Blood Is Thicker Than Water...

By apollosmeatballs

39.6K 1.2K 277

*COMPLETED*Amelia 'Mia' Evans is a junior at Forks High. She and her mom moved back to Forks after living in... More

Part 1 - [EDITED]
Part 2 - [EDITED]
Part 4 - [EDITED]
Part 5 - [EDITED]
Part 6 - [EDITED]
Part 7 - [EDITED]
Part 8 - [EDITED]
Part 9 - [EDITED]
Part 10 - [EDITED]
Part 11 - [EDITED]
Part 12 - [EDITED]
Part 13 - [EDITED]
Part 14 - [EDITED]
Part 15 - [EDITED]
Part 16 - [EDITED]
Part 17 - [EDITED]
Part 18 - [EDITED]
Part 19 - [EDITED]
Part 20 - [EDITED]
Part 21 - [EDITED]
Part 22 - [EDITED]
Part 23 - [EDITED]
Part 24 - [EDITED]
Part 25 - [EDITED]
Part 26 - [EDITED]
Part 27 - [EDITED]
Part 28 - [EDITED]
Part 29 - [EDITED]
Part 30 - [EDITED]
Part 31 - [EDITED]

Part 3 - [EDITED]

1.8K 53 10
By apollosmeatballs

"Mia! The dinner's getting cold!" Liz shouted for the third time in a row. 


"No, no, no. You can't go now, I'm not done!" Cait sighed. The girls were on the phone and they had been talking for more than an hour. Caitlyn was telling them about the counter move she made against Jack.

Mia sighed. "I'll be back shortly, I promise," she said and threw her phone to her bed. 

Liz was seated at the table with her plate before her, she was on her phone. "Finally," she murmured as Mia sat down.

Her Mom was not the best person at cooking, she was used to only cooking fast recipes because of her job but when she did cook something, it was very nice. She had made spaghetti and meatballs.

"So, what is going on in Cait's crazy life?" Liz asked, amused. 

Mia shrugged. "Something between her and Jack,"

Liz upped her eyebrows. "Oh, sibling fights? I remember them,"

Mia furrowed her brows. "You don't have a sibling," she scoffed after swallowing her food. 

Liz smirked. "Well, not from my parents, no, but I had friends who were like siblings," she answered, "Like Billy said the other night, the tribe is family, we're all connected,"

Mia wondered how much there was she didn't know about her mom's past or about the tribe. Through her grandfather, she was a descendant as well. A member of the tribe. Not that she looked like them much. She had brown hair, green eyes, and lighter skin. Her Mom's skin wasn't that dark either.

But she liked the idea of having a background like that. With history and culture. The thing was, most people in Seattle didn't like Forks, they viewed it as a boring small town. It surely felt like that to Mia in the first weeks, especially after growing up in the big city, but after three years, she loved it. She didn't see Forks as a small boring town anymore.

 What are you doing tomorrow evening?" Liz asked. 

Today was a Thursday. " Olivia, Cait, and I were thinking of going to the movies," 

With a deep breath, Liz looked at her. " Take a raincheck. We were invited for a barbeque,"

The new Avengers movie was coming out and Mia was a die-hard fan, she had been waiting for months to go and it was a long drive and she had managed to avoid spoilers until now. Which was a very hard task indeed when it came to MCU. " I can't! Mom! It's the new Marvel movie,"

" You can go on the weekend," Liz said, "I can't just show up by myself, families will be around," 

"Where are we even going?" 

"Chief Swan invited us, there's a game tomorrow. Billy, Charlie and I will watch it. You, Jacob, and Bella, can hang out,"

Chief Swan? Were they really that good friends that they were going to watch a football game together? And why did it have to be tomorrow which was the opening night?

" You can watch your superheroes later," 

"But, the tickets, we got them online and--"

" No buts," Liz interrupted her. 

"Fine," Mia spat. Did her Mom have any idea how hard it was to find tickets for a Marvel movie on the opening day or opening weekend? She and the girls had bought theirs online weeks ago online when they came out. It was sold out for now and she didn't know if she could get any. 

Frustrated and angry, she finished her dinner in silence. Sure, she liked Jake, he was funny. She didn't know Bella but she was like a zombie for the past few months and Mia would probably feel uncomfortable around her. None of it would compare to going to the movie though. 

