Chapter 10 - Angry

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The last couple of days has been boring, I've stayed away from Tony and ignored his many calls. One thing I never expected was him to show up in my office...

As I was in the phone an assistant comes in, "It was an illegal seizure of trademark property."

"Miss L/N?" She asks.

"Relax." He smiles.

"Mr Stark..."

"Is here."

"He refuses..."

"I don't. It's fine. I'll just be a second." He comes in as she leaves.

"Listen, it's our position that Stark has and continues to maintain propriety ownership of the Mark II platform."

"When Mr Stark announced he was indeed Iron Man, he was making a promise to America." I look over as the news reporter talks.

"No, the suit belongs to us." I say into the phone.

"We trusted that he would look out for us...he obviously did not." The reporter says.

"Burt..." I say.

"And now we learn that his secretary...a woman named, Y/N L/N, has been appointed as CEO of Stark Industries. What are her qualifications?" I look away from the television and room my eyes.

"No... Burt... Burt... Burt, listen to me. Don't tell me that we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this." I roll my eyes.

"I'll get this stuff out of here." He looks around the office.

"Well, then, tell the President to sign an order. We'll talk about it at the Expo.Hammer's giving some presentation tomorrow evening. Will Tony Stark be there?" I look at him as he sits down.

"Will I?"

"No, he will not. Bye." I sigh and place the phone down.

"I would like to be. Got a minute?"

"No." I roll my eyes.

"Come on, you just got off the phone. You're fine. 30 seconds."

"Twenty-nine Twenty-eight." I look at my watch.

"I was just driving over here, and I thought I was coming to basically apologise, but I'm not."

"You didn't come here to apologise?" I narrow my eyes.

"Look, that goes without saying, and I'm working on that. But I haven't been entirely upfront with you, and I just want to try to make good. Can I move this? This is crazy. It's like a Ferris wheel, going. I'm trying to get some..." he points to my desk.


"Do you know how short life is? And if I never got to express... And by the way, this is somewhat revelatory to me. And I don't care... I mean, I care. It would be nice. I'm not expecting you to... Look, here's what I'm trying to say. I'm just gonna say it."

"Let me stop you right here, okay? Because if you say "I" one more time, I'm gonna actually hurl something at your head, I think. I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?" I shake my head.


"People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you've disappeared, and all I'm doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat of it. I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do. Did you bring me strawberries? Do you even know what I'm allergic to?" I ask.

"Allergic to strawberries. This is progress Y/N. I knew there was a correlation between you and this."

"I need you..." I start.

"need you too."

"to leave now" I interrupt him.

"That's what I'm trying to..."

"Miss L/N." Natalie comes in and hands me some papers.

"Hi, come on in."

"Wheels up in 25 minutes." She smiles.

"Thank you." I take a pen and start to sign them.

"Anything else, boss?" Happy says.

"I'm good, Hap." Tony starts.

"No, I'll be just another minute." I smile at him then narrow my eyes at Tony.

"I lost both the kids in the divorce." He laughs. "Are you blending in well here, Natalie? Here are Stark Enterprises? Your name is Natalie, isn't it? I thought you two didn't get along?"

"No. That's not so." I smile at Natalie.

"It's just me you don't care for. No? Nothing?"

"Actually, while you're here maybe you and Natalie could discuss the matter of the personal belongings." I point.


I grab my bag and give Tony one final look before leaving with Happy. As we're are in the elevator, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "You alright?"

"Yes, thank you." I smile. In reality I was not okay. I needed many ways.

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