Give me Anything but Signals...

By Imalittlelost3

28K 804 366

Corrine's back! And she's here to win the million, and maybe figure out Duncan's feelings for her. One proble... More

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The Aftermath III: Owen or Lose (Short)
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The Sand Witch Project

1.2K 34 16
By Imalittlelost3

Last time on Total Drama Action, a girl with a vision. A vision that took her past everyday thinking. But when the chips were down, and even when the chips were back up again, she was the only one who could rescue them. Searching for a cure for the disease afflicting her dearest friends. A challenge was won, a cure found. But, it's time to put our snacks away, kiddos. Because after this totally terrifying episode, there won't be a stomach left unturned. Hold on to your buckets, it's time for Total Drama Action!

The teens were enjoying the warm day, as they didn't seem to have a challenge and had begun to relax. Duncan and Justin were kicking around a soccer ball, doing their best to dodge DJ, who was sleeping in the grass. Heather and Corrine were laying down, sunbathing while Lindsay and Beth munched on some egg sandwiches. The others were playing card games, and stealing Lindsay and Beth's sandwiches.

"Owen!" Beth exclaimed. "Stop stealing my sammies!"

"What are you talking about?" Owen laughed out, sending crumbs flying out of his mouth.

"You disgust me, Owen," Leshawna said between chewing.

"Yeah," Heather agreed, taking a bite from one of the sandwiches. "What kind of pig are you?"

"Are you all eating them?" Beth asked accusingly and the teens nodded.

"Chef's food has gotten really good lately," Justin defeated and Beth huffed, feeling defeated.

"But I was the one that stole those for me and Lindsay!"

"Oh, hush," Corrine said, opening one of her eyes to look at her. "You know I was the one that stole them for you two, and I don't care that the others are eating them. Chill out, four eyes. You're killing our good moods."

Beth backed down and took a seat with Lindsay, enjoying the sunshine as they ate their food.

"This is fun, huh, bestie?" Beth said to Lindsay. "Imagine if there was no challenge today."

"Oh my gosh," Lindsay gushed. "We could totally just hang out and braid each other's hair. I would love that, bestie."

"Some of us are actually trying to keep up our strength to win the competition," Heather interjected, grabbing a few more sandwiches and sitting back down, handing two to Corrine.

"Here," She said.

"Thanks," Corrine bit into a sandwich, humming happily. "What's got you all nice all of a sudden?"

"I don't know," Heather shrugged. "You're one of the least annoying people here. And I'm sure you know I'm trying to ally with you, might as well suck up."

"I can respect that," Corrine decided, pulling her sunglasses back over her eyes.

"Attention all Total Drama victims!" Chris announced over the loudspeaker. "Please meet me in the northeast corner of the studio Palooza! Bring lozenges, the screaming's gonna hurt!"

"There is a challenge," Beth gulped out, turning to a sad Lindsay. "Just promise we can still do the hair braiding?"

"I think I'll do a French," Lindsay suggested, making the girl smile.

The teens walked over to the palooza, filled with different types of camera equipment, and no Chris.

"We walk all the way here and Lieutenant Slick can't even be bothered to show up?" Heather complained.

"Maybe he's racked up too much overtime figuring out different ways to torture us," Justin suggested, making Corrine snort.

"Well, would you look at that? You finally said something relatively smart, pretty boy. Keep it up and your head will explode."

Justin glared over at her, opening his mouth to snap back when a scream from Chris interrupted them. He fell from stage framing and onto a light, sending blood everywhere and impaling the host. The teens began to scream in terror, Corrine wrapping her arms around Duncan, who shielded her away while trembling violently. The screams slowly died out and Justin shook his hand in front of Chris' lifeless eyes.

"Guess the producers don't like paying overtime," Justin weakly joked out in an attempt to calm down.

"I'm worth every dime!" Chris explained, putting his tongue back in his mouth and sitting up. Duncan let go of Corrine, looking at Chris in disappointment.

"Awe, man," He complained. "I was gonna call dibs on your boat."

"It's the magic of cinema, boys, and girls!" Chris chortled, pulling the top of the light off his body. "I'm absolutely, perfectly, Chris-ally, fine! Wanna see how it's done?"

"No," The teens all said, still recovering from the trauma they were just given.

"Our crackerjack effects team seals fake blood into a thin membrane of plastic called a squib," Chris began, ignoring the kids. "This little baby bursts on impact. An old fashion optical illusion helps sell that I've been impaled."

"What about the lifeless, dead eyes?" Corrine asked. "How'd you do that?"

"Oh, that's just my eyes," Chris said, jumping off the pole.

