Written In The Stars : Guardi...

Door GingerEyes

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Ava is the Collectors daughter and a woman known as the" Guardian". She is well known to go back in time ille... Meer

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Chapter One : Who?
Chapter Two : Busted
When I First Met Loki
Chapter Three : The Truth Comes Out *Added On*
First Kiss On Our Wedding Day
Chapter Four : The Midgardain Game
The Letter * ADDED ON*
Chapter Five : The Deal
Where Were You?
Chapter Six : Into Eternity
Chapter Seven : Siblings That Are Worlds Apart
It's Fine
Chapter Eight : Hello Again.
Your A True Princess
Chapter Nine : Family Blood
How The Prince Was Created
One Last Favor For Her
Chapter Eleven : For My Family
I Looked At You In The Eyes
Chapter Twelve: Kill Him
Make Me Scream
Chapter Thirteen : Everything Comes With A Price
We Are The Guardians
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye

Chapter Ten : Deliverence

343 14 3
Door GingerEyes

Ronan's P.O.V

There was so many things that had went on.

Ava's body was streaming with red, once she was put down on the bed, she had began to moan even louder.Her arms were stuck onto Nebula's like she was her protector. All of the while, she had been looking up to the cieling where I had a few paintings.

Nebula was frozen on the spot. She had turned to me for assistance, she never had known how to help a female give birth. She had broken the contact when she had rushed to get a few utensils for the procedure.

I had stayed with her.

"Water!!!" Nebula had yelled at a servent.

"By the gods, why now?" Ava had muttered under her breath. Afterwords a strike of pain had followed in the stouach area, causing her to grip onto her gut.

My body had approached her slowly trying to make her comfterable. This is going to be hard to awkuard for her since I am a new stranger in her life. I am the handsome stranger that she's been looking for all of her life. Plus I am now in charge of the universe I may add.

"The gods had simpily given you a gift, but the tragity is when one can't take care of their own child. Why even call him a god, he can't live forever?" I had told her. My hand had slowly cusped against her cheek.

She had flinched away. Don't worry she is going to have to get used to it. Her emotion had changed from a woman in pain pregnant lady to a woman who can really kick my ass if she had the option to. If she had the strength, she would strangle me right now.

"Peter... Gamora, Groot, Rocket," She had muttered all their names. But she had shown a bit more of a deep emotion stance when she had said the big guys name "Drax..."

"All dead, but it's for the better. I have this" I had announced showing her the orb in my hand. She had stared at the sphere in distain. She couldn't believe that I was strong enough to get it. But there are more things I plan to do with her.

"You bastard, you killed my friends!? "

"They weren't your friends" I had snickered. "They were only using you for the work ..."

Ava had moaned as she had gotten a bit more uneasy. Nebula had rushed in with Herc who had a warm wet towel. She had quickly put in on her head as Ava had moaned again from relief.

"How soon is she going to be queen?" Herc had asked me. Ava had rolled her eyes.

" As soon as we destroy Xandor, then we will be wed" I had replied.

"Good, that's excellent to hear " He had smiled at his little sister.

"Get the hell out of my way!"

There was the sound of a man storming down the halls of the ship. Clearly he had some sort of buisness to deal with me or someone else. But honestly I didn't care who it was, no one storms with way on my ship.

"Where is the child?" The familliar voice had echoed as he had quickly approached our room. I had no doubt that it was Loki. He finally decided to show up to witness the birth of his only child, how unfortunate of him.

Isn't it going to also be a bit of a shock for the princess ?

"You..." Loki had hissed. He was in the doorway of the room placing his hand on his scepter that he had brought along. Clearly he had meant buisness with me today. I had a good feeling it had to do with Ava though.

"Me" I had said.

His cold sweaty body had brushed past us and had went to the bedside of Ava. There he had knelt down to her side holding onto her small hand. She had turned to him as if he was a ghost from her past. But in reality he was a man back from the dead.

"You shouldn't be here" Nebula had warned.

"She's going to give birth any time now you are well aware of that correct?" Herc had said looking at Loki. He then had looked over to me with his hand on his weapon.

"Yes I am, I just need time to say goodbye to her properly alright? I don't want things to be weird when she comes back to Asgard"

"Who says that she's comming back to Asgard, I am pretty sure that she's fine here as well" I had snapped at the prince. The sly frost giant had smirked at what I told him and he had shaken his head.

"Right, you want to marry my wife"

Ava had stood up to say what she thought, but she had slowly began to fall back on the bed. Loki had caught her and ahd gently put her down to the bed. Her eyes had stared up at him and had muttered a small thank you.

