Warriors chance.

By Bubbles4213

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"Your leaving?! But who's going to play tag with me?" "I'm sorry, I have to go..." "B-But-" "She has to go fu... More

Character interest. (Edited)
-Chapter One-
~Chapter two~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~The jacket.~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
A new book, kind of?
~Chapter 20~
Maybe Q&A soon?
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~

~Chapter 19~

435 16 4
By Bubbles4213

Chapter 19: Hero killer Stain.

(Before we start this chapter, there will be mentions of Cutting. If that stuff triggers you , then do not read this chapter. Also, I am adding a twist to this story that you all will truly like, and I hope that it will be awesome in a way.)

(Anyway, before I start crying let's get into the chapter! P.S Play music when I tell you to okay? I want the stain fight to have an epic feeling to it lol. On to the chapter!)

It has been almost four weeks since the first day with Keigo. 

The training was tough, but nothing you and Tokoyami couldn't handle. Sparing, basic attacks, speed, movement, even weakness points, and skills. 

Ikun most nights send you a loving message, even Deku checks upon you. You missed your friends, even though you knew them long. 

Every night after training, Keigo would treat you and Tokoyami for either dinner or some delicious tea at a coffee not too far from here.

Mostly, Keigo is a pretty chill human.  But he's also very handsome too.

One day, when you woke up. The pro only had one bathroom, so when you went to take a shower, you accidentally walked in on him showering.

It was really embarrassing as Keigo never even let it down since that day.

The chicken wing is such a caretaker. Tokoyami accidentally cut your cheek with his beak during a sparring match, so Keigo sat you down and cleaned the cut himself.

Tokoyami felt so bad, but you reassured him it wasn't that bad. 

Basically, the three of you grew really close in just four weeks. 

Since you are the cuddler you are, you usually ask Tokoyami or Keigo to cuddle with you from time to time. 

Whether it's after training or a night of watching movies. Whatever the situation is, they always find time to someway make you feel better.

(No you three aren't dating, more like friend cuddles than anything. I know it's weird, but just go with it.)

You also learned that Keigo is a big-time flirt. 

EVERY, I mean EVERY chance he gets he will whisper something silly in your ear, or even Just complimenting you. 

Towering over you is his favorite thing to do.

Making you feel somewhat small gets him fired up. (Kinky)

But he doesn't do it much, since it makes you somewhat uncomfortable. 

Besides, he's your mentor, not your lover. 

Sometimes he wishes to be, but he's thinking too quickly. 

Anyways, these past four weeks changed you, as a warrior and a person. In more of a good way than anything. 

But today, something was wrong. 

And you could feel it in your gut. 

Right when you woke up, you never went to breakfast. 

But headed straight up to Keigo's roof garden. 

It was a nice little space. Nothing like you've ever seen since you've been here. 

Small well-kept plants hanged over some grate walls. Pots and plants were decorated with many whites, reds, and even greys, complimenting the wooden floors.

Many herbs and veggies grew in these pots, he even has two Apple trees and Banana trees on all four corners of the place. 

It was your favorite room out of the hole mansion.

Yes, he lives in a mansion. 

What can you say? He's a rich hero who almost owns everything in the world.

Well, not everything. 

But besides the point, he and Tokoyami have been noticing your off behavior.

It's not just today.

It's been going on the past three days. 

Both of them are starting to get worried. 

Not just because you're ignoring them, but you're getting much skinnier than you've been.

Seeing you not eat, being gloomy, even ignoring Keigo's dog flapper is making their hearts break. 

(Yes, I made Keigo own a dog, fight me.)

All-day you have been up there, not wanting to face them but just to look up at the sky.

Your father contacted you today, asking what's the matter.

But you told him you were fine, and just disconnected the mind connection. 

It has gotten darker quickly, the stars glimmered down at your form as you hugged your knees. 

Flashbacks of the events that happened three nights ago rang through your head.

Tears streamed down your face, making your body suddenly shake. 

*Flashback to the horrible nightmare.*

"Hello! This is Ming from 18 news, the most famous dragon hero who has saved a poor family from a terrible attack. Just on time in fact. What would we do without this amazing hero? Back to you rob."

The cameraman held a thumbs up, telling the lady the recording is finished. 

