The Ultimate Betrayal

By Keyavlogss

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What happens when a shunned slave and daughter of a plantation owner named Rain falls in love with a Rich and... More

Locked: Chapter 1
Spend: Chapter 2
Stay: Chapter 3
Selena: Chapter 4
Results: Chapter 5
The Grave Mistake: Chapter 7
Breaking Foundations: Chapter 8
Lovers and Backstabbers: Chapter 9
Plans and Effects: Chapter 10
Changing Live: Chapter 11
The Brain of New York: Chapter 12
Upscale Love: Chapter 13
Confessions: Chapter 14
Confronting Fears: Chapter 15
Lies and Deceit: Chapter 16
Warm Feet: Chapter 17
Save the Day: Chapter 18
Homecoming: Chapter 19
Derailed: Chapter 20
A Timeless Man: Chapter 21
The New Normal: Chapter 22
Stolen: Chapter 23
Lost: Chapter 24
Grace: Chapter 25
Safety Net: Chapter 26

Rescue: Chapter 6

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By Keyavlogss

It was noon by time I had awoken the next day. I was still in pain but not as bad as the day before. I glanced out the rusty window to see Aunt Karen outside with the rest of the coloreds picking cotton in the fields. My father was sitting on the porch of his big white mansion sipping a presumably cold and alcoholic beverage. I decided to stay inside until he was no longer present to avoid his wrath. My hate for him fumed like wildfire and I never wanted to talk to him again.. The ultimate truth was he would never forgive me and I didn't know if I could forgive myself either. My skin color was only a waiver to justify his hate for me, I thought to myself. My father remained outside gawking and yelling at the men and women working in the fields for hours as the day grew old and the sun started to hide.

Aunt Karen returned hours later with bread and a bucket of water in her dirty hands. I was able to stand up and assist bringing the bread to the table. She looked dirty and exhausted but still kept a big smile on her face.

''I have a surprise for you'' she said.

''What is it?'' I asked. The door of the wooden cabin sprung open and Teal ran through the door and we embraced tightly.

''You look terrible'' Teal said to me.

''You look terrible, as well'' I replied and we both giggled. Teal's face was black blue and the scars abstracted her beauty. My pain and scaring was minimal compared to hers and I caressed my hands on her face.

''Don't'' she said as she pushed my hands away. ''Don't feel bad for me. Just promise to take me away when you marry your Prince,'' she said sarcastically, and that was my exact plan.

I spent most of the week inside Aunt Karen's cabin avoiding my father wrath and awaiting Sam's arrival. I was awoken in the morning of the eighth day of confinement to multiple gun shots and the raging sound of thunder and lightning rattling the earth.

''What's that sound?'' Aunt Karen said who was already awake and eating a slice of bread at the wooden table. I shrugged and peered out the window and saw Sam outside on horse with a gun to my father's head.

''Oh my gosh! Its Sam, he's here for me!'' I yelled quietly. Aunt Karen walked towards the window and we both gawked outside the window. My father was all alone and none of his men came to his aide.

''Tell me where she is or I will put a bullet in your head, right now!'' Sam yelled.

''She's in the cabins with her coloreds where she belongs. She's a colored and will always be. No matter how pretty or bright her skin may be!'' my father yelled over the thunder. Sam swiftly took his gun from my father's head, struck him across the face with it, and he fell to the ground face-forward into a large puddle of water. Sam jumped off his horse and handed it off too one his horsemen and ran towards the cabins.

I ran towards the door of the cabin and swung it open. Cold rain drenched over my feet and hands, and the strong winds took me by surprise. I hadn't brushed my teeth nor washed myself in days, and my hair was in a raged ball, but I didn't care. ''Sam!'' I yelled over the loud thunder and sky lit up with electricity. Sam's eyes light up in excitement when he saw my face, and he quickly ran towards me. My feet hovered off the ground as he lifted my body with his tight embrace. His wet body soaked the front of my cloths and my face and I felt some of my newly healed wounds rip open.

My facial expression immersed intense pain from my body. Sam grasped my face and said, ''What did he do to you? I'll kill, if he hurt you... I promised I would never let anyone hurt you, if you were mine. I read your letter, but I would have come sooner if I knew how bad it had gotten.'' he said apologetically.

