Avatar: The Last Airbender x...

By BiggyBoi123

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The story of a young boy who got tangled up in Avatar business. More

The Boy in The Iceberg
Return of The Avatar.
The Southern Air Temple
The King of Omashu
The Spirit World (Winter Solstice Part 1)
Avatar Roku (The Winter Solstice Part 2)
The Water Scroll
Jet and The Great Divide
The Storm and The Blue Spirit
The Fortune Teller
Bato of the Water Tribe
The Deserter
The Northen Air Temple and The Waterbending Master
Seige of The North (Book 1 Finale)
The Avatar State
The Cave of Two Lovers
Return To Omashu
The Swamp
Avatar Day
The Blind Bandit
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Library
The Desert and The Serpent's Pass (part 1)
The Serpent's Path (Part 2) and The Drill
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 1)
The City of Walls and Secrets (Part 2)

The Warriors of Kyoshi

8.8K 200 261
By BiggyBoi123

As the stars gleam at the dark of night, Prince Zuko's ship is speeding through the open sea. His living quarters are constantly fluctuating with constant dimming and lighting of small candle embers as the prince meditates. The door to his quarters open up, revealing his uncle with a scroll.

Zuko: "You should know the only time you are interrupting me is when you have news about the Avatar..."

The prince spoke as he kept trying to meditate.

Iroh: "I have news, Prince Zuko, but I don't think you're going to like it. Don't get too upset."

Zuko: "Uncle, you taught me that keeping a level head is a sign of a great leader. Now whatever you have to say, I'm sure I can take it."

Iroh: "Ok then. We have no idea where he is. And the boy that was fighting alongside him is Y/n."

Suddenly the flames of the candle erupt in a might blaze as the prince turns around.

Zuko: "What?!"

Iroh takes out a hand-fan and starts to fan himself with it.

Iroh: "You really should open a window in here."

Zuko: "Give me the map!"

He takes the scroll which happened to be a map from his uncle's hands and starts to read it.

Iroh: "There have been multiple sightings of the Avatar and his friends, but they are impossible to track down."

Zuko: "How am I gonna find him, uncle? He is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering."

With the gang.

Sokka: "You have no idea where you're going, do you?"

Sokka says as he looks at the map and the locations they have gone to.

Aang: "Well, I know it's near water."

Aang spoke back from from Appa's head.

Y/n: "Aang, the majority of everything is near water."

The young boy spoke as he layed on Appa's saddle with Katara sewing clothes right beside him.

Sokka: "I guess we're getting close then."

The squad suddenly goes back to being quiet until Aang decided to speak up to Momo.

Aang: "Hey, Momo, pebbles please."

The lemur went inside Aang's shirt and picked up some small pebbles to give to Aang. As Aang got the pebbles, he cupped them between his hands as he looked at Katara.

Aang: "Hey, Katara. Check out this neat airbending trick."

He smiles goofily as the pebbles quickly rotate with airbending.

Katara: "That's great, Aang."

She didn't even budge to look at the trick, she just continued sewing.

Aang stops the trick and speaks.

Aang: "But you didn't even look."

Katara turns around to face Aang.

Katara: "That's great."

Aang: "But I'm not doing it now."

Sokka interjects as he tosses out a booger out to the ocean beneath them.

Sokka: "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing."

Katara stops for sewing and looks at Sokka.

Katara: "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

Sokka: "Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things."

Y/n: "Sokka, I don't want to be rude, now. But you're not good at any of the things you mentioned. Now please stop talking before she throws your clothes out to sea and mines by "accident"."

Katara: "Yeah! All done with your pants! And looks what a great job I did!"

She shows Sokka his pants and throws them at him. He picked it up, and much to anyone's dismay, he wasn't wearing anything. Thankfully his shirt covered all the important areas so no one had to be disgusted at the family's jewels.

Sokka: "I can't wear these! Katara, please!"

Aang: "Don't worry Sokka, where we're going, you won't need any pants."

Y/n: "Where are we going, exactly?"

He shyly spoke from the saddle as his pants were not done either like Sokka's.

Appa growled and went flying a bit faster.

After a few long minutes of flying, Appa and the gang landed on an island, they all got off and Sokka spoke up.

Sokka: "Aang, we made a pit stop yesterday, wouldn't it be better if we got more airtime?"

Katara: "Yeah, if we continue this, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

Aang: "Well we had to stop because Appa's tired. Right, buddy?"

He nudges Appa with his shoulder and received no response.

Aang: "I said aren't you tired buddy?"

Appa releases a loud yawn.

Sokka: "Yeah, that was real convincing. Still, tough to argue with a 10-ton magical flying monster."

Aang gasps and points at the sea with excitement.

Aang: "Look!"

He spots a gigantic koi fish splashing out of the ocean.

Y/n: "Wow, that's huge."

Katara, Sokka, and Y/n looks at the huge fish leaping out of the sea flabbergasted.

Aang: "That's why we're here— the elephant koi, and I'm going to ride it."