Scoffing she put the camera down while you start to walk away from the human. 

"Just wait a minute freak." The reporter called out, making you freeze. 

'Freak?' you thought, slowly turning your way to her. 

"Just because your an all-good hero doesn't mean you that perfect bitch. Your ugly, too fat for your own good and your attacks aren't even that impressive." She explained, stepping a lot closer while making your fist clench. 

"If you want to become the greatest hero oh so Lion savior. Then maybe start to lose a lot more weight. Or even better, how about you cut yourself instead? That will make things a lot better for us." She finished, causing a tear to crawl out your eye. 

"Oh by the way 'Hero'. Back at the sports festival, they should've left you to die." She added, darkness formed around the background.

More tears choked out of your eyes, seeing the stupid reporter walk away.

Something about her words hurt you, seeing red blood writings on the wall made you scared. 

You wished Ikun was here, but somehow he wasn't.

But instead, he left you all alone. 

In complete darkness.

"I-Ikun!" you choked out, seeing the same blood on your hands from the sports festive. 

Instead of seeing Ikun help, you saw him walk away.

Piece of trash.

Die already.

Your such a villain.

Go jump off a building Lion freak.

Aslan raised a coward. 


"S-Stop.." you whimpered, getting onto your knees. 

Go away.

Leave earth you disgusting trash.

Adios Puta. 

Ikun's form got smaller and smaller, leaving you there to die. 

"I-Ikun! P-Please don't leave!" you yelled, seeing the same shadow figures from before. 

But something else was off. 

Another figure could be seen in the distance. 

It was in front of Ikun. 

Its body was covered in bandages, as his creepy face held a sadistic smile. 

He was holding two unique bloody Katanas, aiming for Ikun's head. 

Then it appeared right in front of you. 

"I am a Hero killer...stain...heroes will die in my hands. Starting with you."




*End of flashback.*





"I-I am Ingenium.." Iida cough, now kneeling on his left knee.

Blood escaped his mouth as he looked straight up. 

Letting out a painful grunt, he slowly struggled to get up. 

"I-I will defeat you!" He yelled at Stain, who's sadistic smile grew wider. 

"Such...words young hero. It's what makes you fake. Also weak, but your words speak the truth, but wrongness at the same time. I have a message for your brother, who I assumed cut off his leg. You heroes are weak, filled with so much revenge on me. Which makes you both heroes even more... fake." He finished, charging at Ikun.

Trying to dodge, he quickly moved out of the way, while trying to use his engines to attack.

But stain quickly grabbed his leg, cut part of his shoulder as he threw the boy down. 

Landing on the ground with a grunt, stain licked the blood from his left katana, making Iida froze. 

Iida's teeth grit, laying there with absolute pain as Stain walked closer.  "Such a strong fighter, but weak at the same time.." Stains creepy voice spoke, making Iida sacredly look at him. 

"In time, you will know what it's like to lose, hero. People will dread, run from it. Destiny still arrives..."

Stain grabbed Iida by the head, making him grunt and whine in pain. 

Iida coughed, letting out a weak chuckle. "Y-You talk too much." he got out, blood spilling from his mouth more.

Stain grunted, squeezing his head tighter while making the hero scream again.

"Hades will come...killing everyone who will go against him. The world soon will know the power and I'm going to stand there watching, watching the world go to ashes and people crying out of Aslan...the saving grace. And that girl of yours, I'm going to kill her...watch her whimper and whimper, slowly and intimately until I split every last piece of her skull!" He snapped, raising his sword as he stabbed Iida straight on the shoulder, making him scream in pain. 

Stain dropped him onto the floor, hearing the screams of many citizens as he whipped his blood off the sword. 

Facing away from the struggling Iida, the stains smile grew wider. "SEND ME YOUR FINEST WARRIORS, AND HADES WILL DO YOU WELL." He snapped, making people start to run away with fear. 

Police started to surround, pulling out their silly guns as Iida reached for his cracked phone.

With just enough reach, he pressed the help button on the screen, finally sending a help distress call to his friends and other pros. 

Your phone beeped beside you, making you look at it slightly. 

Seeing the signal notification, you picked it up. 

Opening it, your eyes grew wide as you saw Ikun who had pressed it. 

