Babe House

By Ice_Tsorf_7

376 4 1

Cute musicians Skrillex, Deadmau5, Endigo, Seike, Kitcha, and Isen all live in the same house. Very gay thing... More

Skrillmau5 NANDA?! Fanfic
The Phirst Phresh Paragraph
What was Written the Next day (Or whenever...)
Breakfast at Skriffany's (It finally becomes a real story now)
Darkness of the Forests of Thought
Leaving Love
Ravers Don't Share (Apparently)
Much Rejoicing
And I'm not the Only One who Turned out Like That
Episode 420 with the Dogg ft. Pr0n
Those Dang Gay People
The Flashback and The Name
Isolation of the Tour
Word Limit: 1K, I'm Sorry, It's 1 AM
Return of The Skrek
Someone is Still Alone/Doesn't it Bring You Back 2the Beginning
Sonny Mora
Kenfer Enters Where Deadmau5 Left Off
Qnfr From Tumblr
"The kid is basically a f--kin' louse. Are you sure you'd call that love?"
Confliqte, Basikkli
Femboys are Awesome
Endigo Goes Nuts Part II
To Bang Or Not To Bang/The Dance
Chapter 27: Overhaul [2021]

The Concert

3 0 0
By Ice_Tsorf_7


Ice's room, Universe 1, 6:54 AM.

Isen woke up 13 minutes before hir alarm. "Aw, what what in the butt??"

Memories of the past day flooded back as ze touched the top part of hir body pillow with love, as if it were Skril's face. The emo teenager left a kiss on the red fabric, tucked the pillow in with the blanket, and got dressed into new pants.

After a few minutes, the demiboy was fully dressed in formal blue pants, a gray vest over a purple plaid button-front t-shirt, and a black clip-on tie. Ze didn't bother tying up hir hair, since Ice was still currently known as the same lie everyone thought ze was last year, no matter how ze dressed or how much bronzer ze used.


After school:

Skrillex: Heyyyyyyyyy

Ice: Heyyy ^_^

Skrillex: How wuz ur sk00l d@y bb????¿

Ice: It was fab sweg, except for having to make frickin' name tags and crap...

Skrillex: But you're in high school...

Ice: I know! :P It was derped.

Skrillex: Find any emo dudes? ;))))

Ice: Nah... Just some dude who had a butt like yours. Find any guys yourself?

Skrillex: Well, I was with Zedd an hour ago and we were making out and he put my hand on his butt. X) We were kinda drunk...

Ice: Niiiice, LOL.

Ice: How did ur plane ride go?

Skrillex: A straight couple cried about their annoying dog to some old guy who DID NOT care. XD

Ice: Lulz1

*other text noise*

Endigo: Kitcha is asleep at his computer LOL... He was listening to some of your playlists since you forgot to logout

Ice: LOL

Ice: When he wakes up, tell him I think he's cute. X)

Endigo: Okay????

/////////////Universe A////\\\

Kitcha had his head rested on the keyboard, and his nose continued to press the "S" key. His blue-green hair dangled in front of his outlined eyes. The fabulous NANDA?! dude opened them and saw his computer screen. He took his fallen headphones slowly off of his head and looked around.

"Hey Endigo?" He yawned.

The other swaggy band dude answered with his mouth full. "MrfffffffrrrrrrRRRR???!!!"

"Where's Seike?"

"He's out at Tim Horton's, probably," The dark-haired music guy said through his lip ring.

Endigo spat large chunks of muffin onto the floor like a messy, slow gun shooting bullets of mush at a target.

"Endigoop, WTF are you doing???" Kitcha stared at his derpy boyfriend making a freaking mess all over the floor.

"W-what? Oh, sorry man... I dropped a bunch of acid when u were asleep." The tall musician wobbled a little and pretended to trip out.

"Well, drop a rag on the floor and clean it up... You weirdo."

"But I'm tripping!!!!! :(((("

"Really," Kitcha questioned. "What's your name?"


Kitcha rolled his eyes. He knew Endigo was just derpin' out, but he wanted to see his other answers because the dude made him laugh. "Are ducks human?"

"Yes. Pewdiepie," Endigo nodded.

"Who went on tour, Ice or Skrillex?"

"Trick question, it was a mascara bottle in a sock!"

Kitcha laughed and put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Okay, Endigo. Okay." He walked away with swag.

"Oh, and by the way," Endigo said in the most sober voice ever. "Ice said to tell you ze thinks you're cute."

"Dangit," Kitcha facepalmed. "What is with that kid??"