I put my eyes down and remained silent because I couldn't bear to relive the situation again. ''Some terrible things happened, but I'm okay,'' I replied

''Let me see your back,'' he ordered. I turned around and he lifted my dress and expected the new lashings on my back and legs. ''Oh my God, baby I'm so sorry,'' he said in shock as he ran his fingers across some of the scarring. He immediately kissed the scaring on my back until he reached my neck and embraced me tightly from behind soothing me. I had never had anyone be so gentle and kind to my sensitivity, and tears streamed down my face. He wiped my tears away and I felt a sudden change in his energy that was fueled with pain.

''Gather your things and your people and bring them to the carriage promptly. I hate to see you in pain and I can bare it no-longer. He must pay'' said Sam as freed me from his embrace.

Sam walked outside into the raging thunder and lightning towards my father who was in a drunken stance. ''Off with his head!'' Sam roared.

His actions were unsettling and unexpecting. My heart started to panic and the world seemed to slow down. There was a thin line between love and hate, love conquered all, and I still loved my father. The thought killed me, but he wasn't always an evil man.

''I can't breathe'' I said in sheer panic. Aunt Karen helped my feet stay grounded, but I still felt the earth slipping from beneath me. I watched as multiple men partaked in beating my father halfway to death with their whips, fists, and weapons until I could bare it no-longer.

''Daddy! Daddy! No! Leave him alone!'' I cried out and launched myself out the door. Aunt Karen caught my grasp before I made it off the porch and I fell to my knees. The storm seemed to have stopped and the sun peeked through the clouds.

''Seize Movements!'' shouted Sam as he picked up my battered and bruised father up by the collar of his shirt.

''The only reason you're not dead is because of your daughter over there!'' I heard Sam yell. My father closed his eyes. ''Look at her,'' Sam roared as loud as lion and my father obediently and helplessly looked in my direction with sorrow in his eyes. It seemed as if he understood the pain he had caused me after all these years.

Sam threw my father to the ground where he laid effortlessly on the ground and spotted me over by the cabins again. He was crying and mouthed the words, ''I'm so sorry''. Tears streamed down my face and his words broke my heart and I couldn't bare anymore pain than I had already had to withstand. I didn't know which hurt worse. His apology or his failure to confess his love for me after the accident. My brain shut down, the world grew quiet, and my eyes went black.

I awoke to the soothing sounds of horses rhythmically clumping their feet against the earth and my body being rocked back and forth. I was in the carriage and Sam tightly caressed his arms around my stomach.

''What happened? Where's Aunt Karen!? Teal!?'' I said as panic set into my body. I remembered my promise to remove them from the hell of the plantation.

''Relax blue eyes'' he replied as he kissed the temple of my forehead. ''Lasette, Teal, and Karen are in another carriage following closely behind use.

Lasette? What was she doing in the carriage? I thought to myself.

''Now that your awake, I think we could use some sunshine'' he said as he lifted the hood of the carriage allowing the sun to hit my face. It was still dull outside from the storm but the sky was clearing and turning into a beautiful day.

I felt relieved, happy, and I want to show Sam how much I loved him in the moment. ''Make love to me, right her,'' I demanded.

Sam giggled and replied, ''I wanted to make love to you since the day I laid eyes on you, but not until you're a married woman.'' Before I could protest his resistance, he began to sing the sweet tune of Amazing Grace. His voice was beautiful but still manly and strong. I basked

in his musical tune as he sung me back to sleep.

It was the afternoon when I had awoken again and I was snuggly tucked into a bed in empty white room. I didn't realize how tired I was and how desperately my body needed rest. There was a note from Sam at the end of the bed and I picked it up to read it. He seemed to be kindered to leaving me love notes.

Dear Blue Eyes,

I dream about the day I will make love to you as a Husband in the correct and Godly way. Tonight, I have planned a dinner where I shall propose and ask for your hand, despite already knowing the answer. There is a dress placed out for you to wear tonight. Bless my eyes with your beauty and my heart with your hand in marriage tonight.

