His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

257K 7.9K 3.2K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

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3.9K 131 59
By YOLOwriting101

I stood in Ezra's room, staring at everything inside. I don't know...why I came in here, but I felt this inclination to.

My body seemed to be...missing him. There was this feeling that wanted him...to be with me. Why did I feel like so nervous and more nauseous than normal again?

I found myself rushing to his bed, grabbing one of his pillows. I stare down at it...and suddenly shove my face into it. When I inhale deeply, I could smell his scent within it.

Instantly I felt...a little better. This didn't feel like enough though. Why do I want to do these silly things?

I grab another pillow, and started rushing into his closet. Before I knew it I was hiding between his clothes with the pillows. One under me that I laid on, and then the other pillow for my head to lay on.

I saw a shirt that was hanging up, and I grabbed it down. When I put it on I inhaled in deeply again. Now I felt...less nervous.

It was starting to aggravate me a little bit. I shouldn't be doing this! What's wrong with me right now?

Pulling down jackets and sweaters, I laid them on top of me. Because now all I could smell was his scent and I felt...better.

Why was this baby making me do such embarrassing things? Was this even the baby though? It feels...deeper than that. Like there's more to it than it just being the baby.

I can now smell his scent, I feel pain when he kisses or is kissed by others, I get nervous and nauseous without him near me, and now what? What is going on here?

Even when I first had sex with him I smelled a scent, but it was very faint. Now it's obvious...and it seems like my body needs it to stay calm.

Though having him near me would be better.



I flinch, my eyes burning when the closet lights switch on. I just stay hidden in the back of his very large closet, not responding to Caden. Except he found me easily as he pulled the clothes aside to find me like this.

"What are you doing?" He questions me with disgust.

"I...I'm not sure... W-why do you care?" I snap at him, and he scoffs.

"Because you're acting like an Omega. You know, Omegas do things like this - not Betas." He crouched before me, smirking at me as if I was an open book.

"How am I 'like an Omega'? Now you're just being silly-."

"Omegas...when they're bonded to an Alpha can't go too long without them. It's like a protection thing that comes over that is natural. They mate with the person they love, they bond with someone they believe will protect them and care for them. If that Alpha is gone and they're bonded, it'll make them nervous because that's supposed to be their protection; and they're gone. You're behaving in such a way." He shook his head disapprovingly.

I sit up quickly, shaking my head as I realized what I've done.

"N-no. Him and I aren't even bonded-."

"Exactly. So I wonder..." He grips his chin, frowning. "He's never bit you and there's no mark on you showing you bonded. That's annoying...I studied differentiation biology, and I can't seem to figure this out."

"I don't want to be a project, leave me alone. It's annoying...now this? Some random guy kissed him and we both felt pain from it. I have been able to smell his scent ever since I saw him again...but occasionally. Now I can't go too long without it. That...bothers me." I had to stop myself from whining.

Caden was the last person that I wanted to see me in such a way. He would never let it down and he already was thinking too deeply into this matter.

I saw Caden's eyes widen, and he stood up from where he was crouched. He looked down at me with this completely disdained look. What more could he hate on me for now.

"Get up from this closet." He tries to order me, and I snicker.

"I don't have to listen to you. Have you lost your mind?" I snort at him as I begin to hide deeper in the closet. "It's like you completely disregarded what I just told you. I can't go too long without his scent...or him. I don't know! All I know...is that I can't go without it."

The things I was saying seemed to bother him. His nostrils were slightly flared and he shook his head a bit.

"You...need to stop. Stop acting like you don't know what's going on here-."

"I really don't know what is wrong here. Why are you assuming I don't?" I roll my eyes, and Caden pulled Ezra's clothes back to their original spots so I couldn't see him.

"Fine. You're much dumber than I thought you were. You idiot, it's so obvious! Ezra is so...why?! Why you, you don't even like him! And you're such an idiot that you don't...Ezra why?!" He cries in pain, and I heard him rush out of the closet.

He genuinely sounded pained that time. It's interesting because I didn't...want to be in this predicament. What's the problem?

I called myself trying to pull myself from that area, but it made me uncomfortable. Now I knew there was a deeper routed problem and I stayed here.

I need help.