"Ze does have a point..." Endigo trailed off, touching Kitcha's nice face. He looked back to his boyfriend's eyes. "You know, we are all alone here," the metal dude had a weird smile going on. "We should, uhh, have some fun..."

"On top of the muffin bits on the floor? Haha, no." Kitcha did some sort of cute and sassy hand gesture. "Until you clean that up, you're not getting any of this!" He snapped his fingers and winked at the Endigoop.

"Alriiiiiight, but only because the reward seems fair."

Kitcha turned away with a cute hair flip and a smile.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Universe/ /1,/ /2/ /days/ /later//////::/\\\\

Another day of misgendering, another day of wrong pronouns and feeling like ze was trapped in a jail cell, or a safe, or something else terrible. Ice had been done with this a year ago. This was supposed to be the year of new beginnings. New gender and look, new identity Ice would finally say out loud with pride. Instead, it was name tags scribbled with shame, and cold stares into everyone except for dudes Ice found attractive, and inspiring teachers. It wasn't all bad, though. There was schoolwork and butts and art class. Plus, the thoughts of Onision and Skrillex in the back of Isen's mind. Skrillex as in hir boyfriend, and the cool dude ze looked up to.

Ice: I've been reading fanfictions about you... It's funny how most of these people have never even met you. :)

Skrillex: <3

Ice: The funniest part is that they've actually gotten it right about how it feels to be with you. <3

Skrillex: Really? Lol, I should look some of them up.

Ice: When u get back, will u sing for me?

Skrillex: How about I post a video on Myspace?

Ice: Sure, then everyone can be happy along with me. ^_^

Ice: Oh, and I saw this one frickin' hot dude in one of my classes... His hair was PURPLE and he had a few piercings on his pretty face.

Skrillex: Nice, did he seem interesting?

Ice: Well, he was sketching some stuff like the pansexual flag and him kissing some people. There was one drawing with him getting married to a fancy-looking guy in a hat. He was in a wedding dress and Obama was in the back with a thumbs up saying, "gay marriage is swaggy!"

Skrillex: Babe, u should just call me. ^_^

Isen dialled the number and started to talk with hir babe who made life way Moore Sonny. <3

"Haaaayyyy bb!"

The Skrillex answered with a giggle and "H-hey." He started again, "So, what does this guy usually do, aside from sketching?"

"I saw him in this lace-sweater thing that said 'femboy pride' on it, and he's usually alone. Sometimes I see him talking to people, but he isn't really surrounded by friends."

"You make a lot of observations on people you just met," Isen's boyfriend laughed. "Although it's good you do. ^_^"

"Ye... So, what's up in your hood? Haven't thought about leaving me yet, LOL?"

"Babe, you touch me like I'm made of gold, and hug me like it's the last day we'll ever see each other. Our age difference is the only reason I'd have to leave, and it'd still be damn hard to. <3"

"I hug you like that to make your radiant beauty not escape." Ice sighed and remembered the time they both went on a road trip and Skril literally had to ask Ice to keep hir hands to hirself for the next hour because he got tired of having his hair played with so much.

"Aww... I love you, Isen."

"Love you too." The demiboy laid on hir bed and snuggled hir body pillow. It was now wearing one of Skril's shirts. Ice made a smile noise.

"Are you with your body pillow right now?" Skrillex laughed.

"Heheh, yeah. :)"

"That's cute. Also, about that picture that guy was drawing, the dude in the hat might have been you."

"Yeah, probably. He was looking over at me when he drew it, and he laughed a little when it was done. Finally, one of these school idiots actually likes me. And, even more rare, I find him attractive."

"Hehe, nice. Has the school part of school gone well?"

"Yeah, it's pretty decent. I wrote a small essay for Social Studies and went outside for psychology class."

"That's cool," Skrillex said, a little distracted. "I just have to get ready because I'm going to play a show in half an hour. :)"

"K babe. Love u, byeeeee!"

"Love u too. Bye. <3" Skril hung up.

Isen looked up at hir poster of the babe. As if a mildly-PhotoShopped, flat picture could capture the beautiful Skrillex in all his swag and glory. It was still great to look at, though. Ice smiled and ran a hand along the poster's pale face.

The demiboy's iPad mini lit up below hir, with the notification that Skrillex had posted a video on Myspace.

Selena Gomez's song "Good For You" was playing in the background of the clip whilst Skrillex lipsynched to it. He flipped his hair a few times and stared right into the camera with his frickin' lovely deep brown eyes for such intense fanservice.

"Agh, frick..." Ice smirked, never taking hir eyes off the beautiful creature.

"I just wanna look good for you, good for you..."

