Shake It For Me

By metalcountry

40.7K 1.3K 155

Sequel to "Baby's On The Way." We jump into the future where Nikki and Luke have been married 5 years. Ever... More

Shake It Intro
Faded Away
Spring Break Up
Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
Tailgate Blues
Do I
I Knew You That Way
Pray About Everything
The Car Infront Of Me
Little Bit Later On
In Love With A Girl
Doin' My Thing
Harvest Time
Play It Again
Just A Sip
You Don't Know Jack
That Don't Just Happen
Shake The Sand
Baby's On The Way
All My Friends Say
Take My Drunk Ass Home
Muckalee Creek Water
I See You
That's My Kinda Night
Drink A Beer
Crash My Party
Dirt Road Diary
Country Girl
Authors Note

Roller Coaster

1.1K 42 6
By metalcountry

The next couple of weeks were like a roller coaster. The first week went by and we had to have the funeral for Skylar Michelle Bryan. Everyone I wanted there came. I wanted it to be small. The only person that couldn't make it was Nikki. She wasn't showing no signs of improvement and I wasn't loosing up just yet. The boys were there and Bo understood what was going on. I explained it to him the best way I could. Tate didn't get the concept too well but I think deep down he'll remember and understand later.
The week after that I had to make sure everything was being put down right for the album. I finished writing the last song while I was in the hospital sitting next to Nikki. I let the producer check it out and he said he liked it. I decided that at least once a week I was going to try to work on  the new album. I already had 5 songs done. I had about 11 more I wrote and would like to continue. That day I got one done. The rest of the days of that week I was in and out of the hospital and then hanging around my boys. I kept trying to keep them happy. This week at the end got better because the doctor said her signs were improving.
The week after was nothing new. We were on our third week of just sitting around waiting for better news. She did get gradually better that week but it was nothing drastic. I worked on another two songs but got neither of them done. The boys were acting up because they wanted their mama. My mama helped as much as she could and my father had to leave. He had two businesses he had to keep up with on his own.
This week I worked on the two songs and finished them. I was now 8 songs in. They said by next week they see the breathing tube out for Nikki. Her signs are doing really well and she should be waking up any day. This was a peak week. I had to be at an interview today and my ma was home watching the boys. Jess was at the hospital checking on Nikki and was keeping me updated every 20 minutes like I asked. I always checked my phone when it buzzed. the person interviewing me was just sitting in the room with me for 5 minutes in silence while I was answering a text back of Jess telling me all about Nikki's vitals. I looked up at her and gave her a small smile. She smiled back at me.

"So are you ready to begin Mr. Bryan?" She asked.
"Sure, but call me Luke." I said extending my hand and she shook it.
"Alright, Luke, I'm Emily." I nodded in response. She looked at the camera man. "Ready Steve?" He put his thumbs up. "Let's begin." She said fixing her hair and turning slightly to the camera. "Hello I'm Emily Nathanial. I'm here interviewing the amazingly talented famous Luke Bryan. How are you doing today Luke?" She asked me.
"Honestly today is one of my better days." I said smiling. The news knew all about what I was going through but this is my first real interview with a major company since before all this happened. I've done twitter questions but I can't call them interviews too much.
"Well that is great especially with what you've been going through. Everyone has been trying to cover the story of what is going on with the Bryan family life right now. You guys have been very secretive with what has been going on and little has been said on what happened. Would you mind sharing with us what is going on?" She asked hoping I would give her a great story. I sighed and looked down.
"As I've been reading Emily, everyone knows my wife's been shot and we lost our baby girl. Everyone knows also that she is still in the hospital but no one knows her condition. These past few weeks have been a roller coaster. First week was a downer waiting for it to take off. Then we got it started  and then it sped down with nothing too good happening. Then we started getting news that my wife's signs were slowly getting better. Now this week was a peak for us. We got the news she might be getting off her resporaiter soon as in next week and can awake anytime. I'm trying my best to be there for when she does." She nodded her head listening to me.
"So signs are looking great for Mrs. Bryan's recovery?"
"Yes, the doctor said she will have problems talking since she has had a tube down her throat for so long but everything else is going to be fine. Her boys and I can't wait to see her smiling awake face again." I smiled.
"I'm glad to hear and all of your fans are probably more than happy to hear. We've seen you've been on twitter retweeting your fans who post things for your wife. Like here, one posted a picture they drew saying get well soon and it was of you and Mrs. Bryan, then you retweeted people saying their praying for her fast recovery. You've also been thanking them all. You have very dedicated and loving fans."
"Oh yes I do. They are supporting not only my music but my life. It is a real blessing knowing so many people care about not only the country singer but what is behind him like his family. Seeing how many thousands of people who have tweeted the hash tag getbetternikkibryan and showed pictures and prayers and sayings and just doing anything they can really warms my heart. I'm happy to have the fans that I do and I have tried to favorite, like, retweet, and reply to as many as possible and yet I do run my own twitter so you can't say I hired someone to do that." I smiled thinking about how much support from fans I really got.
"Speaking of your music career. How is the new record coming along?"
"Great. We are more than halfway done. We got a few more touches on some songs and other ones to do. It will be out later than what we first anticipated but I'm making this one amazing album that people will love as much as me."
"Do you think this album will make your career boom?"
"Absolutely. I have one song that is so hype that even country folk will have to dance to it. It's just that catchy." I winked.
"Well we can't wait for that album. Well I think we took up enough of your time. Thank you Luke for taking time out of your schedule to do this interview with me and I hope to interview you soon for that new album." She smiled getting up. I got up too.
"Pleasure all mine." Then the camera cut.
We said a few more things then I was out of there going back to the hospital. When I went into the room Jess was reading something on her phone and Nikki was still lying there peaceful. Color was in her face. She wasn't so cold anymore. Her heart rate was normal again and so was everything else. Jess looked up and smiled at me.