'N-No..' you thought, hands suddenly feeling slightly shakey. 

'Need to save him.' 

 Your phone dropped while instantly getting up. 

Running, you slammed the roof door open, quickly hopping down. 

Your feet bolted, running as fast through the hallway as while trying to get to Tokoyami. 





'W-What's happening to me?!' Izuku thought, unable to move as he was now in front of a bleeding Iida. 

Watching the green boy struggle, Iida's mouth coughed out more blood.

"M-Midoriya! Y-Your blood! When he licks it, the power of his quirk makes you freeze in place! B-Be careful!" He yelled out, slowly getting up. 

"Everything's gonna be okay Iida! Help is on the way!" Izuku spoke out, reassuring the speedy hero. 

But stains 

"Foolish hero, trying to be greater in power. Look among you, see where your power leads. Your friend failed to defeat me so... A child of hades is the duties of killing heroes who stand in the way of us collecting." He explained, making Izuku confused. 

"Collecting? Hades?! So that runt was behind all this! Sending the Villains to attack from the inside, sending you! So let me ask you this hero killer. What is so important that Hades wants?!" Izuku asked, keeping his composer. 

Stains smile grew even wider, getting into a stance. 

"The six commet stones." he finished, causing Izuku's eyes to widen. 

'Commet stones? I thought those were a myth?' he thought, suddenly becoming even more confused. 

"Now silence hero! And prepare to DIE!" Stain yelled, Instantly charging towards the boy.

Anger boiled inside of Izuku, not wanting to know what happens is Hades minions do succeed in his plan. 

His quirk formed around aside him, making his head break free as he glared at the charging hero. 

Before stain could attack, the quirk of stain wore off Izuku, making him instantly dodge out of the way. 

The hero killer's eyes widened, not believing his quirk didn't affect him. 

"Why you pest!" He snapped, charging at Izuku again, making his Katanas go bigger. 

'I have to be careful for him not to lick me again. I was lucky enough to be able to break free.' he thought, barely dodging stains katanas. 

Managing to get a kick in, Izuku launched the hero back far enough for him to get a breather. 

But soon, Stain rose to his feet, angrier than he way. 

"You got guts child...I respect that, but that heroic feeling will soon be gone." He added, flicking the flood off clean from his Katanas. 

Izuku also goes into stance, his teeth gritting as he staired the hero killer down. 

'Please, help is almost here.' He thought, both of them charging towards each other. 

Closer both of them put their arms together, blocking both punches while starring into the eyes of each other. 



"How far off are we?!" You asked Tokoyami, as both of you were running as fast as you can to the scene. 

Looking at his watch, he looked ahead blankly. "Almost there! Izuku and Iida just need to hold him off a little longer." He added, letting Dark shadow give him a little boost to catch up with you. 

"I knew this would exactly happen! Ikun would want the urge of revenge from the events of Tensie! He let his emotions take over as I told him not to!" you explained, feeling a tear escape your eye. 

Keigo allowed you both to help since it will expedient your training. 

Hawks went to go get other pros and backup to help you and your friends. 

He knew you care about Ikun, so he had to let you help. 

This means he's going to have a talk with the police chief and get scolded be endeavor the next day. 

TOkoyami knew your scaredness, worried that he might be dead. 

But Tokoyami knows Iida. 

And he knows that he will never back down.

"(Y/n)," Tokoyami called out, making you look at him briefly. 

"Iida's strong, and smart. He won't let his guard down for anyone, especially at the villain attack back at Ua. I know you're worried about him, but he is a good hero. You have to trust him, even if he's hurt, Midoriya is by him, not going to let stain even kill him, understood?" He explained, making you feel kind of calmer. 

But, somehow you still felt worried.

This is exactly what is happening in your dream.

The same name that was spoken, The hero killer.

You saw what it could do in your dreams.

And that's what makes you scared. 

Shaking it off, you noticed police cars ahead. 

"Let's go! We are almost there Tokoyami-"

Before you could finish, Dark shadow forced both of you to stop. 

"Dark shadow. What are you doing we need to save out friend-"

"I get that! But, we can't just attack the Hero killer when he will sense us. Tokoyami we heard the stories of his power from books. If (Y/n) said it was true about him being Hade's creation, then his powers are extraordinary."  It explained, looking at the firey scene ahead. 