Aang starts to take off his shirt and pants.

Aang: "Katara, you've got to watch me."

Aang dives head first to the water and instantly springs upward due to how cold it was.

Sokka scratches his head confused and Katara stares in amazement. Y/n grabs his journal from his bag and starts to write down.

"Documentation #5,768: We found huge fish in an island somewhere. I have nothing for comparison, but it's big...                  Like, really, really big."

Y/n closes his journal and places it back inside of his bag as he stares in absolute amazement.

As Aang continues to ride the humongous fish, more started to jump out of the water to join in on the fun.

Katara "Wows" in excitement as Aang holds on the sail of the giant sea dweller as it goes down the water and back up again.

Katara: "He looks pretty good out there."

She says as she looks at Sokka who has his arms cross and looks unimpressed.

Sokka: "Are you kidding? The fish is clearly putting in all of the work."

Y/n: "I mean... you have to give Aang credit for surviving all of that..."

Katara runs to where Appa is as she hears munching sounds.

Katara: "No, Appa, don't eat that."

Aang gives out a huge smile towards the gang and sees that Katara is gone.

Aang: "Aw, man."

He sounds disappointed.

Sokka sees a huge shadow below the water causing him to call out to Aang.

Sokka: "Aang! There's something below the water!"

Katara comes back to the group and see's Momo jumping up and down.

Katara: "What happened?"

Sokka: "Aang is in trouble."

The squad try calling out to Aang, but to no avail. He finally sees them, unfortunately he can't hear them so he thinks all the waves to come back to shore are huge waves for riding the koi.

Suddenly, the koi flings Aang over as he was waving back to his friends flinging him to the open waters where a giant dorsal fin showed itself.

Aang turns around as the shadow of the sail blocks the sunlight and instantly books it towards the shore, running fast on water with airbending pushing him.

He reaches shore and accidentally tackles Sokka to the floor.

A tree manages to stop the two from continuing any further, leaving them both slightly dazed.

Katara: "What was that thing?"

She says as she jogs to where her brother and friend were.

Y/n: "Are you guys ok?!"

He yells just behind Katara as he follows.

Aang: "I don't know."

Y/n suddenly cat-sneezes, earning a "bless you" from Katara and Sokka.

Sokka: "Well let's not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road."

Suddenly, multiple shadows came out from the tree and fell on the squad. They were quick, whatever they were, easily incapacitating the entire squad by binding them with ropes and blindfolds and tossing them unto the floor all together.

Sokka: "I guess we could just stay here a while."

(Time skip)

(???): "Now, you four have a lot of explaining to do."

Spoke the voice of a man.

(???): "And if you don't answer our questions we're going to throw you back in the water with the Unagi."

Spoke the voice of a young girl.

The squad was tied onto a pole, spirits only know what was going to happen to them.

Sokka: "Show yourself coward!"

The team's blindfold is immediately and a group of women wearing green armor and makeup were shown.

Sokka: "Y/n!"

He sees Y/n pinned down to the floor by 3 of these ladies as we see him struggle trying to get freed.

Sokka: "Where are the men who ambushed us."

Y/n tried to speak but his voice was muffled by a cloth put inside his mouth.

(???): "There were no men. We ambushed you."

Spoke a girl with shoulder short brown hair.

(???): "Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?"

Sokka: "Wait a second, there's no way a bunch of girls took us down."

He says with a smirk.

Y/n's muffled screams get louder towards Sokka's comment.

(???): "A bunch of girls, huh?"

The short haired girl grabbed sokka by the shirt and pulled him closer as she squints.

(???): "The unagi is going to be eating well tonight."

Katara interjects with a bit of fear in her voice.

Katara: "Wait a second! Don't hurt him! He didn't mean it! My brother's just an idiot sometimes."

Aang: "It's my fault. I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi."

The old man that spoke earlier pointed at Y/n struggling body.

Old man: "I find that a bit hard to believe since you were traveling with a Fire Nation soldier. How do we know you aren't spies sent to take us out? Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far, and we intend to keep it that way."

Aang: "This island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi."

Old man: "Ha! How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here 400 years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

Y/n tried to speak through muffled words.

Y/n: "Mmff!! He-mmf! Avata-mmfff!!"

Finally the girl holding the cloth to his mouth removed it. Letting Y/n's red face to regain it's natural color. And through heavy pants and breaths, he spoke.

Y/n: "He's [pant]— the ava [pant]— ava—

Aang: "I know her because I'm the Avatar."

Y/n just gives up and it's rests his head on the floor to breathe.

(???): "That's impossible. The last avatar was an Airbender who disappeared 100 years ago."

Aang: "That's me!"

Old man: "Throw the imposter and his friends to the unagi."

Y/n: "W-wai—

His voice was instantly muffled again as the girls got into a battle stance holding up some seemingly golden fans.

Katara: "Aang, do some airbending."

Aang kicks the floor and jumps extremely high, surpassing a wooden Kyoshi statue atop the pole. As he flies up he uses the Kyoshi statue's fans as a way to cut the ropes tying his arms together.

