Give me Anything but Signals...

By Imalittlelost3

28K 804 366

Corrine's back! And she's here to win the million, and maybe figure out Duncan's feelings for her. One proble... More

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One Flu Over The Cuckoos

1.1K 39 12
By Imalittlelost3

Last time on Total Drama Island; imprisoned in a world they didn't create, forced to ingest deadly foods, and even to taste them twice. Nonetheless, the two courageous teams clawed their way to freedom! And a lonely Chef made a new friend. But prison is no place for traitors. Even cool goth ones. So at the end of the day, it was "Goodbye Gwen, hello...Izzy?" Yeah, Izzy. That girl is eight shades of nutty. Will she drive everyone else crazy too? Find out on Total Drama Action!

The teens were all walking around that night, still reeling from Gwen's departure while Izzy looked around at everything in wonder.

"Everything is so much smaller than I remember," Izzy laughed out and Corrine rolled her eyes, still sulking from the argument she had with Duncan.

"I still can't believe Gwen made a side deal with the other team," Duncan said to his fellow teammates. "Didn't know she had it in her."

It was clear he was impressed, and it only made Corrine angrier.

"Well, I can't believe they let Izzy back," Heather said. "They totally negated our numbers advantage. And that's the only advantage we had."

"Well, goodnight everybody," Lindsay yawned out, skipping up the steps of the girl's trailer and pulling on the door; yet again, it didn't budge.

"Hey, who locked the door?" Duncan growled out as he pulled on the boy's trailer.

"Wait, let me try it!" Izzy exclaimed, jumping over to the door and slamming her body into it, sending her to the ground.

The teens' struggle was interrupted by the sound of sirens and Izzy gasped, jumping up and putting her hands on her head in a panic.

"Cops!" She screamed out.

An ambulance came rushing in front of the teens, stopping only once to drop off a gurney covered in a blanket.

The teams surrounded the gurney, inspecting it closely without touching it.

"Ew, what is that?" Heather asked. "A dead body?"

"Or an undead body," Duncan suggested with a crazed grin.

Suddenly, the body under the gurney jetted up, making everyone jump back in terror.

"Boo!" Chris exclaimed, laughing out as the teens watched him with fear. Harold fell to the ground at Leshawna's feet, terrified.

"Calm yourselves," Chris said, clearly amused. "No one's dead yet. I'm here to prep you plucky ducks for our most awesome challenge yet." He passed out various textbooks to the teens and dropped a big pile onto the ground.

"These textbooks hold the sum total of eight years of med school. And each one of you gets one because tomorrow, we're gonna play doctor!"

"I hate doctors," Duncan confessed. "They just get off on telling people stuff that they don't wanna hear like, "Don't pick at that scab!" or "If you eat nothing but pickled eggs, you'll die." Hey, don't tell me what I can't eat. Now, playing doctor. Playing doctor I can handle."

"I could be a doctor if I wanted to," Harold said. "I have plenty of hands-on experience, 'cause I've contracted more than three hundred known diseases. And I've been cured of nearly all of them. But there is no known vaccine for loving Leshawa."

"To win this challenge," Chris said as the teens inspected the textbooks. "You're gonna wanna memorize the entire contents of these textbooks. By morning."

"But it's already so late!" Heather protested.

"You got that right!" Chris gestured to his right and Chef drove up in a golf cart, filled with pizza boxes.

"That smells good!" Owen sniffed out, excited.

"It's gotta be a trick," Leshawna accused and Corrine nodded in agreement.

"More like method acting," Chris assured, passing out the pizza boxes. "Med school interns consume eight hundred fifty percent more pizza than the average human. So, dig in. 'Cause there's plenty more where that came from"

Duncan opened up one of the boxes, taking a slice to inspect carefully.

"Looks okay," He sniffed at the cheese in apprehension. "Smells okay."

He took a bite, chewing slowly before swallowing.

"Tastes incredible!"

"How is that even possible!" Heather asked, resting her hands on her hips.

It was possible because DJ had helped Chef make it, although, not by choice; he wanted to go join up with his team, but Chef refused to let him.

The Grips all sat around the fire, reading their textbooks and eating pizza, besides Corrine, whose stomach had felt queasy ever since she and Duncan had fought.

"Hey, Beth?" Justin said, looking up from his textbook. "Do I squint when I read?"

"Oh," She turned red. "I don't know, your shirt's distracting me. Unless you-"

He quickly pulled his shirt off and she began to stammer as she eyed his bare chest.

"I, uh, I'll just read the book to you, spare your beautiful eyes! Ahem, 'Chapter one: Anatomy'. Whoo, is it hot in here?"