You and Tokoyami looked at each other, then back at the dark shadow. 

"What are you suggesting we do?" You asked, making it sigh. 

Looking up at a building above, it's yellow mouth formed a smile. 

"Catch the killer by surprise." 

Your breath hitched, surprised by dark shadows choice of action. 

Hades' creations are always dangerous. 

And this gut feeling has been sitting inside you for three days at least. 

You want it to go away. 

So this plan might be the only one you got. 

"Alright, but how do we even get up there. (Y/n)'swings are broken and I'm pretty sure we cannot fly." 

Darkshadow rolled his eyes. "Of course we can't fly. We need something sturdy, but slick at the same time. But also silent so the hero killer doesn't hear us. (Y/n), can make any object with any body part right?" it asked, making you nod. 

"If you can form Ice with your element, maybe we can cover the building walls with it-"

"So she can form skates with her feet to get up top," Tokoyami added, looking at you.

"And it will be silent." Dark shadow added, his smile growing wider. 

Shaking your head, your arms crossed. "I-I'm sorry, but I can't use two of my powers at once. It doesn't work like that under pressure. Unless we can find someone nearby with an ice quirk, I don't see we can deed this plan-"

"I'll help." A familiar voice spoke, making the three of you to see Todoroki beside you, holding a straight, somewhat angered face. 

"T-Todoroki!" you spoke from surprised, making him form Ice on his right side. 

"Good to see you, how did you get passed endeavor?" Tokoyami asked, making your 'friend' smirk. "Just left, couldn't let classmates of mine die. Since both Iida and Midoriya sent a signal." He calmly confessed, kneeling to the ground. 

Touching his hand onto the pavement, ice began to form, heading to the targeted building. 

All the way up it went until it reached the very top.

Getting up, seeing his breath came out of his mouth, he looked in your guys' directions. 

"Huh." You spoke, impressed by his power. 

"That will work, thank Todoroki, we owe you our debt," Tokoyami said, bowing a little. 

"Owe me my debt by getting to our classmates in time." He finished, suddenly forming ice on the ground. 

"I will distract him while you two go forward with your plan." he blankly stated, making your head tilt. "And how long were you standing there for?"

He smirked. "Quite long enough (L/n)." He added, suddenly bolting forward, skating on the ice to the scene. 

Dark shadow smiled. "He really grows on you." 

"We must hurry before the ice melts." Tokoyami interrupted, making you and dark shadow nod. 

Letting yourself calm down, your feet formed some ice shoes matching your hero suit.

Your tail went up while you got into position. "Grab on!" You yelled, making Tokoyami blush slightly. 

But soon enough dark shadow hit him in the head, making the bird boy grab on. 

Bolting forwards, your feet easily skated across the ground silently. 

The wind rushed through your hair, as your feet then stook to the target building. 

Now running up it, Tokoyami looked behind, noticing that they were already there. 

'She never misses to impress me.' he thought, suddenly feeling fluster and kind of sick from being up so high. 

Making it up to the top you sat Tokoyami down as your tail shrank back down. 

Both of you ran to the scene, seeing the chaos perfectly. 

Looking around, you started to get worried as you saw Ikun not fighting the killer. 

Then the worse happened. 

Your eyes landed on his body, weak and bloody. 

Your breath hitched, putting your hands onto your mouth as you let out a shaky sob. 

'I-Ikun' you thought, seeing the huge gash close to his heart.

Tokoyami looked where you were. 

His fist clenching that one of his good friends is down. 

 But, he was still alive. 

Tokoyami noticed him slowly getting up. 

"(Y/n)..he's not dead look," he spoke, pointing to Iida getting up. 

relieved, you chuckled slightly. 

"B-Bastard." you choked out, seeing how he is stupidly getting up. 

"He's too weak to fight him, someone needs to protect him," Tokoyami stated, noticing that stain sees Iida's struggle. 

"You hero just don't know when to die?" He spoke, glaring at Iida.

Iida just grunted, chuckling as he held his shoulder. 

"What can I say? A hero never q-quits." He got out, suddenly getting into a stance. 