She got up from the table and motioned to go to her room. "Also, can you drop the medicine off at your grandma's? She has a cold," Liz said. 

Mia stopped and stomped to the counter to pick up the bag. "Why can't you do it?"

"You know why," Liz answered. 

Mia sighed and walked to her room. She picked up her phone and called the girls to give them the news. She had to let them know she couldn't make it and she'd probably get an earful. And now Mom was even making her do all of the footwork too and... she was just pissed off.

Mia knocked on her grandmother's door. Her Grandma, Madeline, and Mia weren't that close. She only visited them a few times when they were in Seattle. Mia got to know her more when they got back to Forks.

"Amelia, dear, welcome," Madeline opened the door. 

"Hey Grandma," she smiled, "I'm here to drop these off. Mom says you need them,"

Madeline stepped aside. "Alright, get inside. I'll get you a cup of tea," 

Mia knew there was no point in trying to argue with her. She got in and texted Liz to pick her up from here. She had Olivia drive her to her grandmother after school.

"Thanks, grandma," she said and sat down. 

Madeline walked inside a couple of minutes later with her tea. "So, tell me, how are things going?" 

Mia shrugged as she took a sip. "You know, the same old. School is hard,"

Madeline smiled knowingly. "I bet, but you'll miss this in the future,"

Mia nodded and smiled. Her eyes diverted to the photos hanging on the wall behind her Grandma. There were various photos of her grandparents, of her Mom and a couple of her. Mia didn't remember her grandfather but he had the same dark skin tone as Billy, Jake, Embry, and Quil. He had shoulder-length black hair just like them too.

"Grandma, can I ask you something?" 

Madeline nodded. "Who were my mom's friends when she was younger?"

Her Grandma pouted and drank from her cup. "There were many, Liz was very popular. When she was younger she was very good friends with that kid on the reservation. Billy. As she got older, I lost track of it,"

"Hmm," Mia answered and took a sip. She loved her mom but Mia felt like there was something she wasn't telling her. Madeline proceeded to tell a few stories of Liz's teenage and childhood years.

"Do you know who my father is?" Mia let out, interrupting Madeline's story. She liked hearing stories about her mom but this was something that bugged her for a long time. She didn't really feel the absence of her father much but she sometimes wondered.

Liz was a very good mother, Mia would never oppose that, but whenever she tried to get information about him, Liz wouldn't tell her. She wouldn't ask about it much because Liz got upset.

"What did Liz tell you?"

"Nothing," she replied, "That's why I'm asking you," 

Madeline shook her head. "This is something you should talk about with her, not me," 

Mia sighed loudly and finished her glass. Then they heard a honk. "Must be Mom," Mia murmured. She got up and got her bag and coat. Madeline got up after her and they walked to the door together.

"Hi mom," Liz said nonchalantly from the car. 

Madeline didn't answer her and gave her a glare. Mia pressed her lips together. "Anyway, thanks for the tea grandma, take care," she said. 

Madeline smiled at her. "Thank you, dear," she kissed her cheeks.

Mia walked to the car and got inside. "How long is this barbeque going to take?"

"I don't know, we'll roll with it," Liz answered. 

"Why?" Mia shrugged, "I was supposed to do the geography essay on the weekend but since the plans have changed, I'll start it tonight,"

 Liz smiled. "I'm sure you can manage it,"

The drive over to the Swan house didn't take that long. They reached their destination in a few minutes. Charlie's police car was parked outside alongside a rusty red truck. There was a newer black one close to them.

After parking the car they got outside. By the time they reached the door, it was already open. Charlie was standing there in normal clothing, jeans with a flannel. "Hey Charlie, we're not late right?"

Charlie smiled. "Not that much, Lizzy. Welcome," he said and stepped aside so that Mia and Liz could enter. 

Mia gave him a small smile and escaped inside, she was still not comfortable around him and their incident last week made her anxious. They found Billy and Jake inside. They were seated and the TV was on. Liz went ahead and sat next to Billy's chair and they got to chatting. Jake smiled at Mia. 

"Have you met Bella?" Charlie asked Mia, suddenly appearing behind her.