She began to fan herself and Corrine rolled her eyes, taking her textbooks and walking to the trailer that Chris had so kindly unlocked; she took a seat on her bunk and began to read.

The Gaffers were studying in the Craft Services Tent; Duncan leaned back in his chair, chewing on his meal.

"This pie is rad!" He exclaimed. "Who knew Chef could rock the 'za?"

"Aren't you gonna eat any, Leshawna?" Harold asked between bites, looking over to the girl studying at the end of the table.

"I love pizza!" Leshawna confessed. "But me and dairy do not 'agree'. And brother, you do not wanna be around for that."

"Well, no pizza for Leshawna means more for us," Duncan said, pulling another box towards him.

"Hey, slow down," Harold stopped him. "DJ hasn't had any."

"Where is DJ?" Heather asked, and DJ popped up at the end of the table.

"I've been here the whole time," DJ stammered out. "Now hand me some pie!"

He took a bite and moaned at the taste.

"Damn good"

"Huh," Leshawna said, standing up and walking towards the trailers. "Well, I'm not gonna just watch y'all eat. Tomorrow's a reward challenge. No need to bust our humps when no one's getting kicked off."

"The lady has a point," Duncan agreed. "I'm out."

"I could've forced them to stay," Heather said to the confessional. "But it's not like they'll help us win. I mean, medical terms? Please. Those two will only come in handy if the challenge is about piercings or tacky tee-shirts."

Leshawna opened the trailer door and was greeted by a focused, but sleepy Corrine.

"Hey, girl," Leshawna said, pulling off her clothes to change into her pajamas.

"Hey," Corrine said, not looking up from the textbook.

"You shouldn't worry too much about memorizing that book," Leshawna said, climbing onto her bunk and taking a seat next to her. "It's just a reward challenge."

She closed the medical psychology book and turned towards her.

"You know what? You're right."

She jumped off the bunk and began to change into her pajamas.

"Hey," Corinne said, looking up at Leshawna as she snuggled up against Corrine's stuffed bunny. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, girl."

"Why aren't you mad at me about my team making Gwen throw the challenges?"

"Oh, come on," Leshawna snorted. "I know you! And I saw you arguing with Justin. I'm sure that you did your best to keep them from blackmailing her."

Corrine pouted.

"I really did."

"You know, I was talking to Duncan earlier about an alliance with Harold, and I was thinking, maybe when the teams merge, you could be part of the alliance too."

Corrine let out a bitter laugh.

"I would love to have an alliance with you guys, but Duncan like, hates me and would never go for it."

Leshawna jumped off the bunk, patting Corrine on the shoulder and jumping into her own bunk.

"I'm sure he'll get over it eventually, now, let's go to sleep."

The next morning, the still tired teens stood in front of a lot warehouse.

"So tired," Harold complained and Duncan laughed.

"Oh, man. Nothing like a good night's sleep. Am I right?" He asked, turning to Leshawna, who nodded in agreement.

"Morning competitors," Chris said. "Or should I say, doctors!"

He threw out stethoscopes and the teens quickly wrapped them around their necks, waiting for Chris' instructions.

"Ready for today's challenge?" he asked.

"Some of us are more ready than others," Heather criticized, glaring over at Leshawna.

"You made your choice, I made mine!" She bellowed, annoyed.

"Ooh, tension," Chris crooned. "My favorite. Let's take it inside."

The teens were led to what looked like a mad scientist's laboratory. Various chains, ladders, and gurneys lay around the blue, low tinted room; in the middle sat two green liquid-filled pools.

"Today's reward challenge is called "Visiting Hours". And only one member of the winning team will get to enjoy the reward."

"If only one of us gets the prize, why even bother trying to win?" Duncan asked, crossing his arms.

"A challenge is a challenge," Leshawna sighed. "It's one for all and all for one."

"Yeah," Duncan agreed. "But if we win, who gets to be the one?"

"The person who directly contributes to the win," Heather said in a 'Duh' tone.

"Chris," Harold piped up. "You haven't told us what the reward is yet."

"You're very perceptive, Harold," Chris complimented. "Let's see if that'll help you and your team assemble... a cadaver!"

"You mean, like, a dead body?" Lindsay asked, horrified.

"No," Chris said. "I mean like a giant dead body! These kegs contain the dismembered parts of two identical cadavers." He patted the pools, turning to the teens.

"Each player will climb their respective team ladder, strap on their bungee cord, and jump into the tank with hopes of retrieving a body part. Any parts you find will be snapped into place on the platforms." He said, moving to the gurneys.

