Stuck With You [✔️]

By satookitsumtsum

151K 3.4K 3.7K

Kiyoomi Sakusa X Reader "Aren't you a germaphobe tho?" "Yes but I somehow don't mind your bacteria." A story... More

* F I R S T * * C H A P T E R *
* S E C O N D * * C H A P T E R *
* T H I R D * * C H A P T E R *
* F O U R T H * * C H A P T E R *
* F I F T H * * C H A P T E R *
* S I X T H * * C H A P T E R *
* S E V E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* E I G H T H * * C H A P T E R *
* N I N E T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* E L E V E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E L F T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T H I R T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* F O U R T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* F I F T H T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* S I X T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* S E V E N T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* E I G H T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* N I N E T E E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - F I R S T * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - S E C O N D * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - T H I R D * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - F O U R T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - F I F T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - S I X T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - S E V E N T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - E I G H T H* * C H A P T E R *
* T W E N T Y - N I N E T H * * C H A P T E R *
* T H I R T I E T H * * C H A P T E R *

* T W E N T I E T H * * C H A P T E R *

3.4K 73 57
By satookitsumtsum

Narrator's POV

Sakusa had left your house as you were tired from this long day. You went back in to your room and collapsed onto your bed. It felt good to have someone by your side. You were surprised how you just went with it without out really considering it. You felt like it might turn out to be a short term relationship because, of how fast you guys were moving. You decided that tomorrow you were going to talk to him about where he wanted this relationship to go and if really was ready for this relationship.

You stopped thinking and went straight to your closet to get some different pyjamas than the one on your desk. You decided to wear a long silky pants with a tank top. You walked back to bed, opened the drawer and went to pick up your diary to write down about today. You described the feelings you were feeling as the conversation continued with Sakusa.

You ended it off your last paragraph and went straight to bed.


You woke up and it was bright blue outside your curtains. You rubbed your right eyelid and looked at your watch to the time. It was 14:35.

"SHIT," you screamed as you forgot Sakusa had planned something for the both you of you. You checked your phone and there were four miss calls and five messages.

Saki 😚


Delivered 11:43

Looks like you are probably sleeping which is understandable. So I won't be mad if you're late.

Wear comfortable clothing.

My surprise will be revealed when you come to my house.

See you when ever
Delivered 11:45

You had never felt so guilty for him. You didn't waste time and went directly down stairs to rush to the fridge. You grabbed your compressed orange juice and went into the cupboard to get a Nature Valley cereal bar (honey version). You jugged the orange juice and went upstairs with your cereal bar to go back into your room.

You were so tired yesterday that you forgot to prepare your clothes. That meant you had to waste more time in looking for cute comfortable clothes.

You looked through your closet and chose to wear the easiest outfit to put on but, not the cutest choice. You had put in your grey sweatpants and put on your oversized white Ariana Grande sweetener shirt. You tird your hair into A) low space buns B) two low ponytails C) tied it into a high pony tail. You had either A) fixed your edges with gel B) pulled out strands of your front hair. There was not enough time for make up so you combed out your eye brows and gelled them. You put on your favourite deodorant and put on some cute earrings. By the time you left your room, you had finished eaten your cereal bar.

Luckily, you had already packed a small get away bag filled with your essentials like a cup, metallic straws, perfume, hand sanitizer etc.

You grabbed the keys from the key holder and left your house. You locked the door and made a run for it.

You ran as if a dog were chasing. You were panting so hard but, you kept running as your brain kept on replaying a sad Sakusa and you realised how that would totally ruin some aspects of the relationship. You pushed yourself to run faster and managed to arrive there before three in the afternoon.

You knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door for you. You put your hands on your knees and breathed heavily. Your throat was so dry from the running. You hear the door open and immediately acted as if nothing happened. "Hey."

"Hey," you said as you tried your best not to breath out so heavily.

"Did you run here?" He looked left and right up the street.

"Maybe just a little jog," you lied.

"Why would you do that?" He was so confused.

"It's...because I..felt bad from...being sooo late," you walked a step and hugged him.

"Damn your heart is beating so fast."

"Just call my stamina weak and go," you sulked onto his toned chest.

"Do you want some water?" He offers.

"Yeah just a little," you continued to lie as you felt like you needed at least one litre.

You walked with him to his kitchen and took out your cup and straw. He grabbed the cup and straw went to quickly clean it. He wanted to be sure is was clean enough to drink from.

He's so sweet.
Ugh I can't 😭😭😭

He whipped the cup and poured a nice  cup of cold water. By the time you received it, you're heart rate had decreased. You drank the water calmly. "So, what is the surprise?" You asked as you were eager to know.

"We are going to play volleyball today," he said sounding proud of himself. You looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"Did I not just run- I mean jog for you?"

"Yes you did," he agreed.

"Exactly, so why am I going to do more sports?" You asked him as you were unhappy.

"Come on sports is good for you and your health," you glared at him as if he had insulted your father.

"Excuse me- I- Just say I'm unhealthy and go. I'm so tired of being mistreated by you," you sulked and turned away from him. He walks behind and puts his arms around your shoulders and puts all his weights on you.

"Please?" He begged.

"No," you kindly rejected him.

"Please?" He then kissed your neck which made you fluster like crazy.

"Fine," you dragged out the 'ne'

You walked to his garden which was outside near the patio and pool. His garden had a full on court just for him to practice. "Holy fuck, you parents must love you a lot," you were blown away as it replica of  the court at your school.

"I'm the only child so it doesn't take much to ask for things," he explained.

"Cough cough rich kids cough cough," you fake coughed. He did a small chuckle and went on to get his ball. "Wait where are your parents?" You were curious as you hadn't seen them the whole time you were here.

"They went to see my grandparents," he replied.

"And why aren't you there?" You looked at him weirdly.

"Because I didn't want to go..."

"Didn't know I was dating a bad boy," you put your hand over your mouth. He eye rolled you and  went to the other side of the net.

The whole time you were playing, you were a hot mess. He would constantly laugh his ass off as you would either miss the ball or your reaction as the you slapped the ball. Every single time you served and you manglaged to get the ball through the other side you yelled, "Holy fucking shit my hand." Your hands and arms were bright red as from all the receiving and serving but it was all worth it to see Sakusa smile. He seemed to enjoy teaching you how to play.


It was seven in the evening and you had finished your last game. You, of course lost. "Sakusa, are you going to be busy after this?" You asked.

"No why?" He went under the net and walked towards you.

"Cause I wanted you to come back to my place," you nervously answer.

"For what?" He seems very intrigued.

"To go swimming."

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