"Uhm, I know her from school," Since Bella was a year older and transferred last year, they never shared any classes. 

"Well, I think it'd be nice if you two became friends, she could really use that," Charlie grunted.

Mia forced out a smile. She didn't have a grudge against Bella but she felt like they didn't have anything in common. Plus, there was the whole state she was in since the Cullens left which made her more intimidating. She even stopped hanging out with her group of friends at school. Cait had bickered about it, saying she would have never done that and instead flirt with Mike.

"Sure, Mr. Swan,"

"Bells!" Charlie called out. Bella walked out of the kitchen and Mia caught Jake's face lightening up. Oh, there was something there. Totally. 

"I'm almost done preparing the meat," Bella said without emotion.

Charlie put a hand around her shoulder. "That's alright, I can take care of the rest. Have you met Lizzy's daughter?" 

Mia caught that all of her Mom's old friends were calling her Lizzy.

Bella looked up at Mia. "Not officially," she murmured. 

"Hi, I'm Mia," she introduced herself and smiled. 

Bella nodded, "Bella," 

Charlie looked between them and sighed. "I'll go take care of the... well," he muttered and walked away.

The three of them, Mia, Bella, and Jake, were standing in the hallway. Mia turned to Jake. "Are you going to watch the game as well?" 

Jake shrugged. "Nah, I'm sure my old man will tell me the highlights on the drive back,"

Bella looked at Jake. "Do you know each other?" she asked and Mia heard a hint of emotion in her voice.

 Jake nodded. "Yeah, we met last week," Mia moved her head in agreement with him.

"You... you're, uhm, a year younger, right?" Bella muttered, she looked uncomfortable. Just like Mia was feeling. 


"Uhm, I'll go and prepare the barbeque," Bella said. 

"I'll help," Jake eagerly replied.

Mia walked inside the living room and sat next to her Mom. "I hear we caused a bit of trouble with your plans," Billy said. 

Mia shrugged. "Yeah... It's okay though, don't worry," 

"I'm glad, I think Bella and you could be friends," Her mom smiled and nodded. 

"Uhm, sure," she answered. Both Charlie Swan and Billy said the same thing which came a bit bizarre to Mia.

Charlie walked out of the kitchen holding a tray with the meat. "I think it'll be just in time for the game," he called out. 

Liz got up. "I'll help," 

Mia and Billy were together. "I didn't know you and Chief Swan were friends too, Billy,"

He chuckled. "Yeah, well, your mother was the one who introduced us in the first place. We were probably about your age. Been friends since that," 

Mia hummed. "Nice, it must be nice to have friends for that long,"

"It is," Billy answered. 

Mia focused on the screen, the news outlet. The only person she felt fully comfortable around besides her Mom was Jake and both of them were away doing something. She sat in silence for a while, occasionally talking and answering Billy's questions until the food was ready. 

Liz, Charlie and Billy were in the living room together, watching the game. The kids were in the kitchen, eating in silence.

Bella finished her food quickly, she got the smallest portion too, and got up with her plate. "I'll go clean the grill," she informed them and walked out. Jake pouted and kept on eating his food.

"Dude, you have a crush on her, don't you?" Mia snickered.

Jake shushed her. "She can hear you!" 

She chuckled. "You're not even going to deny it?"

He shrugged. "You won't tell her, will you?" he started, "Plus, Embry and Quil say I suck at hiding it and the only person that doesn't realize it is her, so what even is the point?"

"I hear she's still hung up on her ex," Mia said and took a bite. Jake gave her a look. "What? People talk at school," she replied. They really did.

Jake sighed and leaned back in his chair. "My dad doesn't like her ex... or his family,"

"Why?" Her mom liked Dr. Cullen enough. 

"It's just fiction to me, but dad believes the legends,"

Mia furrowed her brows. "Legends?" 

He chuckled as he rolled his eyes. "Oh, yeah, right. Forgot you didn't know anything," 

Mia shoved him. He laughed again. "The tribe's legends. Stuff like our ancestors were wolves, that his family were the enemy and all. Sounds straight out of a movie if you ask me,"

"Your dad really likes stories," 

 Jake took a deep breath. "Yeah, tell me about it," he let out and continued his food. "She wasn't always like this, you know. I mean, she was never the cheerful one or anything like that, but she wasn't this empty either. It hasn't been Bella since September," 

Mia upped her eyebrows. She didn't want to comment since she didn't Bella that much. "Cullen messed her up good," she silently commented and continued her food.

