Love and Potions - Severus Sn...

By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

101K 4.6K 2.3K

Rowan Knight fell in love with Hogwarts when she was forced to transfer in her sixth year. She quickly develo... More

Chapter 1 - Assistant Professor
Chapter 2 - Moving In
Chapter 3 - Hello, Severus
Chapter 4 - Legilimency
Chapter 5 - Late Nights
Chapter 6 - Amortentia
Chapter 7 - Fireworks
Chapter 8 - Home
Chapter 9 - Hogsmeade
Chapter 10 - Bold Words
Chapter 11 - Secrets Unveiled
Chapter 12 - Packing
Chapter 13 - Labelling
Chapter 14 - Hogwarts Express
Chapter 15 - Zabini Manor
Chapter 16 - Interruptions
Chapter 17 - Confrontation
Chapter 18 - Shopping
Chapter 19 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 20 - Merry Christmas
Chapter 21 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - Imperio
Chapter 23 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 24 - Returning Home
Chapter 25 - Clean Break
Chapter 26 - Ilvermorny
Chapter 27 - Trouble
Chapter 28 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 29 - True Fear
Chapter 30 - Chaos
Chapter 31 - In A Different Life
Chapter 33 - Birthday Party
Chapter 34 - Preparations
Chapter 35 - Yule Ball
Chapter 36 - Grief
Chapter 37 - Mother Dearest
Chapter 38 - Belief
Chapter 39 - Queen's Dinner
Chapter 40 - Powerful Friendship
Chapter 41 - The Real Truth
Chapter 42 - Family is chosen
Chapter 43 - A Mother's Love
Chapter 44 - Building Trust
Chapter 45 - Date Night
Chapter 46 - Separate Paths
Chapter 47 - Loving You
Chapter 48 - Emerald Trio
Chapter 49 - The Malfoys' Ball
Chapter 50 - A New Ending
Chapter 51 - Quidditch and Suspicions
Chapter 52 - A New Title
Chapter 53 - Sly Fox
Chapter 54 - Loyalty and Love
Chapter 55 - Pity Party

Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise

1.5K 73 11
By Castiels_Trenchcoat6

!Smut warning!

"Severus, it's your birthday!" Rowan exclaimed excitedly as she sat up in bed and began to shake Severus awake. He groaned in annoyance, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. "My dear, I have never celebrated any of my other birthdays. My thirty-fifth will be the same as last year," He said groggily as he pulled the blanket over his head.

"Not on my watch! Today is Saturday, and that means no classes and more time for celebrating!" Rowan declared, ripping the blanket completely off of the bed. Severus groaned as the cold air hit his warm body. "I can just go to my room and hide underneath my own blankets," He hissed as he stood up and recovered the blanket from the floor, wrapping it around his body tightly.

"Keep on with that attitude and I'll be sure Albus gives you the gift I have planned for later," Rowan teased with a mischievous smile. "You already gave me a gift, darling. Don't tell me you've forgotten our shower," Severus growled lowly as he wrapped his arms around Rowan's waist.

"Severus!" Rowan exclaimed as she pulled away from him and gathered her robes in her hand. "Firstly, that was not a present. Secondly, we have breakfast to attend," She said as she slipped off her pajamas and began to dig through her draws to find some clothes.

"Darling, you look amazing," Severus purred as he sat down and watched as Rowan bent down and looked through her drawers. Rowan chuckled, pulling out a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans before straightening back up slowly. "Severus, get dressed. We're going to miss breakfast," Rowan scolded playfully before disappearing into the bathroom.

Severus stood up and quickly found his robes from yesterday. With a quick spell, they were cleaned and ready to be used again. As he dressed, he found that he was having certain issues in his lower region. Rowan exited the bathroom, fully dressed, and seemed to notice as well. 

"And just what are you going to do about that?" Rowan chuckled as she gathered her wand off of her nightstand and placed it securely in her robe pocket. Severus groaned in annoyance as his slacks were causing a certain amount of friction to slide across his member. Severus soon gained a mischievous smile as he wrapped his arms around Rowan and slammed her gently down onto the bed. 

"We could always do something about it, darling," Severus growled as he began to leave passionate kisses along Rowan's neck, leaving bruises as he moved onto each spot. Rowan bit her lip to stop any noises from escaping her throat. She had special plans and didn't want Severus to be exhausted before they got to thoroughly enjoy them. 

"Sev," Rowan began, pushing back so that they could both stand up. Severus' bulge had only gotten more defined and Rowan kind of felt bad for him. "We need to get to breakfast!" Rowan said as she left a lingering kiss against Severus' lips. Severus groaned disappointedly as he pulled his cloak around him, concealing his growing erection. 

