Babe House

By Ice_Tsorf_7

376 4 1

Cute musicians Skrillex, Deadmau5, Endigo, Seike, Kitcha, and Isen all live in the same house. Very gay thing... More

Skrillmau5 NANDA?! Fanfic
The Phirst Phresh Paragraph
What was Written the Next day (Or whenever...)
Breakfast at Skriffany's (It finally becomes a real story now)
Darkness of the Forests of Thought
Leaving Love
Ravers Don't Share (Apparently)
Much Rejoicing
And I'm not the Only One who Turned out Like That
Episode 420 with the Dogg ft. Pr0n
Those Dang Gay People
The Flashback and The Name
The Concert
Isolation of the Tour
Word Limit: 1K, I'm Sorry, It's 1 AM
Return of The Skrek
Someone is Still Alone/Doesn't it Bring You Back 2the Beginning
Kenfer Enters Where Deadmau5 Left Off
Qnfr From Tumblr
"The kid is basically a f--kin' louse. Are you sure you'd call that love?"
Confliqte, Basikkli
Femboys are Awesome
Endigo Goes Nuts Part II
To Bang Or Not To Bang/The Dance
Chapter 27: Overhaul [2021]

Sonny Mora

8 0 0
By Ice_Tsorf_7

"Come on, Skril," Isen teased. "You can't tell me you don't remember your own lyrics..." Ze laughed.

He thought for a minute.

"Swallow a little of that sea..," Isen hinted.

"Oh, right. It's 'Mora'!"

"Sang by?"

"Uh... Me?" the long-haired dude was confused for a second.

"No, me! :D" His boyfriend sang 30 seconds of lyrics to the rest of the song, including the melody and some of the drums. Skril smiled and waited for the demiboy to sit back down so he could lay in hir arms. They cuddled like that for a while and then Ice went to brush hir teeth.


Seike was doing random chores in his sweatpants and a bleach-stained shirt. The way they had all decided who would clean this week was judging by the most fabulous eyebrows.

Deadmau5 looked over at him. "You're so attractive with your dark hair and your piercings..." The thought had just slipped out of his mouth. The snakebites on Seike's lips reminded him of Skril when he decided to put the piercings back in.

"Thanks, baby," Seike responded. He climbed down from the ladder he was using to dust the ceiling fan. He left a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "I'm gonna go change my clothes downstairs... You can come get me in a few minutes if you want." He winked.

Seike continued to the bathroom, where he flipped on the light switch and took off his dusty, bleached-spotted clothes. He replaced them with more swaggy ones: a shirt that had a crow with its wings spread out across the front, and pants that made him look like a dancer. "#YOLO," he whispered to the mirror.

Isen was at the table a few rooms away from Seike, writing a fanfiction about Salad Fingers or some crap. Ze had an orange pen in hir hand, trying to think of the next sentence. "Salad kissed back, letting his bae put a hand in his long, green hair. The hand felt the grease that made his hair look more emo..." The lights flickered. "Oi, m8... Teh frack??" Ze thought.

Seike was looking at all his tattoos, wondering when Deadmau5 was going to come down. The power shut off and the Visual Kei musician swore in Swedish with his nice voice. He felt his way into the Disgusting Rabbit room and got comfortable on the bed.

Isen walked into the dark bathroom, looking at hir eyeliner with the light that came through the windows and made that area of the house not completely dark. Ze checked hir indigo flip phone for the time, suddenly mad that ze had forgotten to go back to Universe 1 on a school day.

Deadmau5 walked silently to the bathroom, seeing the shadow of a person who he assumed to be Seike. His earbuds were in (he was secretly listening to Skrillex with the CD player in the large pocket of his hoodie), and he whispered to the person, "Hey, Seike. The lights may be out, but at least the love isn't..." It was a set of words he wish he could have said to Skrillex, but Seike was his outlet for all those feelings, so he let the other guy receive the sweet thoughts he wanted to shower Skril with. The EDM producer leaned in, tilting the shorter person's face towards him. They felt his stubble against their face. He kind of made out with them for a moment, and the person masked by shadows didn't seem as into it as usual, although they allowed it to happen. "Come on, Seike," Mau5 said into their ear. "You were the one who called me down..."