"IIDA NO! You can't fight! Your too weak!" Izuku-Kun called out, being held up by the killer. 

"Tokoyami, we need to do something," you whispered, making him nod. 

"I know that we need to get a good angle on him. Sad as I need to say, he needs to get close to Iida." 

Your eyes widened at his suggestion. "No. No. No. No." You spoke. 

"It's the only way to get a hit on him (Y/n)-"

"And let him die?"

"He's not going to die. Not when we're around. If he gets close enough, I'll use dark shadow to get a hit on him. Like a distraction for us to get down there in time." He explained, making you look at a hurt, standing Ikun. 

Sighing, your eyebrows furrowed.

"Let's do it."




"It's too bad your green friend couldn't kill me...close, but not close enough. You're heroes really have something in you. It disgusts me." 

Stain then grabbed Izuku's neck, squeezing it tight for him to unable to breathe. 

Izuku's eyes widened, hitting the killer's hand while trying to grasp for air. 

"I wonder how long it will take for him to die?" he asked, squeezing Izuku's neck tighter. 

Iida saw his friend's life swooping away.

Gritting his teeth, the engines onto his backlight up, while he kind of gotten into a stance. 

'I have to save him.' he thought, looking up at the villain. 

'I have to be (Y/n)'s hero.'

His eyes squinted, blood still spilling out of his mouth.

'I need to take revenge.' 

Growling, his power finally powered up. 

"P-POWER BOOST!" He yelled, immediately using his quirk to knock the hero back, letting go of Izuku. 

Both the killer and ikun rolled around on the floor, Iida hit a building farther than the killer, making the impact hurt really bad. 

Stain growled, standing back up. "Such an annoying little human. You just don't know when to DIE!!" He snapped, Instantly charging over to him.

Iida closed his eyes, bracing for impact as Midoriya's eyes widened.

"IIDA!!" Izuku yelled, stumbling to his feet. 

Running as fast as he can, Izuku tried his best to get to his classmate, but everything around him was going in slow motion. 

"DARK SHADOW!" A familiar voice called out, making Izuku look in the direction. 

(Play music here guys!)

Like a flash, Dark shadow hit Stain, launching him back in time, making Izuku sigh with relief.

Growling, stain got up, looking around but no one was there. 

'The hell?' he thought, looking up and down, but noticed two small figures standing on the building. 

Both you and Tokoyami jumped down, landing with ease.

Bolting towards the killer, your face held a cold stair.

Smirking, he threw his Katana in your direction. Before it could hit you though, you moved to the side while catching it with your right hand.

Ice formed on the ground, now seeing Todoroki froze as Tokoyami landed a punch in him. 

The stain was about to escape, but you kicked his legs while holding his Katana.

Letting out an evil laugh, stain's smile grew more. "Too bad...more help has arrived," he spoke, making you grunt. 

Todoroki formed an ice and fire swords from his hands getting into a stance. Tokoyami's hero costume blew in the wind as Dark Shadow came out. Izuku stood Beside him, his quirk activating around his body while his face grew with anger. And you, well you were pissed off as you stood in the middle, your hair blowing in the wind as you let out a low growl. 

"Come get us you pest." 

Smirking, he attacked, as his sword in your hand suddenly broke free, grasping into his.

"Killing all of you would be such a treat," he spoke, instantly running towards your direction.

The villain's speed was incredible, but you've heard of stain before. Many stories you've heard from your father. He is Hade's creation and much dangerous. 

Todoroki and he collided swords, making clinking noises as you tripped his legs. 

Instantly getting up, he dodged your punch as Tokoyami attacked from behind. 

Dark shadow launched him back again, making stain slide onto his own feet. 

But, he didn't move. 

He just suddenly stood there. 

Izuki was about to attack, followed by Tokoyami and Todoroki, but you stopped them with your hands. 

 They looked at you confusingly, making you just step forwards. 

Staring coldly at the Villain, you're yes began to turn red. 

"Todoroki, go get Ikun to safety, I'll deal with hades creation." you firmly stated, making Izuku's eyes widened. 

"(Y/n)-san! You can't defeat him by yourself! His quirk is too powerful!" You heard him yell, making you look at him.

