What it truly means to be an...

By Vladimikk

649K 11.5K 8K

He was Neglected, Bullied, Forgotten and now he is truly broken, what will our Izuku do when all hope is lost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 10

17.9K 317 277
By Vladimikk

All actions are followed by consequences or rewards.

They had just heard Nezu read the letter, and the only thing that they could think of was that this boy was sent over the edge. The way he left his message behind left a foul taste, and a shiver down their spines.

Everyone thought simultaneously 'This boy is dangerous, because we failed him'. They jumped into action and started searching for the boy, meanwhile the police had sealed off the basement while searching for clues. Even though everyone knew the answer, they still needed to test the arm and blood to check if it's Izuku.

Though they already knew it, it still hurt knowing that this was actually his arm. That he was so desperate and cornered that he amputated his own arm with a saw.

All the heroes in the investigation got continuous updates, and one of the updates brought up that he used his Iron pan to cauterize his own wounds.

The detective asked the family for a recent picture, so that they could open the missing person report. The detective felt awful for the boy, since the most recent picture he got from the family, was when the boy was 5 years old which pissed him off even more.

Meanwhile the Yagi's were getting skewed up by Nezu "God dammit, what is wrong with you guys? Especially you Izumi, like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Why did you bully your own brother?"

While Izumi was sobbing and crying the only thing that was heard was "i was trying to protect him", Nezu responded with "well, good fucking job, your brother might be dying out there right now". He then continued with "All Might, even though it hurts to say it, we won't throw you all to jail, since you are the Symbol of Peace. Call it my animal instinct, but I feel like Karma's gonna bite you in the ass soon."

With that Nezu took his leave, leaving the Yagi's to pick up the broken pieces of their family. Meanwhile far far away on a small island, the same boy is seen gaining more power, so that he could become a GOD!

Izuku and the others could be seen sitting in the kitchen, they were eating dinner with toga feeding him. Suddenly there was a news report interrupting the show they were watching, besides Izuku since he could not see yet so he was listening.


*dun dun dunnonno*
*News anchor with deep voice*


"A few hours ago it was discovered that All Might has a son that is 10 years old, he recently ran away and is now missing. We tried to get in contact with All Might and Green Tornado, but no comment was given."

"Just in, we just got a recent picture of the boy." The news anchor could be seen shocked and confused. "Are you sure this is the right picture? Have you triple checked it? Okey okey"

"Here is a recent photo of the missing child" A photo of 5 year old Izuku, with green hair and black highlights appeared on the screen, "Due for some reason, the most recent picture we got from the police was him from 5 years ago."

"If you see this boy please call **** ****, and if you're seeing this we all hope you the best. That was it for me and thanks for listening" The news cast disappeared and the show from before started playing again.


Everyone around the table turned around to see Izuku, sitting at the end of the table he was smirking maniacally. Before saying "Damn my assumption was spot on".

Everyone looked at Izuku dumbfounded before he continued "Before I ran away, I left two letters. One of which explained my situation, and in that letter I wrote a deduction. That they wouldn't notice that I left before today or yesterday."

Orochimaru and Madara looked at each other before stating "How fucked up are your parents?", with Izuku answering with a soft and dangerous voice "Enough for me to break their lives".

The rest of the week Izuku was taught more jutsu hand signs, with pop quizzes here and there. While Toga was being taught medical ninjutsu by Orochimaru, and she had also mastered tree walking by the end of the week

It was finally time to remove the bandage around Izuku's head. Madara was slowly removing it, so that Izuku's eyes could slowly adjust to the light in the room. When the bandage was finally off, Izuku opened his eyes and activated Sharingan and then EMS.

Madara looked happily on Izuku and said "It seems like it was a success. Gaining the EMS will give you the powers of the eyes you implanted, while keeping your own". Izuku then looked around and saw Toga nervously waiting, he went up to her and gave her the best hug he could while saying "I'm so happy I can finally see you", which made Toga start whimpering while smiling.

Madara then explained that his MS was controlling the gravity around himself and controlling the gravity of chosen objects. He then showed it by manipulating a 100Kg weight and lifting it with his pinky. He then proceeded to throw it against the wall, making it bounce off, he then did it again but right before contact he reverted it's gravity back to normal, this time the weight made a huge hole in the wall, which then reconstructed itself due to a word jutsu.

He then stated "In the midst of the 4th great ninja war, I used this power to summon two enormous meteors after each other to the battle field". He proceeded with putting Izuku in a genjutsu and showing him what he did.

Izuku was now forced to do the same chakra control as Toga, he focused chakra in his feet and walked up the tree on his first try, this might be through all the concentrating training he did with Madara.

Izuku and Toga were then asked to walk on water, which made Izuku look dumbfounded on their teachers, before seeing Toga being able to do it for a few seconds before falling into the water.

It took them 1 week to master walking on moving water, the last test was walking on the ocean where there were waves and movement all the time. When they mastered it, it was time for them to learn a new jutsu, they were learning 'Shadow Clone Jutsu'.

Shadow clone jutsu is a very resourceful jutsu, which gives it user a lot of advantages. Some of which is that when the clone disperse, all it's knowledge will be given to the main body. So if you and a clone train for 1 hour, you will end up gaining 2 hours of experience.

While learning the jutsu, both Kurama and Matatabi had both agreed with Orochimaru's proposal. They both wanted to be sealed inside them, to travel, fight and protect them.

After mastering the jutsu, Madara and Orochimaru sealed the tailed beasts within their bodies, but both chose to keep the seal unsealed.

The rest of the month was used to summon hundreds of clones, and let them spar with Madara and Orochimaru to gain fighting experience. Meanwhile Izuku and Toga were training their bodies, since clones wouldn't help their muscles, it just gives them experience.

Before the week was over, Izuku had already been missing a whole month. As a celebration he was beaten to a bloody pump by both sensei's, but he wasn't sad he was smiling, for he knew he was getting faster and stronger.

Posted 9. January 2021
1261 words

~Author note~
I hope the news anchor thingy seems realistic hahaha, and I'm gonna try to rush the training arc.

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