As he lands back, all of the warriors holding him captive were left awestruck.

Woman 1: "Wow..."

Woman 2: "That's incredible."

Old guy: "It's true. You are the avatar."

Aang: "Now, check this out."

Aang reaches into his shirt and pulls out small pebbles. He does the airbending trick from earlier, causing the whole crowd of civilians to go insane with cheers, one guy was even foaming through his mouth... I wonder if he's ok...


Little girl: "Did you hear? The Avatar is on Kyoshi!"

A young girl told her dad while they were in a dock. After that, the father went around telling his friends that the avatar was one Kyoshi's island. As more people knew, the more the news got spread around more. Until...

Zuko: "The avatar is on Kyoshi island? Uncle! Ready the rhinos. He's not going to get away from me this time."

He leaves the table from the place he was staying in, leaving a bunch of food with Iroh.

Iroh: "Are you going to finish that?"

Zuko: "I was going to save it for later!"

He picked up the plate of steamed fish and made his way.

(At Kyoshi Island)

(???): "Sorry for ambushing you guys. We thought you were Fire nation soldiers sent to pillage us."

The brown haired girl said as she untied the rest of the Avatar's friends. Mainly Sokka and Katara.

(???): "Is he with you guys?"

One of the warriors points at a Y/n that is still tied up and a cloth still on his mouth.

Katara: "Yeah, he's with us."

(???): "You have Fire nation friends?"

Katara: "No, he's the only one."

Sokka: "He might not look it. But he's very harmless. Unless you're made out of fish."

The brown haired girl looked back at the other girl holding Y/n in place who just shrugged and cut Y/n's ropes and removed the cloth.

(???): "Sorry about being so rough with you. You know... Fire nation and all."

The brown haired girl apologizes to Y/n who's face was redder than a tomato from the lack of air and pressure on his body.

Y/n catches his breath. He smiles at the girl and gives off a very forgiving smile.

Y/n: "Don't worry about it!"

Y/n reaches for his back only to realize his weapon is not with him anymore.

Y/n: "E-excuse me. M-may I have my glaive back?"

The shy boy spoke towards the girl that had his weapon and bag.

She immediately gave his stuff back to him and bowed apologetically.

Katara: "Hey, Y/n."

Y/n turns to his friend.

Y/n: "Yes?"

Katara: "How's your leg?"

Y/n: "Now that you mention it..."

He removes the leg armor protecting his injuries and taps on the floor.

Y/n: "It doesn't hurt anymore! Yay!"

He gets down on the floor and starts pressing on his leg and rotating his foot trying to feel for something.

Y/n: "It was probably the coldness of the South Pole that slowed down the healing process."

He gets up and jumps.

Y/n: "No pain. Yep! I'm cured!"

(???): "Well to make sure you are 100 percent cured, why don't we treat you to a nice dinner? It's the only thing we could do to apologize to the Avatar and his friends.

Spoke the brown haired girl as she patted Y/n on the back along side Katara and Sokka.

(???): "Please, escort the Avatar and his friends to a place they could stay in, bring them some food too.

The brown haired girl spoke to two of the warriors that held Y/n down.

As they were escorted she talked to the remaining warriors.

(???): "Girls, keep an eye out for the Fire boy. He might be danger."

The warriors nod.

(The next day)

The avatar squad were living lavishly. Appa being brushed and fed. Aang and Katara were having plates upon plates of food with them.

Aang: "Alright! Dessert for breakfast! These people sure know how to treat an avatar."

Aang is digging in while Katara just looks at the food very confused.

Aang: "Mmm. Katara, you have to try this!"

He holds up a sweet for her

Katara: "Fine, I guess one bite shouldn't hurt."

She bites the one that Aang showed her and started eating some of the other ones.

Aang: "Sokka, come here and get some. You too, Y/n."

Sokka/(Y/n): "Not hungry/I'm not hungry."

Aang: "What? Sokka, you're always hungry. Why are you so grumpy."

Katara: "He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday."

Sokka: "They snuck up on me!"

Katara: "Right. And then they kicked your Butt."

Sokka: "Sneak attacks don't count!"

Sokka gets up and angrily walks outside of the room.

Sokka [muttering]: "Tie me up with ropes... I'll show them a thing or two."

He comes back into the room and starts picking food off the table.

Sokka: "I'm not scared of any girls. Who do they think they are, anyway?"

Y/n [chuckling]: "Better warriors?"

Sokka grumbles and makes his way out.

Aang: "What's he so angry about. It's so great here. They're giving us the royal treatment."

Y/n: "Yeah... you got that right..."

Katara looks at Y/n sadly.

Katara: "[sigh] Hey, don't get too comfortable here, Aang. It's risky for us to stay in one place for very long."

Aang: "I'm sure we'll be fine. Besides, did you see how happy I'm making this town? They're even cleaning up that statue in my honor."