"Can we just get on with this," Duncan said, annoyed that he was covered in fake blood.

"I can't believe that you're unscareable," Lindsay said, looking down at Beth.

"I did on the inside," Beth explained. "I just can't do it on the outside."

"Huh?" Lindsay asked, confused.

"When I was ten, and they were doing my tonsillectomy, there was a freak accident and the doctor's earring fell in my throat. Can't scream worth a darn."

"Get out!" Lindsay rasped out in shock.

"Serious," Beth confirmed

"Time for today's totally terrifying, blood-curdling horror movie challenge!" Chris exclaimed. "To figure out which team gets which challenge, a scream-off! Think of every great horror movie you've ever seen."

"Oh my gosh," Izzy interrupted. "Did you guys see the one with the possessed rug that learns to walk and smothers cats? Or did I make that up?"

"All horror movies have one thing in common," Chris continued. "Fantastic screaming from the actors. And the killers who snuff them. Each team, pick a serial killer. The rest of you will be screamers. If your serial killer can make you scream the loudest, your team wins!"

The two teams separated and debated who would be the killer.

"You guys have gotta let me be the killer, " Justin said, holding up the hockey mask. "The mask offers good protection for my beautiful face."

"Okay, but I am the better scarer," Izzy argued. "My own dog is terrified of me."

"Hey, you guys?" Lindsay tried to suggest. "Um, Beth-"

"Later Lindsay," Justin said. "I wanna be the killer, okay, and that's it!"

Corrine lightly pushed Lindsay forward, encouraging her to speak.

"Come on, Linds," Corrine cheered. "You can do it, just speak up."

"But look at my scary face!" Izzy babbled out and Lindsay pushed her aside.

"Beth is going to be our serial killer and that's that!" Lindsay ordered. "Beth's a non-screamer. We have to have her as the killer or we're going down!"

Corrine patted her on the back, glad that she was finally standing up for herself.

"Can I just tell you that felt so delicious," Lindsay confessed. "It was almost better than being pretty. Well, almost."

The teens were taken to a stage that was built to resemble a dark forest and the first round began.

"All right," Chris said from his director's chair. "Justin and Harold, prepare yourselves for your killers to enter! And then, I want huge, massive, ginormous screams! We'll be measuring the volume on our scream-o-meter! Lights, camera, action!"

Justin turned his back to Chris, pretending to not be paying attention as Beth snuck up on him.

"Boo!" She exclaimed and Justin let out a half-hearted scream.

"Aah! I'm so scared!" He 'shouted' and the meter filled up to three.

"I'm so sorry," Justin said with a head shake. "I just can't risk my pipes any further. What good is a face like this without my warm, yet manly tones to back it up?"

Harold went next and was easily scared by DJ, who was scared by Chef to the point that he was scary. He let out a girlish scream, falling onto his butt and curling into a fetal position.

"We have a solid fifty on the scream-o-meter," Chris confirmed. "Let's notch one up for DJ, Harold, and the Screaming Gaffers!"

The next scene placed Leshawna and Lindsay in a port-a-potty, much to their chagrin.

"There is some serious indignity going on in this scenario," Leshawna complained. "I mean, I'm being filmed on the potty!"

"That was an accidental tinkle last season," Lindsay explained from another potty. "I'm not doing it again. And how am I supposed to be scared when I know Beth is coming in any minute and she's not scary at-"

Beth burst through the door, shouting with all her might and flailing her arms back and forth.

Lindsay let out a terrified scream that was made to be put in a horror movie, and her bladder seemed to be terrified too, as she began to pee.

Back with DJ, he had busted open the door but was too embarrassed to try and scare Leshawna.

"Oh, I'm sorry," DJ stuttered out. "I busted in on your private moment. Boy, is my face red."

"You wanna win?" Leshawna asked and he nodded. "Then do the scene, DJ!"

He let out a light roar, curling his hand like a lion and Leshawna watched him, letting out a laugh.

"I'm sorry," She chuckled. "I'm sorry, I just, I'm supposed to be afraid of this marshmallow? This big ol' kitten of a DJ?"

"And that's round two to Beth, Lindsay, and the Killer Grips. With a pee-fueled eighty-five on the scream-o-meter!"

The next group of Teens was sent to a cabin scene, holding a couch where the teens were to sit and make out.

"Hubba hubba," Owen said seductively to Izzy and they quickly smashed their faces together, violently making out.

"Awkward," Chris said, uncomfortable as he watched the two teens kiss.

Unfortunately for Heather and Duncan, they were struggling to even look at each other, never mind kissing.

"I would rather die," Heater decided, shivering in disgust.

"That makes two of us, lady," Duncan agreed, crossing his arms.

