Chapter 1 - Personal Assistant

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Today was the day!

The day I have an interview with Tony Stark, I had applied as his personal assistant due to being well with organizing and quick on my feet. I was extremely nervous and extremely intimidated.

I put on a nice black pencil skirt and a white blouse, followed with my black heels and I curled my hair. I had to make sure my makeup and outfit was perfect.

I grabbed my tote bag and slung it over my shoulder, triple checking I have my files and ID. After leaving my apartment, it was only a short walk to the Stark Industries building so I decided to walk. I was gripping onto the straps of my bag tightly as I walked closer, it was my dream to work at Stark Industries, I knew I would be good at my job.

I took in a sharp breath as I opened the glass door to the lobby, I approached the front desk and put on a big smile. "Hello. Welcome to Stark Industries, how can I help you?" The secretary asks.

"Hello, I'm Y/N L/N. I have an interview with Mr. Stark."

"Right, he's ready for you." She types in her computer, then puts a badge on my blouse by my shoulder. She then points to a set of stairs, "Right up there and then the large doors to your right." She smiles. "Good luck!"

"Thank you." I smile and walk pass her desk to the stairs. I stopped in front of the door and slowed my breathing down as I raised my hand and knocked on the large wood door.

The bright light of the room stung my eyes as the door opens, "Badge?" A man in a black suit asks me. I point to my shoulder and smile. "Come in." He moves aside and smiles back. I walk closer to the large desk to see the chair on the other side not facing me.

When I step up the the desk it spins around to reveal Tony Stark, my heart stops as his eyes widen. "Hello Mr. Stark I'm Y/N L/N." I hold my hand out to him. He instantly grabs my hand and shakes it, flashing me a large smile. "Thank you so much for calling back, it means a lot." I step back, I couldn't help but blush at him. My heart pounded as I couldn't believe I was in the same room as him,

"Please sit." He doesn't stop smiling at me as I sit down.

"I have some files for you to look over, my resume and background checks." I set my bag down and slide them across the desk. Tony hesitantly picks them up and leans back to read them.

"Harvard?" He asks from behind the file.

"Yes sir."

"Impressive, top of your class, majored in business." He reads the file out loud. I chew on the inside of my cheek as he flips the pages. "Do you have any family?"

"I- No sir." He looks over at me from behind the file then keeps reading.

"Your twenty-six?" He asks for confirmation.

"Yes sir."

"Your file is very impressive and the background check is good, I have one I did on you with my own resources." He pauses to look at me. "So tell me....why do you want to join us? Especially as my assistant?" He leans back and smiles.

"I've always thought that Stark Industries was a good company, it's been my dream to work here. I want to help out as much as I can, I love helping." I pause and smile. "I'm also great at know my mother knew your mother a long time ago.....she always talked highly of her."

Tony's eyes widen and his smile fades. "She knew my mom?"

"Yeah, they were friends in high school, once they got married they were split apart. She saw your mom briefly in 1989, she always told me how hard working your mom was, my mom said she was brilliant....I guess hearing that really made me want to work with her son." I smile and look away.

"What happened to her?" Tony asks and covers his mouth with his hand.

"She and my father died in a car accident, when I was sixteen." I look down at my hands.

"I'm sorry for your loss." He whispers and looks me over curiously.

"And I'm sorry for yours Mr. Stark, I wish I could of met your mother, she sounded amazing."

"Thank you." He whispers. I watch as his right eye twitches, he was thinking. "When can you start?"

"I'm hired?"

"Yes. Out of the forty women I interview your the only one that didn't throw yourself at me, usually I'm fine with that but in this case it was a no for them, also you have a really impressive resume. Far better than the others." He smiles and stands.

"Mr. Stark, thank you so much!" I also stand as he holds his hand out for me, I instantly grab it and shake it.

"I'll have Happy text you my address and I'll get passcodes and my schedules emailed to you. You have a computer I assume?"

"Yes sir I do."

"Great. How does tomorrow sound?" He smiles.

"Perfect. Mr. Stark, I won't let you down!" I grab my bag and shake his hand one last time, I turn and leave with Happy his bodyguard.

I couldn't believe my dreams were coming true!

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