Katara: "well, it's nice to see you excited about being the Avatar. I just hope it doesn't all go to your head."

Aang: "Come on. You know me better than that. I'm just a simple monk."

Aang looks out the window behind him and sees girls his age and other girls were fangirling and calling out for him.

He blushes and smiles. Katara looks slightly jealous and blows a raspberry at the girls.

Y/n: "I'm gonna go..."

Katara turns to Y/n who is removing the bandages from his body and throwing out the fire nation armor he had on.

Katara: "Do you think you're gonna be ok without the bandages and extra comfort of the leg-piece?"

Y/n: "I'll manage. I'm leaving the bag here, you think you can take care of it while I make sure your brother doesn't humiliate himself?"

Katara: "Sure. You can count on me."

He gives off a smile that could instantly melt the snow off the either of the poles in an instant.

He sheathes his weapon and walks out of the house. A few seconds later, Aang jumps out of the window and starts running around the village with the girls running after him.

(With Sokka)

Sokka [grumbling]: "Can't believe I got beat by a bunch of girls."

Sokka is heading towards the training house for Kyoshi island's warriors.

He hears some quick patting behind him. He turns around to see a sweaty y/n out of breath.

Y/n: "So-sokka... [pant] don't, don't do it [pant] you're going to get hurt."

Sokka: "This time it's not gonna be an ambush. It's going to be fair and square."

Y/n: "Sokka, while I really do admire your resilience, trust me, I really do! You have to pick your fights carefully. If you're not careful, you're going to get hurt!"

Sokka: "Now, Y/n, I'm not the same man from yesterday. I'm a lot stronger, and smarter."

Y/n: "..."

Sokka: "I'm not going to fall for any tricks this time."

Sokka peaks in the room and sees the girls practicing.

He walks into the room with a cocky aura.

Sokka: "Hey ladies. Didn't mean to interrupt your dance lesson. I was just looking for somewhere to get a little workout."

The girls turn to face him. And see him stretching to "warm up"

(???): "Well, you're in the right place."

The girl with short brown hair from yesterday spoke.

Y/n walks in the room. Shyly waving and with a small smile.

(???): "Sorry about yesterday, I didn't know you were friends with the Avatar."

Sokka: "It's all right. I mean, normally I'd hold a grudge, but seeing as you guys are a bunch of girls, I'll make an exception."

(???): "I should hope so. A big, strong man like you, we wouldn't stand a chance."

Sokka: "True. After all, I'm the best warrior in my village."

Y/n: "Not really saying a lot when the rest of the warriors were kids and some injured guy that couldn't fight to save his life."

(???): "Wow. Best warrior, huh? In your whole village? Maybe you'd be kind enough to give us a little demonstration."

Sokka: "Oh, well, I mean, I—

(???): "Come on, girls, wouldn't you like him to show us some moves?"

The other warriors chuckle and nod yes.

Sokka: "Well, if that's what you want, I'd be happy to."

He walks up, puts his hand on her shoulder and moves her a couple inches forward.

Sokka: "All right, you stand over there. Now, this may be a little tough, but try to block."

Sokka tries to go for an overhang but gets his shoulder instantly poked by his opponent, completely breaking his stance.

Sokka: "Ow!"

He "chuckles" and walks backwards a bit.

Sokka: "Good. You were able to block that, of course, I was going easy on you."

(???): "Of course."

Sokka: "Let's see if you can handle this!"

He tries going for a punch but he immediately gets lifted up and tossed backwards. The thud cause from him landing the floor made Y/n flinch.

Sokka: "Ugh. That does it!"

He charges in but gets grabbed in the arm and then swung in circles. After a fit, his opponent turns Sokka's body around, lifts his leg and brings back his arm as she ties them with rope. Sokka begins to skip on the floor before falling, looking like a fool doing so.

(???): "Anything else you would want to teach us?"

Y/n: "Yeah, Sokka, anything else to teach. O' wise one?"

The girls in the room laughed.

(???): "Would you like to teach us something as well?"

The girl that just handed Sokka's butt to him pointed at Y/n with her fan.

Y/n: "I- I mean, I would love to! But I'm not sure I can take any of you on. You just seem so experienced, I don't want to end up like my friend over here."

He points at Sokka whom is trying to untie himself.

(???): "Oh come on. You can learn something too."

Y/n: "Yeah, I guess you're right..."

He looks down at the floor for a second.

Y/n: "Do you mind if I were to change into more comfortable clothing for our spar?"

(???): "Sure go ahead. We can wait."

She puts her hands on her waist.

Y/n puts his glaive against the wall near the door and steps out.

Y/n: "Uh... can you keep this safe for me? It's very precious and I don't want it to get lost."

(???): "Oh, absolutely."

She goes and stands next to his weapon.

Y/n generously bows before heading back to his temporary resting place.

As he's making his way back he sees Aang having fun with the girls of the island.

Y/n [thoughts]: "Looks like he's having the time of his life..."

He reaches the house and sees a very bored Katara just relaxing by his bag.