I had crossed my arms at the man. I suppose that it wont hurt to say goodbye to her. I only want him to not come back into Ava's life after this though.

"Swear to me that your not going to see her again after this. " I had ordered" Then I will let you say your goodbyes"

Loki had taken a deep breath as he had looked at Ava. For a moment Ava had shown deep concern and panic over the situation.

"You have my word"

Loki's P.O.V : Two Hours Later....

I had stared down at Ava who hadn't spoken a word to me. She was clearly pretty pissed off about everything that has happened . The pregnancy, the drama, and the giant ass hole, who else couldn't deny that she has been through too much.

She has been told that I was dead, she even had seen it. Her hands had held my head as I had rested in the sand. I should have told her I was alive, but it's too late for that thinking.

"Ava" I had whispered. Her hand had moved to her stoumach groaning a bit more from the pain.

"You should have stayed dead Loki. You only added more drama into my life" She had said.

"I know that I must have added a bit more" I had placed my hand on her cheek and she had slapped it away.

"You won't touch me again. Why take my life! Why make my life a living hell! I can't get out of here" She had whispered . "The child will never know his father"

"Ava, " I had began.


Ava had began to moan a bit more and had began to push the child out of her body. The blankets were now stained with blood. I had held onto her hand as she had kept on pushing . She had began to get sweaty from the stress that she was going through.

"You can do it!, Take deep breaths!"

"It's harder then it looks Loki!" She had panted.

Nebula had rushed over to the room and had kept her hands on something.It was probably the childs head. I had known her a few years ago because I had worked for her father. Ava had been groaning from the pain and had began to cry out a few screams now.

"It's your fault that I am going through this Loki, you had seduced me that night!" She had hissed at me.

"IT WAS MY FAULT OKAY , THAT NIGHT WAS PLANNED !" I had said somthing that I shouldn't have said to her at this time. But now since I brought the topic up, might as well discuss it. I really should have kept my mouth shut because she looks more annoyed at me.

"You. Did . What?"

I taken a deep breath. " Look, I had to take my chances by getting your father to give you the seducing drug. I known that I had lost our love, so I decided to bring you back "

"By making me a zombie. If you hadnt , we wouldnt be in this mess!"

"I know it sounds bizare,but think about the miricle that was brought out of this! A lovely child born of royal ad imortal blood. " I had said trying to cool her down. But clearly nothing would cheer her up now.

"Is that all you are about?" She asked."The baby?"

Nebula had taken the cloth off her head then placed a warm towel on her head. Ava had seemed a bit more comftereable when the cloth settled on her head.

"No..." I had began.

"Sure sounds like it! My child needs a father who will look after him. Not some man who is king because he can be. I loved you loki, but your cutting my patience down now. " She had said in a low tone. I began to notice how must stress her body was in.

"I didn't just marry you for a child Ava, I love you too. How about we just forget about this? We can move on and your child can be king when he is old enough...."

She had thought about it for a moment. Thats always a good sign when it comes to these things. I need to know that she's okay with this , I would be heart broken if I found out that after all of this time I had wasted time.

"Fine we can start over, GET OUT OF THE ROOM!"

My heart had sunk right there. I didnt expect her to say that to me. I still hadn't moved though, trying to get her to change her mind.

"If you could reconsitter Ava, Please I beg of you..."

A blonde haired man had stood in the doorway watching me. He had narrowed his eyebrows and had smile slightly at me when he had seen I had lost the trust of my former wife. I had the feeling that we arent going to get along just like everyone else here.

"Ronan is her husband now. Dont you get that through your thin head? The Queen told you to get out! I think it may be best if you obey her."

I had looked back to Ava one last time before I had walked out of the room. I known that I should have said a propper goodbye, but she doesnt need me anymore. Just like I had needed my mother, I had to let her go. Ava is going to be a wonderful mother I know it! But I just wont be with her.

Who ever saves her from this hell hole is going to be one lucky man. He also better hold onto her heart tight because someone will always be after it.

I closed the door from the room . Ronan's eyes had met with mind as he must have heard the moans from his room. I swear that he is going to be stopped this bastard, but it just wont be me who will.

Drax's P.O.V

Why did I leave her like that?

I was honestly a guy who doesnt care too much about his beloingings because I had let get go so easily. I wanted to impress her, a girl who is a princess. But I only had brought out the worst in me.

She is gone with Ronan.