After they were done with their food they joined their parents. Bella was still away, cleaning the grill. Charlie's face fell when he realized Bella wasn't with them. Jake and Mia sat next to them and started watching the game.

Mia took out her phone and caught up on all the messages on their group chat. Jack realized what Cait had done to his car and was furious. Mia joined in on the chat and they started gossiping.

She was texting for a good fifteen minutes or so. When she looked up again Bella was in the living room with them. She was so silent that Mia didn't realize that. The game gave a break and Charlie turned down the volume.

"Mia, did you invite Bella for next week?" Liz asked. 

Mia gulped. Why did her Mom always have to put her out on the spot like that? "Uhm, not yet,"

Charlie looked at Liz. "What's next week?" 

Liz blushed. "It's Mia's birthday. She's inviting a few of her friends over to our house for it,"

Charlie turned to her daughter. "Sounds fun," he said, looking at her. Bella took a deep breath, glancing down at her hands.

"Yeah, uhm, you can come if you want," Mia stuttered. She wasn't prepared for it. 

Bella pressed her lips together. "What day is it going to be?" 


"Oh... I have a midterm on Monday... and two reviews to write. So... I don't think I could make it,"

Mia nodded. As far as she knew, there were no exams on Mondays, but it was obvious Bella didn't want to be there. She wasn't going to push her, not when she didn't even know her much.

Charlie pouted and turned back toward the screen. Just then Mia's phone started ringing. "Excuse me," she said and walked outside of the house. She left the door open a bit so that she could enter after.

It was Olivia and Cait on a conference call. " YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT THAT PIECE OF SHIT DID!" Cait yelled on the phone. 

"What did he do?" Olivia asked calmly. 


Mia gasped. "NO HE DIDN'T,"


 Olivia was chuckling. Mia looked inside and saw Bella and Jake going to the kitchen.

"JUST WAIT UNTIL DAD GETS HOME, HE IS GOING TO PAY," Cait yelled again, she was probably yelling because she was angry and she wanted Jack to hear her. "I am going to make him buy every single thing he ruined. That was TOO FAR! YOU HEAR ME, DICK? THAT WAS TOO FUCKING FAR!"

Mia sighed. "Okay, try to calm down," 


"Mia's right, you know your Dad is going to make this right. He might even make Jack give you his car as punishment. Look at the bright side. You will have brand new makeup and a car," Olivia said.

Cait stayed silent for a while. "Oh... uhm, I never thought of it like that," 

Olivia and Mia chuckled. "No need to get all hotheaded like you do, see?" Mia giggled. "There's always a bright side,"

Mia talked to her friends for a few more minutes then she slowly walked back inside. "I don't know... I was hoping she'd say yes. She's getting worse every day... I have no clue what to do. I think I'll call Renee," Charlie was saying silently to Billy and Liz.

"Don't you think knowing Mia would help her?" Liz asked. 

"I don't know... she might not handle it," Charlie answered. 

Mia furrowed her brows, there was something going on here. She closed the door and the adults all turned to her.

"The girls are alright?" Liz asked her. 

Mia nodded. "Yeah, they say hi,"

Liz nodded. "Alright, they are in the kitchen," she said and that was code for her to go and join them. Mia did as she was told.

Jake was sitting at the table and Bella was doing the dishes. They were silent. Mia sat next to Jake. "So, uhm, Jake's coming to the party too. Are you sure you can't make it?"

It was obvious Charlie was talking about Bella just a minute ago and Mia was sad to hear that. Bella and her weren't friends but she heard enough about Bella that she wasn't fine.

"Yeah, we could go together," Jake offered. 

Bella turned to them. "I don't know... I'm not really good with crowds," she murmured. 

"It won't be that crowded," Mia automatically said, she was trying.

Bella pressed her lips together and looked down. Mia glanced at Jake and motioned with her eyes to help. "Well, I would be there. My friends, Embry and Quil, they'll be there too," 

Bella looked up. "I'll try to see if I can make it?"

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