The Vamps Preferences

By katie1536

1.6M 31K 6.1K

The Vamps preferences and some Imagines!! Katie xxx The Vamps Preferences TWO is now published and updating!! More

#1 - How you meet.
#2 - Your first texts to each other.
#3 - The things you have in common.
#4 - Your job.
#5 - First Date.
#6 - First kiss.
#7 - Lazy days together.
#8 - Will you be my girlfriend?
#9 - His name on your phone.
#10 - Your name on his phone.
#11 - The nickname you give him.
#12 - The nickname he gives you.
#13 - How he hugs you.
#14 - Your first argument.
#15 - Your fave youtuber that you watch together.
#16 - Make up after first argument.
#17 - How he wakes you up in a morning.
#18 - The thing you love about him.
#19 - The thing he loves about you.
#20 - You're angry.
#21 - You steal...
#22 - You're ill.
#23 - Hair.
#24 - Where you stand at one of their concerts.
#25 - Your brother in the band.
#26 - T.V show you watch together.
#27 - Favourite couple song.
#28 - Favourite Ben & Jerry's flavour.
#29 - Song to your first dance at your wedding.
#30 - Your children's names.
#31 - Your other celebrity crush.
#32 - Where he takes you on your first holiday together.
#33 - Your favourite non-alcoholic drink.
#34 - Your favourite alcoholic drink.
#35 - His celebrity crush that gets on your nerves.
#36 - The pet you buy together.
#37 - Your brother finds out you're dating another member of the band.
Tristan Imagine.
#38 - The Slap.
#39 - Spare time.
#40 - Make Up.
Connor Imagine.
#41 - Waking up together.
#42 - How he proposes.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#40 - Pineapple.
Tristan Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#43 - You're a singer and he has a crush on you.
#44 - He finds out you get bullied.
#45 - Brother sister moment.
#46 - You're both school teachers.
Brad Imagine.
#47 - Awkward start to the relationship.
Brad Imagine.
#48 - Attention seeking.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
#49 - Favourite movie to watch together.
#50 - What you do when he is on tour.
Tristan Imagine.
#52 - Where he takes you skiing.
#53 - He calls you because...
#54 - Favourite hot chocolate flavour.
#55 - You have matching...
#56 - Where you go on honeymoon.
#57 - Matching Tattoos.
#58 - What you normally argue about.
#59 - He hates it when you...
#60 - You hate it when he...
#61 - What he gets you when you're upset.
#62 - He steals...
#63 - How you knew that you were in love.
#64 - Halloween costumes.
#65 - How he announces your relationship.
#66 - Fun fight.
James Imagine.
#67 - Piercings that you want or have.
#68 - Phobias.
Connor Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#69 - The first time the boys hold their newborn baby.
#70 - First time you cry in front of him.
Brad Imagine
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#71 - How he supports you when you're in labour.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#72 - A habit you got from him.
#73 - The reason why the other boys like you.
#74 - Hashtag he gets trending.
#75 - How he gets your attention.
#76 - What he does when he misses you.
#77 - Favourite place to go together.
#78 - Matching mugs.
#79 - A habit he got from you.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#80 - He is a...
#81 - He is a... (Full preference).
#82 - Cheesy chat up lines.
#83 - His cheesy joke.
#84 - What he gets you on Valentines day.
#85 - Your couple song off Meet The Vamps album.
#86 - Girl band he takes you to see.
#87 - Solo artist he takes you to see.
#88 - Boy band he takes you to see.
#89 - He teaches you to...
#90 - You teach him to...
#91 - Your child's first word.
#92 - What he does to your phone when you're not there.
#93 - How long people think that you will last.
#94 - The food you feed each other.
#95 - Your age gap.
#96 - Your best friend in the band.
#97 - What you do when you're being childish together.
#98 - Song you sing together when you're both drunk.
#99 - Favourite member of 5 Seconds Of Summer.
Connor Imagine.
#100 - He does your make up.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
James Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#101 - Favourite member of Rixton.
#102 - Favourite member of The Tide.
#103 - Favourite member of Union J.
#104 - Saturday night TV show that you watch together.
#105 - Favourite member of The Janoskians.
Brad Imagine.
#106 - Favourite member of One Direction.
#107 - Favourite member of R5
#108 - Favourite part of getting ready to go out.
James Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#109 - Your reaction at a meet & greet.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
#110 - Food cravings.
#111 - What you never agree on.
#112 - You do his make up.
#113 - Magazine headline when you make it official.
#114 - Reason why you break up.
#115 - Favourite school subject.
#116 - What he does when he's mad.
#117 - How you get over your break up.
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
#118 - His first Tweet after your baby is born.
#119 - What he texts you when you're upset.
James Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
The Heartbreaker.
Tristan Imagine
#120 - Language you learn together.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
#121 - First Time Flying.
Connor Imagine
Brad Imagine.
#122 - You beat him at something.
Connor Imagine.
Brad's birthday...
Brad Imagine.
Brad Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Connor Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
Tristan Imagine.
#123 - Cute thing he says to you.
Brad Imagine.
#124 - Thing you do for charity with him.
Connor Imagine.
#125 - You see him cry.
#126 - Thing you do together with the rest of the group.
Brad Imagine.
James Imagine.
#127 - Why you won't get married.
100 Truths Challenge.
The Vamps Preferences TWO. (New updated chapter) Please Read xx

#51 - He can't stop talking about you.