"H-He's right (Y-Y/n) this I-is not your fight. I-It's mine." Ikun's voice spoke up, making your face change with anger. 

"Ikun, your being so stupid!" Ikun's eyes widened at your words.

"Revenge is never the answer Ikun, we talked about this. But yet here you are, stuck because you wanted to get rid of the problem who hurt Tensie-Kun." you calmly stated,  slightly turning your head to glare at him. 

"This is not your only fight, it will be useless because hades creation is so powerful. You're too wheat to fight, but let me ask you this."

Turning back to face the hero killer, forming a golden scythe from your hand.

"This is never what Tensei wanted." you finished, as you activated the light element, firing a light blast his way. "Not on my watch," he mumbled, instantly charging at you while he tried to use his Katanas, but you formed shields out of your hands, blocking them in time. 

Todoroki ran towards Iida's direction, helping him up as more blood came out of IIda's mouth. 

"I got you." he blankly stated, making Iida weakly nod. 

Tokoyami looked in Izuku's direction, as you threw your scythe his way. But he dodged it yet again, as he threw his knife at your face instead. It was quick, but you were quicker as you ran towards is, sliding onto your knees a you leaned backwards. The knife barely missed as the soft side barely grazed your nose. Grabbing the weapon with your tail, you threw it back his way.

"You're more powerful than I though, feline. I like it." Licking his lips, Tokoyami growled. "DARK SHADOW!" Launching his way, dark shadow tried to attack, but stain easily dodged. Looking in his direction, Stain's face grew angry. "Tokoyami." he spoke, charging his way as stain knocked the hero back. 

Stain grabbed a hold of his neck, throwing Tokoyami to the ground. "You are bothering me..." 

Izuku's quirk formed around him, as anger boiled up inside. 

Quickly acting, Izuku charged at the hero, his quirk suddenly powering up. 

'I will not, let him win.' he thought, pointing his finger to aim. 

Stain saw you coming, as he threw his Knife in your direction, pretty fast to dodge.

Tokoyami say it coming, as he quickly got to his feet, and pushed you out of the way. 

"Tokoyami!!" you yelled, seeing his shoulder getting grazed by the blade. 

Stain got the blade back, licking Tokoyami's blood again, making him freeze. 

Stain smiled evilly, about to finish off the job, but you stood in front, Holding a face of pure anger. 

Growling, you saw Izuku charging the killers away.

"You're not fake heroes, I respect that. I won't kill you, but I'll bring you to Shigaraki, so hades can Kill you himself-"

"DETROIT SMAAASHHH!" you heard a voice yell, as Izuku's quirk launched the hero killer back. 

Rolling and stumbling on the ground, Stain's body fell onto of a car. 

But he got up again. 

This time, he managed to get a cut on Izuku, as you see his left cheek now bleeding. 

'Shit.' you thought, as stain licked the dagger again. 

Izuku suddenly froze, he was trying to break free. 

You were left to your own battles.

Fighting this pest all alone. 

'Dammit, I can't escape with all of them. Even Ikun, he's to hurt for me to carry. I'll have to stall him.' you thought, seeing the killer smirk more. 

"Now...be a good little kitty and stay still!" he snapped, running up to you to kick, but you barely dodged it. But a cut was all it took, as you saw a graze onto your shoulder. And him, holding your blood on his disgusting knife. 

If he wanted to , he can lick it, but the blood of a Lioness has a killer instinct. 

If he licks it, he instantly goes to a coma.

You smirked this time, slowly getting up from the ground. "Go ahead and try rodent." you hissed, making Izuku's eyes widened. "Her blood! It's deadly!" he spoke, as he felt his arm starting to move again. 

"Not only that, it's mixed with the power of Zeus and Hera, so try it killer. You will die instantly if you do." you warned, starting go grow weaker and weaker.

Stain growled, throwing his knife at you, but you got hit as you were now to tired to fight. Stumbling on the ground, stain towered over you, as he grabbed a hold of your throat. 

"Very well, In time, you heroes will know what it is like to loose." he spoke, gripping your life support tighter. 

You're eyes widened, trying your best to get air, but you couldn't.

"He will come....and when he does....half of the population will be burned." 

He saw your wings, as his sadistic smile grew wider. 

