Iron Love - Tony Stark X Read...

By PapaIV_

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You've been Tony Starks personal assistant for years, you do absolutely everything for him. It wasn't hard gr... More

Chapter 1 - Personal Assistant
Chapter 2 - Missing
Chapter 3 - Home
Chapter 4 - Dancing
Chapter 5 - Obadiah's Secrets
Chapter 6 - "I Am Iron Man"
Chapter 7 - Natalie Rushman
Chapter 8 - The Race
Chapter 9 - Birthday Disaster
Chapter 10 - Angry
Chapter 11 - Kiss
Chapter 12 - Date Night
Chapter 13 - Aldrich Killian
Chapter 14 - Shower Fun
Chapter 15 - Maya
Chapter 16 - Extremis
Chapter 17 - Experiments
Chapter 18 - Training.
Chapter 19 - Rescue
Chapter 20 - Party
Chapter 21 - Suit Up
Chapter 22 - Wanda
Chapter 23 - Safe House
Chapter 24 - Vision
Chapter 25 - End of Ultron
Chapter 26 - Play Time
Chapter 27 - Presentation
Chapter 28 - The Accords
Chapter 29 - Bucky
Chapter 30 - Peter Parker
Chapter 31 - Fight
Chapter 32 - Prison
Chapter 34 - Life Goes On
Chapter 35 - Anniversary
Chapter 36 - Morning Run
Chapter 37 - Invaders
Chapter 38 - Forgivness
Chapter 39 - Thanos
Chapter 40 - Together Again
Chapter 41 - Morgan
Chapter 42 - Time Travel.
Chapter 43 - Reunion
Chapter 44 - Brainstorming
Chapter 45 - New York
Chapter 46 - Loss
Chapter 47 - Redeemed
Chapter 48 - Redemption
Chapter 49 - Healing
Chapter 50 - Happy Ending

Chapter 33 - Heartbreak

3.6K 110 21
By PapaIV_

After we land on the remote icy mountain top, we make our way inside. I listen closely and could hear footsteps. "There." I point.

Tony opens the doors and we see Steve and Bucky, Bucky had his gun trained on us. "You seem a little defensive." I smile as we walk in.

Bucky keeps his gun up while Steve walks to meet Tony and I with his shield covering his body. "It's been a long day."

"At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you." Tony yells to Bucky.

"Then why are you here?" Steve asks.

"Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea we're here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest us both." Tony points to me.

"Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork." He lowers his shield. "It's good to see you, Tony. You too Y/N." Steve leans over and hugs me.

"You too, Cap....Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop..." Tony sighs. Steve signs Bucky to lower his weapon and he does.

We cautiously walk along a corridor, Tony leads us towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it. "I got heat signatures."

"How many?" I ask Tony.

"Uh, one." As we enter the vast chamber the lights come on. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules, each one contains an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiment. We all look around, bewildered

"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep." Zeno says over the speaker. All of the enhanced soldiers have been shot in the head. "Did you really think I wanted more of you?"

"What the hell?" Bucky whispers.

"I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here." Zemo appears in a control room. Steve hurls his shield but it flies back. "Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets."

"I'm betting I could beat that." Tony yells.

"Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came."

"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?" Steve asks.

"I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you...Captain I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized....there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw."

"You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?" I ask.

"Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise."

"You lost someone?" Steve asks.

"I lost everyone. And so will you." I look down as a surveillance footage play...the date of my sixteenth birthday. "What is this....I know this place." I yell.

Tony looks at another screen, seeing something similar. "I know this road. I look over at his and realize it's the day his parents died....mine was the same.

"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumples from within? That's dead...forever."

I watch my screen through teary eyes as my parents car was shot off the road. I see a figure emerge from the darkness, they rip open my fathers door and stab him in the neck. I slap my hand over my mouth in horror as they do the same to my mother. The figure goes over to the camera and stares at was Bucky. When the footage stops, I turn to Bucky, who looks away sadly.

"All this time....I thought I killed them....I was upset because my friends ditched me.....I begged them to come pick me up and for us to get ice cream...I blamed myself......and it was you!" I lunge forward but Steve stops me. "Did you know?" I whisper to Steve.

"I didn't know it was him..."

"Stop lying to me!" I scream.

"I did." He whispers. I push him back as Tony lunges for Bucky, Steve now stopping him. I look over to Tony's screen to see the same thing, Bucky killed his parents.

As Tony slaps Steve back, I blast Bucky back. When Steve gets up I grab onto his leg and fly up to the ceiling. I blast him to smack against the wall, I then drop him down, creating a crack in the floor.

As I run for Bucky, Steve grabs onto me and slams me down, pinning me to the ground. "It wasn't him! Hydra controlled his mind!"

"Get off of me!" I scream. I put my palm against his chest and blast him, making him fly back.

As I run over to Tony, he fires a missile, making the roof door close. I fly up and grab onto Bucky. "Do you remember them?"

"I remember all of them..." He whispers. I jump us both off the edge and push him down, he lands hard on his back and rolls down onto another platform.

"Y/N....Y/N....Tony! This isn't going to change what happened!" Steve stops us.

"I don't care....he killed our fucking parents." I seethe and blast him back. As Tony and I lunge for Bucky, Steve grabs Tony. Bucky pins me against the wall and starts to choke me. I feel my vision growing blurry as I couldn't breath.

He screams out as he is close to snapping my neck. I can feel my eyes burning, I choke out a scream as a blast erupts from my eyes, cutting off his metal arm. I stare in shock as he falls down. I cough and jump onto him, I hold my hand to his head and make him see my parents faces, I then make him see me. "This is the face that's going to haunt you forever.....I'm gonna be in all your nightmares." I mess with his brain, planting my image inside him. He screams out as I blast his stomach, creating an open wound.

I scream out as Steve kicks me back by my stomach. He hits me in the head with his shield then lunges at Tony. I hold my head in pain as I try to stand. I watch as Tony starts to punch him. I focus my breathing and stare at Steve's back, the same blast form before erupts from my eyes, cutting his back.

I fly over and kick his face, knocking him down.

"He's my friend...." Steve groans.

"So were we...." I whisper.

"Stay down final warning." Tony walks over to Bucky but stops when Steve stands.

"I believed in you Steve...I thought you were the best of us. After all the times I've helped you, you didn't even tell me." I seethe. "Your not the Captain America I've grown to love like a brother....your a fucking fake." I yell. "Stay down."

"I could do this all day." He whispers. As Bucky distracts Tony, Steve grabs me and throws me out the open slot in the building. I crash hard in the snow, breaking my leg. I scream in pain as I rise again, I fly back to see Tony is on the ground, Steve was helping Bucky up.

"That shield doesn't belong to belonged to my father!" Tony yells.

"Steve!" I yell as I fall to the ground, my bone had tore through my skin. "I fucking hate you." I seethe.

Steve drops the shield and stares at me in shock, I could see the tears falling down his cheek. I watch as the two leave, leaving us here.

"You....your leg." Tony gasps.

"Don't worry. I just need to....put it back in." I take a deep breathe and push my bone back into my skin, screaming in pain. "It will heal in a couple minutes." I try to catch my breath.

I couldn't believe after all this was him.

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