WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stil...

By -despressos

108K 3.4K 3.9K

ON HIATUS If there was one thing known about Haven Salazar, it was that she would do anything for Scott McCal... More



1.6K 59 49
By -despressos

70 COMMENTS + 5 tiktok followers on lifeofmaliyah and sourwolves! more info on that in the author's note!



"Why didn't you tell me before?" Scott asked Melissa as he walked face paced with Haven next to him.

"Honestly? I was hoping that I didn't have to,"

"Everything you've been doing—the extra reading, the summer school saving up for the bike, even though it scares me half to death. Honey, I just didn't wanna disrupt a good rhythm," Melissa said.

"I'm not gonna stop. I-I'm gonna be better this year. A better student, a better son, a better friend, and better everything. I promise."

There was a pause, the son and mother duo staring at one another.

"Okay," nodded Melissa. "He's in room 215, if he isn't already in surgery."

"Surgery? On a werewolf?" questioned Haven, quirking up an eyebrow at Scott, who only nodded and thanked his mom, before rushing away.

Haven stopped before they got in the elevator, her phone going off in her pocket. She saw Stiles' name, turning around to take the call.

"Haven? Are you and Scott okay?" Stiles asked on the other side of the phone.

"Why wouldn't we be okay?" Haven asked.

"Birds just flew into the classroom," Stiles replied. "Like... a hundred of them, crashing into the window and just offing themselves. Shattered the windows and everything."

"What?!" Haven exclaimed. "A-are you okay? No, screw that, I'm coming back."

"What about Isaac?" Stiles asked.

Haven looked up at Scott, who was listening in to the conversation. They merely nodded, before parting ways. Scott went to find Isaac, and Haven left to get back to Stiles.


Haven rushed in to the classroom, hearing police chatter on the radios, students looked traumatized and broken glass everywhere. Moving over the damage slowly, she saw Stiles.

"Sti!" she yelled, rushing over to where he was sitting on top of one of the tables.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself into his shoulder. Her hand went to his newly grown out hair. His arms were at his side for a moment, shocked that she had embraced him so hard. He wrapped his arms back around her, one of his hands going into her hair.

"What about Isaac?" Stiles asked once she pulled away.

"Isaac has Scott," she replied, shrugging. "So, you get me."

She stood off next to him, leaning against his shoulder with an arm wrapped around his arm. Stiles looked down at her with wide eyes, trying to conceal a smile on his face.

"Do you have to stay here or can we leave?" she asked, pulling him closer to her.

"Yeah, I just need to call Scott, update him on everything," he said, standing up from the desk.

"Okay," she nodded, stepping away from him.

They made their way out of the police infested school towards the Jeep, and Stiles caught her up on how his dad asked Argent if he knew anything about the birds because he had overheard Stiles calling him a skilled hunter.

"We have to be more careful with how loud we talk at your house," Haven muttered, getting into the passenger seat of the Jeep.


"What does it mean?" Haven asked, staring seriously at her godbrother.

She stood next to Stiles, looking at the marking on the door that Scott had revealed, which Derek obviously had covered up.

"The birds at school, and the deer last night..." Scott trailed off, connecting the dots. "Just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the alpha..."

"How many are there?" Haven asked Derek, stepping closer to him with a serious expression. "How much trouble are we in right now, Derek?"

He sighed, and looked at her, "A pack of 'em."

Her eyes widened. "Deucalion? Ennis?" she questioned, memories in her mind of the other alphas that had been around when Talia Hale was still alive. "The alpha pack?"

Derek merely nodded, looking away from her.

"Why didn't you say something?" she asked. "Tell my mom or something?"

"Merced just got out of the hospital not too long ago!"

"And not having this kind of information can put her right back!" Haven yelled.

Stiles and Scott inched forward, Stiles grabbing onto her arm.

"They're dangerous, Der," she said softly, calming down. "Look at what they did to Isaac. To their own packs. Just imagine what they can do to ours... what do you know?"