"Don't forget, kiddies," Chris said, popping up behind the couch. "It's a million bucks!"

The teens gulped, closing their eyes and pressing their lips together hesitantly, before quickly back away in disgust.

"You taste like street!" Heather exclaimed as Duncan spit a little, scrubbing at his lips.

DJ used that as the perfect time to pop up with a machete, growling with a deep voice.

Unfortunately, the teens didn't even spare him a scream, as they were arguing.

Beth was also struggling to scare Izzy and Owen, as they continued to make out while she waved around her knife.

"I'm gonna chop you into teriyaki bits!" She exclaimed and Owen let out a weak yelp before returning kissing Izzy.

"Um, guys?" she asked and they ignored her.

Disappointed, she dropped the knife and jumped off the couch; she dropped her head and sat against the back of the couch.

Back with Heather and Duncan, Chef decided to take things into his own hands, coming at the teens with a chainsaw and crazed laugh.

Heather, Duncan, and DJ all let out screams in terror, jumping and hiding behind the couch as they watched Chef with wide eyes. DJ let out a squeal before his eyes fluttered shut and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Well," Chris said, walking onto the stage. "We were gonna give Corrine a chance to break the tiebreaker, but it looks like DJ and the well-named Screaming Gaffers have won this round, seeing as they buried this needle. Join us after the break to see if DJ is alive!"

The teens all gathered around DJ after he was set on the couch, waiting for him to wake up.

"I think he's saying something," Beth said, worried. Corrine left the group and went over to the intern's first aid kit, rummaging around until she found a smelling salt.

"Mama?" DJ muttered, still fighting consciousness.

Corrine snapped the smelling salts, walking up to DJ and waving it in front of his nose; he jetted up, breathing heavily.

"I need to see Chef!" He exclaimed and Heather smacked him, shaking her hand at the sting.

"Heather!" Leshawna exclaimed, shocked.

"What?" She asked. "He's talking crazy."

"Chef's in a meeting with the producers," Chris explained. "A disciplinary meeting. He's in trouble! Not allowed to mess with the challenges."

"I knew something was up!" Leshawna predicting, crossing her arms with a disappointed look.

"You're like Albert Einstein," Harold complimented her. "But with better hair and girl bits."

The teens and Chris all turned to Harold, disgusted with his attempt at a compliment; it was silent for a moment.

"Moving right along," Chris said slowly. "It's time to pack those overnight bags, loser Grips. You and your sleeping bags are spending the night in the dining hall. Gaffer winners, back to the comfort of the trailers for a little R and R. I'll see you there in a half-hour."

The teens made their way back to the trailers and the Gaffers grabbed their sleeping bags, pillows, extra clothes, and whatever else they wanted to take with them before heading to the Craft Services Tent.

Corrine laid out her black sleeping bag, pillow, and bunny next to Linday before sitting in the circle around Chris while he called over Owen and Izzy.

"Would you guys mind joining us?" Chris asked rhetorically, annoyed at the teens. They quickly sat down and he continued.

"I'm about to tell you why this film lot was abandoned."

"Because it's a death trap?" Justin suggested and Corrine snorted; she was willing to admit that he could be funny sometimes, but that didn't change her distaste for him.

"Hush, my child," Chris shushed. "This film lot is perfectly safe. But in the other dimension..."

He grabbed a flashlight and held it under his chin, darkening the contours of his face and making Owen gasp out.

"Juanina Ritacca," Chris began with a lowered voice. "A designated security guard who worked here for twenty-five loyal years until her mysterious death right here, on this very spot!"

He pointed right next to himself, scaring Beth and Lindsay, who held each other close.

"Now, her desperate and uneasy spirit walks the lot. No one has ever managed to spend a whole night in this Craft Service Tent."

"Because they were killed by falling sets?" Justin asked and Chris glared over at him.

"Because of the haunting!" He turned off the flashlight and put it in his pocket. "Your task? Spend the whole night here without leaving this tent. If you manage to do so, your team gets invincibility and nobody goes home."

Chris gestured over to a table covered with various ghost hunting equipment, including an Ouija Board.

"Track any psychic phenomenon using these ghost meters. And just in case..."

He handed Beth a key chain flashlight.

"Gee, thanks," She deadpanned.

He took his leave and Corrine turned to her teammates with a smirk on her face.

"All right, I think we can all agree that that story was terrible."

Justin and Izzy nodded in agreement.

"Who wants to hear a good one?"

Chris met up with the Gaffers, who were sitting around the fire and waiting for their instructions.

