The Glade | Newt x Reader

By uhhbooks

4.5K 184 302

➪ When you get sent up into the maze you're confused and disoriented. After meeting the gladers and realizing... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Fourteen

122 5 2
By uhhbooks

-Y/N's POV-

4 hours until sunset. The time ticked by ever so slowly as I sat in a tree overlooking the gardens. I was too nervous/excited to work so I have been pacing around and doing whatever the last hour. The garden itself was getting boring to watch, so I swung down the tree and walked over to the western door. I checked to make sure my pack was still under the bush for the 3rd time. It was still there thankfully. My stomach grumbled loudly and I realized I hadn't eaten a bite all day. I had skipped breakfast and lunch to practice running.

Fry was busy cleaning dishes from lunch when I arrived. He had piles of plates stacked on the counter. It was obvious that cooking and cleaning meals for 50-60 boys was not the easiest job around.

"Need some help?" I asked, eager to do something to pass time.

"That would be great," Frypan smiled. He shuffled over so I could step in by the sink.

We worked in silence. Scrubbing away at the dirty dishes and utensils. Frypan didn't say anything to me. And I wondered if anyone would actually miss me when I was gone. Would anyone even think of me a week after I had left? What would Newt think when the doors shut and I was nowhere to be found? I assumed everyone would continue with their work. Keep going as if nothing had happened. As if there never was a girl who had arrived in their glade and left shortly before one month. I had almost forgot that it had been almost a month since I first arrived. Crazy to think about really. That I had been here for a month. That meant that in a few days the box would come back up, holding a new greenie. I almost wished I had planned to leave a few days later, just so I could see who the greenie was. I wonder if it was going to be a boy or a girl. It didn't really matter now anyways. It's not like I would get to meet them. But I couldn't help feeling bad for whoever was destined to be sent up after I was gone.

"Ahem," Frypan coughed, "The dishes are done. You can go now. Thanks Y/N."

I had been so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I had been scrubbing the same plate for the last minute. Frypan had finished the rest of the dishes while I was dawdling.

I put the plate down, "Whoops, sorry about that. I wasn't much of a help."

"Nah it's okay. Here's a leftover sandwhich. You did originally come here to get something to eat right?" Frypan asked.

I nodded and thanked him before backing out of the kitchen and back to the west door.

2 hours until sunset. I was sitting in the middle of the glade watching the western door, enjoying the grass underneath my body. I didn't know the next time I would get to feel grass like this. I had thought about leaving a letter for Newt. Something he could read to atleast know where I had gone and why. But I decided not to. I wasn't sure how I would get it to him without going in his room or giving it to him. And I didn't want him to read it before I left so he wouldn't have a chance to stop me.

30 minutes before sunset. I couldn't stand still. In 30 minutes I would be out of the only place I could remember ever living in. That didn't bother me though. I needed to live. Go out running and exploring. I hated feeling trapped. I hated how every day I woke up to the exact same thing. I needed freedom. And if that meant going into the one place everyone I've ever known has told me not to go, I will.

15 minutes before sunset. The glade was buzzing with boys wandering around who had finished their work. Everyone was waiting for the runners to come back so they could eat dinner. I on the other hand was waiting for the runners to come back so I could slip through the doors before they closed. I was pacing around the edge of the deadheads. The suspenseful waiting was killing me. I stopped my pacing to take in the glade a last couple times. Newt was talking to Zart by the gardens. He looked my way and I turned around. I couldn't think about Newt right now. I needed to focus.

10 minutes before sunset. I was crouching behind my bush, waiting for the runners to get back. I had my bag slung over my shoulders, my shoes in double knots, and my hair pulled back so I had no problems on my way out. I heard footsteps and peeked over the bush to see Minho come jogging out of the doorway. It was almost time. My heart began beating faster and nervous energy flowed through me.

At five minutes until sunset I was waiting for the boom of the doors shutting to start. The sky had turned a beautiful orange and pink to indicate the sun setting. One of the prettiest sunsets I had seen since I arrived in the glade. The doors were due to close any minute now. And there it was. The loud grinding of old gears in the door began. The doors started inching closer and closer, on their way to closure. I jumped out from behind my bush, making sure I had all I needed. I stood in front of the door for a second. I waited until the doors had just enough space for one person to run through. NOW! I bolted forward turning slightly to the side so I could fly through the two closing walls. Just when I thought I had made my escape I felt a firm hand grip onto my wrist. In less than a second I was being strongly pulled out from between the shutting walls. I flew out from between the doors and slammed right into the person who had pulled me back. I felt the loud whoomph of air as the doors instantly shut behind me. I looked up to see that the person who had pulled me out was Newt. He held me close to him and didn't let go of my wrist as if I was able to run again right through the closed doors.

"Are you alright? What the hell was that?!" Newt yelled at the last part.

I looked at the ground I didn't know what to say. I had failed.

"Are you trying to bloody kill yourself?" He asked. I felt his grip on my wrist tighten.

"It's not like you would care!" I shot back, "And let go of me."

Newt looked at his hand on my wrist, as if first noticing he was still holding on, before guiltily letting go.

"What do you mean I wouldn't care? Why do you think I pulled you out of those shuck doors then?" Newt replied, angrily gesturing towards the closed doors, "I wasn't going to leave you to die!"

"Newt, Y/N, stop!" Alby said as he came running up to stop the fight. "Someone please tell me what's going on."

"Y/N made a dash for the door is what's going on," Gally said as he walked up behind Alby. "I saw her waiting in the bush. She was planning this for awhile. Newt barely grabbed her before the doors shut on her."

I glared at Gally. Was he just watching me the whole time? I was beginning to think Gally was stalking me. But that was the least of my worries right now.

"Is that true Y/N? You know our rules," Alby asked, turning to me.

"Yes it's true," I replied dryly. I'd rather be anywhere else than here. They're probably gonna kill me anyways as punishment. That would be better than the slammer. If I was sent to the slammer I would be trapped again. And even after I'm let out I will have accomplished nothing towards a new life.

"That's breaking our number one rule. We'll have to decide a punishment. Gally, take her to the slammer for now. And take her bag before she goes in too. Newt, I need to talk to you," Alby said.

Gally took my bag off my back. He then grabbed my arm and dragged me alongside him to the slammers. Anywhere but the slammers. I had avoided ever being in them in my time at the glade until now. I couldn't be trapped. Who knew how long I would be in there. I attempted to yank out of Gally's grip but that only made him grab my other arm and hold on tighter. He opened one of the slammer's doors and shoved me in, closing and locking it behind me.

"Can't get away that easily, greenie," Gally smirked before walking off.

I wasn't sure if he meant my attempt to get away out of the doors or away from his grasp, but either way made me miserable. I couldn't do anything right. I couldn't even run out of those dumb doors without failing. I don't think I'd ever seen Newt so upset before either. All I wanted was freedom, and I had gotten the opposite. I forced my body and brain to shut down. I knew that I needed sleep. Maybe if I focused hard enough I could sleep forever and never wake up. It was a childish thought, but it sounded pretty good to me.


A/N: Well then. sorry about that my story got a little bit depressing all of a sudden. I just have a problem with writing happy stories apparently. Also if your confused, Y/N basically got depressed and then tried to run into the maze. OH ALSO, sorry for working up the running away part so much for it to not work out... lots of suspense for nothing, I know. thanks for reading <3

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