With All My Love,

Samuel West.

I quickly slipped out of bed ignoring my pained wounds and rushed over to the dress hanging on a nail on the wall. It was beautiful, elegant, and looked quite expensive. I picked up the peach colored dress and examined it before putting it on. There was writing in the inside of the dress that read Selena, and my stomach dropped.

Why does he keep giving me her clothes? I thought annoyingly to myself trying to understand his logic. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this, and I thought about asking Sam about Selena, but I didn't want to put a strain on our relationship. At least not until we were married. I slipped on the dress and placed my pride and intuition aside to get through the night. I decided to wear my wild hair and out after washing it with a bucket of water.

Teal, Aunt Karen, and Lasette were already waiting at the dinner table. Teal ran up to me before I could set down and gave me a huge hug. They were all dressed in identical in casual identical brown dresses, I assumed Sam had given them. I wondered if they belonged to Selena's as well, but certainly a girl of Selena's size could never fit Aunt Karen dress size.

''What's Lasette doing here? She was never part of the plan and I barley even know her'' I whispered into Teal's ear.

''She begged Sam to take her with him away from the plantation. You should have seen it. It was pathetic'' she replied. I glanced at Lasette who raised an eyebrow and I glared at her. I was pretty sure she overheard our short-lived conversation that was interrupted by Grant.

''Ladies and Gentlemen...'' he said demanding all of our attention. ''Prince Samuel and his guest will be arriving shortly. Please, do have a seat,'' Grant demanded. He was wearing his usual uniform and he was more shaven and groomed from the last time I had seen him. I had never heard such great vocabulary and mannerism from a black man before and it was something I had admired about him. He had a special kind of grace and beauty that was delicate to my heart.

I took a seat next to Aunt Karen who embraced me tightly and I ignored Lasette's presence. Lasette glared at me and said, ''Why should we be treated and dressed like scavengers when you get a fancy dress. You are as black as the rest of us. I thought it would be better here, but I guess not,'' she said.

Her words seemed to suck all the oxygen out of my lungs, and I gasped for air. Her words stung my soul like death, and I couldn't believe the words coming out of her bitter mouth. Lasette's actions were unexpected and desperate today, but she had always seemed like sweet and quiet girl. Her words came of a shock to me and glanced at Teal and Aunt Karen who seemed to have the same shocking facial expression.

''Listen here! You ungrateful little twit...'' Teal said but shortly but was interrupted by Aunt Karen.

''Teal don't start. Lasette, baby-'' Aunt Karen chimed in but was interrupted by Lasette.

''I bet, if I were the Prince's whore I would his fiancé as well. You must have amazing sex skills for a white wealthy man to marry a dusty, old black woman with nothing to offer,'' Lasette said.

My temper had reached a new high and I had reached my boiling point. Seeing nothing but red I began to shout at her and stood up from my chair, ''I'm interrupted now! Bitch, why don't you...''

''And I'm interrupting next,'' said Sam with a grin of amusement on his face as he appeared with a few other people in the entrance of the kitchen. He was wearing his usual button up, long pale colored breeches, and his long hair was free and wild. ''Catfight, I see?'' he asked.

I blushed scarlet. That was not the first impression I wanted to make in front of Sam's guest. ''Just a little disagreement,'' I said quietly.

''Good,'' replied Sam. ''I want you to meet my family'' he said. My embarrassment level went up a few notches when he mentioned the word family. They probably thought I was a rough, dirty mouthed, and gold-digging brown-skinned girl but that was not the case. I knew I had to put my best foot forward to make up for my hissy fit. I glanced at Lasette who was smirking as if she was satisfied and I considered jumping over the table and pulling one her braids, but I would get to her later.

Sam gestured for my presence and I waltz over to the group of white faces eagerly waiting for my greetings and I curtsied before them. A blond, medium set women grasped my hands immediately and consoled me tightly in her arms. She was wearing a long white dress and smelled of honey. Her wrinkles around her mouth gave her a natural scowl and her sunken blue eyes glared into mine. ''I'm Samuel's grand-mother and I have heard so much about you. You can call me Samantha, and you are even more beautiful than my son described. You seem like a nice girl, but if you hurt my grandson, I may have to kill you,'' she said giggling.