Rowan and Severus began walking to the Great Hall, passing many crowds of students. Rowan noticed that Severus was walking awkwardly, but it didn't seem that any of the students noticed. They were too busy talking about the yule ball scheduled for tomorrow. Rowan had to admit, she was rather excited as well. 

Rowan entered the Great Hall and was immediately waved over by Blaise Zabini. "You go ahead, I'll see what he wants," Rowan told Severus as they parted ways. Blaise looked flustered, and when Rowan looked up at Millicent, she did as well. Rowan knew that whatever it was, she wasn't going to let it ruin Severus' birthday. 

"Can you believe it? A Weasley with a Slytherin. She could do so much better," Draco Malfoy, who was sitting beside Blaise, spat venomously. "Like with you, Malfoy? Try again," Millicent said with a roll of her eyes. The whole Slytherin table seemed to be on edge, and Rowan simply couldn't figure out why.

"Montgomery has made them go mad, Rowan. They're bloody losing it over her being at the wrong table," Blaise huffed as he angrily took a bite of his toast. Rowan looked around and noticed that almost every Slytherin had their eyes on the Gryffindor table. With a small sigh, Rowan began to walk over to the Gryffindor table, where Juniper was deep in conversation with the golden trio. 

"I'm telling you, Ron. Lavender is not a good idea," Juniper said in a half-joking tone. Rowan, while she had no clue what Juniper was talking about, also agreed. Lavender Brown was a Gryffindor in the same year as Juniper, but she was mostly quiet in class. Perhaps it was because potions was a rather difficult subject, but Rowan hadn't seen Lavender around anywhere else. 

"She's kinda cute," Ron said in almost a whisper and Rowan could swear Hermione looked like she might explode. 

Rowan had known the very second that Hermione liked Ron after she had said what her amortentia smelled like. If Rowan had remembered correctly, the young Gryffindor smelled new parchment, freshly mown grass, and spearmint toothpaste. There was no denying that was Ron Weasley.

"Hey- Juni? Can I ask why you're at the wrong table and about to start a territory war between the Gryffindor and Slytherin?" Rowan asked as she tapped Juniper on the shoulder lightly. She hadn't wanted to startle Juniper, but she also didn't want to have another fight in the Great Hall.

"Oh! Hey, Rowan!" Juniper said in passing before turning back to Ron and continuing her earlier conversation. Rowan, now slightly annoyed, tapped on her shoulder again. "Juniper, I need an answer," Rowan said, a stern tone finding its way to her voice. She didn't like being the "teacher" around her friends, but if she needed to, she would. After all, Dumbledore had said that Juniper's punishment was up to Rowan.

"And I need some space!" Juniper snapped, slapping away Rowan's hand in anger. Rowan, taken aback in shock, looked up to the staff table. Severus was watching with angered eyes, but he wasn't moving from his spot. Anger boiled inside Rowan.

She had tried to be gentle, seeing what all Juniper had gone through. She hadn't wanted to upset her in any way, but she wouldn't take this disrespect. "Miss Montgomery, return to your correct table at once," Rowan ordered, this time no kindness was in her voice. "Or what? I belong in Gryffindor," Juniper bit, glaring her eyes at Rowan daringly.

"Do you want to be a true Gryffindor? They'll face your consequences. Ten points from Gryffindor," Rowan announced and watched as the Gryffindor table erupted in various counter-arguments.

"She's a Slytherin!"

"We didn't do anything!"

Rowan smirked as she watched Juniper's nose flared in anger. She never wanted to humiliate or embarrass Juniper, but this behavior couldn't be accepted. Friend or not, everyone deserved respect. "You think you're all big and strong, Rowan. Really, you're a coward," Juniper spat as she stomped off toward the Slytherin table.

"Detention with Filch, Montgomery! Until you learn to be respectful again, you will address me as Professor Knight," Rowan yelled and for a moment, when Rowan's eyes met Juniper's, she swore Juniper was about to cry. Punishing her as a student was Rowan's job, and Juniper seemed to understand. Yet, treating her like a student outside of school was something they both loathed. They were friends first, after all.

Rowan sat down in her seat beside Severus, pushing away her plate of food that Severus had seemed to have prepared. "Children can be rebellious. You did what you should have," Severus comforted, placing a hand on Rowan's knee. Rowan smiled forcibly, determined to remain happy for Severus' birthday. However, when she looked over at the Slytherin table, her heart was filled with guilt.

Juniper sat beside Millicent, but they weren't talking. Juniper was staring down at her shoes, slow tears falling down her cheeks. "I should apologize," Rowan said in a hurried tone. However, Severus' grip only tightened around her knee.