I couldn't even last a few hours without being in that closet. His scent was all over his clothes and I couldn't get enough of it. It...disgusted me.

That's when I finally yank myself out and walk away from the closet. Going to the downstairs, I began to realize that everyone was already asleep.

Caden was asleep on the couch and he snored. I didn't want to look on anymore, walking away from him.

This whole house was a maze. I haven't even been through some parts of it. I just stick to the five rooms I know. The living room, the kitchen, Remi's room, my room, and Ezra's room. Anywhere else I don't bother exploring.

Now I'm doing that.

I enter a part of the house that I always see Ezra enter. It always seemed to be this disconnection when he entered this part of the house.

Now I let myself into it. I walk through the halls and just let myself in. I enter a room that had the door closed, wondering what he could be hiding in here. Except I could see why he'd hide a room like this.

I stood in here, turning the light on. Just inside it wasn't very...interesting. Until you go to his desk and then it got interesting.

There was a desk with a binder on it. When I open it I saw pictures of me over a timeline. That was...interesting as I sit in his chair. When I read the timeline I noticed that he seemed to have kept tabs on my financial endeavors and Trenton's deals.

Began to see where he'd make plans to make deals with Trenton. It all seemed like a lie on Ezra's part. Like he was trying to set up Trenton...it's so obvious.

I see him offering Trenton an unusual amount of money, and then beside the amount was a timeline that was a year later. So that means he had his eyes on us...ever since I was eighteen.

If that's the case...then what took him so long to find me. He acts like it took forever, and he seems to have known all this time. This seemed to have been an aberration...how unusual.

"Ezra..." I shake my head when I see Ezra purposely make Trenton lose all his money. Then I see there be the dates where he was just randomly deciding to check debts.

I saw the location where I worked... He didn't even know I worked there either. Just so happened to have been doing this. There was a point where he completely dropped Trenton, and went on his way.

I'm confused.

"Why are you going through Ezra's things?"

I flinch, looking up as I saw someone that wasn't Caden. My whole heart stopped looking at Xavion and I wanted to throw up instantly.

"Wh...why are you here?" I croak, closing the binder and stay put in this chair.

"Because. Why wouldn't I come here to say hello to my friend, you? Ezra is coming back tomorrow afternoon, so I've been informed. I just want to see what's been going on." Xavion shrugs calmly, walking into the room.

He sat at the chair before me, clasping his hands onto the table. Smiling at me, I tried not to falter.

"I also want to be here when he comes. I'll be so happy to see his reaction, I've missed him - and you!" Xavion smiles happily, and I shook my head at him. "How have you been?"

I shook my head at him, and he started mocking me.

"You stole my parents."

"Yeah, so? It was just for fun! I didn't hurt them or anything. I wasn't there...I don't know what the guards did to them. I wipe my hands clean of that. I won't hurt your son." He says calmly, and I...couldn't sigh in relief. I knew he had more to say. "I won't dabble in such coward moves - going after a child. That's so boring... Don't you think that's boring?"

I frown at him, glaring at him that he would even ask me that question.

"Not boring, just crazy! Why would you attack a child? Use your mind...you're crazy. I don't even know how you found this place-."

"Ezra is bringing your parents home, so congratulations. I gave him what he wanted and I let him find your parents. I'm not stupid, I know he's there. If he can get his way, why can't I get mine here?" He asks me curiously, pouting as he grabs a pencil.

I see him start to draw on a random piece of paper. He was...unruly and he was confusing. The fact that he could be so random was nerve racking.

Who just goes from having a conversation like that, to drawing a picture?

"I know you will have a child eventually."

I stay still, not saying a word.

"Your confidence is nauseating."

"Is that a confession?"

"Of course not," I say without stuttering this time, glaring at him, "You as a person has always made me nauseous...who could do this to their own family. All for what? Power?"

He raised his eyebrow, and I hoped that would work. I had to make him think I wasn't pregnant. I can't...let him hurt me...because that'll hurt him or her.

"Family and power...in my mind don't work. Our parents had their minds made up and they couldn't be changed no matter what I did. I was my father in every way, shape, and form; but they still wanted to make appoint Ezra. My parents ultimately let me down. I wasn't on their radar...and that is very unsettling, it pissed me off." Xavion turned his picture slightly, shaking his head as he erased something on his drawing.