"Use those chains to raise them all the way to the roof, where they will be reanimated by a blast of lightning! First team to bring a Franken-Christ to life wins. The first crack goes to the team who can tell me how to treat someone with a bean stuck up their nose."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Beth shouted out, raising her hand. "Administer two CC's of pain meds and probe the infected area with a sterile swab!"

"Correctamundo!" Chris confirmed and Beth cheered. She quickly climbed up the ladder and strapped herself into the bungee cord, jumping into the pool with confidence. She grabbed something as the bungee cord pulled her back up and she wrapped her arms around the object, only to get a major shock.

"Ow!" She screamed out. "What the hell was that?"

"Oh yeah," Chris said, acting as if he forgot. "I forgot to mention the electric eels. Three zaps and you're out."

"Got it," Beth said weakly as she jumped back into the pool. This time, she was actually able to grab a piece of the Franken-Chris, tossing one of his feet to Owen, who snapped it into place.

"Okay," Chris said. "Next question. Your patient has an itchy, red inflammation on their butt. Diagnosis?"

"Diaper rash!" Heather exclaimed quickly before anyone else could. "Apply salve repeatedly to achieve humectant dispersion."

"Yes!" Chris confirmed and Heather strapped into the bungee, getting shocked twice before catching a forearm.

"Next question," Chris continued. "Your patient's got a white tongue, red eyes, and they're oozing gooey crud. Diagnosis?"

"Ooh, I know this!" Owen interjected. "Pinkus eyeicus! Treat with two rounds of flopperty-gibbits!"

"Absolutely correct!" Chris turned to the camera as Owen strapped in. "I messed around with some of the terms in the textbook."

He caught the other foot, tossing it towards Justin, who quickly passed it on to Izzy.

"Don't let it touch my hair!" He exclaimed, running off to gain distance from the slime.

The teens were head to head answering Chris wacky fake medical questions with precision, until the Gaffers were ahead, by a head.

"Next question," Chris said with a maniacal glint in his eyes. "An inherited disorder that causes too much copper to form in the organs."

The teens stayed silent, racking their brains for the answer when Corrine raised her hand.

"Wilson's disease!" She exclaimed.

"Treatment?" Chris asked, hoping she would get it wrong and he could get to watch more electrocutions.

"A dietary supplement or Liver transplant," She said and Chris nodded in approval.

"Correct! And you better hurry because the Gaffers are fishing or their last body part."

Corrine quickly climbed the ladder and strapped in; she closed her eyes and jumped in, grabbing the first thing she felt, which luckily, was the head that they needed.

She tossed it down to Owen, who snapped it onto the rest of the body, and the girls, plus Justin, pulled on the chains, hoping to catch up to the Gaffers.

Once Corrine got down she switched out with Izzy, who skipped over to Owen and bit him on the arm in anticipation. She held onto his arm and inspected the bite until she noticed a certain red spot on his arm; worried, she placed her hand on his forehead.

"Ew, what is that icky sore? Owen, you're burning up. Just like my passionate soul!" She said, kicking out a leg. Owen let out a burp, sniffing it as Izzy ducked down to avoid the smell.

"Mm," He said. "Lemony."

"Wait," Justin said. "Red sores, fever, lemony burps? Aren't those symptoms of one of the diseases in the book?"

"Page 753!" Beth confirmed. "Mortotistco Crumple's disease! And it's fatal!"

The teens let out a gasp and Heather, with a panicked face added to the fear.

"Mortotistco Crumple's isn't just fatal, it's highly contagious!" She exclaimed and the teens began to panic even more.

"Okay," Chris said as he backed out of the room. "Looks like it's quarantine time. See ya!"

He slammed the door behind him and the sounds of hammering began, implying that the teens were stuck in the warehouse.

"Seriously weird," Duncan said, suspicious. "Owen somehow gets infected with a fatal disease?"

"Yeah," Corrine agreed. "And let's be honest, some of the diseases in the book seemed fake."

"I'm sure it's just a twenty-four-hour kind of fatal," Owen said, worried as he tapped his index fingers together.

"Oh, you poor, brave, dead man!" Izzy exclaimed, patting his cheek. "I'll find a cure! I swear!"

"Quarantine Owen, stat!" Harold ordered and DJ shuffled through some of the old boxes, finding a box full of inflatable bubbles.

Beth quickly inflated it, yelling out "Get inside before you kill us all!"

He was pushed into the bubble and he held his hands up against the plastic, feeling even more worried than before.

"Aah!" Heather screamed, pointing towards DJ's arm. "I see another sore on DJ!"