He tugged at the collar of his shirt to show his collarbones and mouthed "Isen" at the "uh huh" part, looking away and pretending to forget the lyrics. Other people in the comments thought he lost focus, but he knew exactly what he was doing.


Deadmau5 was out on the street, in the rain. He was trying to make himself more calm. Nobody even seemed to notice he was gone, or maybe the NANDA?! dudes were just really busy. He was starting to get over his breakup, but there was still a long way to go. He wondered if Ice's school year was going well. He shook the thought away. Deadmau5 didn't like to think about Ice too much because the teenager was basically the reason he broke up with Skril. They had a good relationship aside from that.

He decided to hang out under the awning of a store building so he could check Myspace just for YOLOs.


({~.~}) Skrillex


"I hope this doesn't tempt me or get me sad..." Mau5 thought. He played the video.

"I just wanna look good for you, good for you, uh huh..."

The progressive house producer tried to look away from his ex's hot gaze on the screen. His nose dripped, so he wiped it on his hand. "Oh sh*t bruh!" It was nothing but blood. "I'm not even an anime character and this happens to me... -_-" he sighed and went to walk home.


Seike was on his sweggy goth bike with all the Halloween decorations and creepy, dark net things on it that were made out of cloth. His large box of donuts was taped to the back part of the bike that looks like one of those shiny, colourful, skateboard-shaped things used to attract fish. "Dude," He thought. "What the frick am I gonna do w/ Skril gone..."


Skrillex was in the middle of a set, and then he suddenly remembered a day in winter break of 2014. There was snow on the rooftops and all over outside, and he and Ice were watching an episode of Family Guy. They were laying together on a big, comfortable chair in the living room, under a blanket. The younger emo, with the shorter haircut ze had back then, had a hand lightly across Skril's chest. Skrillex thought it would be fun to bite Ice's arm a little just to see what would happen.

"Dude," Isen laughed. Ze went to bite Skril's ear.

"Babe..." The wavy-haired swag creature whined happily. Ice did it again. "O-ow!"

"Oh, sorry bb." The mostly-closeted demiboy made it up to him by licking the shaved part of his hair. He always liked that for some reason. Ze had to be careful to not let hir fake snakebites fall out.

///Skril decided to stop the memory before he got completely distracted from his set. He took the microphone in his hand and held it close to his pretty little thin lips. "You having a good time tonight?." The crowd cheered in response. "Shoutout to anyone recording this whole set, you'll have to send me the link on Myspace tomorrow! I'm gonna share that!" The crowd flipped out for some reason because obviously some of them had Myspace accounts. Skril waited for them to calm down and spoke into the microphone again. "...But right now, I just have to say one thing." He had a beautiful sparkle in his eye and a smile of love he tried to hold back. "Jason, you're out there, you're gonna see this, and just remember that... You're pretty hot. Heheh..." He played "(Demi-) Boyfriend" and wished he could have shown his love for Isen to the whole world, or at least the whole audience at the concert.

Seike was biking home with his phone playing a new Youtube video of the "EDM Gossip Podcast" through his earbuds. He watched the channel to know more about Skril's world, because Seike was more involved with Visual Kei.

"...But the real question on everyone's minds this week is, 'who is Jason?'"

"True," The Die/May and Kerbera vocalist thought casually. "I have no idea who that is."

The announcer continued. "The popular EDM producer Skrillex was playing a show in Detroit today and stopped the music to give a little speech to someone. Take a listen to what he said."

The crowd was cheering in the background of the concert and then quieted down for its master to speak. "...But right now, I just have to say one thing." Seike's boyfriend paused. "Jason, you're out there, you're gonna see this, and just remember that... You're pretty hot." The cute musician in the video laughed and Seike got a little mad. "How many other boyfriends does he have?? -_- I wonder if Ice even knows about this..."

By the time he had gotten home and parked his weird Halloween bike in the Disgusting Rabbit Room, the Goth-looking dude was on the phone with his boyfriend. "So, what was your speech in Detroit today about?" He tried to not seem mad yet.

Skrillex's voice came through the top of the metallic flip phone. "Oh, it was just a shoutout to Isen."

"You mean Ice?" Seike relaxed a little.

"Yeah, ze found another name to go by. It's still Ice for short."

"Okay. So, just to clarify, you referred to Ice as 'Jason' in the show?"

"Yes, Seike, there's nothing you need to worry about." Skril smiled on the other end of the phone. "I'll be going to New York for a show today, you want me to mention you?"

"Yeah, talk about Kerbera or something. Thanks, baby."

"You're welcome." If they were texting, Skrillex would have sent a wink. "Wink!" He added. "Bye. ^_^"

"Heheh, bye."

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