I don't know what is wrong with him, but he's being crazy. This is sporadic...most definitely.

"My family didn't believe in me, and I definitely believed in myself. I wasn't going to let someone younger than me take that from me. It was either I take their lives and they give me the power, promising that I will protect Ezra for life; or I take Ezra's life and we all lose something. They lose an heir, I lose a brother, they also lose two sons. They'd definitely punish me, but they lost a son because of me. You can clearly tell what option they chose because Ezra is still here." Xavion smiles brightly, and he hands me the drawing he made.

That's when I look hesitatingly, seeing what it seemed to be were lines and dots. They were in multiple rows and it looked like some secret code.

"Why are you giving me this? I don't know what this says." I shook my head at him, and he snorts.

"I don't expect you to know. Ezra and I used to have a secret language. If anyone can understand this, it's him-."

"Why on earth would he remember something like that with a person like you?" I question him in aggravation.

"It may just save you if he can read this." He informs me quietly, and I felt all the color leave my face. "I said I wasn't going for Remi anymore, that'd be cowardly on my part. Why not go for someone who can fight back and who will one day have Ezra's child."

I stay silent because he didn't know I already was... I at least hope he doesn't. By the things he's saying though, he doesn't; or that could just be an act. It's like what Ezra said back then...

"I'm not having Ezra's child, what don't you understand?" I snap at him, and his eyes widen.

"You're not? Then..." He gripped his chin, thinking deeply about this. I honestly found it funny how he was contemplating very deeply. "Why aren't you having his child? You realize that's what he wants from you - is a child."

"I know, and I don't care. He is only using me for his gain, that's it. Why would I want to give him a child and it all be just for himself? For all I know, he'll abandon the child." I sneer, having to say these things for him. This all was an act on my part.

Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't think these things.

"You're absolutely right. Ezra can't stand messes, loud sounds, and I know he won't want to clean any other human up. He would be using you if you had his child for him. He doesn't love you, he loves revenge; and that's all there is to it. You are absolutely nothing to him, but the main piece on his chessboard." Xavion tells me calmly, and that somehow hit me harder than I thought it should have at all. "I'm a good actor, and so is he. He is fine pretending to love someone so that he can get revenge on me. He doesn't love you at all, you're being used. Once you do what he needs of you - you'll be useless, and he'll release you out into the wild."

I sit here, having to hide my shaking hands. Xavion...knew his brother better than I did. Is this...somehow true?

"You might as well leave now. I'll make things easier because I think you're too pretty to hurt. Leave him, and then he'll find another replacement. Stop suffering all for his behalf. You're just a-."

"Chess piece," I interrupt him, standing up from the chair and avoiding to look at him, "I know that. You don't have to remind me-."

"But I do! I don't want you to get warped into anything. I'm just trying to help. That is all. He likes your face, your body for sure, and I can tell he has grown protective over someone else's son. Though if we're talking about you as a whole...on the inside... The only inside he'd love is your...perhaps I've said too much." He stops, chuckling because he probably saw how red-faced I was.

He just started snickering at me and now all those things he said were echoing through my mind. It made me sick...I wanted to throw up again.

Xavion stood too, resting his hand on my shoulder. He leaned towards me and pressed a disgusting kiss to my cheek. I wasn't expecting that as I yank away, rubbing such a thing away.

"You can always...come to me. I won't let you go like how I let Stellan go. I find you as a person astonishing. Why should he get you, but I can't? Just come to me and you could have everything you want." He cradled my face, grinning down at me.

I stare up at him and I had nothing to say. Nothing he says will get me to go to him...

I dislike him even more than I did before.

"What is that everything?"

"You could have any amount of money, clothes, food, houses, toys for Remi - anything." He tells me, and I smile.

He smiles back, and that's when I yank away from him.

Glaring at him now, I point at him and shook my head.

"If anyone knows me at all...they know money doesn't work on me. I don't want your money - I want no ones money. Just...love." I admit quietly, and Xavion bites his lip.

"I can give you love-."

"Not from you. Maybe I want no love from anybody, but Remi. You're crazy...Ezra is crazy...you're both crazy. I wish I wasn't involved." I shake my head, taking the note and rush out of the office. Right when I turn I saw Caden standing there.

