Chapter 25 - End of Ultron

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After suiting up and getting to Sokovia, Wanda and I had to use our powers to get the city to evacuate. To get everyone out.

"Ready?" She asks me. I stare at her for a moment and then nod.

I hold my hands out and watch as both of our powers leak out and all through out the city.

Soon we see people all around us walking away.

"Hey I'm so-"  Wanda starts as we help people across the bridge.

"Not now Wanda." I snap.

Suddenly the Iron Legion bots starts crawling out of the grounds and flying around. "Get off the bridge!" I yell. Wanda and I create a small force Field, protecting the people. Wanda gets destructed and gets knocked down. I use my power knock the bit down, then holding an arm out to Wanda. She grabs it and runs off with the people.

As I'm running through the city, the middle starts to crack, I stare down as part of the city starts to fly. "Cap!" I yell. He turns over and looks at me, shocked.

Suddenly we can hear Ultron's voice all around us. "Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." 

I destroy a bot next to me, and look around as everyone panics. Suddenly more bots come, I fight next to Steve, trying my best to also protect him and others around us. "Y/N....the girlfriend." I hear Ultron say. As I was creating a ball of energy, he flies past and tackles me, throwing us off the edge.

"Y/N!" I hear Steve yell. I use my energy to punch him back, throwing him into a building. I start to panic as I was falling down, I could see Thor in the distance, coming my way.

I take a deep breathe and put my arms at my sides, trying to focus. "Flying...." I whisper to myself and close my eyes and think about my strength...about my hidden powers.

I suddenly feel myself  not falling. I open my eyes to see I'm floating in the air, several feet above the ground. I smile and look up at Thor, who looks shocked.

I start to fly up back to the city, I laugh as I do so, crashing into many bots on the way. "Y/N are you..."

"Yes Tony. I'm flying." I laugh and go back to Steve. When I'm almost there I see a couple cars falling. Thor and I both fly back down towards the falling cars. He helps a lady out of the car and flings her up to Steve. I go to the other car and grab onto it. I scream out as I lift it, flying upwards and putting it back.

"So you can fly?" Steve asks as I land.

"Apparently so." I smile. Steve and I lunge at the incoming bots, I create a huge blast of energy and throw it at three. I then grab onto two bots and fly up, spinning them and slamming them in the ground.

"I knew it." I hear Nat laugh as she kicks a bot. We all start to help the people get to safety as the bots are clear for now.

I was standing next to Wanda when we look up to see a carrier, "Fury." I smile as smaller carriers come out and land in front of us.

"Let's load em up." Steve smiles.

"I'll be back." I jump off the ground and fly towards the carriers to Rhodes and Tony as the bots attack the carriers.

As I tear off the head of one and blast another Rhodes gasps,

"Yeah, yeah I can fly." I laugh and kick off, flying around the carriers and back on the ground.

"Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony says, I kick up and fly off towards the center, to the core.

When all of us are there, we surround it. "What's the drill?" Nat asks.

"This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

We all look out as Ultron appears outside. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor yells. Ultron summons his army of robots to join him

"You had to ask." I chuckle to Thor.

"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said. Together."  I jump off the ground and hover next to Tony and Vision, as the bots come running and flying in, we all start to fight. Two bots jump onto me and start to cut the skin on my leg badly, I yell out and fly up, spinning and letting Tony blast them. I close my eyes and drop down to the ground, creating a blast so big that it destroys the surrounding bots.

Thor, Tony, and I join vision outside, the three blast him, I create a blast of energy and join in, throwing him back and destroying part of his armor.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight...."suddenly Hulk knocks him far away and the robots start to retreat.

"Their trying to leave the city." Thor yells.

"We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!" Tony says.

"I'm on it."Rhodes replies.  I nod at Tony and kick off the ground, flying up to Vision and Rhodes. As a bot was flying up to Rhodes, I hold my palm out and blast them.

"Well that's new." I smirk as my blasts grow stronger. As a bot flys into the carrier, I fly inside the already broken window and blast the bot, almost hitting a man. "Oh hey Fury." I smile. "Hill." I nod.

"Wha-" he starts but I fly off. As I was flying around the carriers I feel something strange, a wave of loss ripping through me.

"Pietro." I whisper. My friend was gone, there were so many things I wanted to tell him. I scream out as I twist in the air, creating a blast so big that it kills every bot in the sky.

I start to fall due to exhaustion, I could feel all the energy failing in my body.

As I was falling, I feel a pair of hands grab me. "Vision." I whisper.

"That was impressive, but your far to weak at the moment, rest." He smiles and sets me down on a carrier, then flying off. I notice Steve was sitting down, looking below. I sit next to him and pat his back.

"I can't believe you can fly..."

"Yeah? Me too." I laugh tiredly.

"Your hurt!" Steve turns around quickly.

"Just wait." I point down to the gash. Steve gasps as the cut starts to slowly disappear. "Cool right?"

"Very cool." He laughs.

It was finally over. Ultron was destroyed and we could all love our lives, at least for now. I made sure to make up with Wanda, we are now still very good Friends.

Tony  and I decided to stay in the Tower for now while Steve trains the new recruits.

I was happy to be with him again. I was happy we were safe.

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