Y/n: "Hey, Kat, you mind handing me my bag for a sec?"

Katara: "Uh, yeah, sure. Here you go."

The young Waterbender leaned over and grabbed the boy's handbag, making sure nothing falls out of it, she hands it over.

Y/n: "Thank you."

He grabs inside it and pulls out a neatly set pant and some padding.

He goes to the changing room. Changes, and heads back to the Warrior's training area.

Y/n: "I'm back, sorry if I made you wait too long!"

He walks inside to see Sokka finally untied and looking less happier than usual.

Sokka: "Woah, nice clothes, Y/n."

Y/n: "Thanks! I haven't worn them since I was a kid."

Y/n is wearing a pear of baggy leggings that were still flexible enough for him do stuff like splits. He was without a shirt but he had some pads on his feet, hands, and forearm.

(???): "That's not a lot of protection. You sure that's good enough?"

Spoke his current opponent as she handed him his weapon.

Y/n: "Armor just slows me down."

They both walk to the middle of the room. About 4 feet apart.

(???): "Are you ready?"

Y/n: "I hope..."

Warrior 1: "Three, two, one, go!"

Y/n goes in for a jab with his spear but it gets blocked by the fan, he quickly turns his glaive around to its blunt end and thwacks his oponnent's hand.

The warrior went in close up to land in a hit of her own but Y/n jumps back a few feet. He then runs towards her and goes for a swing but she parries and nearly lands a swing of her own fans to Y/n's body.

Y/n, in a seemingly last ditch effort, slams his glaive in the ground and pushes downward, quickly lifting his body upwards thanks to his lightness. He quickly pulls the glaive as he was in the air and goes for a slam on his opponent. She blocks but ends up losing one of her fans as it was knocked away from the impact.

Y/n switches to the sharp end to quickly gain closure with his opponent but he gets jabbed in the stomach causing him to lose a bit of balance. His opponent proceeds to try and wrestle Y/n to the ground and win by tap out but he manages to use the blunt end and smacks his opponent in the stomach. Fortunately, she had some armor there so it wasn't painful. But Y/n used this opportunity to try and win the battle quickly as he was almost out of stamina.

He gets close, fakes her out with a straight jab from the blade but pulls back, stabs the ground, jumps to the side and lands a nice kick to the rib area. If it weren't for the padding on his feet and shin. He would've fractured it.

He then proceeds to pick up the glaive, fake her out once again, and manages to have the sharp blade mere centimeters away from her throat, as he had her pinned down with his foot to her chest armor. Preventing her from getting back up. She sees how sweaty and tired he was from fighting. He was breathing heavily in such a short amount of time due to being out of shape because of his previous injuries not allowing him to work out.

Unfortunately for him, he completely forgot about the other fan she had, which she used to smack him in the ankle before grabbing it, and pushing him off.

Due to loss of momentum, he falls on the floor in front of her, she gets up, points her fan, and wrestles Y/n into submission. She had Y/n in a chokehold, causing him to get red in the face and stop breathing. He taps her in the sides as he admits defeat.

She lets go, helps Y/n and pats him on the shoulder.

Y/n: "That was a good one. I [huff] thought I had you there."

He slouches over to breathe a bit more.

(???): "You did good. Better than your friend over there."

She points at Sokka who was looking at Y/n in slight awe but then looks away as he sees the girl that mopped the floor with him pointing towards him. Sokka gets up and leaves the training house.

Y/n: "He just underestimated you because you're a girl. He's very silly, but he means well."

(???): "I guess that's good enough as an apology."

(???): "Say, would you like to train with us? Seems like you have a bit you can teach."

Y/n: "Oh trust me, I would love to! But I think I need to get my friends head in the right place before I do so! I'll be back quicker than last time!"

He goes to Sokka who was just walking in circles outside of the training house.

Y/n: "You good there buddy?"

Sokka: "W-who me? Yeah I'm good? Why wouldn't I be good? Is it because I got beat up? I was just going easy on them. That's al-

Y/n: "Sokka!"

Sokka: "Aah!"

Y/n's sudden yell caused Sokka to yell out in slight surprise, not once has Y/n yelled at anyone since they first met.

Sokka: "Yes, Y/n?"

Y/n: "You lost. But you won something."

Sokka: "What did I win?"

Y/n: "You won experience. You gained humility. Now, you can easily be the better warrior today than what you were yesterday, and the day before that. You just have to learn to admit defeat when you lost. Admit defeat, and grow from it."

Sokka: "..."

Y/n: "You can't just be so darn stubborn all the time! Yes, you lost to women, but that means nothing! I got my butt beat by girls when I was younger too! And everytime I lost, which was always, I only ever won once! I'm a loser to them! But I've learnt from my failures, and grew better from them. And I want you to do the same too."

Sokka: "But I-

Y/n walks a bit closer to Sokka. Raising his weapon to his friend, slightly scaring him.

Y/n: "Now I want you to go back in there. And I want you to apologize. Right. This. Instant."