"How was the interview?" She asked.
"I knew I'd get questions on how Nikki was doing and I gave out enough to let people know she is recovering well. We talked about how supportive the fans are and my album. It was a nice short interview. She cut is short because she wanted me to get back here for my wife." I smiled.
"That was very considerate."
"Oh yeah, and I told her if she needs more questions answered I'd be more than happy to answer them via email, or another interview."
"You seem happier than normal today Luke." Jess said looking at me up and down.
"Today I just feel amazing. Mama made my favorite breakfast. The boys were being good and having fun. I had a good interview. I just have a good feeling about today too. I am only in hope this roller coaster of a month is almost over."
"Me too. See, you kept your head up and she is fighting. I bet its cause she misses you and the boys Luke. Probably dreaming away about y'alls." Jess smiled up at me and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"Probably. Or thinking about taking a shot of Jack because its been a long fucking month and we need to sit back, and get wasted and have a good time." We both laughed.
"Sounds like Nikki." Jess laughed harder.
Jess left me in the room alone. I was tired from my long day. I didn't do too much extensive work but it felt like it. I moved my chair close to Nikki's bed. The sun was down and it was about 8 at night. The tv had the news on and it was very low. The door to Nikki's room was shut and you only heard the machines and the slight noise of the TV. I grabbed her hand and started to talk to her like I did every night.

"So I had a great day today. I wish you could of joined me in the interview. So many people care and pray for you. Everyone is even noticing people are. Even the lady that interviewed me cared enough to cut it short. I went through Facebook and Twitter this morning having so many notifications. Most were for you. You can't ever say the boys  and I are the only ones that care." I laughed.  "Another great thing about today is coming in here to see you. You're looking almost back to normal. The only thing left is your beautiful green eyes to open and your tube to be taken out so you can now breath on your own. Soon I'm gonna be hearing your voice again. I miss hearing it at night when you would sing Tate to sleep after a nightmare or just so he can fall asleep easier. Or when you sing with Bo. Him and you dancing along to those pop songs you both enjoy. I know you right next to me right now but I truly do miss you baby. I can't help but wish that you would wake up and go back to normal but it's going to take time and I'm here for every single step. It's you first. You're my world and I got to keep it spinning." I smiled and looked at her screen. Her heart rate went up by two. "I guess that warmed your heart up a little huh baby? Well how about this song." I said looking at her and kissing her hand before I started to sing. "Riding down the road listen to the radio, you leaned over and you turned it up. You said baby this is it. The one I wanted you to hear. Don't it sound just like us? Until then all I'd ever listen to was a little sweet home, Tuesdays gone, and working man's blues. This is my first love song. First time I felt the words, first time I sang along, whenever it comes on.  I just think of you and everything you do. You're my one my from now on. My first love song. Baby I'm not who I was, you gave me your love and you woke me up, made me more aware. Something deep inside something that I had a life I want to share. I'll remember this as long as I live, ever note, ever word, every single kiss, this is my first love song. First time I felt the words, first time I sang along, whenever it comes on. I just think of you, and everything you do. You’re my one my from now on. My first love song." I sang and continued the song. When I finished I didn't notice but a nurse was in the room. She had a huge smile on her face.
"I'm so sorry to intrude Mr. Bryan, but I have to say that was amazing." She smiled wider.
"It's alright. Thank you."
"You can tell how much you love your wife. I hope she wakes up soon so you can smile like you do in those pictures and on stage. I've seen you live once before y'alls got married. I was at the engagement show. I have to say I've never seen love like yours and I envy it and I'm happy for you."
"Well thank you sweetheart. I really do love her more than anything." I said looking back up at Nikki's face.
"I bet she does to you too. I'm just here to check her before my shift is over."
"Go right ahead." I smiled back at her.
She got what she had to done and I sat there in silence smiling to myself. We do have a love that people envy. I just wish more people could feel the love I feel for Nikki with their significant other. It's something everyone deserves.


These last few chapters have been very emotional and through Luke's point of view. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? What do you hope is going to happen? Please keep commenting and voting. I have so many chapters written for this story. I might do a special couple chapters on Valentines day. :)

Thanks eveyrone for reading!


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