The lights were back on. The older EDM guy looked at the lips of who he had just kissed. They were bigger, had foundation on them, and had no piercings. "Wait, what the-???" He took a step back, his greenish eyes flashing with confusion and anger. "ICE!" He yelled.

"Heheheeheh." The demiboy pointed at him dumbly.

"What is f**king WRONG with you??!"

"I'm 16 and lonely," Isen laughed. "How about you?" Ze looked up at the older guy casually.

The Mau5 held up a hand. "No. You know what, no! What's wrong with you that you always have to do this dumb crap??!"

"Because I'm dumb, duh."

Deadmau5 slapped the demiboy below hir glasses.

"Hey, it was a free kiss. :P" Isen rubbed the red mark that had formed. "I didn't even know you were going in that bathroom..."

"Screw you!!! Screw your ideas of 'free' stuff!!" He pointed in the demiboy's face. "You're pathetic, you slut!"

The emo kid's eyebrows lowered and ze lost most of hir smile. "I never even banged anybody, hoe." Ze elbowed Mau5 in the chest to make up for the slap. Isen prepared hirself for a total fight.

Seike ran in, surprised by all the yelling and violence. "What is wrong with you guys??! Stop hitting each other and all this sh*t!" he yelled at them.

Deadmau5 tried to defend himself with speech, but Ice interrupted. "He kissed me thinking I was you and I let him. He got mad and slapped me like total fart."

Seike inspected the red mark on Ice's cheek. He looked back at the older guy. "Dude, you can't go around slapping kids..."

"WELL IT'S HARD TO EVEN F***ING LIVE WITH ONE!! Stupid kids don't even know how to handle romance, going around and kissing anyone they want!! You know what? It's hard to live with all you guys!!!!!! I'm moving out, NOW!!"

Isen was the only one in the room who could see the start of his tears.

He turned to leave, but Skril stopped him. "W-what's going on?" he asked, worried.

""I'm leaving!" Mau5 almost shouted again.

Skrillex tried to pull him back in by his arm, and only got him to come back a metre into the small circle of people who also lived in the house. "Why do you have to leave?" The shorter EDM guy frowned.

"I-I..." He was distracted by the sad face of the one he loved. The older guy looked away from the eyes of the beautiful creature he had disappointed so he could regain his cold, tough look. "I just have to! I can't take living here anymore!" He put on a backpack full of his stuff and slammed the door.

The extremely kawaii dude with the longest hair looked a little offended and almost scared.

The demiboy saw water fall from the Mau5's face at the last second.

Isen put hir arms around the Skril, trying to comfort him if he needed it. "You okay?" ze asked softly.

"I'm alright," he responded quietly, wiping his glowing brown eyes that currently only showed confusion and sadness. "Little sleep and I'll be fine..." The demiboy petted his shiny hair.

But if they only knew what was in the back of Mau5's mind. Well, Isen did. Skril kind of had an idea, but they both trusted the progressive-house dude at least a little when he said he was over it.

Ice picked up on hir boyfriend's disappointment and worry. Ze hugged him tighter. "It's okay bb... When I come back, we can have a big Halloween party. It'll be great, k?" Ze touched his smooth, shiny hair.

"When are you leaving?"

"I have to be back to set my alarm clock and switch out my clone, so probably before around 10 so I can have enough time for sleeping."

"Icey... I wish you could be around to sleep here, with your arms around me," Skril frowned.

The demiboy hummed a few chords of an Adam Lambert song from 2009, strumming along in the air. "Whatya want from me, dude?" Ze smiled. "I wish I could stay here, too. If it were my frickin' choice, I'd stay AF. I just need to get an education, though."

"How about an education in kissing me? I'd teach you that, in return for your love..." The little EDM dude looked into his boyfriend's eyes.

"Aww." Ice smiled and held the shawty close, feeling the thin hair at the top of his neck with hir painted fingers. Ze gave him a kiss on the shaved part of his hair. The demiboy's hand drifted towards the front of Skril's head. "Your face is getting kind of grease... Maybe we should fix that before I leave." The young nonbinary kid sniffed a little and then gave his face a small, slow lick.

