Magical Merpeople

By KyssaraSnowheart

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In an attempt to find the Grangers, raise a baby and get away from the spotlight of being two thirds of the G... More

Planning Before Departure
About Mako Island and Strange Girls
Mako's Moon Pool
From Magicals to Magical Merpeople
Research and Exposure
Talks and Knowing One Another
Ms. Chatham's Knowledge
Exploring and News
A Magical Mer's Hectic Every Day
Preparations and...Death Eaters? In Australia?
Skirmish Under the Full Moon
Trouble On The Horizon
Moon Stones
Omake: Hogwarts Adventures (Year One)
A Visit to Gringotts
A Day in the Australian Magical District
Angered Mers
Potion Making and Ideas

A Lead

587 36 2
By KyssaraSnowheart

Harry, Hermione, Andromeda and Teddy haven't seen the girls for a few days now. After their talk, they had gone their own ways. The girls to digest the information given to them, and the magicals to continue the search for Hermione's parents.

They were driving towards Sydney once more, leaving Teddy with Winky and Kreacher for the time being, in the hopes that could find anything that the police had missed. A witness or any sort of sighting.

Hermione was slowly losing hope and was near giving up. The only thing keeping her going was 'I will find something today. I will.'

She had printed her own posters with her parents pictures, their names, along with a number to reach her for any information regarding their whereabouts or any sightings. They planned to pass them to people and have them on boards, posts, anywhere they could put them up.

So lost in thought was Hermione, she didn't realize they had arrived and were now parked. A hand on her shoulder brought her back. "Hermione, we're here. Are you alright?" Came Harry's voice as he looked at her with understanding, which she was thankful for. She couldn't stand pity, she didn't need it.

"I'm fine, thanks Harry." She gets out and after verifying she had everything, nodded and they all headed out.

The walked towards a busy street and go to work.

"Excuse me, have you seen this couple?"

"Have you heard about these people, Mr. and Mrs Wilkins?"

"Please, could you help me find these people? They're my parents and I don't know where they are."

Not many paid them any mind, but slowly some started to look at the people in the posters and then started to take them. They kept asking and handing out the posters for another two hours or so before deciding to stop and move locations.

Rather than driving, they walked and put up the posters in areas that it was allowed and handed some to people passing by.

They make it to a shopping district and decide to split up to cover more ground and meet by the cafe they stood in front of.

Hermione kept asking for information of any sort. Sadly, unlike before the people here didn't really take a second glance at her, bar some teenage boys who were simply checking her out with no interest of what she was doing.

Her mind began to wander, doubt taking hold. Her body goes on autopilot, something that hasn't happened in years, and keeps talking and trying to hand out the posters yet her mind is elsewhere. To the days were she and her parents lived together and were happy.

She remembered how happy they were as she started school, how proud they were when they found out she was brilliantly smart. She remembers when they tried to lift her spirits and stop her tears when they were told of her being bullied. Their concerned faces when she stopped trying to make friends and instead locked herself in her room to read, and the most mind boggling news ever. When they were told Hermione had magic, that she was a witch.

Her parents were dubious, but of course after a demonstration from Prof. McGonagall and having them think back to when strange things happened when Hermione was mad or sad, they started to accept it as true. Hermione thought she would finally fit in, only for her hopes to be dashed fairly early on.

Why would no one be her friend? Why did the girls worry over silly little things like makeup and fashion and boys? They were eleven! What was wrong with being ahead in her studies? Why did they single her out?

She could tell her parents were worried about her even though she sent letters telling them she was fine. Hermione was in the mindset that she should leave Hogwarts, that the teasing and the tears weren't worth it. Then, she was almost killed by a troll, only to be saved by the very same boy that caused her to hide and cry, and Harry Potter.

Since then, she had told her parents what an amazing boy Harry was. More so than Ron. How they made her smile and worried for her, though she would always get on their case for not studying or doing homework.

However, being friends with the boy who lived had its downsides. Hermione found herself in danger since her first year at Hogwarts for simply being his friend, but she wouldn't have changed it for anything else in the world.

Her parents started to worry even more when her letters were few in between and how closed lipped she was when it came to how school was going and what was happening. Hermione couldn't very much tell them that students were being attacked and petrified during her second year, they would have taken her out of Hogwarts by any means necessary. Add in the fact that Hermione couldn't do magic outside of Hogwarts and show her parents what she's learned and can do, she could see how their attitude towards magic went from wonder to resentment, and it only got worse when she slipped and said that Pureblooded children could do magic with no consequence.

Her parents had also realized, no matter how much Hermione tried to keep them in the positive side of things, that the Wizarding community, or the British one at the very least, were racist and bigots towards non magical people and Muggleborns. Along with Half-Bloods or Half-Breeds in some cases.