"It's gotta be some kind of mistake!" DJ denied, shaking his arm in hopes that it would disappear.

"Hey," Owen said. "Where is the exit door on these things?"

"There isn't one on the inside," Beth explained as DJ entered his bubble, sending Owen into a frenzy.

"I'm getting claustrophobic!" He let out a crazed laugh and began to run around, freaking out.

"Is that another symptom?" Lindsay asked Justin as Owen banged his hands on the plastic.

"Let me out of this thing!" He screamed out, rolling against the walls like he was in some sort of arcade game.

"Great," Heather said with an eye roll. "Now Owen's not only infectious, but he's also a deranged pinball of death."

"We need to confirm no one else is infected," Harold said. "Does anyone have diarrhea?"

Lindsay groaned and raised her hand, going over to blow up a ball for herself.

"What about itchy lips?"

Justin, who had been scratching his lips the whole time finally noticed and began to scream, falling to his knees dramatically.

"Sudden hot flashes and seasickness?"

Heather turned green and vomited, while Beth sat on the ground and fanned herself.

"Speaking in tongues?" Harold asked and Izzy began to do so.

"Okay," Corrine said, a little fed up. "But that's normal for Izzy."

"Temporary blindness?" Harold asked. "Wait! I'm blind!"

Corrine rolled her eyes and the remaining 'infected' teens laid down on gurneys.

"Come one, guys. This is totally something that Chris did on purpose, somehow!" Leshawna nodded in agreement.

"I know it's meant to be dangerous and all," Leshawna said to the confessional. "But it's still a TV show. No way they'd actually let someone up and die, am I right?"

"I'm burning up!" Harold groaned out, resting his forearm on his head.

"Do you want me to take your temperature?" Duncan asked with a smirk and Harold sniffed at the thermometer.

"This is a rectal thermometer!" Harold exclaimed, glaring up at Duncan. "You're the sick one!"

"Both of you, stop!" Leshawna yelled, feeding Harold some water, which he spit right back up.

"Oh, this is nuts!" She complained. "We gotta do something."

"Have you noticed that we're the only ones who didn't study all night and we're the only ones who haven't been infected?"

"It's clear that this disease is fake, or at the very least, can be cured," Corrine agreed.

"We need to get our hands on one of those textbooks. There's gotta be something these guys missed," Leshawna said, eyeing any way to exit.

"Good idea," Duncan said. "But Chris sealed off the exit."

"Not the only exit," Leshawna said with a smile, pointing up to the hole that held the chain crank that was going to be used to light up the cadavers.

"I'm not a huge fan of heights," Duncan said, eying the chains with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Well, I'm not a fan of dying," Leshawna sassed.

"You got a point."

The three teens pulled themselves up to the hole using a platform and landed on the roof, spotting a ladder and quickly climbing down it.

"Okay," Leshawna ordered. "I'm gonna look in the kitchen, you two go grab a textbook."

"Why does she have to come with me?" Duncan complained, and Corrine elbowed him in the side.

"I don't know if you remembered, but I was the one that got the question no else could answer."

"That doesn't mean anything," Duncan gritted out, turning to her and shoving her lightly.

"What about the fact that my mom is a nurse?"

"Just go, you two!" Leshawna growled out and the two teens went silent, begrudgingly following her rules.

"Come on," Corrine said. "I left a few textbooks in my trailer."

They jogged over to the trailer and Corrine pulled the door open, immediately crawling under her and Heather's bunk and pulling out the textbooks. While under, she heard a snort that turned into laughter soon after; pulled her head out and looked up at Duncan who was laughing as he inspected her bunk.

"What's up with the bunny, loser?"

"Shut up!" She pouted, pushing him over against the bunk. "I can't sleep without it!"

Duncan grabbed the stuffed animal, holding it over his face and using a funny voice to make it talk.

"Oh, Corrine," He said in a high-pitched voice. "Am I your only friend? Is that why you take me everywhere?"

Corrine snorted, grabbing the bunny and throwing it on the bunk before holding Duncan's hand and pulling him out of the trailer.

"Let's go."

On their way back, Corrine frowned, turning to Duncan.

"I really am sorry I didn't tell you about Gwen," She said and Duncan sighed in admission.

"I mean, it's just like you said I say, you were just playing the game."

"But I don't wanna play the game if it means I lose a friend like you, or Leshawna, or Lindsay."

The teens met up with Leshawna and using all their body weight, burst through the boarded-up door.

"Mother, is that you?" Harold groaned out and Corrine snorted.