"The Killer Grips are sitting in the Craft Services Tent, like sitting ducks," He began. "Your task is to make like special effect gurus, and frighten the pants off them. Or at least scare them enough to get them out of the tent before dawn."

"How are we supposed to scare them?" Heather asked, annoyed that the challenge wasn't over.

"It's your call," Chris said. "But if you get them out, your team wins invincibility and nobody goes home. Oh, just so you know, I told them some cockamamie story about a security guard who dies on set."

Chris walked off and let the teens to their own devices.

"How are we gonna pull this off?" DJ asked Duncan and Leshawna.

"Just turn out the lights," Leshawna snorted. "Beth's afraid of her own shadow."

"Yeah," Duncan agreed. "Corrine will be the real challenge, she told me about how her mom would tell her scary stories so she would behave. She's desensitized to the stuff."

Meanwhile, Ms. Desensitized was reaching the end of her story, and had succeeded in creeping the teens out.

"So," She ended. "If you are ever walking home from school, and the sun starts to set, you better run as fast as you can. Because if you don't, the Aobōzu will chase you down and get you!"

The teens watched as she stood up with a stretch and sat down on one of the benched, pulling out a deck of cards.

"Anyone wanna play?" She asked and they nodded quickly, rushing to the bench around her.

"That was a good story," Justin said shakily. "Where did you hear it from?"

"My mom moved here from Japan when she was fifteen," Corrine explained. "Her mom would tell her that story as a kid to make sure she got home before sunset and stayed out of the fields, so my mom did the same to make sure I behaved."

Back with the Gaffers, Harold had taken charge and built a little ghost that he attached to a fishing pool.

"Now the Magnificent Harold is ready to scare our opponents into submission with the phantasm ball!"

He held up the cloth and Duncan looked at it, unimpressed.

"I can't believe we're putting our team's fate in the hands of The Great Dorko," He told Leshawna, feeling quite defeated.

"You will quake, mortal, before all I've learned at Magic Steve's Magic Camp. Behold!"

He waved the fake ghost around in front of a light that shined through the Tent, making the perfect shadow.

"Do you have a seven?" Owen asked Lindsay and she gasped in delight.

"How do you always know?" She asked, handing it to him. "It's like you're psychotic."

Beth let out a wheeze and Lindsay nodded in agreement, looking over at her.

"I know, right, Beth?" She said, "Owen's totally got SNP!"

She wheezed again, pointing over to the other side of the tent and pointing out what seemed to be a ghost. The teens let out screams, running for the exit while Corrine and Lindsay watched the ghost meter.

"Wait!" Lindsay said but was ignored.

"I said 'Wait!" She screamed out louder, making the teens stop in their tracks.

"The ghost meters aren't reading a thing!" She held it out and showed them while Corrine walked up to the 'ghost" and yanked it down with little effort, much to Harold's embarrassment; she pulled the cloth, exposing a soccer ball.

"Oh my gosh!" Beth said in surprise. "It's just a trick!"

"I am really grooving on this suggesting business," Lindsay confessed. "I think it totally fits me! With Trent out of the game, I'm kind of leading my team. How do you like me now, Heather?"

Duncan, who was watching the team calm down, walked over to Harold and kicked him hard in the chin; he fell to the ground in a heap, groaning.

"You stuck a hook in my soccer ball?" Harold raised a finger, breathing heavily.

"It was all in the name of magic!" He defended. "You have to admit it was quite-- oof!"

His air was taken from him as Duncan kicked him again, furious.

"Zip it, Harry Houd-weenie! I'm taking charge now."

He led them off to the kitchen and pulled out a bowl, corn syrup, Ketchup, and food coloring. He poured the whole bottle of maple syrup into the bowl and added a mix of red, blue, and brown food coloring.

"Hmm," He said, dipping a finger in the bowl and tasting it. "Not scabby enough, it needs more corn syrup."

"I'll get it," DJ said, walking to the pantry.

"Respect, Duncan," Leshawna praised. "It really looks like blood."

"Devil's night, my brother and I used to wait outside kindergarten with this goop dripping off us," He explained with a grin. "One year, I gave a dozen five-years olds seizures."

"And respect deleted," Leshawna decided.

"Do you have a ten?" Beth asked Justin, who was the only one left in the game.

"Maybe," He said, "Care to make it interesting."

He looked above Beth's head and let out a shout, gaining the attention of the others; who all began to run towards the exit. Well, except for Lindsay and Corrine, who inspected the blood.

"Wait," Lindsay said, looking at the ghost meter. "What do you smell?"

"Fear!" Owen exclaimed. "And fear smells like... ketchup?"

"Exactly," Lindsay said. "Lick the wall, Owen."

He shook his head as he inched closer to the bloody wall.