''And if you kill her, I just might have to kill you'' Aunt Karen boldly chimed in and the room filled with awkward silence. This night couldn't get anymore worse than it was already going, I thought to myself.

''Everyone, enough already! You poor, sweet girl'' said an old man with grey hair and shaking hands. He was wearing black suspenders and a white fleece. He was so delicate. I thought he might break in half.

''Rain, this is my great, great Grandfather, and previous Duke of Marlytop of England,'' Sam said.

''Well hell, I'm still the Duke, but you can call me Pops,'' said Daryl as he kissed my hand. ''Samuel's dad, the current Duke Aiden West is in the homeland overseas attending to important matters. He sends his blessings,'' Daryl explained.

''Lastly, this is Margarita. My late wives' mother''. I was astounded at the words late wife and the words seem to hit me like a pile of bricks but I quickly maintained my composure. Sam clearly wasn't hiding or ashamed of the fact that he was married once before. Margarita was a Hispanic woman in her mid-thirties and was dressed in an elegant purple dress. She had dark, long hair and facial features just like her daughter. She reached out to shake my hand and I was eager to withdraw it after making contact with her hands.

Dinner was filled with fake smiles and passive aggressive comments. I was ecstatic to excuse myself from the table for a bathroom break midway through the engagement dinner. I opened the guest bathroom near the kitchen down downstairs to find Margarita washing her hands. Great.

''Sorry, I didn't mean to impose,'' I said attempting to close the bathroom door back shut.

''No! Quickly listen! There is something you must know,'' she said. The tone in her voice frightened me and I wondered if the women had truly lost her mind.

''What?'' I replied utterly confused.

''Grant he is not to be trusted!'' she said.

''Excuse me?'' I reacted to her bizarre and random statement.

''Grant is not to be trusted. My daughter was killed-'' she said but was interrupted midway

''Selena will always be missed and was great addition to Prince West's life. Margarita your escort home awaits downstairs,'' Grant interrupted as if on que. His perfectly timed arrival made his presence seem more than purposeful and I had to wonder Grant's intention. His lies, secrets, and the warnings about him seem to draw an inference. Who was the real killer? Sam, Grant or neither. Maybe it was truly an accident and I'm getting way over my head, I thought to myself. My conscious haunted me and I needed to see the fire beneath the smoke before I ended up like Selena. I was already in her clothing and taking her place.

Margarita's face paled at the sight of Grant's face and she went silent. Grabbing her clutch, she quickly walked towards the exit of the castle not saying another word as if she was scared or forbidden.

''That women gets crazier and crazier every time I see her. I guess it should be expected after a great loss,'' said Grant as looked down apologetically. ''Shall I escort you back to your dinner, Rain?'' he asked.

''I was going to use the restroom. I should be fine finding my way back, but thanks,'' I replied to him. He nodded his head and walked off.

I quickly relived myself in the bathroom and returned to dinner where Sam made his engagement announcement in front of our family and friends.

''Rain: You are more than color and beauty. Your eyes present the secret to your sweet soul and kind heart. I knew from the moment I saw you, I had to have you in my life. I can't wait to learn more about you and spend the rest of my life with you, but only if you want, and I know you already do. Although, I already know the answer to my question... It is a man's job to honor a women respectfully and give you a proper proposal. Will you marry me?'' he asked as he kneeled down before me, and pulled out a gold wedding band engulfed with small pink diamonds.

My heart melted and tears of joy flooded down my face and filled my heart with happiness. I had never had anyone be so thoughtful or kind to me before and it really struck my heart to the core.

I shook my head yes and Sam slipped the wedding band on my finger. We embraced tightly and kissed momentarily. The remainder of dinner was smooth sailing despite Lasette giving me dirty looks filled with envy across the table.

I wished my mother could have witnessed one of the most beautiful moments of my life, but I knew her loving soul was watching from God's heaven from above. I glanced at Sam, ran my fingers through his long, blond hair, and he welcomed my touch with a smile. He was a saint, not a sinner at least, I had hoped. 

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