Gently grazing over them, he let out a creepy laugh. 

"If I can't kill you, I'll just take away another thing that means so much to you..."

Letting out a whimper, he grabbed a hold of your wings, squeezing them tightly as pain shot through your body. 

'N-No, No!'

"AHHHHHHHH!" you screamed, making Tokoyami and Izuku's eyes widened. Stains tongue slinked out, making him lean towards your ear, with a whisper.

"Let's see how easily the feline break-"


Your body soon fell to the floor, as you saw Ikun kick stain hard to the ground. 

Tokoyami and Izuku soon broke free, as Todoroki came beside you, suddenly picking you up in his arms. 

"Are you alright?" he asked, making you nod. But then you looked at Ikun's way. "H-How-"

"There was a pro near by, she healed him, but not all the way, he is still severely injured. But he's strong enough to fight." 

"I-I don't' think I can continue...you guys have to do this...for me." you finished weakly, making him nod with a small smile. 

Carefully setting you aside, he ran towards the others, standing beside Tokoyami as the four of them stood tall. 

Watching the three charge at the killer, you gulped. 

'Fight on you four....'


"TODOROKI NOW!" Izuku yelled, having Todoroki form ice under the killer, having him unable to stand. 

Ikun grabbed the killer by his hands, kicking his weapons out of the way. 

Tokoyami flipped his cape, as Dark shadow summoned behind him. 

"DARK SHADOW!" he yelled, making the creature strike stain, finally knocking him out. 

Stain fell to the floor, his long ass tongue sticking out. 

Ikun and the others looked your way, seeing that your barely awake. 

Running in your direction, Ikun slid onto his feet, as he grabbed your weak form, putting your head onto his lap. 

"I-Ikun...don't ever do that again." you got out, making him weakly nod. 

Soon enough, the four of them sat around you, not leaving your side until helped arrived. 

Stain was held by Todoroki's ice, which was thick enough to hopefully last. 

Izuku played with your hair, as a familiar hero approached them. 

"Kid?! Kid!" 

Tokoyami looked behind to see Keigo looking around. 

Standing up, he walked his way as Hawks sighed with relief. "Where is she?!" he asked, making Tokoyami motion him to follow. 

He saw you laying on Iida's lap, his heart broke seeing you weak and broken. 

Running, he also slid on the floor, beside IIda.

This is when Izuku suddenly started to freak out.

Keigo felt her pulse, relief that it was still going. "She's weak, too tired from her power use. We need to get her medical attention-" he paused when he saw Iida hurt badly as well. "Even you kid." he spoke, making Ikun instantly shake his head. "I'm fine, she needs it more than I-" 

"I hardly doubt that, the size of the cut and how much blood is coming out-"

"Wait, is that the hero killer?" He suddenly asked, making the four nod. 

Keigo suddenly stood up, walking over to the crowd. "Call the police!" 

"WATCH OUT!" Another voice yelled, seeing that a Nomu landed on the ground. 

Instantly, the Nomu looked towards your way, as he quickly grabbed you and Izuku in his hands, which woke you up.

"Midoriya!! (Y/n)!!! Ikun yelled, seeing that Tokoyami and Todoroki instantly looked up. 

"What do we do?" Todoroki asked, making Tokoyami even more worried. 

"We can not defeat a Nomu on our own, we need All might-" 

Before he could finish his sentence, the hero Killer charged at the Nomu, It all happened so fast as he used his Katanas to cute the Nomu in half, destroying it easily. 

He left you and Izuku in the air, as a hero caught Izuku, but you were still falling. 

Hawks growled, launching himself in the air as you landed perfectly in his arms. 

Your eyes grew more droopy as you saw Keigo's face just barely. 

"K-Keigo..." you weakly got out, making him land on the ground. 

Holding you close, ran to the now arriving medics. 

"Don't worry kid...I got you."


Hello guys! I am back with this story! I'm so sorry it took so long, since I was focusing on school and my other popular book. But you guys were patient and I thank you for that! I hoped you liked the twist I added to the story, since I wanted to make it different somehow. 

But anyways if you all forgot about your hero costume, just look back at the previous chapter. 

Anyways, I hope you all are doing good and I will see you all in the next chapter!! BYEE~~~

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