The tip of the glaive was inches away from his face.

Sokka: "I-

Y/n: "Now!"

He slams his blade to the floor, causing the dirt to cloud the area around him.

Sokka: "F-fine. I will apologize."

Y/n: "Good."

Y/n sheathes his glaive and walks towards his friend. He hugs Sokka and speaks.

Y/n: "You know I'm only doing this because I care about you and want you to be better. Now let's get back in there."

Sokka sighs and nods. They both walk back in and see the Kyoshi warriors doing their regular training routine.

Sokka: "Uh, hey, Suki."

Suki: "Hoping for another dance lesson?"

Y/n nudges his taller friend by elbowing him gently to continue talking.

Sokka: "No, I— well, let me explain—

Suki: "Spit it out. What do you want?"

Sokka gets down on his knees and bows, shocking Y/n in doing so.

Y/n [thoughts] that's new."

Sokka: "I would be honored if you would teach me."

Suki crosses her arms and looks down to Sokka.

Suki: "Even if I'm a girl?"

Sokka: "I'm sorry if I insulted you earlier. I was wrong."

Suki: "We normally don't teach outsiders, let alone boys."

He bows a bit more.

Sokka: "Please make an exception. I won't let you down."

Suki: "alright, but you have to follow all of our traditions."

Sokka: "Of course."

Suki: "And I mean all of them."

Suki looks at Y/n.

Suki: "You want to join in too?"

Y/n: "It must be my lucky day! Yes!"

He gets excited. Not just to train with talented and strong warriors. But majorly because he gets to do stuff that Avatar Kyoshi might've done.

(Small timeskip)

Sokka: "You sure? It feels a little... girly."

Suki: "It's a Warrior's uniform. You should be proud."

Sokka is wearing the entire set of Kyoshi warrior armor. Make up and everything.

Suki: "The silk represents the brave blood that flows through our veins. The gold insignia represents the honor of the Warrior's heart."

Sokka puts his fist on his hips and puffs his chest.

Sokka: "Bravery and honor."

"Hey, Sokka, how do I look?"

Sokka turns around to see Y/n wearing the same armor as his. Except he looks like he'll fit in perfectly.

Suki: "Grow out your hair a little bit longer and you'll definitely look like one of us."

Y/n: "Really?"

The young warrior runs his hand through his puffy hair.

Y/n: "How does 4 to 5 inches more sound?"

The Kyoshi warriors giggle at his question.

Suki: "I'm just joking, you'll fit along just fine."

Unbeknownst to anyone that wasn't looking at the door. Aang was peeking inside.

Aang: "Hey, Sokka. Hey, Y/n. Nice dresses."

Sokka slouches over. A little bummed out but nothing too major.

Aang leaves and walks off somewhere.

As Aang walks around the town, he see's Appa getting constant pets from civilians and getting his fur taken care of. He walks until he sees the house where the entire squad is staying at.

He walks inside and sees Katara practicing waterbending by a small bowl of water.

Aang: "Katara remember, remember how the unagi almost got me yesterday?"

Katara: "Yeah."

She said slightly annoyed.

Aang: "Well, I'm going to go ride it now. It going to be real dangerous."

Katara: "Good for you."

Aang: "You're not going to stop me"

Katara: "Nope. Have fun."

Aang: "I will."

Katara: "Great."

Aang: "I know it's great."

Katara: "Well, I'm glad you know."

Aang: "Well I'm glad you're glad."

Katara: "Good!"

Aang: "Fine!"

Their constant bickering made Katara stop her waterbending as Aang exited the house. Leaving her slightly bored.

(With Sokka and Y/n)

Suki: "You're not going to master it in one day. Even I'm not that good."

She says as Sokka and Y/n try to learn the proper techniques to the Kyoshi Warrior's fighting style.

Sokka: "I think I'm starting to get used to it."

Sokka starts doing some movement. Trying to mimic the way it's supposed to be done.

Y/n: "Sokka you're doing this like me trying to sing. Off the right note."

Sokka: "No, no, I'm getting the hang of it."

He says as he continues what he's doing, leading him to accidentally throw the fan out the door and towards a tree.

Suki looks out the door and then back towards the room.

Suki: "It's not about strength. Our technique is about using your opponent's force against them."

Y/n awes.

Y/n: "Oh, so that's why you kept parrying my attacks. Smart!"

Suki: "Yeah, now loosen up you two. Think of the fan as an extension of your arm. Look for an opening and then—

She gets into a stance and attacks Sokka. He quickly reacts and tosses her down.

She looks slightly shaken at the sudden action. Sokka just puts his thumb on his chin and nods.

Y/n: "I think you did it right, Sokk—

Suki: "I only fell on purpose to make you feel better."

Sokka: "I got you! Admit it, I got you!"

He points his finger at her and grabs it, twisting it.

Suki: "Ok, it was a lucky shot. Let's see if you can do it again."

Suki gets into a battle stance circles around Sokka's own stance.