"I said, lick the walls, Owen!" She ordered with a crazed look in her angry eyes.

"Wow," Izzy said in shock. "When you're freaking me out, it's time to cash in the chips."

Owen sighed and liked the wall, pausing before licking at the wall vigorously.

"Mm, tasty!"

Heather, who was watching Owen lick the wall through a crack, and was completely covered in fake blood looked down at her team in irritation.

"Anyone else have any brilliant ideas?" She asked. "Anybody who's not Duncan?"

"DJ hasn't said anything," Leshawna said. "And anybody that quiet's gotta be thinking something."

"I don't like scaring people," DJ said. "Mama says it's not gentlemanly and-"

"Well, mama ain't here, is she?" Leshawna interrupted.

"And Papa Duncan wants to win and go to bed. So?" Duncan continued, gesturing for him to continue.

The Gaffers had restarted another game, minus Corrine, who was painting her toenails, when the lights cut out.

"Give me all your twos!" Lindsay had ordered when the blackout occurred.

"Um, is it okay if I give you my twos later?" Beth squeaked out.

Corrine closed her nail polish, fanning her painted toes as she looked around the tent in suspicion. The teens crowded around each other in worry, looking around for the perpetrator.

"Remember, guys," Lindsay said. "This is just Chris trying to scare us, and Lindsay's team doesn't give up!"

"Lindsay's team?" Izzy asked as ghostly cries rang around the tent; Izzy screamed out in terror as what looked to be a ghost of a security guard flew across the tent.

"It's a poltergeist!" Owen screamed, running off.

"Wait!" Lindsay said. "The meter still isn't going off!"

Suddenly, the meter glowed a bright fire-engine red, the alarm blaring; Lindsay threw the meter and ran out of the tent, screaming, leaving only Corrine standing.

"Heather," She spoke up to the security guard. "You can come down now, you won."

"And that's how we win it!" Leshawna cheered out as she and Duncan entered the tent; Corrine gave Duncan a fist bump.

"I'll admit, you guys killed it."

"Well, I caught the last of the story you told them. You deserve some credit," Leshawna said and she chuckled.

"Are you okay, DJ?" Heather asked as he watched her swing with a forlorn expression.

"Hello?" She asked. "Are you gonna help me?"

Corrine turned back to Leshawna and Duncan with a sharp inhale.

"Well," She sighed. "I should probably head off to the Gilded Chris. Hopefully, I'll see you guys later."

They nodded, giving her a high five and she walked off towards the amphitheater. She grabbed her voting monitor and took her seat, quickly tapping on the screen as she decided who she wanted gone.

"And now," Chris said, donned in his blue suit. "Fraidy-cat Grips, it's time to announce who will not win a Gilded Chris this week! Who deserves to go home bitterly disappointed, with tears in their eyes? And the Gilded Chris goes to Beth, Corrine, Izzy, Owen."

He tossed the chocolate awards to the teens, leaving two to be chosen from.

"Still on the chopping block, Lindsay and Justin."

"What?" Lindsay asked. "Why would people be mad at me? Beth?"

"You were a little... bossy," Beth explained, looking down at her.

"Hello, it's called leadership."

"And the final Gilded Chris goes to-"

"Stop!" DJ interrupted, walking onto the stage with the rest of his teammates. "I'm gonna do what I should've done long ago! Make mama proud! I'm voting myself off."

"DJ!" Chef barked, walking over to DJ and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Heh, why don't you and I have a chat before you do anything stupid."

"No Chef!" DJ yelled. "I'm not listening to you anymore! Chef and me... we had an illegal alliance."

The teens all gasped, feeling betrayed. Corrine couldn't believe it; DJ was such a fair and nice guy, who would ever guess he would be in an illegal alliance.

"He's been tutoring me in tough, coaching me in challenges. I'll miss you all."

"Wait!" Owen cried out, running onto the stage.

"You've been cooking all the delicious food?" He asked, tearing up. "The pizza, the cheesecake, the sandwiches?"

"Dude, you can't leave!" Duncan begged, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah!" Justin agreed as the rest of the teens walked onto the stage. "Can't we just vote Chef off instead?"

"Sorry," DJ said. "But I gotta make it right... for mama."

The teens cooed and watched with sad eyes as he walked down the red carpet to the Lame-o-sine.

"Please, can't you still serve food!" Owen begged as he waved goodbye, driving off.

"Well," Corrine started with a frown. "That sucks."


This is kinda off topic but I was just wondering what you guys think the bet Gwen ship is.

Gwen x Duncan?

Gwen x Trent?

Gwen x Courtney?

Gwen x anyone else?

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