"Lick," Skril echoed, giggling at their weird relationship.

"You guys are absolutely f**king disgusting... I can see why Mau5 left," Seike grumbled.

"Probably because you didN't LiCk HiS fAaAaAce XD," Isen said quietly at first, but then was unable to control hir own laugher. "HAHAHAAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Skrillex also laughed. "Wait, do you really think I'm disgusting, Seike?" He looked calmly to his bb.

"Sometimes..." Seike scratched one of his many piercings, looking away from his boyfriend awkwardly.

"But you still love me."

"Yeah, especially in comparison to my other boyfriend yelling at everyone and getting cross that he accidentally kissed Isen... He needs to sort himself out, man."

"Mhm," Ice responded. Seconds of silence passed. "Kissing Mau5 was cool."

"Duh," Seike responded, LOLing. "Skril and I both would know more than anyone else in this house..."

Endigo and Kitcha walked in, holding hands.

Isen pointed at them, linking back to hir last sentence. "That is also cool."

Kitcha looked back at the demiboy. "What is?"

"Your face. ^_^" Ze did the American Sign Language move for 'beautiful'. ":D"

Kitcha shook his head and laughed a little. "Don't smile at me like that." He was almost blushing.

"But you're smiling at me in the same way." Ice smirked.

Kitcha walked away, but very kawaii-ly. He tried to cover his smile with a plate he grabbed off the counter.

Endigo followed Kitcha's original direction towards the emo teen. "Oi, m8, u better not touch mah b0i!!111" He flipped his weird spiky hair at the demiboy to somehow scare hir, which it didn't.

"But what if he wants me to?" Ice looked at the Endigoop, who showed his middle finger in a weird joke way and GTFO'd.

"LOL, Mau5 is dumb," Skrillex said, changing the subject. "He could have waited to eat dinner before he left."

"Hahahah, yeah... Now he has to pay for his own dinner!" Isen laughed.

Skril patted his demiboy bae on the shoulder and went to walk outside. "I'm gonna go smoke some w33d, k?"

Ice looked at him weird for a second because he was an American and therefore came from a land of varying rules on that.

"It's legal here, remember? Tobacco is the illegal one."

"Ye, right..."

Seike went to the kitchen and cooked some dinner because he is cool. He threw tiny pieces of leftover cake into the food and piled curry on top so Kitcha would eat it.

Endigo walked back to where the swaggy enby was and ran his hand annoyedly through his multicoloured hair. "I forgot my water bottle on the bench we were sitting on, and I have to go grab it, okay?"

"Alright." Isen shrugged. "U bringing anyone with you?"

"No, Kitcha's cold." Endigo grabbed his keys or whatever the frick people take before leaving the house. "Kitcha daisuki! Jyane!!!" He yelled in a weird voice before he shut the door.

"K, bye!" Ice went into the NANDA?! room where Endigo's ridiculously cute shawty boyfriend laid on his stomach playing video games. It was one of the more modern rooms in the house, and was expensive-looking because of the nice blue paint on the wall and the new TV. "Hey," ze greeted the gamer, sitting behind him against the wall.

"Hej," Kitcha responded, his eyes showing he was involved in his intense game. The 55'' 4K 3D TV screen showed something including guns and sparkles. Explosions sounded loudly in good quality and Kitcha waited for the slower part of the game so he could sit up and be next to the other person on the bed. He looked up when he realized the person was touching the ends of his hair instead of kissing him on the back of his neck like Endigo would usually do when he interrupted Kitcha's gaming sessions. "Oh." He looked at Isen. "Where's Endigo?"

"He forgot his water bottle on a park bench, apparently. He didn't invite you because he said you were cold."

The cute little vkei shawty was back to his game. "Yes. Very cold." Kitcha continued to stare at the screen's flashing graphics with a slight shiver.

"Dude, you should get under the covers if you're so cold."

