The Murders Committed. (A rob...

Av Alex_Flicker

6.8K 193 395

30 people wake up on this farm. They all introduce themselves, unaware of what will happen to them. They noti... Mer

Character Cast
Chapter 1: The Introduction
Chapter 2: Overused Accusations
Chapter 4: Crushed Alibis
new cover
Chapter 5: Traitor
Chapter 6: First aid!
Chapter 7: Death Order
Chapter 8: Strength In Numbers
Chapter 9: Watching
Chapter 10: Spiteful Fights and Investigator Logic
Chapter 11: When will i be out of this place?!
Chapter 12: Theyre a psychopathic hypocrite.
Chapter 13: Special Incident
Chapter 14: Struck Down
Chapter 15: Despair
Chapter 16: Rip and Tear
Chapter 17: The Cause of Chaos
Chapter 18: Investigation of the Investigator
Chapter 19: The Twins Turned The Tables
Chapter 20: Psychic visions?
Chapter 21: Read the Room
Chapter 22: Masterminds and the Mastermind
Chapter 23: Forgive, and DONT forget.
Chapter 24: Alibis and Arguments
Chapter 25: Suspense

Chapter 3: Denied

298 9 11
Av Alex_Flicker


"The house believes Miguel is the murderer."

Miguel says nothing. He just stands there.

"The conclusion is..."

"Maybe we were correct..." Liza mutters.


"Maybe..." Mary mutters back

"Incorrect. The murderer remains on the loose."

"Idiots..." Miguel whispers under his breath.

"Miguel, you may now leave the farm through the gate."

Miguel sighs. "At least it's better than dying here." We all watch through the window of the house as he walks through the gate. But right before he takes a step through the gate, lasers pop up in front of the open gate and burn his body. And he tries to run away from the farm, but a glass box comes up out of the ground trapping him inside. He tries to break the glass by banging on it, but it just burns his hands more. The glass box starts to slowly close in on him, crushing his bones. The glass box retracts and I look away. I don't even want to see that.

"That's... horrible." Jojo murmurs. I nod my head in agreement.

"Hello again! So for this round, instead of playing normally, I would like to add a twist! So there are going to be flicker coins. You can find them anywhere around the entire campus. For 1 flicker coin, you can buy a lantern to see better during the night. For 5 flicker coins, you can cast a single anonymous vote through the speaker that will count at voting time. Lastly, for ten flicker coins, you may heal somebody in the night just like the medic does. This advantage may only be used once per night by one person each night, and the medic and murderer cannot use it."

I stare at the camera, in shock. The innocents already have an advantage with it being a twenty-seven versus one situation, with special roles too. Hmm... I feel like the speaker has some sort of plan here. They wouldn't be giving us an extra advantage.

"Oh yeah, and also, these advantages will only be available on certain nights. The lantern will always be available, but the vote and heal will only be usable when I announce that it is."

Oh okay there's the twist. Of course.

"Tonight is not one of those nights, however."

"Yep I expected that." Ash says, clearly not impressed.

"Maybe it was Lara." Colleen says.

"Wh- what!? That's outrageous! Why would I be the killer?" Lara says, clearly angry because she was accused.

"On the night of the party you were acting really weird. You barely talked to a single person." Colleen counters.

"That was for personal reasons!" Lara defends herself.

"No wait, I can tell you that's true. That was definitely personal reasons. I don't know if Lara would be comfortable sharing it so I won't share either." Annie backs Lara up.

"Thank you, Annie." Lara thanks Annie for defending her.

"Well, the psychic could just still check Lara." Kai points out. Colleen nods her head in agreement.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Colleen agrees with Kai.

"So right now our biggest suspect is Lara?" Charlie chimes in. "Sorry, I haven't been paying much attention." He adds on.

"Just making sure, if the psychic knows Lara is the murderer just say it out loud. If we vote her off she can't kill you, right?" Austin alerts everybody.

"Flick... flick..."

The light above us flickers. Off, on. Off, on. Off, on.

"Flick... Flick..."

It goes off and on again and then turns off and doesn't flicker back on.

"It's 2 a.m. The lights flicker out and you all scurry in panic."

"It's time for the murderer to play."

Ash and I run up the stairs into his room and shut the door.

"So. Are you a special role?" I ask him.

"Nope. Just a survivor. What about you?" He responds to me.

"Nope, same as you. Kind of like being a survivor. You don't have everybody depending on you." I answer his query.


Everybody runs away from the table. This time, I would like to get a quick kill and then maybe an alibi. Maybe I should kill Lara? Because she's being checked by the psychic and I can waste the check? Hmm... no. Maybe him? No. He's too much of a potential suspect. I'll keep him in until he starts to help too much. Could I kill her? Yeah. Let's go for her. I think I saw her run outside? Let's go check. I leave the table area and find the door. I open the door and close it behind me. I see a couple people here. I look around a minute for my target, until I find her. She's with another person I don't recognize behind the outhouse. Although I believe the person is Alex. I climb the ladder onto the barn, and I can see them from above.

"I'm going to the bathroom." The person I don't recognize says, walking away.

Perfect time to strike. I climb down the ladder and grab my blade out of my pocket. My target sees me, and gives me a friendly hello. I'm not sure she noticed who I was though. She walks into the outhouse, and I follow silently. Until I grab her back and dunk her head down into the outhouse toilet water. I hear her trying to scream but I just hold her head under. She tries to kick me off of her, but it doesn't work. She keeps trying to fight back, until she just stops. Maybe she's dead now? I check for a pulse and there isn't one. Nice. I quickly run from the body to try to find an alibi.

I run into somebody on the way from the crime scene, but I don't think they paid much attention to who I was. Perfect.


"You wanna go explore, Ash? It isn't really a risk since the murderer cannot kill 2 people at once, and we aren't twins." I say. Ash nods his head with agreement, but right as we were about to leave our room, the light in the room turns on.

"Flick... flick..."

The light above us turns on and doesn't flicker back out.

"You hear the power generator turning back on."

"Players arise from their slumber"

"Ahhhhh!!" Ash and I hear a scream from outside. We run down the stairs and run outside. There's nothing here. Just a couple people.

"Guys, come quick! Somebody is dead!" We hear from behind the barn. We run through the barn and see Kai standing in front of the outhouse, looking at a body.

"Oh my! It appears one has died!"

"Yeah, well no shit." Ash mutters.

"The murderer has killed Rosalie. The dead victim was drowned in the outhouse."

"Oh god..." says Jackson, chewing on a muffin from the muffin man.

"I have news from our Investigator as to who they believe the murderer is."

"Investigator better be right this time." Dan mutters

"The investigator believes the murderer is Annie."

"What!?" Annie yells, angry to be accused by the investigator.

End of chapter. Word count:1177

Oof rip short chapter

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