted with her phone to realise it was glowing or what was happening.

Vienna's eyes widened, she turned to look at me and she started to mind link me.

Vienna: *What is going on with that necklace?*

Ryo: *Oh my goodness! I forgot we can do that*

Vienna: * Of course we can! We are mated together, werewolf or not you and I can mind linked because of the mate bond. Okay now tell me the story about that necklace!*

Then I did tell her everything that Aiko told me and she looked at me with a shock expression on her face.

"Hello?" Risa said as she waved her hands in front of us. "Guys, you're making me feel like I'm a third wheel now. I hope I can have someone to share my thoughts with too one day" she then started to sulk.

"Sorry Onesan, we were having a conversation about..." I was trying to think of an excuse but couldn't come up with anything.

"About the kids!" Vienna exclaimed and I just nod in agreement.

"Well, no one can blame you guys for that. You guys are new parents and of course you will get worried about them and it's fine. Okay what about this, if you guys are still thinking about the kids and are worrying about them, we will call mama and ask her about the kids and if that doesn't work we can go home and have dinner as a family?" Risa said as to compromise.

We both just nervously nodded at her suggestion.

"Good. So what do you guys want to get?" Risa asked us and we told her that we might want some smoothies but suddenly a voice came behind me.

"I think I finally understand why your mom was so angry with me about this, I think I realise what she meant by me not sticking by my family." I overheard this man said and i emphatise with him.

"It's okay dad, it's just that what happened to Allie was all over the place, Trent was depressed, Mrs B was missing then found. It was a mess and then Brandon kinda got into the mix that made Trent even angrier." the other guy said

*Brandon? Nahhh, not that Brandon right? But the situation sounds so familiar. Should I just...*

I quickly turned and looked and glance at the people behind me and what I suspect was correct. It was them, Brandon's Dad and brother.

*What a coincidence this is! They are in the same Cafe as us which Risa chose and out of all the Cafes in New York, we all went to the Botanical Cafe and then Risa's necklace started glowing...*

Then I realised something, the necklace was pointing to Botanical Cafe and that means Brandon was or maybe still is in the bar as well. That means that they will see each other and will finally be together, which was what I thought until what had happened next.

We then heard 2 phones ringing at the same time, one was from Risa's phone and the other was Brandon's dad's phone. They were both talking at the same time that I could barely follow what was happening.

"Okay Toby, we will be there soon." he hung up and faced his other son. "Jaden, we need to go now, Toby needs us."

"Seriously? Is it serious?" his son asked him and he nodded and sighed. "Okay, but we need to tell Brandon."

And as coincidentally i saw Brandon coming and walking towards the table the Dad and brother were in but then Risa suddenly stood up.

"Risa! Where are you going?" I asked her.

She was on the phone but then replied to me. "I have to take this, it's Kei." and she went outside.

*What?! But they were just about to meet again and then this happens?! Okay, nevermind. Brandon is still here. They can still meet.*

It got worse after Brandon's dad said and apologised to Brandon that he needed leave the Botanical Cafe early as he had to go for a work-related thing and told him that he paid for their soft drinks and left with his other son. Brandon somehow was looking really depressed. Risa came back and said that K needed extra men and she suggested some of the men that were off duty and asked Kei to give them a call because she explained that she was out with and wanted to spend time with us.

I was relieved when she prioritised us over work and I really appreciate it, she then started texting on her phone vigorously to the other men to meet Kei up. But what made me panic again was that Bradon was calling the waitress so he could pay for the drinks and started to pack up to leave.

My mind went blank for a while until Vienna saw that I was panicking and mind linked me again.

Vienna. *What's wrong?*

Me: *The guy behind us is Brandon!*

Vienna: *What?!* She then looked behind her.

Me: *When I realised he was in the Botanical Cafe, I thought that they could finally meet and see each other but he is leaving, we need to think quickly! What should we do?!*

Vienna started thinking as well and exactly how amazing my gorgeous wife is, she thought of a brilliant plan.

"I know what to do! Finish your drink and follow me," she said and we both took in our smoothies and asked the waitress for a to-go cup and went to the cashier to pay for it.

"Hey, guys? Where are you going?" We looked behind us and saw Risa looking confused.

"Oh, we're leaving," Vienna said in a rush to pay.

"What?! Why?" Risa asked us, looking more confused than ever.