He had his phone pointed towards the door and I saw him making a voice memo. Seeing him smirk at me, he pulled his phone back and I looked at him in shock.

"What are you doing?" I question him angrily, and he grins.

He shakes the phone in my face, he smirked.

"Ezra is gonna hear this, finally!" He exclaims, rushing away from me and I was about to go after him.

Except all I see was Xavion rushing past me. It was frightening to see such a thing. When I heard Caden cry out, I go after them and turn on the lights.

That's when I saw Xavion holding the phone, shoving Caden down harshly to the ground. He looked at it and I saw him snort at it.

"You're a fool, absolutely dumb, an idiot, and completely enthralled with Ezra. He will never fall for you - stop this pathetic charade." Xavion growls at him, Caden avoiding to look at him.

I stood here, watching him just walk towards me. He handed me Caden's phone and I see him nod at it.

"Do what you want with it."

"I...I don't know-."

"You can either send it, or delete it. Whatever you think will help you out." He says, and I didn't hesitate in deleting it. Except instantly a message popped up and I saw it was from Ezra.

My eyes widen at what he said: Caden wth is this?

I click the message and saw the voice memo was already sent. Xavion grinning at me, he chuckled at my response completely.

"It was nice to see how you thought you had power; but you really did that for nothing-."

"You're crazy!" Caden cried, and we both looked at him. He had tears streaming down his face and I could tell he was probably hurt from Xavion saying those words to him.

"How so?"

"You murdered your parents, you will hurt Ezra; but not hurt him. It's odd that you'll keep a promise with the people you killed all to hurt Ezra. What's the point?" I confess, shaking my head at him because I found him crazy too. "You're not normal...you're crazy and completely dangerous for Ezra."

Xavion looked away from us both, and this look in his eyes took over. He started to look like he was pained over something, but that faded away too quickly.

"Many people...that meet him want to be able to agree with him. They know their perception of dangerous and evil, and when they hear what I've done - I somehow fit their criteria. Everyone wants to say that they can tell who is dangerous and who is not. Want to know something great about that? The most frightening thing about that? You can't." Xavion smiles, and I felt chills run down my spine.

He turned on the television where he was mentioned on some live broadcast. A recap, I should say. So many people cheered for him and adored him...they absolutely loved him.

When he paused the TV on him smiling with multiple people, I saw their complete admiration. They were enthralled by him just as much as Caden was for him.

"Every person is completely ignorant to the idea that someone could possibly be so dangerous, that they could one day just go and hurt someone. They kill, and yet they still live in society. You saw me for all those years and if Ezra had never told you anything about what I did... You'd still believe I was that great Head Alpha everyone believes..." Xavion started nodding slowly and I saw Caden look like he was about to throw up.

I thankfully didn't feel that...just wanted to run.

"They all love, like, appreciate, admire, cherish, and see me in an amazing light. Except none of them know what I've done and that's the fascinating part. How they can admire someone like me who's done these things and they scream to me praises? How can they know that they're just...loving someone so evil like me? I'm the epitome of something scary, because you never knew until someone told you. I was always perfect in your eyes, until you learned the truth. How fascinating! You never even knew..." Xavion went to the kitchen, and I saw him go in the fridge.

Caden was already rushing away to the guest bathroom, and I already knew he was throwing up. Except that seemed to have intrigued Xavion as he looked.

"No he's not pregnant." I tell him, and he gasps.

"You read my mind! How amazing..." He closed the fridge and went to the living room. Xavion just sat down, smiling at the still paused TV. "You think Ezra will be excited to see me?"

I don't respond, at the moment just thankful that Remi was a deep sleeper.

"He already knows you're here because you sent that voice memo to him. It's not a surprise anymore...not that that makes things any better." I state, and Xavion shrugs. "You've probably only made things worse for yourself. I mean that wholeheartedly."

"I know...that's what makes it-."

We both hear someone kick the front door. I look in fear to see if it opened and it didn't. A foot slams onto the door again and it still doesn't budge.

I rush to it and just open it, seeing Ezra about to kick the door again. Until he stopped when he saw me, glaring down at me.


I look over my shoulder and see Xavion standing there. Only for Ezra to rush at him and his fist completely collides with his face. Completely collapsing on the floor, he climbed atop of him and continued punching him in the face.