9.9K 195 13
By katie1536


You were on the tour bus with the boys. Everything seemed to be the same everyday new hotel, fans, driving on the tour bus, fans, new hotel, fans etc. You were on the bus as a kind of comfort and close friend for each of the boys. For some reason you felt like you were closer to Connor than any of the other boys. It was just every picture that people took of you getting off the tour bus with the boys, Connor was always the closest or protecting you. When you were in hotels you had a room to yourself so that the fans wouldn't speculate anything.

It was the journey from one city/town to another. You'd lost track of when and where you were going. The boys were on the Xbox and you decided to go for a little sleep in the bunks.

About three hours later you woke up and went to join the boys again. When you reached them they suddenly went quiet almost into an awkward silence due to your presence. Brad stood up and left, looking a bit red cheeked.

You let it pass and thought it was something to do with what the boys were talking about. You sat down, as you did, Connor, James and Tristan turned around to look at you.

"I'm not even kidding if you don't talk to Brad or kiss him, I will squeeze your heads together and force your lips to touch." James said.

"What's going on?" You questioned.

"It's Brad. He won't stop talking about you and it's getting boring. Not that you're boring he's being so repetitive, talking about you to us when he should be saying everything to you." James replied.

"Some things are really cute and other things we just don't want to know about. We see you as our best friend and we want to keep it that way without Brad saying all the creepy things about you that will stick in our minds." Tristan added.

You didn't know what to say. Shocked. Surprised. And speechless you decided that you might be able to make a little more sense out of the subject from Brad.

"Brad, why did you leave before?" You asked.

"I was embarrassed." He answered.

"Embarrassed about what? I don't understand." You said.

"I was embarrassed because I thought you might have heard everything that I said before." He replied.

"What were you saying? Don't worry you can tell me, I won't overreact." You stated calmly.

"I was saying things like; you're pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, talented and hopefully my future girlfriend." He said shyly.

"Brad you should have just told me. That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." You looked at Brad, his cheeks were a deep red colour and he wouldn't give you any eye contact.

You sat down next to him and put your arm round his neck slightly pulling on a curl. He looked up and smiled at you before resting his head against you.



"James shut up before I come and glue your lips together." You heard Brad shout as you walked into the room.

When you walked in you felt all eyes on you. What had happened?

You and the boys had planned a movie day and Brad, Connor and Tristan's girlfriends were all coming later on which meant you had some time with them before the other girls came.

You thought the argument was about what film you wanted to watch first or something, but it wasn't. But it took a while to figure that out.

You watched movie after movie and ate loads of popcorn. Eventually the other girls came and you got on with them really well. It was slightly awkward because they all had boyfriends in the band and you were just a friend of the boys. The girls dropped little hints about things and giggled every time they mentioned the name... James.

Couple by couple each one of them left. The last couple to leave was Brad and his girlfriend. He caught you alone and went to talk to you.

"You and James really need to sort something out between you, he never stops talking about you and the girls say you never stop talking about him. It's a match made in heaven. Now go!" He said pushing you back into the room that James was in.

The thing he said about what the girls had said was a total lie. Or was it? Was it just one of those moments where you ramble on and don't realise what you're saying? Had you been talking about James without realising?

Brad and his girlfriend left, leaving just you and James.

"I should really be going." You said to James (it was his house so he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon!)

"Ok." He said simply.

You got to the front door, you could feel James's presence behind you. You went to open the door but instead of grabbing the door handle you spun around to face James.

"Is what they say true?" You asked boldly.

"What do you mean? I don't understand." He replied.

"Brad said you never stop talking about me." You said getting more embarrassed by the second.

"Errrm... No. I'm sure everything he has been saying has been a lie." He said nervously.

"Oh." You said as you turned round, opened the door and walked down the drive.

"Wait!" James shouted when you reached the end of the driveway.

"It's true. I'm just too embarrassed to admit it. I have been talking about you. Nice things. Not horrible things. There's not one horrible word to say about you..." He rambled on but he stopped when you placed your lips on his.



You were out with one of your closest friends having a girly day shopping. You were just about to walk into River Island when you're phone rang.

"You go in, I'll just answer this then I'll come and find you." You said to your friend.

When you looked at your phone it was Connor calling. You answered.

(A|N this is the phone call down below, 'Y' is you and 'C' is Connor and 'J' is James.)

Y: Hello.

C: Do you not see what I see?

Y: See what?

C: She's pretty, she's clever, cute, funny, understanding. I want her to be mine and mine only.

Y: Who?

J: Who?

C: Y|N

Y: What?!?!?

J: You should get with her if you feel like that.

Y: What?!?!?

It became clear that Connor had dialled your number accidentally (butt dialled). There was just one problem, Connor still didn't know he called you and it was twenty minutes after you answered the call and he was still talking about you!

"CONNOR!" You screamed down the phone.

You heard movement down the phone and eventually Connor was on the other end of the phone call.

"You butt dialled me about twenty minutes ago and you still haven't hung up." You said.

"Oh, could you hear what we said?" He said, a slight shakiness to his voice.

"Yeah kinda, I've got to go but we'll speak later." You said because your friend was still in River Island waiting for you.

"Ok bye." He said and you both hung up.

You put your phone away in your bag and just smiled at every nice word that had just been said about you.



You watched the YouTube video over and over again. In complete shock of what was being said. The Vamps Q&A. They were all asked if they had a girlfriend or someone special. Brad, Connor and James all spent about 30 seconds each of the twenty minute video answering the question. Then Tristan took over for the next 18 and a half minutes, describing someone's looks and personality that was the exact replica of yours. Tristan spent 18 and a half minutes talking about you - someone special in his life. You never knew but after watching this multiple times it was clear that you and Tristan needed to talk.


Reward for @RachelFry5

Katie xxx

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