We see Aang in the ocean, right next to the shore.

Child 1: "Ugh. What's taking so long."

Aang: "I'm sure it'll be here soon."

Child 2: "It's getting a little late. Maybe tomorrow."

The children start getting impatient and one-by-one, they start to leave Aang.

Aang: "Wait! Maybe if we wait a few seconds."

Child 3: "Sorry, Aang, maybe next time."

As the children start to leave, Aang sees Katara approaching him.

Aang: "Katara, you showed up!"

Katara: "I wanted to make sure you're safe. You really had me worried."

Aang: "Back there you acted like you didn't care."

Katara: "I'm sorry."

Aang: "Me, too. I did let all that attention go to my head. I was being a jerk."

Katara: "Well, get out of the water before you catch a cold, you big jerk!"

Aand smiles.

Aang: "On my way!"

As he swims back, Katara notices a huge shadow on the water followed by a giant dorsal fin showing itself.

Katara: "[gasp] watch out!"

The unagi raised it's head and body out of the water, picking up Aang whilst doing so. The Unagi looked at Aang and spewed water out of it's mouth. Aang hid and grabbed behind one of the Unagi's protruding scales to not get pushed off.

The unagi goes to bite Aang but he jumps in time to reach one of the giant sea creature's mustache ends and swung on it.

The unagi sent Aang flying near the shore, he managed to land in front of Katara but he was still in the water. Katara ran towards Aang's body and so did the Unagi.

As they got closer, Katara managed to get a hold of Aang first. The unagi showed itself once more before trying to bite them but Katara used waterbending to send her back and the waves from the unagi slamming down on the water caused them to go to some rocks near the shore. The unagi started rampaging. Firing water from it's mouth in every direction. That was until a horn sounded.

Katara looked to the direction of the horn and saw that it was prince Zuko's ship, fully repaired.

Katara: "Zuko..."

As the ship reached the shore, it opened up the front end to show a ramp. Coming out of the ramp was prince Zuko and his henchmen riding 3 horned rhinos wearing Fire Nation armor.

Zuko: "I want the Avatar alive."

Katara goes around rock to rock, trying to avoid the fire nation soldiers. She got behind one more rock before she laid an unconscious Aang on the floor and used waterbending to get water out of his lungs.

Aang: "Katara..."

Katara: "Yeah?"

Aang: "Don't ride the Unagi."

(With Y/n training with Suki.)

Suki throws a punch at Y/n and he parries it, getting closer to her, putting his leg behind hers, and taking her down with him.

Y/n: "Aaa.. aaa. Achoo!"

Y/n's cat-sneeze sounded.

Sokka: "It's not cold here, maybe you're allergic to something, Y/n."

Y/n: "What could it be?"

They here running footsteps from outside.

Old man: "Get ready! Firebenders have landed on our shores. Girls, come quickly."

Suki immediately leaves the room to follow the old man.

Sokka: "Hey, I'm not a—

He gets grabbed by Y/n and pulled outside as they start running.

As Zuko and his squad walk towards the town, Zuko shouts out.

Zuko: "Come out, Avatar, you can't keep hiding from me forever."

Zuko looks around and sees nothing but scared civilians hiding within their homes.

Zuko: "Find him."

He commands his servants as their rhinos start sniffing out the area.

Little did they know, the Kyoshi warriors were traveling throughout the shadows for a sneak attack. They managed to get guards off of their rhinos and Suki tried going for Zuko but he distracts her with firebending and makes his rhino slap her with its tail.

He shoots a fireball towards Suki but Sokka arrives just in time to parry the fireball and Y/n a second later jumped from a roof and kicked Zuko, sending him down from the rhino.

Sokka: "Looks like trainings over. Get up!"

He helps Suki up from the ground.

Zuko squints at the person on top of him.

Suki and Sokka circle him while he's down, but he firebends with a few kicks sending each warrior down.

Zuko: "Nice try, Avatar, but these little girls can't save you."

Aang: "Hey! Over here!"

Zuko turns around and faces the Avatar.

Zuko: "Finally."

Zuko fires off two blasts at Aang but he dodges and swings the shots away with his staff. Zuko fires off once more, this time it was directed towards Aang's weapon. The staff gets knocked out of Aang's hand and he uses a pair of fans that were in front of him to Airbend a mighty wave towards Zuko, forcing Zuko's body to get flung into a house.

Aang uses this opportunity to tactically retreat to the air with his glider.

He looks down to the village. Buildings on fire, and Kyoshi's statue being burnt as well as Fire Nation soldiers ransack and burn the village.

He sees Katara telling some children to get inside a house and he flies down to her.

Aang: "Look what I've done to this place..."

Katara: "It's not your fault."

Aang: "Yes, it is. These people got their town destroyed trying to protect me.l

Katara: "Then let's get out of here. Zuko will leave Kyoshi to follow us. I know it feels wrong to run, but I think it's the only way."

Aang: "I'll call Appa."