So as a way to stop any sort of idea to remove her from Hogwarts, Hermione gave them wizarding history books , along with Hogwarts: A History. She also made sure to not add anything in her letters that might give away any sort of danger happening within the castle walls. To her relief, it worked. She only wished it would have worked in the long run.

After her fifth year, her parents had demanded an explanation as to why she was on such a strict regimen of potions, and Hermione told the the whole truth.

To say her parents were displeased would be an understatement.

They had pretty much demanded for her to drop out of Hogwarts and forget anything and everything to do with magic, but she adamantly refused and told them that, if she stopped going, she wouldn't be able to learn more spells to help protect her loved ones. Her mother also knew that, should Hermione leave, she would never see Harry and Ron ever again. Hermione had also said they themselves were in danger simply for being non magical.

Hermione's father was enraged at how a mad man could simply do what he wanted and target his little girl for simply being born. Hermione had to explain that he was the most feared man known to wizarding kind. He had deflated and asked the one question Hermione had hoped he would never ask.

Why was this Voldemort person after a boy?

And so, Hermione told them that a prophesy had been made, were a boy would be the one to defeat Voldemort. How Voldemort had chosen Harry as his equal, and in doing so making Harry the child of the prophesy.

Both adults had looked at one another and knew that there was no way of stopping their daughter from returning to Hogwarts. All they asked was for her to be careful.

"Excuse me, miss?"

Hermione blinks and turns to an elderly woman who had called her. "Oh! I'm sorry. I was lost in thought."

"That's quite alright child. I couldn't help but notice you handing out posters on the Wilkins."

Hermione's eyes widened and she focused more on the lady. "You know them? Have you seen them? Do you know where they are?"

"Oh my, are they someone important to you?" The woman asks.

"Yes. Please, help me find them. I've been searching for them for three years. Please." Hermione all but begged the woman, tears in her eyes.

The woman, seeing the honest and hopeful look in her eyes answered. "They come to the city once or twice a month. I'm afraid I don't know where they live exactly but they are as healthy as can be. I know they like to indulge themselves in a good cup of tea here, saying it was the best, when they stop by."

Tears fell from Hermione's eyes. "Do you know when they will come back next?"

"Oh, I'm afraid you missed them by a couple of days and won't be back until next month." Her words cause Hermione's eyes to dim and lower. The woman took pity on her and spoke again, "If you'd like, I could give them one of your posters and tell them you are looking for them. That way they will contact you."

Hermione's eyes widen and her knees shook. "You'd do that?" At the woman's nod, Hermione smiled and handed her two posters. "Please, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you, thank you so much."

The woman nodded and took the poster before saying goodbye and leaving.

Hermione watched her go before getting her phone and sending a message to both Harry and Andromeda.


Hermione was swimming at full speed towards hers and Harry's cave, with Harry swimming a step behind her.

After the good news and some tears, they had gotten in the car and driven back home. The moment they arrived, Hermione stayed only long enough to play with Teddy and eat something before dashing into the waves.

She made it to the cave and jumped into the air before diving again, a great smile decorating her face. Harry could only smile as he watched her let out her glee and happiness. Harry couldn't fault her. After so long, her efforts in finding her parents was paying off.

It was refreshing seeing her like this. Harry couldn't remember the last time he had seen Hermione so happy and carefree. It made her look younger and all that more beautiful.

He stopped when he realized what he had just thought. He had always thought of Hermione being pretty and beautiful yes, but thinking about it now made him realize that her beauty was both within and outwards.

He notices her floating in the middle of the cave and swims up to her.

Breaking the surface, he finds Hermione's eyes closed with a small smile on her face and Harry found himself blushing at the simple act. He decided to float along beside her, rather than bothering her.

Hermione heard and felt Harry beside her but she was just so happy and relaxed she didn't pay him any mind. However, she couldn't ignore the blush creeping up on her when she felt Harry floating beside her and how their fingers were grazing one another.

Neither her or Harry moved away.

Knowing how shy Harry could be, Hermione decided to be bold and slowly took hold of his hand. She could feel how he tensed and was about to let go when his own fingers closed around her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.



"I know you're really happy about finally getting a lead on your parents and I am too. But...I was wondering...would you like to go out with me? As in a date. If you'd rather not or do so now and wait I understand." He was quick to add as his cheeks flushed and waited for what was more than likely a refusal.

Imagine his surprise when his hand was pulled and he was now floating straight, facing Hermione who had a blush in her cheeks as well.

"I'd love to go out on a date with you Harry."

His mind wasn't working other than taking in that she had said yes. She had accepted! His blush grew a bit more but he smiled at her and nodded. Next thing he knew, Hermione kisses his cheek and then dives. Leaving a maddening flushed Harry alone and feeling his cheek.

Now he just had to think of a good date plan and ask Andromeda for some help.

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