"I need you beside me, my dear," Severus whispered lowly, his eyes flicking down to his pants. Rowan noticed that Severus' leg was shaking wildly. "Are you alright, Professor?" Rowan asked, hoping that the other members of the Hogwarts staff wouldn't raise any questions.

Severus' jaw tightened as she called him the name he loved. The things this woman did to him drove him mad. "My classroom, now," Severus said as he abruptly stood up and left the Great Hall, leaving prying eyes on Rowan.

"He's insisting on grading papers before his party. I should go and assist him so he doesn't overwork himself," Rowan lied, hopping up from her seat and following quickly after Severus. "That man is so hard-working. He won't even take a day off for his birthday," McGonagall scolded in the direction of the doorway. "Perhaps he'll relax for tomorrow's ball," Professor Sprout added.

Little did they know, Severus would be taking a day off for his birthday. Only, not in the way they were thinking.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Severus, we have to get to your party in less than an hour. Have you forgotten it was you who asked to have it early?" Rowan shouted as she ran after the potions professor, who seemed to be in quite a rush. Severus didn't answer, he just unlocked his office and entered hastily. Rowan followed, closing the door behind her softly. It was times like these where she wished she had been skilled in legilimency. 

Severus sat down at his desk, running his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner. Rowan took a seat on the corner of his desk and decided she would wait for him to speak. Severus was acting strangely, and there was nothing Rowan could do to figure out why. "I need you close to me, Rowan. I've never felt something this intense," Severus growled as he yanked Rowan off the desk and into his lap. 

Rowan immediately understood what was happening as she saw beads of sweat drip off of Severus' forehead. Rowan smiled mischievously as she shifted against Severus' legs, causing the potions professor to let out an other-worldly moan. "The things you do to me," Severus whispered lustfully as he placed his hand on the back of Rowan's neck. Rowan bit her lip, knowing exactly what it did to Severus. 

"Naughty," Severus scolded as he applied pressure to the back of Rowan's neck, causing her lips to meet with his own. Severus kissed her hungrily, using every chance he could get to make their tongues collide. Just as Severus went to unbutton his pants, there was a knock on the door. "Fuck! What do we do?" Rowan whispered, as she hopped off of Severus and began to fix her hair. She didn't want anyone knowing that she had left breakfast to have a quickie in the potions classroom. "Hide somewhere," Severus commanded as he cleared his throat. 

Rowan searched around and quickly dove underneath his desk. There, she would be perfectly hidden and would be able to keep her reputation. "Come in," Severus said in an annoyed tone. Rowan heard the door creak open, though she couldn't tell who it was just yet. 

"Albus, Minerva. To what do I owe this visit?" Severus inquired as he lifted an old quill from the ink well on his desk. He wanted to act as natural as possible, and he was always grading something in his free time. 

Rowan, who was feeling rather cramped, suddenly gained a new idea. She didn't know exactly how Severus would react, but the worst he could do was give away her position. Something she knew he would never do. Slowly, Rowan placed one of her hands against Severus' inner thigh, earning a small gasp from Severus. He quickly coughed to cover up anything that could have been suspicious. 

"We came to see if you knew where Rowan could be. She was supposed to help us set up for your party after breakfast," McGonagall's voice rang throughout the classroom almost like alarm bells. Everything in her mind told Rowan that was she was about to do was wrong, but her body didn't seem to care. Shifting onto her knees, she began to leave soft kisses up Severus' thigh. 

"I don't. However, she might be in her office," Severus said emotionlessly, almost as if anything Rowan was doing was not affecting him. However, the way his hands were clutching onto his quill could have told a different story. If he wasn't careful, he would snap the damned thing in half. 

"Oh, that's alright! We can just ask you what we intended on asking her. This won't take long," Dumbledore said in a cheery tone. He just adored parties of any kind, especially planning them. He, joined by Minerva, sat down at one of the front tables and pulled out a medium-sized parchment.

Rowan, careful not to make any noise, slowly unzipped Severus' slacks and removed his growing erection from his pants. Severus' eyes widened as he looked down at Rowan, who only held one finger up to her lips. If Severus made any sounds, Rowan's position under his desk would be known and that was something she did not want to explain

"You ready, Severus?" Minerva asked as she readied her quill to begin writing. Severus refrained from rolling his eyes at both his co-workers and Rowan. He needed to compose himself, and they were both making that very difficult. "I suppose," Severus answered as he took in a shaky breath. 

Rowan slowly took Severus into her mouth, tracing small circles around his head. Severus leaned forward suddenly due to Rowan's actions, unintentionally forcing her to take more of his cock into her mouth. Rowan started slowly, her movements very sensual. It was enough to make Severus want to come undone right then and there, although he refrained. 