"Relax, everyone," Duncan said, pulling out one of the textbooks and tearing at it. "As someone who has extensive experience with forgery, trust me. This textbook and everything in it is total crap. The book covers are just cereal boxes, and the pages are just a mix of gibberish and real medical facts. Looks like Corrine was right all along."

He dropped the fake textbooks and doubled over in pain as his stomach grumbled; he let out a groan. He rushed over to the port-a-potty, groaning and moaning all the way.

"It can't be crap," Harold said, pointing over to Duncan. "No one's faking being sick."

"No, but it's still a hoax," Leshawna said, pulling out a shaking canister. "I went to Chef's kitchen, where I found this 'cheese'."

"Uh, gee," DJ said in a high-pitched voice as he fought back the need to pee. "What's in that canister I've never seen before? Parmesan?"

"No," Leshawna said, peeling away the fake cheese label. "Itching powder and laxatives?"

"Chef? How could he?" DJ yelled out in what seemed like devastation.

"That explains the diarrhea and itchy lips," Duncan said, drying off his hands as he left the bathroom.

"And Corrine and I are the only ones who didn't get sick because we didn't eat any," Leshawna continued as Corrine nodded in agreement.

"But wait," Beth interjected. "What about the sores on DJ and Owen?"

Corrine unzipped the bubble, pulling DJ out of it and Leshawna pulled off the 'sore'.

"It's just a slice of pepperoni. Brother needs a shower."

"First, brother needs to pee!" He exclaimed, jetting over to the bathroom.

Corrine unzipped Owen's bubble, much to Heather's opposition, and she didn't understand until the smell wafted out.

"Oh, fresh air!" Owen cheered out. "Fresh sweet air!"

"Oh, stale air," Justin groaned out through swollen lips. "Smelly, smelly, air."

"I still think I'm dying," Harold groaned out.

"But what about our other symptoms," Beth agreed. "Blindness? Speaking in tongues?"

"It's all psychosomatic," Corrine explained. "It's known as First-Year Med School Syndrome. Too much studying and too little sleep will make you believe you've got every disease in the book."

"Oh," Harold said. "I can see!"

"Congratulations, Screaming Gaffers!" Chris announced as we walked through the doors. "You just won the challenge!"

The teens cheered out and Corrine rested her hand on her hips, brow raised.

"Brilliant diagnostic skills, Duncan and Leshawna. Way to suss it out!" Chris praised.

"What about Corrine?" Lindsay asked. "She helped figure it out too!"

"Yeah, but there were more Gaffers that solved it than Grips, so they get the reward, which is..."

He stayed silent for a second, looking down at his hands before smacking himself in the head lightly.

"I knew I forgot something, just a sec."

He walked out of the door, going off to get his reward while Corrine, Duncan, and Harold were pulled close to Leshawna.

"Okay, you jokers. All I want is an ironclad alliance to get Heather out of my face," Leshawna said to the three teens. "Can we not agree on this?"

"I don't know if I can handle being in an alliance with you, Corrine, and Doris over here," Duncan said, gesturing in Harold's general direction.

"I absolutely refuse to be in an alliance with Duncan," Harold glowered, turning towards Leshawna with a lovesick look. "With you, yes, a hundred thousand kajillion times, yes. But with him, never!"

"I try to help you two and this is what I get. You are a pair of fools. Corrine, you are the only one keeping me sane here!"

Corrine wrapped her arms around Leshawna, hugging her as Chris walked through the door with a silver serving tray, filled with pictures of the teen loved ones.

"One of you gets a whole spa night away from this cruddy studio lot with your very best friend," Chris explained. "So, who's the lucky stiff?"

The Gaffers erupted into arguments, well the Gaffers except for Leshawna, who burst into tears; they all stopped and looked at her incredulously.

"I'm sorry," She sniffled out and wiped at her running makeup. "It's just... been so stressful. I thought I was gonna lose you all. Fighting for your lives, it's just been all too much."

"Wow," Heather said in shock. "You actually do have a heart."

"And Leshawna did solve the challenge," Duncan complimented. "I nominate her to get the reward. All in favor?"

The three other teens agreed and Leshawna began to cry again.

"I can't believe this! You are all so beautiful! What a generous..."

"Yuck!" Chris griped. "Clean up on aisle two!"

Two interns entered the warehouse and grabbed onto Leshawna's arms, escorting her outside.

"Thank you, guys!" She sniffled into her hands, before looking up at Corrine and sending her a cheeky wink, tear-free.

Corrine bit her lip to not let a laugh out.

That was definitely how you play the game.


I figured I'd throw in the Wilson's disease thing because it's in one of my favorite episodes of Scrubs, which is all I could think about when I was writing this.

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