"Oh... because we wanted to check on the kids because they are sick and we just wanted to know we had to take them to the hospital to check on their situation and be there for them." Vienna continued.

"Wait! What?! the babies are sick? then we better go now." Risa said with a worried expression on her face and was almost dashing out the door of the Botanical Cafe

Actually, it is kinda true, the babies were having the sniffles and mom actually told us they were fine and gave them baby medicine, we already consulted the doctor before we came here, and we did tell mom that if they do get even more sicker then to call us and we would send them to the hospital and check it out.

"Hey wait, why is your hair up like that?" Vienna asked just as we noticed that Risa's hair was up in a ponytail.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at us "Oh, the wind kinda makes my hair fly all over and to my face and I thought it would be better if I tied my hair up but my neck is now kinda cold and... wait, should we better be going back home now to see see the twins? I am going to follow you guys back home as i think maybe mom might be in panic mode right now."

"No! I mean we're fine going there alone together, it's okay. Why don't you relax and drink, I already paid for all of ours." Vienna said quickly and stopped Risa from talking. "Oh, and you said you were cold right? Hey, why not i give you my hoodie?" Vienna said as she took out her hoodie and give them back to Risa.

I quickly took off my hoodie with Vienna''s help and gave it to Risa and Risa said thank you and had an appreciate smile on her face, we the quickly said that we had to go home now and quickly dashed out of the Botanical Cafe but stopped at the door to look in from the outside. We saw Risa wearing Vienna's hoodie, she took her seat and started drinking her chocolate smoothie but she wasn't looking on her right which Brandon was at, Brandon then started standing up.

Suddenly Vienna started talking to me and she had an idea how to get them to meet each other "Okay...Ryo, remember when we were in a crowd and you wanted to say 'i love you' to me? You remember how you did it?" She looked at me with a smirk on her face and I knew what she wanted me to do.

"YES! Oh, I love you Vienna hunter!" I said and kissed her on her cheek, hard.

"Nope, it's Vienna Yamamoto now babe, and I love you too!" She then kissed me back.

What Vienna was telling me to do was something I can do with air using my powers, it's from voice to air bubble to the person you want receiving it.

"Okay, I know what to say." I started rubbing my hands and when Brandon was about to move I covered my mouth tightly to trap the air in my hand and make an air bubble which I started saying a few words that Brandon is very familiar with.

"Brandon senpai," I said and formed the air bubble bigger to receive the voice message I gave and started aiming at Brandon's ear, which then I shot at him immediately which made him look to where the voice was coming from.

We couldn't hear what was happening because we can only hear the Botanical Cafe getting louder but we did see our plan working as Brandon and Risa finally saw each other and started smiling which continued with Risa standing up to talk to him.

"We did it!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, we did!" Vienna exclaimed too and we high five and started giving both of them privacy, so we went back home.

Mom did ask us why we came back and we told her that we wanted to see how the kids are doing which actually we also did wanted come back because of that, when Risa said about new parents are true, we were worried and as parents i think we would always be worried about our kids, no matter how old they are. We also asked mom to stay with us because we want to spend time with her and the kids and she excitedly said yes and she said she would love to spend time with us and her grandkids. She did ask us where Risa was and we just told her 'she was meeting an old high school friend of hers'.

The night went well for us, dad fetched mom and took her home. Vienna and I went to bed early and I feel that i- I mean we had done a good job tonight and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The next morning

I woke this morning with the sounds of someone squealing and screaming, I quickly got out of bed and took out the gun that I hid that was under my bed. I went outside and was moving stealthily to see who it was and I lay my gun down on the nearest table when I saw who was squealing and screaming.

"OH MY GOODNESS RISA!, I am so happy for you!" Vienna exclaimed as both of them started jumping around and was grinning and smiling.

"Thank you! I am so happy as well, it just came out of nowhere!" Risa said.

*she must be talking about last night when she met Brandon, I think it went well as i can see how excited and happy Risa is right now.*

"Oh really?" I rubbed my eyes because I am just waking up. "What's got you all so happy this morning?" I asked.

They both suddenly looked at each other grinning, and with excitement in her eyes, Risa finally blurted out the words;

"I AM GETTING MARRIED AGAIN! but of course not with Jordan this time."



Ryo's right! WHAT?!???!?!? RISA'S GETTING MARRIED?!!!!!! To who? and what's the rush?!

find out in the next chapter!

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! Please like, comment and share this story with your friends and family.

Well, see you guys in the next chapter! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

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