Chapter 34 - Life Goes On

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It's been a couple months since our our fight with Steve, Rhodey is out of the hospital and Tony built a brace to help him walk...something he will have to wear for a very long time.

I sit next to the bars that Rhodey was holding on to to practice walking, Tony was walking beside him. "It's just the first pass."

"Yeah." Rhodey takes a step.

"Give me some feedback. Anything you can think of. Shock absorption. Lateral movement. Cup holder?" Tony smiles.

"You may wanna think about some AC down in.." Rhodey falls onto his hands. I jump up as Tony kneels beside himself

"Let's go. I'll give you a hand." Tony smiles.

"No, no, don't. Don't help me. Don't help me." He rises to his hands and knees, turns to sit on the floor beside Tony. "138. 138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Every one of them could've been my last, but I flew 'em. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same with these Accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do. And, yeah, this sucks. This is...this is a bad beat. But it hasn't change my mind. I don't think." Rhodey gives a crooked smile and takes Tony's hand.

"You okay?" I ask, rubbing his shoulder.

"Oh yeah." Rhodey smiles.

We look over as a delivery man knocks on the window with a package in his hand. "Are you Tony "Stank"?"

"Yes, this is--this is Tony "Stank". You're in the right place. Thank you for that! I'm never dropping that, by the way. Table for one, Mr. "Stank". Please, by the bathroom." Rhodey slowly walks away and laughs.

I sit by Tony on the living room couch as he opens the package. He pulls out two letters, one for him and one for me.

I open it up to see it was from Steve.

"Dear Y/N, I'm glad you and Tony are back on the compound.....Y/N I know I hurt you....I guess I thought by not telling you would be saving you from the pain, but I really just put you through more pain. You really are my family Y/N....I hope one day you can understand and we talk again...I do miss you very much. I miss our talks, and our adventures. I want you to know that I love you very much.....I never deserved your kindness. Take care Y/N....and if you need anything, I'm only a call away, I'll always be here for you.

Love, Steve."

I put the letter down and wipe my tears, I look over as Tony takes a phone out of the box.

"Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison." Friday says urgently.

"Yeah, put him through." Tony looks over at me and smiles.

"Tony, we have a problem."

"Ah, please hold." Tony holds in a laugh.

"No. Don't...." he then puts him on hold. I laugh as Tony leans back on the couch. He pulls me over to straddle his waist, I lay down on him and sigh.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

" I don't know.....I just can't believe after all this was him. I don't understand why he killed my parents." I whisper.

Tony pulls me up and holds onto my face softly, his thumbs wipe away my tears. "I looked into it, into some hidden files that Secretary Ross had......your parents were helping mine. It seems like on the night of your birthday they were supposed to of had a notebook with important details about the super-soldier serum....but they didn't." He whispers. "They helped my parents out a lot...I found a letter form my mom that she wrote to yours, it was in the crash. They adored each other."

"Can I read it sometime?" I smile and wipe my eyes.

"Of course." Tony smiles and pulls me back down against his chest. I hold onto him tightly. "You know....we never talked about that new power of yours." Tony whispers. "Got anymore that you are hiding?"

"Nope. I think that's it. But who knows....I'm full of surprises." I laugh. "You know..we should really keep an eye out for Peter."

"I know. I am." Tony smiles as I lean up, he pulls my hair out of my face.

"I like him....he's really sweet."

"I do too." Tony whispers and looks away.

"Time to get night!"

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