Xavion seemed to not really be trying to get away. He would dodge most of the punches, but he would get hit sometimes.

"Xavion what the fuck!" Ezra shrieked, throttling him with so much anger and animosity. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Ezra got off of him, soon turning to me and pointed at me.

"You...you know all those things he said are lies right?" He questions me quietly, and I stay silent. "You really wouldn't believe something like that...would you-?"

"Ezra you know what I said is true-."

"Bitch shut the fuck up - I am not talking to you! Unless I am talking to you or with you, don't say my name! Ever!" He screams in his face very closely.

Xavion yawned, stepping away from him.

"Ezra...you're talking to me right now."

"I'm talking to you now, smart ass." Ezra growls, and he went back to looking at me. "Not anymore; but Theo..."

I saw him wink at me, and I frown. His back was to Xavion and I knew he didn't see him do this.


"You think of me so horribly, clearly. You don't want to have my child? Fuck this then, why are you still here?" He hissed at me, and I step back a bit when he nudged my shoulder harshly.

"Ezra wait-."

"You heard him." Caden rushed forward, looking ecstatic even though...he knew I was pregnant! "Get outta here! None of us want you here!"

Xavion snorted, walking around them all and towards the door.

"I'll leave you guys to it. Theo once this is settled you can come back to the castle, I'll take you in. Just inform me. Have fun, and nice to see you too Ezra." He smiles at all of us and just left. Once the door closed Ezra glared at the door.

Caden grabbed my arm and I try to yank away from him.

"Ezra wants you out-!"

"Caden enough, it was an act to fool his arrogant ass. Enough of that." Ezra growls, causing him to flinch.

That's why he winked...

"Ezra I-."

"Theo stop. I heard the voice memo and I am contemplating... He doesn't know you're pregnant...and I heard all of it." He sounded upset, until he began to chuckle. "You're acting was amazing!"

Ezra laughed ecstatically as if I was some movie star...even though for most of it I wasn't acting. That was the only part I lied about.

"Ezra he wasn't acting!"

"Caden stop." Ezra was now glaring at him. He didn't look like he wanted to hear anymore from him and Caden groaned.

"He was not acting! What if he is conspiring with Xavion...it sounded like it! I missed so much, but I got a good amount. He literally said he wasn't-."

"Caden you're dumb as fuck, we literally went to the hospital and the doctor said he's a month along. Why are you being this way?" Ezra snorts at him, and he was about to take my hand until Caden stops him.

He grabbed his hand and Ezra tried yanking it away, but Caden held on tightly.

"You haven't even had an ultrasound. You never know...Ezra please..." He begs him, causing me to sneer at the fact that he was behaving this way.

"Caden I am pregnant, why are you acting so silly?"

"How do I know? We haven't even seen a picture for proof! You aren't even showing." He stuck his nose up at me, and I scoff.

"You clearly don't know how this works." I roll my eyes. "You don't just show like that." I snap my finger, trying to add emphasis.

He looks away from me, nodding at Ezra.

"Ezra please...just have an ultrasound. That'll show the truth. He's a liar, and is probably with Xavion. Just to make sure, let's check."

"Why would he believe you? He knows I am and believes me-."


I flinch at his word. When I look at him he yanked out of Caden's grasp, avoiding to look at me.


"We'll go later this afternoon. No open discussions about it." He sternly says, then just walks away from us.

At that moment...I felt like he should've believed me. He knows I am...so why?

...why is he acting this way now...?

That...annoyed me more than it should have; and I don't even know why.


Lol, why wouldn't he act this way? 🙃

Don't play dumb, dumb games. 😗

It is all...up for question. 🤔

There's no dispute that Xavion is crazy, 👀

but I find him fascinating.

Not for the crimes he's done, 😪

but just his personality. 🥴

I don't know... 🤧

How quite. 🙂

Though with the first part... 👁👄👁

Theo you were missing Ezra- 🤡

Admit it! 🙇🏽‍♀️

Though this is so... 🤷🏽‍♀️

We're still stuck between a rock, 💁🏽‍♀️🗿

and a hard place. 🤦🏽‍♀️

A very...hard place. ...🗿

So hard...hmm. 🤭

You'll see, I guess. 🤓

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~ YOLO❤️

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