Gods, how could I have been so stupid to leave her? Ava is a Princess who is now expecting a child, surely she isn't going to be okay with Ronan raising her kid as a terrorist. No one would want that for their child,

At that bar, I should have held onto her and kissed her. I should have shut up about my dead wife. Ava is alive and she has my heart. There was no reason to ruin in completely by saying those stupid words about getting revenge.

I do, but now I want it more then ever.

"Drax were you even paying attention?" Peter had asked taking me out of my thought.

The group and I were in the middle of discussing what we are going to do to destroy Ronan and get Ava back. The meeting was pretty dull and I sometimes tend of doze off in the most unexpected times,

"What are we going to do about Ronan?" I asked trying to get into the plans ideas without looking like I really wasnt paying attention.

"We discussed that a few moments ago!"

"Sorry, I wasnt paying attention to you" I had said honestly.

"Great, you didn't hear everything!" Peter had taken a deep breath.

"No I didn't Peter, Please forgive me" I had said.

"He was thinking about Ava" Rocket had snickered behind his breath. Gamora had turned to the rodent and had smiled a bit.

"Ava is kidnapped by Ronan, we are going to hit two birds with one stone okay? " Peter had said. He had known better then to mutter anything about her. It would only anger me even more , let alone when he had flirted with her!

"Alright, I am listening "

Ava's P.O.V

"She is going to give birth any moment now! " Nebula had yelled as Ronan had rushed into the room. Herc had been holding my hand trying to comfort me. As if that it had helped me, but I had pretended to appreciate it.

Besides he is the only family member to see the child be born.

I couldn't see that well because my eyes were all watery up for two reasons. One because of the pain that I am going through, and secondly I am certain that I had just said goodbye to the childs father forever.

I had to because he is a horrible influence. Perhaps worse then Ronan. I would honestly have Ronan raise my child then Loki.

There was a bright light that had came closer to me as Nebula had begun to yell more about the child's approach. There was a hand that had came out of the light. It was a older ladies hand that had been kind. I had of course reached out for it because it was Frigga's.

I had found myself in the throne room. But instead of Loki sitting in the throne, a young man was. Thor had kept to the side of the throne with Jane and Odin had stayed on the other side. The pale skinned child had stared at me with a wide grin and had widen his blue eyes and removed the curly brown hair from his face. He had stood up revealing his thin frame. He had taken the first few steps down the throne with a blade in his hand .

"Mother?" He had said in a polite tone.

I had imedaitely knelt over. Who knew that my child was going to be so handsome. If this is real, he doesn't look like neither his mother or father, instead he looks perfect.

"My baby," I had whispered as I had went up the stairs to embrace him in a hug.

"Mother is seems like you havent seen me in ages. Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing, I am just glad to see you my son" .

"You should be with father, you need to go and be with him. He is calling for your prescenece"

Father? So he does have a man to raise him.

"Yes" I had said turning around walking back down the hallway. The door to the right had slowly opened it's doors for me to enter. I had rushed to them and had closed the door from behind so no one could see us . I also had wanted to make it a surprise who I was going to see.

"Look's who is back"

But before I could see who had spoken to me, I had been brought back to the real world by the sound of a infant crying. Nebula had been carrying the blue child who was crying their heart out. It was probably the pain that the young enfant had went through and the woman holding him.

"It's a boy!" She had exclaimed with a really straight face. She was dicusted that she had taken the child out of me, but was more then happy to see Ronan's heir. Even though he wasn't the childs father, he was still to be treated like his own.

Ronan had smiled at me. It was his way of cogradulating me for giving birth to a healthy child, even though it was a frost giant. But he will never be known as a terrorist, instead he is going to be king of Asgard. A might good one as I can add with no Loki.

"Give him to me" I said with my hands out open so I could recieve the child in my arms. He is mine after all and Nebula shouldnt be getting all of the credit.

She nodded and had given me the child gently in my arms. The child was heavier then I had thought he was going to be. But he had stopped crying when he was in my arms. He had felt comfterable with me so that's a good sign.

Herc had glanced over to the child and had smiled " He is beauitful, almost like his daddy's true form"

"I know he is beauitful" I had said. I begun to think of a lovely name for the child since he had been born in two cultures. He was both an Asgardian and a Immortal Elder. He might as well get him a name of a lost one.

I had thought of Friggam the lady who had given me the vision.

Her name is too feminine for my boy so I had taken a moment to think of a way to dedicate the child to Frigga and make it less fenimine.

"Frey" I had muttered. " The child's name is Frey"

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