The shawty paused his game and rubbed his eyes, taking some of the eyeliner off by accident. "Yeah, I guess so." He put the odd disk back in its case, turned the system off, and stretched before getting into his and Endigo's bed.

Ice also got under the covers. "You're so cute. Can I pet you?" Ze smiled.

"You know what, sure..." He let Isen's hand touch the blue array of colours. Kitcha was tired and decided he would prefer to be petted and have Isen next to him than to be alone and not be petted at all, although he wasn't used to having his hair touched so much.

Isen stared at the kawaii bb. He smiled and closed his eyes as the demiboy's fingers caressed his hair. "LOL, what if somebody said 'carcass' instead of 'caress'?!!"

Kitcha giggled a little, his laugh muffled by the gray blanket. "Icey..."

After 10 minutes, they heard Seike call up the stairs for dinner. Isen pulled the blanket down for hir kawaii friend, and he got up. They both walked out of the room.

"I was totally going to sleep there if Seike hadn't called us," Kitcha said with a laugh.

Ice imagined watching Kitcha sleep next to hir. "LOL," ze responded. The shawty reminded hir of Skril, and for a second ze thought about what the NANDA?! dude would look like with the same haircut. "Noice."

They arrived at the table to find some weird crap Seike had made.

"K?..." Ice separated the cake from the rest of the food and replaced it with bits of solid miso soup. Kitcha ate his as it was.

Everyone was gathered in the living room on different pieces of furniture, watching TV. At the commercial break, Endigo walked past Ice to get some more food. "Wait..." He walked back. "You smell weird. You smell more like Kitcha..." He stared at the demiboy, who twitched hir eyebrow in annoyance at Endigo's constant suspicion.

"Yeah, we hung out," Kitcha said casually.

"Did Isen's hand hang around your butt??" Endigo's tone was impatient.

"No, ze watched me play a video game and that was it," Kitcha responded, almost rolling his eyes. "Nothing is going on between us." He used his hands a little to emphasize the point.

"Nothing is going on IceBetweenEyeliner us!!" The teen emo demiboy Youtuber with the faded black and blue DC hat with the grease stain on it backed Kitcha up.

Half an hour later, Skril had arrived back home with red eyes and an extremely heightened sense of comedy. He interrupted his boyfriend on the computer in the dining room. "Hey, hey Seike... Seikeeee, heyyy!!!"

Ice laughed. "Dude, I'm not Seike." Ze reached up from hir seat to touch the side of Skril's face, which most likely had some w33d dust or whatever on it. The EDM producer sat on hir lap and laughed for no reason. He took off Ice's hat and threw it into another room.

"Well I wanna hang out with Seike, so you're just going to have to be him for now."

The Skrillex rubbed Ice's chest.

"Don't go there, girlfriend!" Isen yelled at the high dude. "You say one more thing, I can move it and I will slap you up, I am not jokin'!"

"Mmm, Seike, your tattoos are so tattoo-y...."

"Those are not tattoos," Isen said flatly with hir shoulders pushed up higher. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch them -_-." Ze moved a foot away from the cute dude who was creepin' the frick out.

"Seikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..," he whispered into the demiboy's ear.

"Frick off," Isen mumbled uncomfortably as ze shoved Skril a little. His hands moved towards his bae's waist, touching more of hir insecurities as his brain ran crappily on a hardcore dose of marijuana.

"Oi, I said frick off!!" The emo kid picked him up quickly and placed him down on Seike's bed, closing the door as ze walked out. Ice was already dreading going back to hir home universe and the misgendering that would follow. Ze couldn't handle it.

The demiboy went to find a piece of paper. Ze wrote on it with a blue pen, "Hey, hoe babe. -_- You were high as frick and touched my boobs and that really pissed me off, so I put you in here. Don't do that next time, k? /:P I'm too trans for that. I'm going back to my regular universe now, so thanks for being frickin' Snoop Dogg when you could have been Onision. Here's a hug on paper, since you didn't get one before I left. /(^_^)\ -The frickin' emo".

Isen put tape on the note and put it on the inside of the back of Skril's shirt so that he could find it later.

Ze opened hir universe transportation service and left the universe with hir pink sports backpack.

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