(With Y/n, Sokka, and Suki)

The trio are currently hiding behind a house huddled together.

Suki: "There's no time to say goodbye."

Sokka: "Then what about "I'm sorry"?"

Suki: "For what?"

Sokka: "I treated you like a girl when I should have treated you like a warrior."

Suki: "I am a warrior. But I'm a girl too."

She kisses Sokka on the cheek.

Y/n: "..."

Y/n: "Come on, Sokka. Let's get out of here."

Y/n: "Stay safe! We'll miss being with you!"

Suki hugs Y/n and speaks.

Suki: "Y/n, I'm sorry."

Y/n: "For what?"

Suki: "Being suspicious about you and doubting your relationship with the avatar and telling some of the warriors to keep an eye on your every movement."

Y/n: "Even when I was taking a dip at the beach last night."

Suki nods a reluctant yes causing Y/n's face to grow a bright red.

Y/n: "It's ok. I'll forgive you on one condition."

Suki: "Which is?"

Y/n: "Next time we meet, I want a rematch."

Suki: "You got yourself a deal."

Y/n: "I'll look forward to it!"

Suki: "Me too, now get out of here! Me and the other warriors will hold these guys off."

They break the hug and start to head out.

Y/n and Sokka run around the corner and see Appa waiting for them with Katara and Aang.

Aang: "Appa, Yip Yip!"

Zuko: "Back to the ship! Don't lose sight of them!"

He says as he commands his troop.

As Appa flies away from the island, they see smoke reach the skies as a bright orange layed on the ground.

Aang: "I know it's hard, but you did the right thing. Zuko would've destroyed the whole place if we stayed. They're going to be ok, Aang."

Aang suddenly gets a determined look on his face and jumps off Appa.

Katara: "What are you doing?"

She yells out.

Y/n: "Has he lost his mind?!"

Suddenly, the Unagi appeared from the waters with Aang atop its head, holding on to the mustache causing the Unagi to open its mouth and spew water.

Fortunately it was aiming at the village causing all the fire to go out, and pouring water on Zuko and his men as they were all riding in one rhino.

The Unagi flings up Aang towards the air, Appa manages to catch him.

As Aang was climbing back up, he spoke to the group.

Aang: "I know, I know. It was stupid and dangerous to do that."

Katara: "Yes. Yes, it was."

They smile as Katara hugs Aang.

Sokka: "Hey, Y/n. Do you think she's gonna be ok?"

Y/n: "Of course I do, Sokka. Suki is a very capable person. She and the other Kyoshi warriors can definitely hold their own."

Sokka smiles and makes himself comfortable. Y/n lays down and goes to sleep.

Hours later. The entire squad is resting on Appa.

Y/n hears a voice in his head. Not his own thought, yet a familiar voice.

(???): "You're going to need this. Here you go."

The soft, gentle voice of a man spoke.

Y/n [mumbling]: "Master...?"

Y/n opens his eyes and sees a small purple bat laying on his stomach resting.

Y/n gives off a scared yell, waking up the entire squad.

Sokka: "Huh? Huh? What? What is it, Y/n? Fire nation? Zuko?"

Sokka freaked out as he put his hands up to fight.

Katara and Aang wake up as well.

Y/n: "N-n-n-no! I-i-i-it's a bat!"

The squad looks at Y/n's stomach and sees the small bat sleeping.

Katara: "How did that get there?"

Y/n: "I-i don't know!"

Aang: "It's ok, Y/n. Here. Let me grab it."

Aang tries grabbing the small bat from his friend's stomach but it's only holds harder, slightly scratching Y/n.

Katara: "Looks like it doesn't want to let go."

Y/n: "Ow."

Sokka: "You're like it's mama, Y/n."

Y/n still scared slightly shivers.

Aang: "Hey, Y/n. Do you think you can hold out until we reach our next destination?"

Y/n slowly nods yes, but the small critter opens its mouth scaring Y/n as he sees the small fangs and teeth it had.

Y/n: "No! No! No! No! I-i can't do this!"

He hears a low chirp from the bat as it nuzzles closer to Y/n's chest making his him flinch slightly.

Katara: "It's not that big, Y/n. It's actually pretty small. Just calm down, and breathe slowly."

Y/n does as asked and puts his hand on the bat. Moving the bats body, Y/n notices the small creaturs is only the size of his hand. While the wingspan was the size of his forearm.

Y/n: "I don't know how I'm gonna be able to sleep the rest of the night.

Sokka yawns and lays back on the saddle.

Sokka: "Well just try not to scream and wake us up for nothing. Alr [yawn] ight, buddy?"

Sokka drifts off to sleep.

Katara: "It's not that bad, Y/n. Just calm down, and we're gonna see what we can do in the morning."

Y/n: "R-right."

He lays back down on the floor and puts his hand on the small purple bat. Scratching it behind the ear making it chirp very lowly.

Y/n: "What was I even worried about..."

Y/n falls back asleep as the rest of the squad goes to rest as well.

To be continued.

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