"First order of business. What types of foods would you like to have at your party? The kitchen staff will need to prepare whatever it is you would like," Dumbledore asked as he adjusted his glasses against his pointed nose. Severus gulped, not entirely trusting his voice. "Pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes. Anything will do, I assure you," Severus said as he choked down a groan.

Dumbledore's quill, as well as McGonagall's, quickly began to jot down every word Severus spoke. Stupid self-writing quills, Severus thought to himself. Rowan quicked her movements as she felt one of Severus' hands reach down and bury itself deep within her hair. This only encouraged her to go further, as she palmed his balls through his trousers. Severus groaned loudly as his other hand gripped his forehead tightly. 

"Are you feeling alright, Severus? You're all sweaty," Minerva asked innocently, concern present in his voice. Severus smirked slyly beneath his hair as he began to tug on Rowan's hair roughly. "I'm doing just fine, Minerva. It's just a headache that can be taken care of with a potion I have in my office. Next question," Severus said through gritted teeth as he roughly pushed Rowan's head down as far as he could. 

Rowan's eyes widened as she willed herself not to gag on Severus' length. When she pulled back, she could see the smirk planted on Severus' face. If he was having this much fun, she was going to have some too. Rowan snaked her hand down and began to yank her jeans down. Slowly, she traces small circles around her clit. 

"Just two more, then we'll leave you be to go find Rowan. What drinks would you like?" Minerva asked sweetly, concern still lingering in her voice. "Fire whiskey, and perhaps pumpkin juice for those who choose not to consume alcohol," Severus answered curtly, swearing underneath his breath. He let his eyes flick down to Rowan, but he soon wished he hadn't. He gulped at the sight of her stroking herself with his cock in her mouth. 

"Alright. One last thing and then we're done. What kind of cake would you like?" Dumbledore asked, excitement still obvious on his face. "Um- is all that really necessary? Professor- Merlin-  Knight said nothing of this," Severus hissed as he pulled Rowan off of his throbbing cock. Any more and he would come undone in front of his coworkers. That's the last thing he wanted

"Professor Knight wants this to be special, it was her idea to have a cake. Although, I suppose we could order more than one if you are torn," Dumbledore answered as he picked up the quill and marked out a few sentences they would not need. That was the problem with self-writing quills. They didn't know what was needed and what was not. "Chocolate and Vanilla would be fine, right Severus?" Minerva interjected, seeming over the conversation as a whole. 

"If you insist. We can push the party back until tonight if needed," Severus offered, hoping to give Rowan more time to rest. He knew she would need it after the stunt she had pulled during this meeting. "That would be wonderful. Well, we will leave you to your work," Minerva replied. 

Severus watched as they left his classroom, and when he was sure they were gone, he slid his chair back and allowed Rowan to come out from underneath his desk. Her cheeks were flushed and it seemed that she was close to her release as well. Severus roughly pulled down her now soaked underwear and pulled her onto his lap. "You're insane," Severus scolded half-heartedly. 

Rowan reached underneath her and lined Severus' length up with her entrance as she slowly slid down, taking all of him. Severus threw his head back, exposing his neck. Rowan smirked as she leaned into Severus' ear. "You love it," 

Severus couldn't handle it anymore. He stood up, cradling Rowan's ass with his hands, and quickly slammed her against a wall as gently as he could. Rowan's back arched at the impact as a small moan escaped her lips. "You're so fucking beautiful, darling,"  Severus growled as he roughly thrust into Rowan. 

Rowan moaned loudly as she pulled Severus into a lust-filled kiss. Severus continued his movements, occasionally biting Rowan's lip when she pulled away for breaths. "Severus! I'm close-" Rowan exclaimed loudly, throwing her head back in pure pleasure. "Cum for me, Miss Knight," Severus groaned as he kissed Rowan's neck passionately. 

"Professor!" Rowan exclaimed as she came undone. Her body tensing around him as fireworks went off around her. "Fuck yes, Rowan!" Severus shouted as he thrust further into Rowan; cumming with a loud groan. It was a sight she absolutely loved seeing. Pulling Rowan closer to his chest, his thrusts became sloppy until they came to an end. He pulled out of Rowan and carried her over to his office chair, holding her tightly. 

Muttering a few words, Severus had made sure they were both cleaned up. It was almost as if nothing had happened. However, both of them were completely out of breath and half undressed. 

"Sev?" Rowan asked when her panting had started to subside. "Yes, my love?" Severus answered, his eyes closed in pure ecstasy. "Happy Birthday," Rowan whispered, planting a small kiss against his lips. "You're amazing," Severus chuckled. Maybe this year, his birthday wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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