"I know they have Boyd and Erica," Derek admitted. "Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for Deucalion for the last four months."

Scott stepped in front of Haven, taking over the conversation. "Let's say you find them, how do you deal with an alpha pack?"

"With all the help I can get," Derek replied.

Stiles looked up, realization dawning upon him that they would be getting themselves involved in yet another battle. He crossed his arms, seeming upset with the circumstances. 

Haven grabbed his arms, tugging them apart and replacing their place at his chest with herself, wrapping her arms around the obviously upset boy. 

"Where is she?" sounded behind them, and the four of them looked over to see that Isaac was awake now, shirt off. "Where's the girl?"

Derek looked at Scott, Stiles, and Haven, who had no idea what that meant, and then back to Isaac. "What girl?"


"So, are you talking to Allison yet?" Scott asked Haven.

It was rare when the two of them got to hang out like they used to. It was almost bittersweet for Haven, sitting there in her room with Scott, by herself, like she had wanted for years, but to not be excited as she once was. Now, it was just nice to be able to be around her friend. 

"Not really," she shook her head. "You?"

He shook his as well.

Haven sat on her bed, her binder on her lap to act as a fake desk while Scott sat at her real one.

"Do you miss her?" Haven asked Scott.

"Yeah," he nodded sadly. "But I respect her decision to want space. You?"

"Yeah," she admitted. "I know she feels bad about that night we saved Jackson, and I know four months is a long time to be mad at one of your best friends but... I watched her stab Isaac a bunch of times. I don't think I'd forgive her if she stabbed Stiles, so what's different just because Isaac can heal himself?"

"That is the difference, I guess," shrugged Scott. "She knew she wasn't killing him."

The door to her bedroom swung open, zero knocks or warnings of the intruder, startling Haven and Scott. Haven glared, picking up a pillow and tossing it at him. 

"Hey!" Stiles whined, throwing the pillow back onto the bed. 

"Stiles!" she scolded. "Knock next time, Jesus!"

"What? Was I interrupting a moment?" he asked nervously, starring between his two best friends awkwardly.

"Ew," Haven said.

"Gross," Scott added.

"Okay..." Stiles trailed off. "Anyways, let's go?" He pointed behind himself. "To that party I told you guys about?"

"Heaven's birthday?" Haven questioned.

"Heather," he corrected her.

She sighed, putting down her homework. "Let's go to this party."


Haven walked in between Stiles and Scott as they rambled on together, Scott talking about how it was weird to go to another school's party and Stiles defending that it was his childhood friend's.

"I'm surprised you had other friends beside me and Scott," teased Haven, linking her arm with his.

"Hey!" he said, insulted. "You're no one to talk, you hid a whole supernatural world from us."

"Seven year old Stiles would never been able to grasp the concept of witches and werewolves," she muttered back.

"Sixteen year old Scott still has trouble with it," Scott added humorously, talking about himself in third person.

"I went to nursery school with this girl. She promised to introduce us to some of her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia, and definitely no Isaac," Stiles said. "Tonight we are moving on."

As he spoke, Scott looked down at his phone. Allison's contact photo came up, a missed call from her on his phone.

"You're right," Scott said, putting his phone in his pocket.

"That's right I'm right," Stiles smiled.

"Nope," Haven shook her head, wrapping her arms around Stiles'. "You're not really expecting me to go in there and flirt with some random guys, do you? No sir, you are staying by my side the entire night."

Scott smiled fondly at the two of them as Stiles pretended to hate the idea of having to stick with Haven instead of talk to girls.

"Sorry, you brought me here, you stay with me," she said. "You'll have to fight for my honor if any drunk guy tries to hit on me."

"I'm one hundred forty pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, sarcasm is my only defense, I don't think my sarcasm can protect you from drunk guys," he shook his head.

"Figure something out."



· when do you think is a good time for haven to forgive allison?

· cora is coming up soon, how do you think her reunion with haven will go?

· in the next chapter comes the girl who tried to have sex with stiles, how do we think that's going to go?

· who wants to see more isaac?

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